The Thief Always Comes at Night


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"Mmmm. Don't stop. Ever."

I intended savouring every moment.

His mouth and lips merged into one, like a warm soft squishy fruit being pushed against my pussy. And in the centre, a massaging flexible muscle that reached between my tender folds and tormented a further thousand hungry nerve endings.

Eventually he did stop and I lay waiting as he kicked away his pants and positioned himself behind me. A large hand gripped my shoulder and pinned me to the worktop. The other twinned my hair around his fingers and pulled my head up until I could curve my back no further.


His cock pushed at my tight hole and I willed him to enter me forcibly. I wanted to feel used, helpless under his power.


I was wet, sodden from his expert attention. But it didn't ease the tearing sensation as his member pushed aside tight muscle wall and impaled me. I was like a fish caught on a hook, a tiny creature flailing about as he penetrated deep inside me, his cock burning me like it was fire itself.

My knees gave way and the kitchen worktop took my full weight as I submitted helplessly to the fucking that was to come.

"You're so tiny. I worry I might hurt you." He whispered.

"I don't care." My voice shuddered.

"Do it. Do anything you want."

I felt tender kisses on my neck and shoulder, then he released my hair and pushed down on the small of my back. A powerful hand that held me firmly in place as he pulled back to just his crown. Then in again.


I turned my head sideways and stared unseeingly towards the window as my whole focus went to my pussy. In and out. A thick, long burning poker that drilled my insides. This was sex. Glorious. Human contact that no amount of latex toys could replicate.

Faster, loosening muscles, squeezing my juices to lubricate his movement.

"So beautiful." He muttered.

"Fuck me.

I so want you."

Tears welled in my eyes as I felt a love I could hardly process. Now he was fucking me with all the power in his muscular bulk and I became the helpless toy I wanted to be.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

Outside, wispy clouds floated by in the blue sky just as my mind drifted between lucid thoughts and delirious delight. I was bounced against the worktop and put my hands up onto the tiled backsplash to steady myself, pushing my butt into his groin. My ears filled with the violent slap of flesh against flesh. On tiptoes I slipped against the floor, loosing my last vestiges of control and acquiesced to his power.

"Fuck Gracie. So good."

Inside me pressure and heat built towards an inescapable crescendo. My head focused on his tool, sensing every ridge sliding over the tender velvet of my hole. I could feel his crown heating. I could feel the throb and the hardness. Like hot tungsten. A rod of the Gods. Perhaps it was like this for everyone, I couldn't say. But for me this was only the fourth time a man had penetrated me and felt that years of pent up frustration was being exorcised.


I clenched my teeth and hung on, willing my pleasure button into temporary submission. Not yet. Please.

I'd lost all sense of reality. My body was quivering, burning up from my belly. My tits ached as they slid around on the stone worktop and my whole body tensed.

"God. Uh."


I was like a coiled spring when his seed exploded inside me. A balloon of warmth expanding in my belly with each thrust as he pumped more cum into me. It tipped me over the edge.

"Aww. Yes."

A jolt of delight fired up my spine and frazzled my brain. Tingling excitement swept over my flesh and I was swallowed by an ecstasy I had no idea existed.

As it passed I lay staring through the window at the passing clouds as the final aftershocks jerked me like a string puppet. Sweat dripped from me and the sweat sticky smell of our sex filled my nostrils. This moment was heaven and I wanted to hold on to it for as long as I could.

Behind me Chris straightened and let his flaccid cock slip from my hole. I could hear his heavy, exhausted breathing as he stepped back.

I just stayed where I was, not caring... No. Happy that my most private parts, ravaged sore, dripping in cum and my nectar were presented on display for his eyes. Reddened and wet it certainly wasn't the artistic picture he had started with, but somehow I still alluring, offering a testimony to what I could be when I wasn't hiding away from the world.

"Christ Gracie. You're wonderful. Fantastic."

I let the words sink in before answering.

"I'm nothing without you."

I knew that was awkward but I had to say it because it was what I felt.

I pushed myself up and turned to lean against the worktop. To be stood in my kitchen naked with a man was new. It felt liberating.

"Gracie..." He started.


I know. I'm not going to be a problem. When this is over you won't see me again. I'm not trying to break a marriage up."

Chris avoided looking at me, instead hunting around for his pants.

"Sorry." I said.

"Timing and circumstance. It's a bummer." He pulled his pants up.

"Hey." I said in the hope of lightening the mood.

As soon as he looked up I giggled and did a little dance making my tits shake.

"Just in case you don't get to see the goods again."

"Jesus." He smiled, staring at me.

"Your goods are worth more than all the jewels in Victors shop."

He gave a long sigh as he stared at my perfect body.

Childhood memories

A shop was different to any home I had burgled, especially a shop with high value contents. Out in the well lit open with zero access to the side or rear and steel shutters over the windows it was a little fortress.

I was good, but this was a challenge. Mainly because I was exposed if anyone drove past. I glanced along the road to where I could see Chris waiting patiently, his car parked in a residential bay lost amongst several others.

Luckily the shutters were old manual ones, probably original from when Victors father had set the premises up. Locks I could pick. The real danger was a blue and white coming past and becoming suspicious but that was a risk I had to take.

I'd dressed more conventionally for this visit. Tight jeans and top with soft trainers. No need for gloves as my fingerprints were already amongst the background noise if Victor decided to call the police. I doubted he would.

I had my tool pouch at the ready as I casually followed the sidewalk the last few yards along to the shop and immediately went to work on the shutter. A camera disconcertingly looked out at me kneeling at the padlock but I knew it wasn't monitored and I didn't care that I was recognisable. I wasn't hiding the fact that I was taking back my property. Nor would it take Victor more than a moment to know it was me.

The tumblers on the padlock fell easily to my experience and with a heart pounding clatter the roller was up enough for me to role under. I pulled it back into place and went for the door.

Two locks, bottom and three quarters of the way up. These were a little more tricky and took what seemed a life time to pick. All the while I was still in view to any passer by, now fully illuminated by the bright shop widow lights. Finally the catch of the top lock released with a satisfying click.

I repeated the process on the second lock trying to quell the growing unease at being so visible. Normally I'd be hidden in the dark in an empty yard as I gained entry into a home. I breathed a sigh of relief when this catch gave way to my attack.

I'd have forty five seconds to enter an acceptable alarm code from the moment the door opened. If not a klaxon would ring out.

Worse, the smoke cloak would activate. A harmless dense white vapour that would fill the customer area and obliterate my ability to see. I was used to moving in darkness, but a fog-out was different. It was disorientating. Even the shadows obliterated from sight.

A deep breath to calm my nerves and a silent prayer that Victor had remained a creature of habit. I opened the door and headed for the buzzing panel behind the counter.

The keypad was backlit in the darkness and I quickly punched a combination. As if to scare me the first numbers failed. I tried again. Failure. Now I feared the silly number rule he'd taught me as a child might have been a lie, or superseded. Perhaps he'd guessed what I'd do and remembered showing me his secret pattern.


I could see the years of wear on the pads. The zero was pristine telling me he'd stayed with his rule. I tried again, this time starting Victors seven digit Z pattern from the number seven. Success.

With a glance back at the entrance to make sure I hadn't attracted any attention I buzzed myself through the inner door and stood faced with the steel cage.

It was as dark as coal in here away from the street and shop front lights so I took my penlight out and glanced about.

The second keypad I'd once learnt Victors secret code on as a child was still there, but inside out of reach, along with a hardened steel deadlock that secured the door in place with deadbolts top, centre and bottom.

Despite its intimidating image this was the easy part. It seemed secure but it wasn't. No amount of my strength would break the seal of the Magloc. But they work on power being available to secure them. Cut the power and the door swings open. Well. Except for the conventional lock that would still secure it.

I could have cracked the lock and buzzed myself in, relying on guessing the code again to leave but felt happier if there was no risk of being trapped inside.

I decided to cut the power to be safe.

Taking a small modelling knife and a cable loop with crocodile clips from my little bag of tricks I climbed up the cage frame. My small lithe body coming into its own as I hooked my legs through the bars to steady myself. Hanging precariously I reached between the bars to prize away a conduit cover, yellowed over the years. Fingernails hooked the plastic and broke the clipped seal. It peeled away along its length easily to expose the wires inside.

Using the modelling knife I scraped back the covering to bare cable then I bypassed the circuit with my cable loop to avoid triggering the alarm. I made my cut.

I knew what I was doing and had no doubt that this would work but it was still satisfying when the alarm remained silent.

I dropped back to the floor with the dexterity of a cat and turned my attention to the last remaining barrier.

Using a tubular lock pick I pushed it hard against a flat wall to ensure the needles were flush and tightened the tension ring. Then I carefully inserted it into the lock, turning left and right. The device wasn't foolproof but it rarely failed me. It didn't tonight.

The mechanism of rods and bolts clanked much louder than I'd ever noticed previously, but I was in.

My penlight threw long shadows across the room but it gave me a pure beam that cut through the darkness. Tall cabinets loomed out of the night like sentries guarding against my intrusion. Only one thing interested me and that was Victors desk. It stood where it had been for at least ten years, a large wooden monolith with a heavily scratched surface from years of sharp implements scattering the surface as he worked. To my horror the thing I required was missing.


With renewed urgency I moved around to the other side and checked underneath.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

No laptop. My heart sunk. Dirty old man was probably at home jerking off to my movies at this very moment. I shuddered at the thought. But what would I do now?

Inspiration came almost immediately. A trade. And I knew just the thing.

I aimed the torch straight at the bank of security boxes, my memory instantly recalling the one I'd seen Victor place Luca Esposito's ring in.

"So you wanted to play trade did you Victor. Let's see how you like my trade."

I used the tubular pick a second time, easily defeating the simple lock holding the box in place. It slid out and I dropped it on Victors workbench with a loud clatter. Flicking the inner lid away I lifted my prize free and turned to the ever watching camera. Holding my hand outstretched I gave it a good view of the ring box and smiled.

Victor would review the CCTV footage the moment he discovered the break in. I would have paid good money to see his face when he found me taking the one thing whose loss might find him lifted from the bay in a fishing net.

"That's for hacking my phone and for all the times your hands made my skin crawl." The system didn't record sound but I felt good for saying it.

I opened the door and dropped into the seat of the BMW with a broad grin on my face.

"Thank Christ."

The relief on Chris's face was clear as daylight.

"Being a doctor I'm used to cool calm and collected. But I'm not cut out for this."

"Not quite too plan though.

The laptop wasn't there.

But I do have this."

I opened my hand to reveal the small ring box.

He read my mind.

"A trade?"

"Exactly. This belongs to Luca Esposito. The biggest name in crime around here. He's so going to want it back."


Chris looked shocked. I guess at this point he realised someone could die in what he'd become involved in. Even if it was a slime ball like Victor. I have to admit even I was sensing we might be taking a risk too far.

"Oh well. At least Victor will be keen."

He pressed the start button and slipped the transmission into drive.

"My guess is he'll be calling as soon as he opens the shop."

Chris had fallen right back to his signature calmness and it helped me feel better as well.

Almost to the minute of opening time my cellphone buzzed. I put it on speaker.

"You little bitch."

Victor spat the words. But there was something new, something betrayed by a higher octave. Fear.

"Bring it back now."

I spoke calmly channelling all the coolness my favourite doctor portrayed, determined to control this conversation.

"You can have the ring back. But I want the videos."

"Fuck you. I'll make sure they're all over the internet..."

"Tell that to Luca Esposito. I'm sure he'll think jerking off to my videos will be more than worth losing his ring for. Or maybe not."

Victor went silent.

Chris was sitting opposite just listening and smiling confidently at me.

"And perhaps he'll just send a few men around to make sure you never can." I added.

For a moment there was silence. I held my nerve. Then.

"Fine. Just give it back and you can have your smutty movies."

I took a breath and composed myself.

"This afternoon at four, by the harbour.

Don't be late or the ring goes in the ocean."

I hung up and turned to Chris.

"I'm coming with you." He said.

"You're not meeting him alone."

Exchanging gifts.

We met down by the harbour as arranged. If anything went wrong I could toss the ring in the bay and screw Victor in one easy move.

Chris held my hand as we walked to the rendezvous. People milled around us enjoying the sun. Dressed causally with me in my shorts, we could have been here just for ice cream while we listened to gently lapping water, squawking gulls and the chug of fishing boats.

Instead my stomach was churning summersaults. My biggest fear was that I had to release my only bargaining chip with no guarantee that what he handed over would be the only copy.

I looked out to the ocean. Blue and calm under a sun still high in the cloudless sky. It's rays reflecting off the tips of gentle waves like flickering stars. Instinctively I followed the horizon and found a boat as it sunk over the edge as though it had fallen off the edge of the world. For a second I was taken back to an earlier, happy time, sitting here with ice cream and my dad.

Victor appeared from nowhere. I'd always known he was a creep, but he'd been a necessity, especially since dad died. Now it was time to face what he was and end my reliance on him.

"It makes sense now." Victor said seeing Chris at my side.

"You and the Doctor are in this together."

"You're the one who hacked my cellphone." I reminded him.

"I just protect my assets."

"Yeah. Well this asset is done with you. And she's done with you having my assets on film."

Victor looked from me and glared at Chris again. I felt thankful he was here. I had the impression this vile man might have taken our meeting in a different direction than I'd planned had I been alone.

"You're nothing without me. You might be good at climbing through windows but you can't sell the stuff. You need me."

Chris broke in.

"She won't be needing you any more. It ends today. You hand over her videos and she walks away from you."

That was my intention. But in the back of my mind the question of where I was walking to loomed large. Victor still had his shop and Chris had his wife. I would be the one who'd be walking away alone without an income when this was over. But I also knew it had to be done.

"You'll never do it. I know you Gracie, better than you know yourself. Your father would have done it, but you're weak. A child."

"You don't know me very well at all.

Now give me what's mine."

"And if I don't?"

"We both know who the ring belongs to. You want to risk explaining to his guys that you lost it?" I snapped.

"You thought about what they'll do to you if the ring isn't returned?"

That was something I hadn't thought of but Chris jumped in bluffing it out before I faltered.

"Go ahead. Gracie can disappear tonight. She's been hiding all her life. No ties, just a bag and a Greyhound. You've a business and a house. You're sixty years old. Sixty years of tracks. You can't run so easily and they'll come after you just as surely."

That's when I noticed the two figures standing a little back from Victor. At first I'd mistaken them for just more passers by. But they hadn't passed. My heart pounded in my chest.

Victor glared with his beady eyes.

"Don't be so sure about disappearing."

The two men moved closer known if seen them. I sensed Chris tense.

"Luca's people?" I asked.

"Just here to see the safe return of Mr Esposito's property." One said.

I noted his clothing. Particularly the casual jacket that could have hidden a gun or some other weapon.

"I just want my videos back and Mr Esposito can have his ring. That's all I want."

I glanced about. Lots of people. I was grateful for that. Victor was looking at the men now either side of him. It was clear he wasn't comfortable.

"Fine. The stick for the ring." He said.

"No other copies?" Chris asked.

"No. Everything is on this."

He held it up for us to see. A tiny black plastic oblong with so much power to ruin my life.

"Now the ring."

"Go ahead Gracie."

I had to trust Victor was telling the truth. But I'd shown I was able to fight back, and that I wasn't alone any more. I hoped it'd be enough.

I took the small ring box from my pocket and held it out.

"The memory stick first." Chris emphasised.

Victor still looked angry as he handed the storage device to Chris.

The man who'd spoken earlier stepped forward, ignoring Chris as he moved closer to me. I wondered if his size and strength was any match for what I judged to be hardened thugs.

"Mr Esposito is very disappointed that you failed to acquire an item you were sent to get."

It made sense now. Luca Esposito was the buyer.

"Steal a necklace from me you mean." Chris interjected.

"As I said. It's a disappointing affair Mr Miller."

He took the ring from me.

"This ends here."

He stepped back and to my relief he headed away with his companion.

"I'll be keeping tabs on you." Victor snapped.

"You'll be just a common thief without me. You're not your father no matter how much you think you are. And I give you six months before you're behind bars."

He turned and hurried away with me staring after him. Much as I felt elated that he was gone, his departure left a fear for my future. I'd made an enemy of not only Victor, but Luca Esposito.
