The Treehouse


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She told him, "sounds like your family were nudists or naturalists, so the strangers were probably uncomfortable. Or being as they were trying to kill you, they probably didn't care, just thought it made you easier to kill. Hard to hide weapons without clothes. And as far as not noticing anyone looking at tits, as nudists you were used to them, so they didn't get the same reaction and it was also family and we don't normally look at family with sex on our mind. At least we're not supposed to.

Curious, you had aunts but no mom? All the brothers and sisters but no mom?"

He shrugged, "All the kids came from one of the aunts, no one really knew which one so no one really had a mom, we just all had 3 aunts. I guess I had 3 moms, which is confusing, so we just had aunts instead."

Now she was curious, "Where did your dad sleep? Where did you kids sleep?"

"All the aunts had their own room but mostly they all slept with dad. And all of us kids all slept in the same big room. We all had a bed but when it was cold, we normally all slept in the same bed, it was warmer that way." He said it all so matter of fact that there was no question.

His age at the time of all this was why he was so innocent. In a few more years things would have been interesting. All these thoughts were going through her mind as she made her decision. "I have decided to trust you. I know you don't trust me, and I understand. I just ask that you let me live long enough that you can make a fair decision. Lock me up in a cage, tie me up in one of the treehouses, whatever it takes. Watch my back trail and if anyone comes then by all means kill them. Who ever is following me needs to die, I assure you! I have never until now, met anyone I would trust with my life. And if we ever have kids, I hope they are just like you." Geez she couldn't keep her mouth in check for one minute.

He just looked at her, smiled and said, "It would be hard to have kids if I never know when you are in heat."

"Somehow I don't think that's gonna be a problem," she said as she started crawling his direction.

She was reaching for him and his instinct made him react. Before she knew what was happening, she was on her back and he was sitting on her stomach with a knife at her throat. "Whoa," she said, "I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was gonna kiss you."

"Kiss me? Why? Nevermind it doesn't matter. I don't want to be friends with you, I don't trust you. Keep your distance and you might live another day. I'm going to go check your backtrail. Do I need to tie you up before I leave, or can you sit here and wait?

How or why would I go anywhere? I have no place to go." Looking around she added, "Although it would be nice if you had a pot or something in case I need to go."

"Pot, go? I'm lost what does a pot have to do with anything?"

"Go, as is take a piss, or worse." She said. Wondering again how he could not know some of the most common terms used to talk. He seemed intelligent but innocent. Maybe living alone since he was 11 or so could do that. She figured his parents or whatever they were probably talked different and that's all he knew.

"Oh, if you need to pee just go here." He said pointing to a few limbs that hung out on the edges. As if she was going to hang out on the edge period, much less try to squat.

"Not happening, I'm not hanging my ass out over the edge, crap if I fall I'm dead."

He gave her look like he was talking to a child, then went to work grabbing a few limbs and some rope that seemed to be everywhere. In just a few short minutes he had what looked like a cage of ropes and a seat of a sort.

"Is that better?"

But," she said "Uh, what happens to it. You want turds just falling on the ground?"

He laughed, "The bugs will have it gone before morning and anyone walking down there has more to worry about than poop on their shoes. The hogs and gators are hungry,"

"And you're worried I will try to get away?"

"Not really, you couldn't if you tried."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Watching your eyes as you answered" he said and then he grabbed a rope and swung away.

She sat a while and then curious she looked around. She soon realized he had weapons, well, sharp sticks that looked like spears were everywhere. And after a closer look she saw what looked like bows and arrows. Geez this guy had enough weapons to defend a castle. It then crossed her mind; he is leaving me here with all this? Either he was watching her, or he didn't see her as much of a threat.

While she was debating his thinking, he was checking her back trail. He had been out watching for a few hours and was beginning to think she was clear when he heard noises. Sure enough a few guys were trying to follow her trail. Not doing much good but they were circling around and getting to close to his area. That's not something he was going to allow. So far, he only saw three guys but who knew if more were close. He preferred one at a time. Less chance of him being seen. Not that it matters, none of them would get away. The question is if there were any more of them. The sooner he ended this search the better. He circled around and came in behind them and before they knew what was happening, they were all dead. He was good with a bow and they were all out in the open. How could these idiots be a threat to anyone he wondered?

The hardest part was getting rid of the bodies. After hiding them and cleaning up the tracks he backtracked them and covered any trace. He felt sure that any further search wouldn't lead in his direction, so he headed back. Now that the job was done, he could allow himself to think about the girl. He wondered if she tried to escape. He also wondered about why she would try to kiss him. The only kisses he remembered getting were from his aunts, goodnight kisses and such. Maybe when he was younger, they may have kissed him when he was hurt. But why would the girl want to do that? He wasn't hurt and he was too old for goodnight kisses. This girl confused him. Based on her story and the idiots back there he thought he might just believe her. But believing her and trusting her were two different things. If she was in trouble, did he want to save her? What good would that do? Now he would have to feed her and take care of her. The idea of having to take care of someone didn't go over well.

He couldn't let her see his main camp. No way would he ever trust anyone one to see that. So how does he take care of her? Some of his treehouses had shelter to sleep in but it was just a temporary place. Not meant to live in. If he kept her in one of those how would he explain where he got his food? He couldn't keep her in the trees for ever. Maybe he could keep her in one of the remote camps. He had numerous of those around the edges of his place. But they didn't have gardens and when he showed up with fresh food she would wonder where it came from. This was so complicated. Be so much easier to just kill her and go back to living his life. No worries really, just patrol and keep his place safe and off anyone's radar. Seemed so simple yet he knew he wouldn't. Didn't really understand why but knew. Maybe he was lonely. He hadn't had a conversation with anyone in years if you didn't count the few people he captured and questioned. Making sure they were alone, and no one would be looking for them. Those idiots following the girl were the first in a long time of people looking for someone. What made them look for her? Maybe she really did kill some guy for mating with her but why would they care? Was he family or something? Revenge would explain it. He would track down and kill anyone he thought was part of killing his family if he thought it possible. He killed everyone who was part of it as far as he knew. Anyone who came on to his place was dead as far as he was concerned even if he didn't have any family left. Was that what he was doing, he wondered, trying to make her part of his family? Not gonna happen, he would never trust anyone enough to be family. All outsiders were the enemy, no matter what they looked like. And it didn't matter if they kissed him or not. Why he cared about the idea of a kiss confused him more than he cared to consider.

Meanwhile, little miss kissy had found enough skins to make a comfortable bed and before long she was sleeping like the dead. He watched her for a while, trying to understand why he didn't get rid of her. What was stopping him, he didn't need her for anything, he didn't need anymore information. He got rid of the followers and would be watching for the next few days in case the followers had followers. He didn't need her for anything. So why was he watching her?

Come morning she woke up and realized she was thirsty, hungry and alone in a tree! She managed again to hang her ass off the treehouse in his makeshift potty but that just reminded her of her thirst. She looked around and other than weapons and skins there was nothing to eat or drink. After sitting what seemed like hours, she started looking for a way out of the tree. Climbing down the ropes was not something she figured she could do but what choice did she have. He left her, maybe he got hurt. Maybe some of the idiots chasing her caught him? No, that didn't seem likely, they were idiot thugs. Somehow the idea of them facing him down seemed nuts. He could dang near fly. How would those idiots get close enough to hurt him? She managed to find what looked like a good rope hanging down but couldn't get the nerve to climb down it. So, she just sat there and hoped he didn't take too long, she might die of thirst if she sat here too long.

The sun was quite a way up in the sky when she heard or felt something behind her. She turned and there he was. Just sitting down on the bed she had made, laying out some food. Different meats and what looked like vegetables. How is that possible?

"How did you get here?" she asked with some frustration? He ignored her question and slung a water pouch off his shoulder and offered it to her. "How? Where?" She had no idea what questions she wanted answered first, but she wanted answers.

"Eat." Was all he said, while handing her some dried meat. She tried to stare him down, defiance a natural part of her but he just ignored her and chewed on his food. She instead grabbed the water pouch, at least that way she got a drink and showed him she didn't take orders.

"I have decided to not kill you for now, not sure why. I will be watching you and if at anytime I change my mind, well I'll be nice and make it fast. I now have the problem of caring for you. Not happy about that, requires me to find you a place to stay and feed you and while that in itself is a hassle in order for that to happen I have to let you roam free to some extent and that is dangerous. Beside the fact that you might get killed by the alligators or pigs you might set off traps. My mind says it's not worth the trouble, easier just to kill you but something else in me is not sure. I have been alone for 10 plus years, not sure really but I've lasted this long by not letting anyone close to live. This does not mean I trust you; I will never trust you or anyone for that matter it just, well I don't know what it means."

"Wow, don't sugar coat it, just tell it like it is. Actually, I may prefer this way to talk. No tricks or lies or double talk, just say it. Ok look if nothing else you have to admit I'm not a threat to you. I can cook if you bring me some game and I can forage for plants and stuff. Do you have a treehouse closer to the ground and maybe by some water? Set up a perimeter with traps and I'll stay in my area. It would be nice to have some clothes or at least some shoes but I guess my feet are tough enough."

"No to the clothes, too much trouble to tan a deer hide at the moment, I may have some small hides to make some moccasins. I have clean water, but I can't let you near it. Secure areas exist and just the fact that you now know they are there makes you dangerous even if you don't know where they are. This is such a hassle. I can't even really talk to you without making it more dangerous. Even if you are truthful with your story it's still dangerous. Some outsider sees you and grabs you, they could get you to talk and the more you know the more danger that is for me. I have a lot of area to keep watch over. This is hard, you now are 10 times more dangerous to let live than before I started talking to you. Let me think about this."

As he was thinking she suggested "Maybe I could just shadow you for a while, I can run and I can be quiet." He just shook his head, "I travel by tree most of the time and horses in others. You can't even cross a rope bridge. You would make traveling double the work. I just have to think of a place to put you."

Not much she could say to refute anything he said. Logically speaking she was nothing but a liability. She had nothing to contribute. Hard to accept for her, she hated being useless. She wanted to be helpful but couldn't think of how. She refused to cry but it was hard. She was worthless to him, and at the same time probably couldn't live without him. Nothing but a burden. Hard on her self-worth. She had always blamed it on being a slave but here she was nearly free and couldn't think of a single reason he should let her live. She was considering just jumping, it would only take a second or two and... No! Giving up was not in her. Somehow there had to be something she could do.

Then she nearly wet herself when he whistled really loud, threw her over his shoulder and jumped. Took a second for her to realize they were swinging not falling. Geez couldn't this guy communicate just a little. After a short bit he started working his way down. She figured this was it.

"Please kill me before you give me to the pigs." She hoped he would do it quick like he said so she wouldn't feel the pain.

"I'm not killing you; I'm taking you somewhere safe."

OK, communication with this guy was gonna be the bare minimum. I mean to simply say I'm going to take you somewhere safe, hold on while I get you down to the ground or any such conversation was just beyond his social skills. As it is, he decides to move so he throws you over his shoulder and jumps. Can't this guy comprehend that humans can actually speak to each other?

Before they had even reached the ground, she noticed a few horses headed their way. This guy could just whistle, and horses come running? She was seriously wondering if maybe he was one of those demigods they used to write about in books. He talked to the horses for a bit, petted them and touched them. Then jumped on one and offered her his hand. He communicated more with the horses than he does me. He called them with a whistle, and with some horsey language tells it to take us for a ride. Me, he just throws over his shoulder.

She told him if he had a rope, she could make a halter and ride herself. But again, she found she was worthless. He explained they were only trained to ride by touch, his touch and his knees guided them so for now she would have to ride behind him. Maybe later he could teach her how to ride his way.

It was great not being treated as a sex slave, or slave period I guess but now it only confirms the outsiders view. Women have only one use, and in this guys case we don't even have that. Sick of being a sex object and end up with a guy who has no interest in all or at least no knowledge of it. I know I'm better off but still how about a happy medium, let the guy at least notice I'm, well, something. I don't know, do I want to be desired or not, be careful what you wish for.

And let me tell you something, in your mind the idea of a naked horseback ride may sound sexy, in real life, well more like washing the "bits down there" with a hairbrush. I have never been able to wash as often as I like but after that ride I'm gonna have to demand the demi-god finds me a safe bathing area at least just to get the horse hair out of my, well you know what I mean.

Anyway, after who knows how many twists and turns, we end up climbing another tree. He just talked to the horse and off it went. Then it's off to flying around again until we come to our final stop. From the tree I can tell there is something below, but I might not have noticed if I hadn't been looking. After the final descent to the ground I can see caves or at least mounds of dirt with doors. Yes, you read that right. Mounds of dirt with doors. After opening one I see it's just cargo trailers or storage containers covered with dirt. He said it's to hide them and it keeps them temperature controlled to a degree. The one he opened had stacks of deer hides or some sort of furs. He said they weren't processed yet. I felt a few and they were stiff, not something I wanted to wear for sure. But he did find a few rabbit furs he gave me and along with some string said I could make at least a loincloth.

He didn't offer to open any of the other containers and I was smart enough to read between the lines and not ask. When he wanted me to know he would tell me. See, I'm learning to speak his language.

Then he takes me in what seemed like a small cave and turns to a water faucet and turns it on and low and behold water came out. I have seen one of them at a real fancy camp maybe 10 years ago. No explanation as to how it worked, just said it was clean and to only use it for drinking and cooking. He showed me a tub, more like a cattle trough that had water in it and said that was the bath. It magically kept full it seemed. He didn't explain just said it refreshed itself and refilled itself. Now I know I'm just a sex slave but I'm not stupid. I really wanted to understand some of this, how it worked, who built it, and so on but mister conversationalist here just kept it simple.

Most of the area we were in was under some sort of cammo net. It was strung between the trees and had vines growing all through it. He said back in his grandpa's day it was to hide from airplanes and satellites. I remember what airplanes were but don't know much about satellites. Seems this camp was built long before the lights went out. I remember reading about Noah's ark, I wonder if this was the modern-day example of that. Some guy, maybe this guy's grandpa was told by God to build this camp and everyone thought he was nuts and then when the lights go out and everyone else was dying, he kept living safely with his family. Only problem is the outsiders found him and killed him anyway. I guess he wasn't a demi-god or at least not invincible anyway.

So many things to see I was in awe, but he just kept walking until we come to another cave. This one had a regular door like a house and inside was a bed and what looked like a kitchen. He said I could stay here, now it wasn't fancy, and it was dark, but it was heaven to me. A place to sleep without getting rained on and without having about anyone grabbing me. He shut the door and I noticed that there was some sort of weird light strip all around the ceiling. Not real bright but enough so you could see not to run into the table. He tried to explain led lights and solar but that went over my head. But someone had some smarts when they built this place.

He then said I was not to open any other building other than the "hide room". Now again I'm not stupid. This was a test, maybe not on purpose but still it was a test. IF I was stupid enough to open or try to open any other door somehow, he will know and off to the pigs I go. So boring, curious wandering is out the window. If he wants to share what's behind door number 2, he will show me. He explained how there were 2 or more layers of traps all around this opening and you didn't leave by ground. If you wanted out, you climbed a tree and took a vine ride over to a safe area and then you could travel by ground. I managed to show some smarts by asking what happened if the wildlife set off any of the traps and he said one word. "Dinner". Simple enough.