The Three Traditions of Pink


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Yeah, way to go champ! As far as excuses go...studying on a Friday night? Yeah, highly believable!

Ana looked upwards towards her with a quizzical look. "You know for some reason you always behave like that after we have's not a crime if you come over and spend some time with me after we've fucked."

"'s not like that..."

"Then what is it?"

"I just..."

"Why won't you give us a chance?"

"Ana, we've been down that road before. Please don't make me go there again?"

"Fine! Have it your way you cold hearted cow! I'm good enough to suck your pussy dry but not good enough to have a cuddle watching TV. I'm good enough only to get your rocks off! I didn't friggin' ask you to marry me! I just wanted some time with you!"

Anastasia's angry voice was resonating through the empty bathroom.

"Anastasia...I didn't...I just don't want to lead you on...I...I thought we had agreed on this before..."

Anastasia looked towards Emma, hurt and anger filling her gaze. "Whatever..." she said dejectedly as she pushed past the red-head and stormed out of the bathroom.

"Great...just fucking super!"

Chapter 3 (Abigail)

Abigail was comfortably ensconced in a nook of the sofa within their living room, the use of "their" implying her increasingly absentee girlfriend. Alexa Vargas, her girlfriend of two years, was once more running late. She hadn't even bothered phoning nor had she answered any of the texts Abigail had sent.

Their relationship had started off with quite a fire. Abigail was on a night out to the local lesbian bar she frequented. She was minding her own business when all of a sudden these "aahhs" and "ooohs" started resonating around the room. Her girlfriend to be had just made her appearance clad in business attire and killer heels. Abigail had rolled her eyes at that point, but then the first drink arrived, courtesy of Alexa of course. She had refused it at first; she wasn't one to be swooned by such clichéd displays of "affection". But then Alexa had persisted; she came over in person and asked for a dance. The flame had been lit the moment their bodies pressed together. That flame had engulfed her as pieces of clothing went flying a few hours later, yet another first for Abigail: sex on the first date. The rest, as they say, was history.

Alexa wasn't a bad person per se; she was an incredibly goal driven individual who was used to success and getting her way. Abigail had been the first girlfriend with which she had passed the six month mark. And yet, despite the fact that they had very recently toasted to their two year anniversary, Abigail felt that things were falling apart.

Their sex life, which had once crackled off like the solid state boosters of the space shuttle, was becoming cooler and cooler as time went by. Where at their beginning they couldn't keep their hands off each other, now sex was both infrequent and felt like warmed over porridge to Abigail. It seemed to her that Alexa was going through the motions just to get it over with and out of the way.

Then, there were other things, the little things. Gone were the funny little "I love you" notes on the fridge that Alexa left as she headed out early on her way to the office. Gone were the everyday phone-calls from work just to hear her voice. Gone was their daily dinner routine, where they chatted and had a glass of wine to unwind. In fact, as Abigail thought of it, their relationship was probably kept afloat due to convenience and sheer inertia. They were probably both too busy to contemplate a break up.

The thought of their relationship being one of convenience both annoyed and saddened Abigail. She wasn't anyone's chair warmer for when they remembered the way back home. She was a beautiful young woman who was highly successful in her line of work. She was the youngest female lecturer ever to join her department and that was no mean feat. She was bright, intelligent and could hold her own in any type of conversation. She was in love with academia and in particular she relished teaching young students. There weren't that many people who could claim that they thoroughly enjoyed their job. That should amount to something, shouldn't it?

Feeling her temper begin to rise, Abigail decided to have a glass of red wine to decompress. Rummaging through the cabinet where Alexa kept their wine stash, she came along a bottle which read: "Port, Sandeman Vintage 1960". Now, Abigail wasn't a wine connoisseur like her high profile corporate girlfriend, but she did understand that, usually, the older the vintage, the more expensive the wine. That bottle must have cost a small fortune, Abigail reckoned. What better way to spite her horribly late other half than to binge on ridiculously expensive wine.

She uncorked the bottle and poured herself a generous portion. "My world! This tastes just fine!" thought Abigail as she sloshed the wine around her mouth, relishing in its magnificent tawny sweetness. "Well Alexa certainly takes the house when it comes to wine selection, I'll give her that."

Abigail resettled herself on the sofa, wine glass in hand, her tablet in the other. As her glass continued to drain on a steady pace, she could start to feel the warm buzz of the alcohol coursing through her system. She had always been a featherweight and rarely tolerated more than one glass of wine, but tonight she felt she needed to escape all these suffocating thoughts she had about Alexa. Without any inhibitions she refilled her glass and continued to consume the wine with gusto. Somewhere along the third glass, she was really beginning to feel lightheaded. "This is actually good" she thought. "I should do this more often. No wonder Alexa like this shit, it really loosens you up."

Speaking of Alexa made her frown. She wouldn't let her thoughts stray towards her anymore. Idling through her Facebook page she stumbled upon an invite: "Emma Sorensen, friend request." Abigail usually made it a point to never add her students to her social media. But that's when she was sober. Now the wine bottle sitting on the sofa table was south of half-empty and she was really itching to check out the profile of her brilliant - not to mention beautiful - redhead student.

Accepting her request she noticed the green light listing her as online. Ignoring that, she decided to have a look at Emma's profile photos. There were quite a few of them there. Emma was certainly a party animal; there were a bunch of them depicting her and her friends doing variously crazy stuff. Oh, but there were also photos of the redhead clad in swimwear and that's when Abigail's mouth started salivating.

The girl was practically oozing sexuality onto her tablet. On this particular image, Emma was clad in a cobalt blue tie-side bikini standing with the sea on her back on some sandy beach. Her hair was loose and flailing in the wind. Her face sported a warm happy smile which shone brighter than the sun. Her C cup breasts stood out proudly and Abigail could make out the faint contours of a nipple piercing protruding beneath the fabric. Her tummy was taught and her whole body seemed not to have an ounce of excessive fat on it. Emma was simply a beautiful girl and a feast to the eye. And to be completely honest it wasn't just her eyes which were happy with the display, if the familiar sensation of her pussy lips pressing against her panties was any indication.

With a supreme exertion in self-control Abigail forced herself to close the image and perused her album further. There were two more images that caught her eye: one was a selfie of her kissing a dark brown haired girl smack on the lips. Both of them were laughing. Where did she know this other girl from though? The tag on her face read "Anastasia Bloomingdale" but that didn't ring any immediate bells. Abigail was certain she had seen this face before but her alcohol induced brain couldn't quite make the connection.

The other photo made her frown. Again the posing was that of a selfie only this time Emma was lip-locked with a sandy haired boy. She had her eyes closed and seemed really lost in the moment. Well, that certainly clinches it then. The girl was most probably straight. She might have some curiosity in her as the photo with that Anastasia girl showed, but that was imbued with a sense of fun and frivolity. This wasn't that rare nowadays. Many straight girls would indulge their curiosity to explore their sexuality vis-a-vis other females and some would even venture into longer forays in the lesbian world. The sad reality however was this; dating straight girls meant that nine times out of ten the lesbian girl got the rough end of the stick. Abigail was too much of a realist and had seen too much heartbreak from her closer circle of friends to not realize that. Matters of the heart however are rarely if ever resolved with cold blooded realism. Especially if one has consumed half a bottle of Port wine and has an inexplicable pull towards a certain ginger haired student.

No sooner had she closed Emma's profile when a chat box popped up. And speaking of the devil, it was none other than Emma who had initiated it.

>Abigail, you there?

Should I answer that? What should I say? That yes I'm here ogling your Facebook semi-nude portfolio? Is that glass empty again? I thought I had refilled it sometime before...

>Yes, I'm here

God what a stupid thing to say.

>What are you doing right now?

Getting drunk on ridiculously expensive wine, stalking out your profile, drooling over your bikini-clad body...take your pick.

>I'm just idling about...waiting for my girlfriend to come home for dinner...she's usual.

>Oh...well I've just had a huge fight with mine...

That piqued Abigail's interest. Mine as in girlfriend or mine as in boyfriend?

>Is it a gf or a bf?

There were several seconds of silence as Abigail waited for an answer.

>It's a she...but it's not what you think...

What do I think?

>What should I think?

>We're just friends...with benefits...

That sounds convenient. Why didn't I ever have any such friends at her age? Because your nose was always stuck in the insides of a book, that's why.

>So what happened?

>Conflicting agendas apparently...


>Well we had sex...which she initiated...and then she wanted more...

>More as in?

Yet again more silence.

>As in a relationship...

>Which you apparently don't want to get into.

>Yes. I've been clear on this twice before in the past. We can be friends, we can hang out, we can have sex, but that's it for me.

>Well, being friendly with someone, spending time with her and having sex has all the hallmarks of a relationship to me...

There's something here which you aren't saying...

>True. But I don't want a relationship with her.

What do you want though?

>What is that you're looking for then?

>I don't know...I'm not sure I'm relationship material in any case...but there is someone else though...

Aha! Someone else!

>So you are interested in a relationship, just not with your friend. So who is that someone else?

Will she answer that?

>She's someone I met very recently...she had this strange effect on me. I can't stop thinking about her...that's a first for me.

Now, it was Abigail's turn to fall silent. These were incredibly treacherous waters she was headed into, this much was clear despite her alcohol impaired judgment. Just then, she heard the turns of the door lock being worked. Alexa was back from work.

>I've got to to you soon.

And she signed off tossing her iPad aside. She raised her eyes just in time to see Alexa slam the door shut with a loud bang.

"Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in!"

Alexa turned towards Abigail anger flashing through her eyes. "Some of us have to do real work for a living you know."

"Leaving that crap about my work aside, you could have at least texted me to say that you'd be running late. It's called courtesy and it's the least you can do towards someone who's prepared dinner for you...and ended eating it cold and alone!"

Alexa regarded Abigail with ill hidden contempt. Suddenly her eyes focused upon the half empty bottle of wine on the sofa table. She noticed the label on the bottle and her eyes bulged with fury. Almost leaping towards Abigail, she half screamed, half screeched: " bitch! You drunk my collector's edition bottle! Do you know what that costs?"

Abigail was totally shocked by her outburst. Sure Alexa was known for her temper but she had never called her names before, certainly not for something as trivial as a bottle of wine. And she was also hurt by her accusation; it would appear that she was worth less to Alexa than an expensive bottle of wine. Hurt was soon followed by anger. She had ignored her first derogatory remark about her job and now this...

"Yes, I did some drinking waiting in vain for you to give me some signs of life. You refuse my calls, you don't answer your phone or my texts or my emails. Something! Anything! I'm alive and I'll be late, don't wait up! seems that I'm worth less to you than a bottle of expensive wine apparently..."

"Like I said, I was neck deep in work! I didn't ignore you on purpose! Some of us do actual work instead of being bullshit artists in some dip-shit department pretending to discover...I dunno...the meaning of life maybe!"

Abigail felt dizzy all of a sudden. She felt as if she had been slapped a thousand times in the face. " really think that of me?" Tears started streaking down her cheeks as she spoke in a smallish voice. Alexa seemed untouched by her obvious hurt. She crossed her arms across her chest and didn't offer an answer. Abigail understood. "Well then...if that's your final answer I'd best be on my way."

Desperately fighting back the sobs that threatened to spill out of her chest, she mindlessly gathered her purse and coat and just like that she left. Mentally forcing herself to breathe, she rapidly descended the flight of stairs and once out of the building she collapsed. As she sat on the cold outer staircase, a silent painful cry overtook her as her hands clasped her face. Two years of her life thrown away within the blink of an eye. All those feelings, all those words tossed aside just like that.

After having a good solid cry, Abigail's rational thinking kicked as she tried to analyze the situation. Her relationship was finished and this was not due to some row over broken dinner promises or some bottle of wine. These were just the pretexts, she reasoned. Alexa had grown distant the past few months and their relationship had gotten moldy.

Her most pressing problem at the moment was that she was practically homeless! A year ago and against her better judgement, she had moved in with Alexa, letting go of her own leased apartment. Now, all of her things, all her clothing, all her reading material for her work was upstairs. She'd have to think about that later though. Right now, it was getting dark and she needed a place to stay and regroup. Luckily, her mobile was in her purse. "Aurelia...she's my only hope..."

Chapter 4 (Abigail)

The kiss was wonderfully, toe-raising deep. Jer's strong grip on her butt and the grinding of his obvious erection on her flank had her juices flowing quicker than a Ferrari needed to reach sixty. His free hand had expertly located the protrusion of her clit over the layers of her panties and leggings and his fingers aggressively circled her outline.

"Mmmmm...someone's feeling frisky tonight...should I wiggle my tail or would you prefer that I purr?"

"You can do what you like, because once I go down on you, I'll make you forget your name!"

"Hmph...promises, promises...lots of smoke but no fire."

Just then her cellphone started ringing. Jeremy continued kissing and sucking on her neck as she laughingly tried to retrieve the offending phone from her handbag.

"Do you really have to get that?"

"Yeah...mmmmm...that was's Abigail...I'll...ohhh...I'll be just a couple of minutes."

"Yeah well, good luck trying to speak to her."

In one swift move, Jeremy yanked her panties and leggings down to her thighs and expertly sent his fingers to rest in the slick folds of her pussy. Aurelia closed her eyes, one hand in the air holding the vibrating phone, the other latching onto whatever furniture was next to her as she tried to steady herself. She was of a mind to throw the damned thing away, Jer had her engine fully revved and ready to go. But the caller was persistent, so with great reluctance she accepted the call.


Abigail gave her phone a funny look. "Aurelia? Are you alright?"

"Y...yess...ffiiiiinee..." Jer had just struck a particularly fine chord of her clit.

"Oh...You do sound a bit funny...Anyways, I'll be short. I'm in a bit of a pinch here actually. I'm currently homeless so..."

Aurelia immediately stood upright and held Jer's hand still.

"What happened? Where are you? Do you need any help? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine...we had a fight with Alexa which ended with me exiting the scene...I'll tell you all about it...but I was wondering if I could couch-surf for a couple of days until I get my bearings..."

"Absolutely! Where are you, do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"I'll just take the bus, my car keys are upstairs's only a short hop."

"Kay, I'll be waiting for you."

Aurelia settled the phone down and gently tugged Jeremy upwards.

"So what gives?"

"Apparently Abigail had another fight with Alexa, only this time it must have been a major one. She was kicked out of their house."

"No shit? That bad?"

"Yeah, seems so. And this is what you are going to do. Abigail will require some girl-alone time which means that you'll have to be a dear and give us a couple of hours. And..." said Aurelia giving Jer's crotch a nice big squeeze "because it's such a shame to let this big chunk of manhood go to waste...what would you say if we did a quickie right before our guest arrives?"

Before Jeremy could even utter a syllable, Aurelia's hand was deep within his briefs fondling his rock hard erection. "Well you do drive a hard bargain miss De Ascentis so..."

With a swift move Jer bent Aurelia over the couch with her ass jutting out in the air, her leggings and panties down her thighs. Her luscious spherical globes and her suggestive tan line never failed to get his blood boiling. Placing the tip of his cock on her leaking entrance elicited a soft hiss from her part. Not wasting any time he gradually sunk the whole length of his shaft inside her pussy.

There was something brutally sexy to be had from quickies, thought Aurelia as Jer furiously rammed his cock behind her. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that one operates under a time constraint which serves to heighten the rush. The fact was that Jer was giving her a star-bursting fuck, one for the books she was sure.

Finally, with a loud grunt he pulled out and soon thereafter she could feel the coolness of his sperm as load after load hit her backside.

"Oh man...that was were so wet! And you know how your tan lines never fail to make me super horny!"

"Yeah well, Mr. horny better get a towel really quick here. And if you shot your stuff anywhere near the couch you're dead" said Aurelia with a definite playfulness in her tone.

"We're not through here you know. Let me get you cleaned up and then it's you, me, your pussy and my mouth...they have a date which cannot be postponed."