The Thong


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"Annie, you're wrong. While my relationship with Jay is nothing short of spectacular, I've been wondering if she will give me permission to count all your Irish freckles on your breasts."

"Oh, you'll never do that, " Scott interjected, I've been trying for years. Hell, she even has freckles on her butt!"

"You can waste your time counting them if you want, handsome, but I told Scotty once that if he lusted after me so much, I would get naked for him only if he kissed my ass in front of his wife. And I'm going to collect!"

They cleaned the kitchen in no time at all and, in just a few minutes, we were by the tub with our wine glasses and smoking a joint. The candles enhanced the romance of that moment.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm in," I said as I began to strip down. I pulled off my shirt, dropped my pants and walked into the tub.

Scotty followed but was considerably more modest.

"What are you hiding there, big boy? Show us!"

Scott turned around to the women and his 7", thin cock hung to the side, slightly curving. It was beginning to rise. He bowed and sat down to the sound of polite applause.

Annie looked at Jay and said, "Well, since you are my husband's main event, I will go next."

She slowing stripped to a Stan Getz number wafting from the iPod. When she was down to her skivvies, I was mighty impressed. She held her large round C cups as she peeled off her running tank top. She waltzed over to me and holding her breasts, exhibited the freckles in her cleavage.

"I have my work cut out, " I said.

Now, she stood in front of us and slowly released them. They were firm and proud. Jay made a little "I'm impressed" face and smiled. Annie put her thumbs on the sides of her pink bikini panties and slid out of them, exposing soft strawberry curls covering her puffy mound. We applauded as she stepped in and sat next to Scott. Her hands seemed to go right for his dick and she giggled.

"He's not the only one," I said as I stood up displaying a very hard Mr. Happy.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. It's my turn and I'll be right back, I have to pee."

Jay took off into the house. The three of us just drifted into the bubbles. I heard Jay change the song and she came back out. Stevie Wonder's "Ribbon In The Sky" filled the quiet air. All eyes were focused as Jay sashayed to the gentle beat and began to pull off her tee. Her lithe brown body swayed. Her breasts were held by a very small and thin brown bra that blended so well. I recognized it from one of my Victoria's Secret forays. She peeled off her jeans to reveal the matching thong. Damn, this woman was the finest kind. She moved over to Scott and kneeled down above his face. Slowly, she pulled the bra down and allowed his eyeballs to bulge out of his head as he stared at her pointy nipples. She smiled at him and waved a "no-no" finger at him. She then slowly rose so he could take in her thong-clad mound. She slowly turned around and shook her ass in his face. Then she walked over to me. Standing over my head, she pulled off the thong and dropped in onto me. It landed directly on my nose and I made a deep (and overly dramatic) inhale. Her scent was dizzying.

Jay stepped into the tub and walked toward Scott. You could literally hear that pin dropping as she turned around and stuck her ass in his face.

"Now, you can kiss my ass."

"Go ahead, hot shot, you've waited for this," Annie pushed his head forward.

Scott gave Jay a loud (and way too overly dramatic) smacker on each cheek. Annie smacked Jay's ass and she squealed. The applause was hearty as she swam over to me, sat on my lap facing me and began to kiss me. This was not the little girl I met in the pharmacy.

"Holy! You are so hard, Scott!, " said Annie with a surprising respect.

Scott stood up and his long, thin dick saluted. The foreskin covered most of the peeking head.

"Let me see that," Jay said as she dismounted and gazed at Scott's penis, "I've never seen that before, that foreskin. It's cute!"

Annie took hold of it and began to skin it back, all the time watching Jay's eyes. She turned to Scott and took him into her mouth. I moved over next to Jay as we watched Annie give her husband a blow job. Jay leaned into my lap and ran my cock along her ass. I held her into me and licked her nipples. Soon, Scott began to moan and jerk his hips. Annie pulled him out and began to stroke him briskly until a white string of cum shot from the head into Annie's mouth. Pumping it and bouncing his balls with her other hand, he shot globs into Annie's mouth until she engulfed the head and began to swallow. As he began to relax, Annie pulled it from her mouth and licked the cock clean.

My dick had slipped into Jay's snatch during the show and now we were bouncing hard. I got up lifting Jay with me and sat down on the edge. We began to bounce harder. Jay grunted when I flexed my hips and pushed in further. With her on my lap, I snaked my fingers around her clit and she ban to cum, flopping up and down, grunting and heaving, her eyes closed and her head back towards the sky. The scent of her pussy musk hung heavy in the quiet air. Scott and Annie were transfixed on the scene. I knew he was frigging her in the water.

"Yes...yes...," Jay began to mumble and I knew her orgasm was approaching. I felt the first gush envelop me and drip down. I lifted her hips into a slight squat so our guests could witness the spectacle. Jay pushed my fingers away and began to frig herself quickly with her fingertips. Jets of pussy cum began to shoot from her onto me. I held her ass cheeks apart and held her up while she came. Her nipples her hard and staring right at Scott. Finally, she collapsed back onto me and I held her until her breathing returned.

We played like this for a couple of hours. We never engaged in sex with the other couple only in front of each other, which was certainly thrilling. After they left, Jay and I gobbled each other like there was neither tomorrow...nor the day after that.

Jay moved into the city and became an instant overnight sensation at The Gramercy. She appeared on all the morning TV shows and she snagged a cookbook contract. Articles appeared about her in all the right magazines. Since her style was soft and sensual, the press loved her. And, while I knew our relationship had entered its twilight, I stood on the sidelines and cheered.

On my trips into the city, I always made sure she cooked me dinner. Sometimes, I took associates to the restaurant and sometimes I'd meet up with my kids there. I'd spend the night with Jay and head back to the Hamptons the next day. Our nights together were glorious and tender, sharing our souls as we intimately shared our bodies. After several months of this, one night Jay whispered into my ear as we were drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

"You know how much I love you, don't you? You are my teacher. You set me free. I love you now and I will always love you, whatever happens. Before you, I never knew I had worth. Before you, men abused me, even my father. Before you, sex was something I feared because I always thought it would hurt me, like the others had before you. But you taught me love and confidence. I never felt sexy before you and now I know I am. It even makes my cooking better."

"Jay, will you marry me?"

"Maybe, my darling, but not now. Now I want to run with this. I can't settle down now. I have to see this through. Do you understand? Please understand."

"Yes, of course I understand. In fact, while I would marry you in a heartbeat, I could not stand in your way. Everything you have ever done in your life has brought you to this moment and it is for you alone to revel in it and take it where it takes you. I will love you forever and I will always be there for you forever. I am on your side."

We kissed so deeply and so soulfully that for some moments, it felt that we had truly become one. I began to caress her as though we had one skin. We kissed each other in places we had not found before. When I entered her, we were so tightly entwined that all our fucking motions were internal. The slight friction and squeeze-and-release soon had us panting and groaning between the kisses. We came together, which seemed to be our habit. We slept that way, too.

Although we talked on the phone frequently and passed emails daily, being together was our best way to communicate. On my next trip into the city, Jay told me of new developments. Whereas some people share news over a dining room table, Jay liked to share news after sex. On this particular occasion, she had just ridden my face to a soaking conclusion. She proceeded to lick her juices off my face as she told me the news.

"I'm coming back to East Hampton in two months and I will move in with you, if you will let me. I will stay there until I can rent my own place. It's okay? Please say yes. But I'm going to be flying in and out all summer because I've been asked to cook at a very chic restaurant in San Francisco. Also, my editor is there and she and I will be working on the cookbook. I also have some appearances in Los Angeles and New Orleans, so I will be muy busy, si? In between all that, I'll be working the café and training the staff on my recipes. Annie tells me that she is so much flooded with reservations already that the weekends are almost all sold out Isn't that something?"

"Jay, we take it one day at a time. You know where I will be."

The spring finally came and for a few weeks, we existed in our idyll. I had pretty much left my business in the hands of my employees and so I spent every moment with her. We never fought, we never argued, we never went to bed angry. It was to be our last time together like this. I think we both knew it and so we treated our time as special.

Right after she left for her first trip west, my mother took ill in Florida. She lingered for nearly six months until she passed. I spent a lot of time with my siblings at her side. When she finally passed, it was a blessing for her but I missed my little Jay.

When I returned to East Hampton, Jay was off on anther jaunt. As luck would have it, I was asked to speak at a conference in Palo Alto and Jay and I made plans to see each other.

Our reunion was warm but I knew things had changed. She showed me her new world and her new friends. It seemed that she was creating a place for herself out here. Her trips back to the café were becoming less frequent but the place seemed to run on auto-pilot now anyway. She introduced me to her circle and especially a tall, handsome sou-chef named Randall. I could tell that he was sweet on her and the feelings were mutual. This guy was better for her than I was, he could give her a family and he was of an age where they could grow old together whereas my time...well, you know. I also understood that our relationship had changed since we never spent our nights together. She complained that her schedule wouldn't allow it, but I sensed a level of discomfort.

Our phone conversations and emails grew less frequent. I started dating an old girlfriend/fuck-buddy again but my mind was not really there. My life plodded along but I could not stand in the way of Jay's career nor her happiness. About a year later, I received a letter inviting me to her wedding with Randall to be held in the Napa. She asked if I would give her away. As ironic was that gesture was, of course, I would be there.

The wedding was a lovely affair and Jay looked radiant. There were plenty of celebrities in attendance and paparazzi outside the ranch. Just before the wedding commenced, Jay pulled me into the Bride's room and pushed all her friends out.

"Do I look good? Are you happy for me or are you sad? Is my veil on right? Please tell me you're's important for me to hear it...," her words tumbled out rapidly and nervously, "you know how much I love you...I love you so."

"Sssh, baby. I'm happy for you. Always. I will give you away to a man who will love you like I and who will be your friend and partner. And, if he isn't, I'll beat the shit out of him."

She laughed and cried and fixed her makeup. She said she had a special gift for me. Reaching into her suitcase, she pulled out a small Ziploc bag containing a thong. It was obvious that the thong was still damp. I opened the bag and inhaled the most delicious scent. I carefully zipped it up and put it in my pocket. A knock on the door told us it was time.

We just smiled at each other as I led her down the aisle to her Randall. He looked at her in much the same way I did and I knew he loved her deeply and would make a good mate for her. I felt settled inside.

During the party afterwards, several of Jay's associates were all over me, telling me all about how Jay talked about me. My dance card was filled and I'm sure I could have scored any one of them but I chose instead to watch from afar.

Toward the end of the evening, Randall came over to me and asked me to step outside with him. We stood on a deck overlooking the vineyards as he pulled a cigar and a joint from his pocket. I lit both.

"I just want to thank you for all you've done for my wife. She loves you very much and I know you love her, too. How can you not love her? She is the very best thing that has ever happened to me and I want you to know that I will take good care of her and I will always treat her well. I am blessed."

"This is good to hear, Randall, because, you know, if you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down. She is a rare and special person that we need to nurture and to protect. Now, make beautiful babies."

"Oh we will! Jay has taught me well all those lessons you taught her. Before Jay, sex was the end of a date for me but since Jay, sex is pure pleasure and I have you to thank for that."

Back at the hotel, Scott and Annie found me alone and quiet. They were good friends to me that night and on the flight back.

Jay and Randall have made two beautiful babies. Jay's cookbook is in its fourth printing. They own pieces of restaurants in six cities. I see her on TV now and then. Recently, she was featured in Vanity Fair. They are doing very well as a team. And although I fill the role of Grandpa these days, I can escape back to our time any time I want. All I have to do is take the ziploc bag from my desk drawer, unzip it and inhale.

If you liked this story, please give me a good rating. While you're at it, read my other stories and rate them, too. If you want to discuss my stories, email me. If you're on Long Island and want to meet for coffee, email me. I just love feedback.

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xfun_c_ker54xfun_c_ker54over 1 year ago

Loved this

Really admire your style - steering clear of hackneyed "porno language"; clear of "sex as domination". Makes the eroticism more real, believable and, well, truly erotic.

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker60over 4 years ago

Started out happy, wound up bittersweet and melancholy. Even sad. Much like real life.

Photo_GWPhoto_GWover 6 years ago

What a lovely, erotic, well-written story. Beautifully done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Excellent Work!

Superb writing style, the basics well covered, story line and characters were well defined. Very enjoyable to read and will "force" me to check out all of your work. Many writers could learn from your efforts in some fashion.

Keep 'em coming!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Just like a Thong...tied up nicely at the back-end!

Wonderful characters. Erotic and sensual. Quick paced and romantic to boot. Leaves the reader dripping! *S*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
made me cry

one of the few really good love stories. age wasn't even an issue until the end...and i cried. beautifully written.

hodunkhodunkover 13 years ago
Tomy favorite hippy

I have read all of your stories and love them all. I am not a profesional critic , but you are , or are among the best ! Thank You for my pleasure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
straight A for your ability 2 convey ur experience

Great details, great story telling, steamy sex, tender moments. One of the best stories I ever read here.Congrats

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
We must be twins

Your actions and thoughts throughout your story are so much like mine that I could have written it. I was taught to make "LOVE",not just have sex by an older French woman when I was 22. Now past 70, believe it or not, I'm still using the same techniques and attitudes toward my younger partners and I have three steadies that really appreciate the approach that you and I advocate, and none are over 40.

The only thing that I don't use are drugs of any kind, unless you wish to call a good wine or Champagne a drug. The closeness and erotic contact with my partners are heady enough.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
The PERFECT complete erotic story

This story has it ALL! You could have sold it to PLAYBOY. It will be very hard for me in the future to give a top grade to any story that does not meet the high standard you have set. BRAVO!

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