The Transformation Games, Pt.04

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The transformation games take a darker twist...
9.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/15/2024
Created 04/12/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Gale's perspective

The succubus called us all back to attention, a smirk on her lips. Even though I'd won, of course, there were still other curses to be spent from the other three winners: Raya, David and Joel.

"You are second, congratulations," the succubus purred, as if she hadn't cursed someone right then. "Now... What do you choose, David?"

David shifted his weight, a little uncomfortable, though he clearly had his own reasons for being in the game too.

"Um..." His gaze flitted about, landing back on Tina, sobbing on her knees as she tried to get up again without being able to see, blinded. "What about her? She can't do anything back to me now...and she shouldn't have cheated right? Can you take her legs away?"

The succubus nodded and David clarified.

"Okay... Take Tina's legs away and transform them into giant breasts."


A beam of winding, white light sprung from her fingertips and slithered around Tina, wrapping itself all the way up and around her legs as Tina shrieked.


The high-pitched cry was cut off in a sob that would no longer come with any tears, grunting and huffing and panting brokenly as she tried to get up. Being down on her knees had not been a good thing at all for her as she strove to stagger up, though her foot bent in the wrong direction, despite it not seeming to cause her any pain. She tumbled, legs kicked out behind her, still able to be on her hands and knees, groping blindly at the ground.

"No... Don't... Mmph... Please... Not my... Not my legs..."

She tried to kick out but couldn't bend her right leg after that as I watched, even though my heart ached for her. It wasn't right, not really, that she'd had to deal with such things, but the transformation games were not meant to be kind: they were a trial. She had entered...and she had cheated.

She couldn't scramble away, not as her legs quickly grew floppy and weak, the strength stolen from them for the essence of the transformation. Her trousers, however, were still in place, even though her shoe fell off, like her foot was so pliable already that it just didn't need to hold its shape anymore.

"No... Wait... Please, don't do this to me... Don't... I want to stand... Ohhhhh!"

She sobbed, her chest heaving, barely with herself in the slightest as I leaned towards her. Even then, I wanted to help, though I barely knew what I could do to help. What did I think? Would I have jumped in the way of the light blast, all to save her from a fate she had, sort of, brought on herself? Or was that too sharp of me to think?

I didn't want to be like that... I wanted to take everything from her. All so Tina didn't have to go through it and so I could greedily take it for my own also.

Her trousers clung tightly to the top part of her legs as her legs, slowly, thickened, pulling up, though the progress was slow. Breasts, after all, were a very different shape, and the seams of her trousers pulled tauter and tauter, the stitches straining. They popped free, some one at a time and others in a big, ripping tear, though I think only more sensitive anthro ears caught the sound.

I gulped hard, tail flicking. To lose my mobility like that... But I had to hold on, my brow furrowing with concern for Tina, though it was hard to hide my need. I couldn't take pleasure, after all, from someone else's horror.

Or could I?

Her soft legs spread out a little more as they were slowly freed from the confines of her clothes, fattening up as if they were sausages being made, fat and unwieldy, jiggling a little as the flesh bubbled and shifted. Tina sobbed brokenly as they swelled into breasts, retreating up closer and closer to her hips while fattening out to the sides. Her trousers caught on the side of her right leg, well, her right tit leg, and Tina let out a bubbling, whimpering moan, one that was by no means derived from pleasure.

"Ohhhh... No... No, no... Noooo..."

Her trousers strained, cutting between her legs even as the transforming breasts bulged out into any space available, popping more seams and forcing them to tear all the way down. She sucked in a watery breath through an open mouth, though her clothes caught and pulled on the breasts, forcing the softer flesh to squash and pull. Even to me washing, there was most certainly no muscle left there, no bone, everything melting away by heed of the magic so that it could go into the breasts.

As they took shape, they were more obvious as to what they were, even if we had not heard the curse being delivered. They were so plump and full, her trousers ripping between the legs but, with the swelling tit-flesh, there was nothing to see there, Tina not exposed. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, no, now with how she was brokenly howling, tipped back on her hands, the fat, shapeless mass of her legs bristling and bloating, the magic sinking more and more deeply into her.

Her underwear clung between them, a thin thread left behind, though my eyes didn't linger there, not as they took the shape of breasts. Even though they were still long, as if they were sagging with gravity (but along the floor), they still looked like breasts, a pink nipple darkening on each, fat and plump.

That very nipple rose on each breast, for I couldn't even imagine them to be legs anymore, the nipple pushing out so it was a few inches wide, five at least. The peak popped out, swelling and filling the space offered to it, though I could almost imagine them puffing out into big cocks without delay.

That, however, was my fantasy. It most certainly was not Tina's.

It was strange to see breasts forming like that, yet I hungered for it, holding back, even though I was sure everyone there knew what I liked by then. But that loss of movement, oh... It called to me, I was sure, on a spiritual level. To feel them, fat and bloated, the soft tit flesh squashing in as I wobbled on them, helpless and immobile. Even if Tina tried to drag herself along by her arms, it was not as if she could even see where she was going as she crawled.

And it was probably wrong to like it as much as I did, but it just made me want what she had, even as she was locked into leglessness, hating her transformations. Her breasts forced her to slump back, not stable enough despite their size for her to sit up on, always needing something to support her. It was doubtful as to whether she still had genitals between her legs, or the means to relieve herself, but I wasn't about to ask her that.

If no one else had been there...I may have asked her about it. Maybe. It was hard to say just how far I was willing to go, even then.

But I couldn't be like that, not even as the soft flesh of her tits softened further, bloating out bigger, so it was as if she was sitting on a couple of half-sized exercise balls. It was hard to come up with a particular size for them, but I took a breath, pretending to myself that I wasn't just getting in closer to her to see more, to feel more from the horror of her change.

"Hey... Tina... Tina, it's Gale... You've got to calm down, okay? Breathe more easily, slowly... You're not going to do yourself any good huffing like this, you're going to get hurt."

She turned her head suddenly and I angled myself away as one of the cocks on her face ejaculated, though it was not a crazy load like what was spilling, periodically, from my cocks.

"Unff..." She grunted, working her jaw for a moment. "Gale? Gale... Why... Don't help me... They'll say you're cheating too."

I sighed and shook my head, even though I knew other eyes were on me, the succubus watching closely.

"No... No, I can't stop your transformations or anything, you know that... I know that. This is out of my hands. I just... I want to make you a bit more comfortable. You never would have chosen this."

The succubus nodded permission and I released a breath I had not realised I'd been holding. I didn't want to do anything that would get me disqualified and I didn't want to cheat either. If I was going to play the game and see everything that was there in store for me, well...I wanted to play it clean.

"She says I can help move some things, your clothes..." I said. "Can I touch you, Tina? Is that okay?"

Shakily, she nodded permission, the cocks jutting from where her eyes had been bobbing, but I couldn't stare at them, not even as one spurted and a stray splatter of cum, that jetted a little further than expected. It caught one of my dick nipples and I swallowed a groan, hiding that part of myself away. At least for the time being.

"Yes... Yes... Thank you, Gale. Thank you..."

I hated how she sounded and I tugged at her clothes, using a sharper claw to roughly cut through where her trousers were cutting into her hip. Yet even her hip was a lot softer than it had been not all that long ago, rounding out seamlessly to form part of her breast down there. Did she even have a full pelvis anymore? The notion made my stomach churn, both pleasantly and unpleasantly.

She sighed in what I thought was relief as I cleared away the debris and scraps of her clothes down there. At least she hadn't had to have her shirt ripped, which was something at least, for her. Yet I didn't reveal anything too much, even though the back of my hand brushed one of those nipples on her leg breasts...

I cast my eyes around, taking a short, shallow gasp in of air as I saw just what had happened to her buttocks too. With the clothes flapping around her, ripping and tearing, it had been tricky to tell what had come there but, like with her hip, her buttocks had swelled to form a part of the breasts, leaving no distinction between one or the other. It was as if everything below the point of the hip had become breast flesh: no more and most certainly no less than that.

It was not for her...but it was for me. Maybe not exactly like that, maybe I'd have asked for something different. But the burning ache of arousal within me was not to be denied.

"Tina..." I breathed, afraid to raise my voice too much, though it sounded like David was talking to others behind me, distracting things. "I'm going to try to help you, okay? I don't know how... I'll have to play by the rules of the game."

"Yeah, I know, Gale... I know... You're..." She took a breath, though her sobbing, with my meagre comfort, had quieted somewhat. "It's... You've done all you can, it's alright. Oh, god... I'm going to be stuck like this forever..."

"No..." I didn't know that for sure, though I thought that perhaps there was something I could do to fulfil my needs even while she escaped. "I... Tina, I don't know what I'm going to do, but I don't want... I don't know what I can do. But I'll ask, I'll see. I promise you I'll try, regardless of anything."

Tina finally smiled, appearing a little more at peace. Which was a lot, considering the extreme changes she'd gone through already.

"Thanks, Gale... I'm glad I have a friend like you."

David expanded for his second curse, drawing our attention back to the transformations themselves as I helped her prop herself up, leaning back on her hands so she was at least sitting up.

"It's going to be okay, Tina," I told her, despite my promise not being one I knew completely and utterly to be at all possible. "It's going to be okay. Breathe... Just breathe..."

"Make those cocks," he said, nodding towards Tina's eyes, "as productive as, uh, Gale's. She deserves that."

I stiffened, my cocks twitching and pulsing, sending out another load of cum right there and then. I magicked it away after relishing in the wet sensation, though Tina could not cry, not truly, not when her eyes were dicks. They shot their load, an easy transformation for her body to take with the succubus' magic rolling through her, spending thick, creamy dollops of cum down her body, splattering her breasts and soaking into her clothes.

And that was going to be her life... Trapped in a state of desperate, overbearing arousal, never able to get away from it.

I shivered, swallowing hard, looking away -- and then immediately looking back. My thighs pressed together, but I hoped I could hide how turned on I was even as my heart pulled for the other woman. She hadn't wanted that...but I did. It was not like the transformations I had given, where I was fulfilling wishes and fantasies. It was something darker -- something that turned me on, even as I wished I could have volunteered to take on both of Tina's curses that time too.

The succubus seemed to like me and I stayed close to Tina, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze as her cock eyes spurted and wobbled, producing a lot more cum than they had before. If the succubus liked that I willingly took the transformations as she wanted...maybe she would offer something to me later. Then I could help Tina a little more.

"Raya..." The succubus gave her the floor. "Your turn to spend two curses. And then, finally, it will be for Joel."

I swallowed hard, turning my attention from Tina, though I wished I could hug her, but didn't quite know how to ask for permission for something like that. She probably wouldn't have liked that though, the stimulation and closeness overpowering with the cocks especially -- and who knew how sensitive those breasts were? Still, wish I knew more intimately how everything about her felt, even if her body needed relief and respite in a way that would never again be achievable from her, cumming constantly from her cock eyes.

"I'm just stepping away, Tina," I said lightly, trying to comfort her still, though everything felt as if it was too little too late, at least for Tina. "I'll be here though, please... Just shout if you need me. I'll try to do everything I can, I always will."

Tina smiled, but didn't reply, not as one eye cock ejaculated again, painting a stream of white down her body. She took a breath, steadying herself much better than she had before. She was probably only fortunate that they were not horse cocks.

"Uh... Okay..."

Raya chimed in, though she hadn't been paying us any attention. She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, eyeing up David.

"Well, you've given a couple of transformations," she said brazenly. "So maybe you should feel how it is to transform too. Transform David's fingers into cocks -- with balls all over his hands, uh... Like, a pair of balls for each finger. The thumb too!"

The succubus smirked.

"So, it shall be!"

David cursed and tried to dodge, though the canine anthro knew his fate too, his brown fur ruffled up as he tried to settle his hackles back down. He wiggled his fingers, staring in fascinated horror -- he must not have minded the transformations too much then -- as his fingers lost their fur, the claws dropping away.

Their transformation was different, even as skin stretched from his palms in bloating balls, the dog anthro moaning as his hands were tugged back and forth, the weight of them throwing him off, even then.

"Unff... Why are they..." He gasped, the dog barely able to get the words out. "So...sensitive?"

His cocks, however, were canine-shaped, as if the succubus had tailored them to him. Tina's had been human cocks too, matching them to their species, which was interesting.

He managed his transformation admirably, however, scowling at Raya, who he couldn't retaliate against unless he won another round -- the next night. She, however, still had the chance to specify and took full advantage of it as I watched.

"Oh, I forgot to add," she said, grinning and crossing her arms across her chest, enjoying it all too much. "Hm... This one should be permanent. Let him really feel how it is to have cock fingers, never able to write or even type properly again. You gave someone else a debilitating transformation, after all. You should be forced to do the same."

Damn, I thought. She's really got a mean streak.

I love it.

David grunted, eyes wide, though he stared at his palms as my eyes ran over each bloating cock finger, wondering just how much strain that transformation itself was going to put on his wrists. The balls looked weighty and, well...I wanted them too. I would have taken eery single sexual transformation from everyone, as lewd as they were, if the opportunity had at all been afforded to me.

Maybe in a later round...

Yet I licked my lips covertly as David squirmed, muttering under his breath as his fingers bulged, taking on a more rigid appearance with the erect horse cocks. No more would they bend with the joints of fingers, not in the slightest, the heads fat and mushroom-like, ready to flare right at that point of orgasm. As I watched, one jetted off a thinner stream of cum -- though perhaps I was biased by how big my cock nipples had got, considering the throbbing pulses of cum still distracting me in that regard.

And the balls... I wanted that too, imagining just how it would feel to have them all jostling against one another, bristling and bumping, even as they filled with cum and dragged about his balls. With a pair of balls for every previous finger and his thumb, well...there were too many of them, a mass of throbbing nuts all hustling for room, dragged down as if caught by the thinner neck of a sack, though they mostly clung closely to his palms. That may have been a blessing in disguise for David, though I rumbled throatily as I watched, trying not to let my swishing tail give away too much.

Hopefully, the others would put my reactions, if they were even watching, down to my own body giving me trouble, though, for me, endless climaxes surprising me at every turn was a good problem to have.

And Raya still had another curse to use on someone.

"And Louise," Raya said, a wicked smirk subtly tugging at her lips. "She's been talking about me around campus. Give her breasts... Lots of them! Three pairs of extra breasts on her chest and stomach, then extra scattered over her back, sides...wherever!"

"Hey, that's not fair!"

Louise wheeled on her, but she was too late as the succubus' magic flashed through the air. It enveloped her fully, sinking even into the pores of her skin as the blonde-haired woman gasped, dropping to her knees with the weight of it.

"Ohhhh... Oh, this is weird..."

She panted heavily as her belly bloated out, those three pairs of breasts tucking in neatly under the top pair, though they matched her natural ones, which looked to be around D-cups. I trembled, watching intently, wanting to be there, in it, experiencing it all for myself.

Would the skin stretch and pull? Would I want to arch into it, aching for it deeply, my heartbeat pounding, racing? My cocks twitched, two jetting off then, and I let the cum trickle into my fur, relishing in how it slickened my fur down, my whole body throbbing deliciously.

It was amazing how I didn't have to climax with my pussy anymore, though I wanted my cocks out and free again, just so I could play with them. Maybe I'd pass out in the bath again, having climaxed so many times over, or maybe I'd be good that time, using my spell to magic away my mess, time after time again.

Who knew?

Still, I watched as lumps appeared all over her body, appearing distorted through her clothes. Even though Louise was just wearing a shirt, it was weird how the clothes pulled over those transforming breasts, the nipples showing faintly through.