The Touch Ch. 07


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She went quiet and just stared at me across the table for a moment, then smiled knowingly and said, "You probably would too..... you randy goat..... I saw you tonight, you know!" I thought that she meant my snog with Lulu, and started to compose a plausible excuse, and then she went on, "I saw you with that little Swedish whore Kristen Olsen, on the terrace!" I breathed a sigh of relief, but she now seemed to be genuinely angry about something, "You should keep away from her.... that blonde tart, you are my big brother and you can't go around shagging anything that offers it to you!" Then as quickly as it had come the anger evaporated and she gave me a big broad smile. She came around the table and plonked herself down on my lap, threw her arms around my neck, pressed her cheek against mine and gave me a long hard hug. "I love you, Jay!" she whispered, "Happy Christmas!"

"I love you too, Emms ...... Happy Christmas!" I responded. She wriggled off my lap and without another word went straight upstairs to her room. "See you in the morning I called after her!" I was grateful she went when she did, wriggling about on my lap like that had started a hard-on, another few seconds and she would have been sure to notice.

I sat at the table, lit another cigarette and thought about the day, seeing Mum naked in her bed room; then snogging with my cousin Lauren, I wasn't sure but I was pretty certain she had issued me with an imminent shag warning! Then finally, my sister accidentally lap grinding me into an erection, at least I was pretty sure it was accidental.

Well it is Christmas I mused...and Christmas is supposed to be about families.

Christmas Day and Boxing Day were just for the family. We always stayed at home on Christmas Day and then either went to Maggie's on Boxing Day or Maggie and the girls came to us, this year it was our turn to visit them. Originally when Gran, Mum's mother, was alive it was a three way thing and we would spend every third Boxing Day at her house in London, but she had died when I was about ten. That was when we moved into the bigger house; Mum had used her third of Gran's inheritance as a deposit, I guess.

We were all up and dressed by nine o'clock, in what Mum called our 'Sloppy Sunday' gear, just old jeans and sweaters, anything comfortable just for sitting about. I cooked a full breakfast, bacon, sausages, eggs, fried bread and tomatoes, whilst Mum got busy with preparing lunch. After breakfast, Emma astounded us by volunteering to wash-up and I went and started the wood fire going in the sitting room, then we all went through to open our presents.

As a family we were never big on Christmas presents, Emma and I had always had lots of toys and gifts as kids but once we reached fifteen present giving became a much more adult affair. We sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree and handed out the parcels.

Emma went first; she had bought Mum a selection of cosmetics and a new hairdryer which I knew that Mum had wanted for ages. Mum was thrilled and I was glad that I had let Emma keep some of her earnings. She had bought me the usual book tokens, which in truth were the best thing that anybody could get me, but had also found a coffee mug printed with the words, 'BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD', I genuinely thought that it was the best gift she had ever given me.

Mum handed out her presents, she had bought Emma new skirts and tops and a real leather handbag. I received a really great pair of black, Hugo Boss jeans, a dove grey silk shirt which was really cool and a copy of the new Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopaedia, the gardener's bible.

Then it was my turn. Getting a present for Mum had been a real trial this year. I had spent several lunch hours in Salisbury, trawling the shops but my mind seemed to be fixed on a single lust driven course and I kept irrationally returning to things like lingerie and nightwear even though I knew that it was not on. In the end I asked Maggie for help and we drove into Southampton and picked out a black velvet designer jogging suit which was really fashionable ladies wear that year. Then by absolute chance I dropped on to the ideal second gift in one of the Salisbury jewellers; an antique, solid silver, nurse's belt buckle. I had the back engraved with 'Mum, love from Jamie, Christmas 1988.' It cost me a week's wages but seeing her face when she opened the box that Christmas morning was worth every penny.

I had originally got Emma the usual box of chocolates and gift tokens, but had added something extra in the last few days.....I had slipped into town on Thursday and bought a gift voucher for driving lessons from the BSM shop. The lessons were expensive, three pounds each, but I splashed out and got eighteen pounds worth. She went mad, laughing and whooping and leaping about the room like a kid then threw her arms around me and hugged and kissed me..... I think she was pleased!

A bit later, when we were alone, Mum put her arms around my waist and looked into my face and said, "Thank you, Jamie. Thank you for the lovely presents, but the best one of all was seeing you and Emma friends again!" She hugged me close and kissed me lightly on the lips, and I held her just a little bit longer than I should have done. I felt that I needed some air and was glad that it was my turn to check that everything was all right at work and left Mum and Emma to get the lunch ready and drove my moped over to the garden centre and spent half an hour making sure that all was as it should be.

We had a late lunch of roast chicken with all the Christmas trimmings, plum pudding and custard and then crashed in front of the television with large brandies. Later Mum made tea and brought out sandwiches, sausage rolls, mince pies and a Christmas cake, and we filled ourselves up again, even Emma, work seemed to good for her appetite, she was eating properly again. Then we spent the evening sitting on the floor in a tangled heap, arms around each other, in front of the log fire, with drinks, just talking and smoking and playing silly word games. By bedtime, Emma was curled up, already asleep beneath my arm and Mum was stretched out on the rug dozing, her head resting on a cushion in my lap. I sat for nearly an hour just watching her face, the rise and fall of her breasts, and gently stroking her hair. It felt cosy, warm and erotic slumped between the two of them and was definitely the best Christmas Day that I could ever remember.

Mum did the breakfasts on Boxing Day and I made a big pan of homemade pea and ham soup. I had become a bit of a dab hand in the kitchen after Dad left, with Mum working shifts I had had to take on some of the cooking and had found that I not only liked it but was quite good at it as well, now Mum and I had a sort of unspoken arrangement to share the kitchen duties. We had a light lunch of soup, hot rolls and cold chicken leftovers then made our way to Maggie's house. Mum had driven us on Christmas Eve, so I said it was my turn to hold back on the drinks and be the chauffeur.

We arrived, bearing gifts and Maggie ushered us straight into the sitting room. Then went out into the hall and called the twins. I could hear pop music somewhere and guessed they were in their rooms upstairs. They bounced in and we all hugged and kissed and said Merry Christmas and then Lauren and Lucinda took Emma up to their rooms, giggling and making girl talk about presents and clothes and the like.

"Come on," Maggie said, "Come into the kitchen and I will make some tea and coffee, the girls will be ages yet.....I'll call them later and we can open the presents." We always left opening our presents to and from Maggie and the girls until we saw them on Boxing Day.

Eventually we all gathered in the sitting room with the pile of parcels on the floor between us. Maggie and Mum had bought each other clothes and the same for the girls.

This left Maggie and me. I had as much trouble choosing a gift for Maggie as I had had for Mum and for very similar reasons, every thing that I really would have liked to give her was just too personal or intimate and so in the end I settled for something that I knew she would appreciate. I bought her the new Mozart Symphony collection on 12 CD's by the Wiener Philharmoniker, a brand new set of albums which she had been talking about for weeks. As usual our minds must have been in tune, because her gift to me was a new Sony Walkman CD player and headphones, to replace my old cassette player which was just about knackered.

I was the only man present and when the conversation turned to chick talk about fashions, make-up and what the twins would be wearing in France, I pretty well turn off so, when Maggie, Mum and the girls all wandered away upstairs to riffle through their wardrobes, I drifted outside onto the patio. The weather was still very mild and that evening the sunset was beautiful and so I sat in one of the plastic garden chairs watching the blaze of colour on the horizon, until it was dark.

I heard the French doors open and close and felt rather than saw somebody walk softy around the back of me. It was Lauren. She took my hand and said, "Come on...follow me!" and led me around the corner of the house into the shadows away from the window.

Today, she was dressed casually in a pair of tight black leggings, with flat pumps and a black t-shirt with silver embroidery and her hair was twisted into a single thick plaited rope. This time I didn't wait for her to make the first move, I slid my arm around her waist and pulled her in to me and sought for her lips with mine. She was my cousin but she was also a very attractive girl, she was willing and very, very female! She pressed herself closer to me and every curve she possessed seemed to find a part of my body that fitted against her. I slid my hands down her body from her shoulders, over her breasts, pausing briefly to thumb her nipples, down her rib cage and waist and over her hips to clasp her buttocks. She wriggled slightly under my hands and moaned softly into my mouth without breaking our kiss. I pushed her arse forward pressing her groin into mine and ground my erection against her and she brought her hand down, placed it over my dick and started to rub gently up and down. I wanted her there and then and without thinking my hand moved up her back and my fingers started to caress the nape of her neck and play through the little short hairs at the root of her plait. Lulu gave a sharp gasp and roughly pulled my face down and pressed my lips against her throat her other hand rubbing faster against my hard tool. This was not an innocent school girl I was holding, Lauren was a hot, sexy young woman.

Then I heard voices in the living room and the French door opening, "They aren't out here!" I heard Emma call back into the room, and the door closed again.

I froze. "Shit!" I mumbled, "I thought she was coming out!" Lauren was still gently grinding against me but with less enthusiasm now that I had stopped responding. My dick had died of fright and my hard-on was gone! I realised that making out with her here and now was a recipe for disaster, we were going to get caught! "We need to go in, Lulu" I whispered to her urgently, "I think they are looking for us!"

"Yes.... Yes," She murmured. She seemed a little stunned, "Come on.....this way." She led me around the side of the house past the pool, to the front door. She stopped and looked up into my face, "Wow!" she said, "You really are hot, Jimbo.....I wanted to shag you then and there!"

"Yeah," I agreed, "me too!"

She opened the door and peered in. "All clear," she giggled. "I'll go in and pretend that I've been wait for a bit then come in and say you've been out here smoking.... OK!" She reached up and kissed me again, firmly on the lips, "I haven't finished with you yet!" she added firmly, "Just remember that!" Then she was gone.

I sat on the doorstep and lit a cigarette obediently. I had nearly cocked up big time....Lauren was obviously willing but using 'The Touch' on her had been stupid, it could have seriously fucked up everything if we had been caught, I felt sick thinking about how Maggie would have re-acted if she had found me screwing her daughter.

The door opened behind me and Emma poked her head out, "Oh, you are out here," she said, "Lulu said you might be.......come back in now, we are going to have tea...Auntie Maggie has toasted some crumpets..... then we can play charades."

We had fun playing the game, as the only male present, all the women gave me really stupid things to act out, and both times that Lauren's turn came round she picked films, and openly targeted her miming at me, the first was 'Rambo' and the second was 'The Stud". I don't think anybody put a special meaning to it, but Lucinda kept winking at me and I thought that Emma looked a bit miffed, Lulu's miming had been a bit suggestive at the least.

Mum had an early start at the hospital the next morning and so we left about eleven. Maggie and the twins put coats on and we all stood in the drive, saying our goodbyes to each other. Maggie came up beside me and discreetly, pressed another small parcel into my hand and signalled me to just put it into my coat pocket unopened. There were hugs and kisses all round and I was caught by surprise when Lauren dropped her hands during the hug and squeezed by arse, hard.....only it wasn't Lauren it was Lucinda.

When we got home we were all tired and Mum and Emma were content just to say goodnight and we all went up to our own rooms. I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled the packet Maggie had given me out of my pocket. It was a small, heavy box wrapped in Christmas paper. I carefully pulled off the wrapping and opened the box. Inside was a silver figurine on a small marble plinth, it was a knight in armour sitting on his charger with sword raised above his head. There was a simple hand written card which just said, 'Love from Maggie'.

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WoodencavWoodencav8 months ago

I’m really enjoying this storey. My comments on ScottishTexan below, I certainly never found my mother arousing even although I saw her naked in the bath once, she just wasn’t my type, but one of my Aunties wow I even get a hard on thinking about her 40 years later. For me a Hot woman is A Hot women whatever the relationship. Five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for this chapter.

jkthekatjkthekatover 1 year ago

Carry on Knight!

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 2 years ago

Why is it that every single incest story on here has to involve some elements of mother/son coupling or aunt/nephew coupling. I always thought that my own mother was pretty, objectively speaking because I compared her appearance with other women her same age. I even got an unobstructed view of her vagina once by accident as she was bent over in the bathtub washing her hair. I'm attracted by girls who have prominent inner labia. And yet even though my mother’s anatomy fit my idea of perfection, I have NEVER in my lifetime found anything about her to be arousing. If my mother had approached me with intentions of seduction, she would have been met with abject failure.

I can get into Jamie having sex with either one of his cousins and/or Emma. Hopefully all three. I crushed heavily on one of my favorite first cousins and to this day she doesn't have a clue because I carefully determined that my feelings were not reciprocated. But I would have made love to her in a heartbeat. Incest doesn't turn me off until it crosses generational lines. So 4/5 for this. I hope Jamie makes love to Emma but it's not just casual sex.

WKKA2001WKKA2001almost 7 years ago

Another great chapter. Your people are all so real that I feel that I know them personally.

popey3181popey3181over 11 years ago
First six chapter are great

If the beginning chapters of this story are anything to go by it is going to be a real humdinger. Really enjoyed what I have read so far, good story, nice style, and hot pokey.


MacTheNiceMacTheNiceabout 12 years ago

I am to tired now to read any more tonight. This story is very good I like it a lot and will try to finis it next evening.

nicnakpaddywacknicnakpaddywackabout 12 years ago
Really Cool

Really good story building. I cool chapter will a lot of erotic build up.

kinggileskinggilesabout 12 years ago
Nicely Done

If this is the start of an incest theme then it is nicely done without crudeness I am looking forward to a long, slow emotional build up. Family incest is not an instant thing it happens over time.

Like this story a lot

wendywillwendywillabout 12 years ago

i keep reading this story again & this is 1 of the episodes i keep coming back 2 it is just so touching


hodunkhodunkover 12 years ago
Great Chapter!

Love this series and find it just keeps getting better. Can't wait for chapter 08.

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