The Three Day Pass Ch. 30


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"Fuck me, Fuck me." The passion enveloped man pleaded. "Take me. Do me NOW. I can't take any more of this."

Continuing to lick and titillate the now dilated man cunt before him, Joseph reached over and retrieved the condom on the nightstand and slipped it over his raging cock. Moving up and placing the Arab's feet on his shoulders he elevated himself until his cock head was touching the twitching love hole and then slid it deep into the warm welcoming man pussy. Short strokes at first, followed by long deep penetrations. Fazzi moaning and pulling at the sheets his finger nails scratching, his head flipping from side to side in sexual ecstasy. Then it happened Fazzi exploded, his cock pouring out hot cum between their bodies. With each eruption his bowels contracted around Joseph's cock milking and sucking the love juice from his testicles through his shaft and into the condom. Even after he had climaxed Fazzi kept squeeeeeeeezzzzzzing and bearing down on the uncut meat of his infidel lover as it lay within his body. For what seamed like hours they lay together reluctant to disengage.

As Joseph drifted off to sleep he thought. Damn if I didn't know better I would think that I loved this bastard.

At the same time Fazzi, in the afterglow of sex kept thinking Yussef is right, I don't need to be anything but what I am-I am his lover and he is mine and who is on top does not matter. I love that lion cub and I'll take him anyway I can get him.

The next day Joseph drove Fazzi to the airport. You would have thought that Fazzi was a first time air traveler the way he paced up and down until his flight was called. At the gate he hugged and kissed Joseph goodbye and then stopping and looking back about four times to wave his hand, he made his way reluctantly to the plane.

Allie had arranged for diplomatic privileges and accommodations. He was traveling first class and was very comfortable, but the flight was long. He was able to get some sleep but used some of the time to do some last minute planning. Finally the plane landed and because of his status he was allowed to deplane first. Waiting for him in the V.I.P. lounge was Allie and several people from the Emirate. In the car going to headquarters Allie filled him in on what was going on.

"Everything is set up. Everyone is housed and waiting." Allie said. "The delegates, if that's what you can call them, are wondering what's going on. We have kept security real tight. They all protested when we disarmed them. And you should have heard their objections to the body searches. They don't like it, but then they had no choice, did they? Bin Laden's son was most uncomfortable with our precautions and his accommodations."

"Let him be uncomfortable for tonight. Tomorrow he could roast in hell. I hope he and his father decide that they don't want to cooperate. We would love to have the opportunity to make examples of them.

That night it was like old times. Some of Fazzi's old friends had arranged several welcoming parties at which he is asked lots of questions about what's going on. His stock answer was to 'wait and see'.

Later, after the parties, when he was alone with Allie, his companion asked him, "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

"What is there to be nervous about? I will just welcome them and tell them what the new order of things will be, which they will accept or not. If they accept then it will be easy, if not, then the persuading will begin." Fazzi smiled. "I am really hoping that some of them give me the chance to 'reason' with them. It has been a long time since.... Then changing the subject he said, "Allie, by the way Yussef sends his regards. He is looking forward to working with you when we finish here. He has agreed to your membership on the Fund board as his advisor and junior partner and it would make me very happy if you would agree to do this, for me, for Yussef and our cause."

"I am very happy to have this opportunity to serve the two of you and our cause."

The next morning from several different locations in the capitol, the delegates were picked up and driven southwest of Damascus to a deserted village about a mile from the Armistice line with Israel. The village or what was left of it was called Quneitra. In the old days, before its capture by Israel, it had been the capitol city of the Golan Heights. It was returned to the defeated Syrian government as part of the armistice agreement arranged by Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissenger in the 1970's, but the Syrians had refused to rebuild it. They did keep a small army base near the edge of town. The base was to protect the road to Damascus that was an extension of the old Jerusalem-Damascus Road made famous by St. Paul. And it was also the main route that the Israeli Army might use if they were to launch a drive on the Syrian capital. It was in the ruins of the old City Hall building, under tight security that the delegates were assembled to hear what the Emirate and it's appointed leader, Fazzi, now had to say.

"Look around you." Fazzi started his speech. "Look at this once proud city where we are assembled. It is not by chance that the Emirate has chosen this place for our meeting. Here you see the fruit of our stupidity. This is what we harvest when we are divided." He let it sink in, then continued, "Idiocy, wastefulness, and yes, damn it, shameful defeat. The time has come to change all that. We can no longer tolerate the errors of the past. Our people demand unity. Unity of purpose, unity of leadership and unity of the Muslim nation. The Emirate has appointed me as their leader. They have decided that the day of such small independent groups as I see here before me today, that day is over. As of now we speak and act with one voice."

Rumblings were heard in the audience. Fazzi stood tall, proud and defiant before this group of rather unhappy individuals. All of them had been ordered to attend this meeting. Yes, in most cases, it was a polite invitation, but everyone knew full well that it was really a command. As much as they craved their independence and freedom of action, Fazzi was right. After all these years of struggle, it had got them absolutely nowhere. They were all wanted men, living on borrowed time. All of them were wanted by the security services of most of the civilized world. With rewards of millions of dollars on their heads and without the protection of the Emirate there was no hope to survive. Sooner or later they would be hunted down and one by one they would be eliminated. They all knew this and in spite of their public appeals to be martyred and sacrificed for Allah, not one would take that road for himself or his family. It was a tribute to the new and increased power of Fazzi and the Emirate that they were able to assemble and gather here in the first place.

"All of you, with one exception are here as the leaders of your groups. Some of you I have had the pleasure of knowing personally but what's more important is that you know who I am and for whom I speak. If any of you have any objections to my leadership, I suggest you forget those objections. I speak for the new order of things. We are one nation, one Arab nation, and one Muslim nation from this day forward. The Emirate is "The New Caliphate". We are here to assert the fact that we are in fact reborn, here, today and forever more. You are here to be told that from now on you are part of our army, all of you. You are now one army. No longer independent small groups, but one unified army. Now, as our army, all of the planning, support and money will be controlled and regulated by the Emirate. There will be no more outside financing. No more having to run and beg for funds. To facilitate this, as of this morning, all of your accounts have been consolidated into one fund. Your organizational as well as personal finances are under the control of the Emirate. Anyone who thinks he can get around this, will, shall we say, have a rather hard time raising funds and will be dealt with very quickly and efficiently. That includes any and all of you who until this morning had your own private funds. As of now you no longer have them. Your accounts, both the public and private ones, have been frozen and in all cases they have been outright taken over. You will now submit all requests to us and we will dole out that money for your operations. And--all operations will be planed, approved and executed under the watchful eye of the Emirate."

A loud outburst arose and people were on their feet yelling and shaking their fists. A few tired to leave, but were stopped at the doorway by armed men blocking their escape. There now appeared an armed bodyguard around Fazzi. "Sit Down Gentlemen and shut up." Fazzi commanded. "It has been decide that that is the way it will be...." He said letting his suit jacket fall open revealing a holstered 45 cal. semi-automatic. "Unlike some who have done this in the past, let me assure you that this is not for dramatics. At this stage in my life I would rather not have your blood on my hands, but I want, demand and insist that every one of you agree to this. If you don't-absolutely no more support of any kind will ever be given to you and that includes your right to the protection you now get from your fellow Muslims. You will be outlaws and you all know what that means. You and every member of your family will be made to suffer for your unfortunate choice. Not one of you will find a safe haven anywhere in the Muslim world. I ask and demand that you sit down and think about this hard. There will be no second chances. Is that clear? Now I will permit each of you to ask two questions and only two. After that, never again will we permit another disgusting outbreak like we just saw."

An eerie silence descended on the group. Then a few hands were cautiously raised and a few honest questions were asked and answered. Most of the queries dealt with fund allocations and other problems. Fazzi was not too surprised however he was disappointed that there was so little opposition or resistance offered. As the meeting wore on, he could see that most, if not all of them, were resigned to the new order of things and the only problem he could see was that there would now be a rush to secure what funds would be available. Most of the smaller groups were glad that they would no longer have to spend time on fundraising and whatever money they now got would most likely be more than they could collect themselves. The larger groups (the richer groups) tended to dislike the new arrangement, but wisely kept their thoughts to themselves. They figured that it was best to hold their doubts to themselves for now or at least until they saw how things sorted out.

One man was not convinced however and had the audacity to express his views. He told Fazzi and the Emirate They could go to hell and that he would never submit to their 'takeover' of his group. Fazzi tried to calm him but he kept interrupting the meeting. Finally, at a signal from Fazzi, a group of security people surrounded him and placing their arms under his, they lifted him up and dragged him up to the speakers platform where Fazzi again asked if he would bring his organization into the fold. He told them there was no way he would do that. Fazzi pulled his gun from his holster and declared, "in the name of the Emirate, you and your family no longer exist." And he shot him. "Now is there any one else who wishes to question my leadership? Are there any others that do not except the rule of the Emirate? Remember - One nation - one voice." Hearing only silence, he continued, "Good then get this trash out of here, clean up this mess. The questions are over? Tomorrow we begin a new chapter in our struggle to regain our honor. We will meet here to ratify the articles of unity. Tonight we will camp here as our forefathers did in tents under the stars."

Earlier in the day, high on Mt. Herman at the Israeli outpost, Mitzpe Shelagim, lookouts were surprised to see the unusual activity going on in the abandoned town. They had reported seeing numerous buses arrive earlier in the day and had been told to keep an eye on the place and report anything new to headquarters. Ever concerned about changes in the town and the surrounding areas, a special alert was issued. Not waiting for central headquarters to authorize it, a Special Forces team made up of mostly Israeli Druze was sent to infiltrate, penetrate and report on what was going on. Now in the early evening they were reporting what looked like many campfires and Bedouin tents being erected in the area. This was unusual because while they had seen electric lights sometimes at night there never was this much activity before. When word of what the local field commanders had done came into central H.Q., the field commanders were told that they knew what was going on but to keep an eye on the situation and keep H.Q. advised and to report back everything that was going on.

The Special Forces Team reported that while they were able to get fairly close, they said that there were many Syrian soldiers gathering around the town. They had spotted several people of interest in the assembled group. However, they were told to return across the boarder and await orders.

The next morning the "guests" were assembled in the meeting room where Fazzi read out to them the articles of unity and then he had each one sign them and sign additional papers granting the Emirate full control over their financial assets. Fazzi handed all the paperwork over to Allie and told him to take it back to the Emirate for safe keeping.

"Now gentlemen we shall start to plan our next operation." Fazzi said. "It will be spectacular. We are going to hit more targets than we have ever hit before. They will all be coordinated to happen at the same time and will drive the infidels to their knees. The tunnels under the North Sea, the Holland and Lincoln tunnels and the Washington Bridge in New York and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. We shall make the earth quake with our....."

The ground did rumble. The observers on Mt. Herman heard several enormous explosions and saw massive amounts of soil rise into the air. They saw and photographed several columns of Syrian troops with fixed bayonets move into the area killing everything that moved. They took no prisoners. Having left early, only Allie had escaped. He was halfway to Damascus when he had felt the force of the explosions. At first he thought if might have been an Israeli Air strike, but then he saw the Syrian Infantry units moving into the town and witnessed the shooting and bayoneting any and all survivors. Fazzi must be dead, he thought. What am I to do now? They are going to think the Emirate set them up. What is left of the terrorists are going to come after me. He made it into town and called his Emirate contact and told him what had happened.

They could not believe it. "Everyone is dead? And the Syrians did it? You are sure of this? It was not an Israeli air attack?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." He said. "If Fazzi had not given me those signed papers and told me to get them to you I, too, would be dead."

"Bring them to us. At least we can confiscate their money." They directed him to their offices.

When he was able to meet with them he wondered to himself how come they were still able to function in the open and that the Syrians had not closed down their offices. Could it have been that they were the instigators of all this. Instead of asking that question his first question to them was, "What are you going to do with Fazzi's estate, he left everything to that adopted son of his."

"There is nothing we can do about that. We would have to fight that in the American courts. It could take us years and it might uncover a lot of things we may not want to have revealed. Things, like the extent of our involvement in the fund. If the American government were to find out about that, they would just seize it and we will loose everything. Maybe we can get this Yussef to use the money for humanitarian enterprises and we will be able to get some good out of it."

"What do you want me to do now?"

"Well, first of all. Let us have those papers Fazzi gave to you." He said as he took the papers from him. "Then if you would like, we could find a place for you in the organization. Would you like that?"


"Good!" he said. "Now, since you know this son of Fazzi, I suggest you contact him and tell him that bandits killed his father. While this is cooling down a bit, if possible, we would like you to keep in touch with him. We may be able to salvage something of this mess yet."

"I really don't think he will buy that bandit story, but if you insist, I will try. Fazzi told me that he had told Yussef that he did not get along with his family. Perhaps I can say a jealous family member killed him. Americans always think we cannot get along and that we are always looking to settle some blood feud or vendetta with a knife or a bullet."

"Yes, that is a better idea. Use that." He said smiling. "It does have that Arabic tint to it. See you are already earning your keep. Now, how do we convince him that the two you should work together on this fund?"

"That's easy, no problem there. Fazzi was always trying to get the two of us to like each other and hoped we would work together. He said that he wanted the two of us to work together on the fund project. Maybe I can get him to work with us. Fazzi said that he was on the edge of converting him to Islam."

"No, absolutely no! We don't want another convert like him. We would rather have him as what he is. We had some reservations about Fazzi's wanting him to become a Muslim. The man is with the American Army and we just can't take that great of a chance. It may be best to just let the fund continue to build. In the meantime we can operate very well on these other moneys and when America is brought to its knees we will have something more to plunder-Wall Street!

To be continued.....

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Hate it but true

We do tend to shoot ourseldves in the foot, do we not?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I like story. true to life

JoyStick56JoyStick56about 17 years agoAuthor
for my english teacher

Thank you for your comments. For most part you were right. However, contractions are difficult for non-English speaking persons to understand and use. When you speak to them and when they speak to you, it is better not to use them. Your other point is well taken and thank you again. I am sorry that you did not like the story, but you can't please everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
good promise

While I enjoy the story, I do have some constructive criticism. The word is "sordid" not "sorted". Contractions are your friend in writing American characters' dialogue, e.g. "It's" rather than "It is"; "I'm" rather than "I am". Failure to use contractions makes your characters sound like they are gangsters lifted from "Guys and Dolls."

TherJoanneTherJoanneabout 17 years ago
Again class "A"

I started reading this from chapter one. You know I was attracted to the story because of my name (Joanne). I made a few jokes with you about it, but, was only kidding you. The story and writing are "class a" my friend. I feel the story is about to end and I for one shall miss it. Hugggs to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great story

Great story. Right out of the headlines or are you predicting the future.

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