The Treehouse

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There is violence in this story and so far not any sex. I'm building up to that. Right now I'm trying to set the scene. I'm trying to decide if it's worth writing. I've been pulling this out of the file about once a month and writing a few pages and then file it away again. Now I know the grammar police will hate me so if you have a degree please don't even read this. I'm not writing to show how smart I am I'm writing to entertain with a story. And all the legal crap of how this is my story and no one has permission to use it or even the idea of it.

She'd been running for 3 days now, and just about ready to give up. Maybe they will just kill her and then this would all be over. Some of the other girls seemed to accept if not enjoy being raped repeatedly but not her. She would never allow her mind to give in, fighting is not a game, it's life or death.

She killed the last guy and ran with the only weapon she could find, a small knife maybe 4 inch's long. Naked, not even any shoes, she ran and ran. No idea which way was which she just knew distance was her only friend. Crossing a small stream with some moving water kept her from dying of thirst. She followed the stream one way, leaving plenty of prints in the mud then when she saw some gravel she stepped out and made a large half circle and came back to the stream above her previous spot and then followed it parallel.

After another night of travelling in the dark she ended up running into a fence. Been awhile since she had seen a fence this tall. Sharp wire circled the top which made climbing over nearly impossible especially bare foot and bare assed. She followed it for what seemed hours looking for a way through. Noticing what looked like a small trail going through the fence she stopped. Finally noticed that something had burrowed under the fence, maybe hogs or deer. She laid down and skimmed under then found a branch of a cedar tree she could cut off she used it to try to erase her tracks. She then turned and followed the small trail through the trees. Maybe that would throw off the men behind her. She finally felt like she could take a breath without fear. Walking around a small clearing, trying to always stay in the brush she heard something.

Stopping and listening she waited as long as she dared. She would not get caught standing like a scared rabbit. But right before she decided to start moving again a voice, male voice, whispered "If you move you will die! Not because of anything I will do to you, but you have triggered a trap." Now she has heard ever lie a man can say and at this point in her life she has just about decided than men can't tell the truth. Every word out of their mouths is a lie but still she hesitated. What if he's telling the truth? The one time a man tells the truth and she dies because she doesn't believe him. Is that not irony? Then he whispers again, "Not that it matters, I'm probably going to kill you anyway, but I don't want the trap to release, it's a lot or work to set back up. If I get you out, then I can feed you to the hogs and save a lot of work." Now that wasn't what she wanted to hear; she's screwed no matter what! Her mouth moved before her brain could kick in, "Well if you gonna kill me anyway then I ought to set the trap off just so I can at least know I caused you a small amount of trouble."

Now the man behind the voice snickered, "OK, how about this, I allow you an hour to convince me of one good reason not to kill you. After we get you out of this trap and in a safe place." Giving her just a small chance at life, couldn't imagine anything she could possibly say would make a difference. It was just easier to feed her to the hogs than clean the trap.

She knew he was lying, he was a man, but then again it gave her a chance. "Ok ", she says," I know you will probably kill me anyway, but just know this, the only way I'll ever give in is after I'm dead. So, don't think just because I'm naked I'm easy. I'll fight to the death before I'll give in. I will not be raped again, so if that's your plan to rape me before you kill me then you might as well go ahead and kill me."

Silence stretched out for what seemed like hours, when he again whispers, "I don't exactly know what rape is so I can't say but lets get you out of the trap, into a safe spot and you can try to convince me that you aren't a scout for a raiding party. I let you under the fence in order to keep the sign of a struggle hidden. Give me just a minute to clear out your trail and then I'll get to moving you." Then a naked man walked out of some brush, jumped up and grabbed a rope and disappeared into the trees.

Now she will never admit that she spent more time looking at his body than his face. She has seen plenty of naked men, so the sight of some guys junk isn't that odd, but he was tan all over, had hair way down his back and built like a god. He had climbed that rope straight up into the tree as if it were nothing. She had never tried to climb up a rope but somehow knew that it wasn't that easy. He was back after a few minutes it seemed. Not near as long as she expected. Then before she could react, he was on the ground right in front of her. He then threw her over his shoulder like it was nothing then fumbled with something in the trees and then started climbing a rope. Straight up into the tree he went with her looking at a naked back. Now his back had muscles that seemed to bunch up with every move he made. He had the rope wrapped around his legs and it seemed he lifted with his legs and arms. Never had she ever seen a mans ass muscles bunch up like that. The fact that her bare ass was inches from his face finally came to focus but somehow with the view she had it didn't seem all that important.

Next thing she knew she was standing in what looked like a tree house made of leaves. How is that possible she wondered, then the wall just opened up and he stepped out on a ledge, wrapped another rope around is leg and they were flying. If it wasn't for the shoulder in her stomach making it so hard to breathe, she would have screamed. As it is all she saw was a naked ass flying while the ground flew by. It wasn't but a heartbeat or two and they stopped, and he set her down in another treehouse. This one didn't have as many leave and she could see it was lots of small limbs, like a raft. It had lots of vines growing all through it so that explained the leaves. You would never notice it from the ground. Unreal. Who and what is this guy? Before she could open her mouth to speak, he turned her and with a small push she found herself on a rope bridge?

They were up in the air; she had no way to judge how high, but she knew if she fell, she was dead. He patted her on the butt and gave he another light push. He expected her to just walk out on a rope bridge to who knows where? She sucked in a breath and was about to give him a piece of her mind when he said "Hush and walk, we still aren't safe. Sound carries and we have a way to go so move steady and keep a good grip on the side ropes."

As if he expected me to keep a loose grip! Not on her life was she letting loose of that rope. Each step she had to force herself to loosen her grip enough to slide it forward for the next step. Every time she slowed down, he would pat her on the butt and whisper, "You can do it, you can do it." Now didn't seem the time to mention to him that there was nothing she hated more than some guy patting her on the butt. Especially has hers was bare as a newborn and she could feel the heat of his hand with each touch. He must have been in a hurry because before she could scream, she was back to looking at his ass and he walked at a lot faster pace and barely touched the side ropes.

What was the deal with throwing her around like she was a child? As soon as she could breathe again, she was going to suggest a better way of traveling. Then they entered another treehouse. This time he knelt and told her to climb on his back. He told her to wrap her arms around his neck and cross her ankles in the front and hang on as if her life depended on it because it did. Then he started climbing another rope. She could feel the muscles in his back twitching back and forth with each pull of his arms. Her naked breasts were pressed hard into his back and each twitch was like an electric shock going through her.

She hated men touching her, touching her while she was naked was worse but somehow this was different. I guess it was difficult to think about raping her while climbing the ropes. She would wait and see what happened after they stopped in heaven or wherever they were going. What else was up this high in the sky?

Finally, they stopped in another treehouse and it seemed like he was at least breathing a little hard. Maybe he was human after all. She slid down his back, her breast feeling every inch and then she was free. Free a million miles up in the trees where a fall was death and no way could she climb down the rope. He unrolled what looked like animal skins and sat down. Gave her a look that said to do the same and then he just sat there and stared at her. She was lost, what was he waiting for?

"You have an hour to convince me to let you live. I suggest you get started" he said. She was lost, this guy who could fly from tree to tree and carry her up like a child on his back, was... what? He wasn't kind but then he never raised his voice or hit her other than the butt taps but that wasn't really mean just rude. Was he really that cold hearted? Would he really feed her to the hogs? Up here in the trees? Surely there weren't flying pigs up here? Her mind was too busy trying to figure out how they got to wherever they were. Did trees really grow this tall?

"Where are we" she asked, as if somehow that would help her come to grips with what ever this was. Did he really expect her to just lay down and be his fuck toy? Was this how he expected her to convince him to let her live? It was odd but she noticed that not once did he look at her body, just her eyes. He was staring into her eyes, as if he could see something in her head.

"Is where we are important? We are safe from anything on the ground and I've pulled the rope up so no one is going to climb up here. This is a safe place to talk, as long as you don't talk too loud you are safe." All this was said in a simple quite tone. "Why should I let you live?" No emotion, just that eye staring crap as if he could read the answer. "I'm not fucking you in order to live, I don't care if you throw me out of here, I will not be used like a piece of meat. You might as well ..." she was getting wound up, on a roll when he slowly put his fingers to her lips and said. "I don't know what this "fucking" means or using you like meat. I want to know if you are part of another group who wants to kill me, and what part do you play in this plan of theirs and your time is short so I would start talking."

He didn't know what fucking means? What world did this guy live in. That word was probably used in more sentences than any other word in the dictionary. How is it possible that he didn't know what it meant? But that isn't the point here, he thinks I'm here to kill him? "Listen buddy," she started talking, "I've been gang raped and beaten so many times I can't remember. All I know is I got the chance to get away when the scumbag went to sleep. I took his knife and slit his throat and ran. That was 3 days ago. If they manage to follow me it's not because I'm part of them it's because I don't know how to hide my tracks. If they find me, I'm dead, if I don't please you, I'm dead, if I try to climb back down this tree, I'm dead. Everything I do or don't do results in me being dead so how am I supposed to convince you otherwise? What is it with all you men who want to kill anything or anyone who doesn't do things your way?"

All this time he's staring in my eyes, like waiting for a sign. "And don't get me wrong, I appreciate you looking at my eyes instead of my tits but I'm naked running in the woods, how do you come to the conclusion that I want to kill you? He keeps his eyes on mine and says, "I'm naked, running around in the woods and I could easily kill you. And what are tits and why do I want to look at them? I get more information from your eyes than your mouth. I'm waiting for the false signs, to let me know your intent."

Ok now he's trying to tell me he doesn't know what tits are. She may have to reconsider everything she thought she knew and the only way to do that is to start at the beginning. "OK, after the lights went out, the world went to shit. Money was useless, and the only way you got to eat was if you found some food. If you trusted anyone, they would stab you in the back and steal anything of value you had. You learned to stay away from anyone and to kill anyone who got too close. After a few years the population was down to nothing but the strong and the slaves. My family lived in the woods, on a farm so we had a garden and some chickens and cows. As long as we kept to ourselves, we got by, then they found us.

A random group of thugs walked up and before he could even turn around killed my father right there in the garden. My mom just sat down on the ground and stared. I think she knew how things were gonna be, so she just turned her mind off. They rushed to her and started tearing her clothes off, and she didn't resist, just stared at dad. When they were through with her, they cut her throat and started toward the house. My little sister and brother hid under the bed, but I picked up a knife from dads' room and went in the kitchen and attacked them. I was 11 or 12, not sure anymore. I didn't even scratch them, they thought it was funny. They toyed with me and after they had their fun, they packed up anything they wanted, including me, and then they burnt the house down. No matter how loud I screamed my brother and sister never ran out. I saved them and killed them all at the same time.

They used me as a slave for a few months and then when they needed something, they traded me to another group. That's been my life for the last 10 years or so, passed around from group to group. A slave for whom ever had me at the time. That's the world out there, that's the real world. Not a world of tree houses and magic ropes. So no, I have no reason to kill you, or anything other than run. I have no idea where I will ever be safe, but I am sick of being a slave and I will not go back alive. I'm guessing I'm around 20 years old or so and I've not seen a or even heard of a nice or fair person. Free people do nothing but steal and kill and slaves are so desperate to be free they will sell you out for a promise."

He was watching my eyes. That's nice and all but come on the girls are just a few inches down and he was a guy, what's the deal? Its not like she wanted him to look but the fact he didn't confused her. Then his look faded, like he was searching for a memory.

He spoke softly, "My family has lived here all my life. My fathers father built this place. Tall fences kept the animals in, and we all lived here. I had 3 aunts and 5 brothers and sisters. We didn't notice when the power went out, we didn't use it. Everything we needed we grew in gardens or we hunted. The first we heard was when a group cut the fence and came in, gramps killed them and fixed the fence. Later it happened again but this time they killed gramps. Pop managed to put them all down and again fixed the fence but after that we all started carrying our bows with us everywhere. No matter if we were in the houses or garden or swimming in the lake, we always kept our bows close.

But that wasn't enough, the next group that came was a woman and three girls. The girls were about my age, they had no weapons and they were starving. Pops and my aunts fed them and fixed a place in one of the houses for them and we added them to the family. Then one day while we were all eating lunch some guys came for them. The woman had a knife in her hand, and she stabbed pop in the back and the girls all pulled knives from somewhere and before anyone knew it everyone was dead or dying. My aunts fought back and had I not shown up from the woods they would have all died. As it was, I had my bow and I started shooting them, the men, the woman, the girls, if I could see them, I shot them.

The woman and the girls were sent to lull us into not being alert, I was late getting in from whatever chore I was doing, or we would have all died. One of my sisters lived a few months and one aunt lived maybe a year. I had to take care of her, she never got out of bed. I was 10 or so. I've learned one thing in this world, if you see someone kill them before they kill you. I have killed untold number of people. If they come on my land, I kill them. I have never met a stranger that wasn't trying to kill me. Now you come running in with nothing but a small knife and a story. Why should I take a chance with you? Why should I go against every instinct this world has taught me and let you live? You told a good story; I even think it was the truth, but I don't trust anyone. Beautiful naked woman or not."

He thinks I'm beautiful. I know he's talking about killing me and all I got out of it was he thought I was beautiful. She was confused, she had no answer to his questions, and thought, I wouldn't trust me either, in fact I don't trust him or at least she didn't think she did. "Well" she started, "you don't trust me, and I don't trust you so at least we are on equal ground. Is there any way for a compromise? I lost my knife so I'm no danger to you. And I'm sitting here naked in a treehouse with no way to escape so I have to trust you. He looked confused and said, "What does being naked have to do with it? I'm naked and that doesn't make me afraid of you? She just laughed and said, "As if I could rape you".

"Again, with the rape word, explain the word rape, using you as meat and fucking." He said with a straight face. She thought he was joking but after that eye thing, there might be something to that after all, she tried to answer him. "Rape is forcing someone to have sex, or fuck, which is a slang term for the same thing. Using me as meat is basically the same thing. I'm just a piece of meat for you to pound on."

"Sex" he said, "mating, breeding. Are you in heat? I don't smell anything. How was I supposed to know?"

"I'm not in heat, I don't ever go in heat, that's what animals do, humans do it any time they want. They don't rely on a mating cycle. Men tend to always be in heat, they want to jump on anything and anyone when ever they get the chance. Raping a woman doesn't mean she is in heat; it means the man is well basically a man. He sees a woman and thinks I want to fuck that, so he does. In humans the man is the one in heat and it seems like it's a daily occurrence. I'm the only one in danger here, you could look at my ass and decide you want some and then grab me by the hair and throw me on the ground and have at it." She was on a roll and ready to keep it coming when he put his hand up and softly say,

"So humans don't go into heat? How is the male supposed to know the female wants to breed? What does your ass have to do with us mating? Am I supposed to grab your hair to show I want to mate? And you mentioned tits earlier, what are they and how do they play into the whole breeding thing?"

Before he could ask anymore of his crazy questions she started laughing, cutting him off. "This is getting crazy" she said, cupping her girls in her hands she gave them a little wiggle and continued. "These are tits, and most men go crazy to get their hands on them." Then standing she turned her ass to him and said, "and some men feel the same way about asses."

He again got a far away look in his eye, then said "I used to swim and bathe with my brother and sisters and aunts and pops and not once did I notice anyone ever paying any special attention to anyone's tits or ass. None of us wore clothes much, depends on what we were doing. If it was cold, we put them on to stay warm but other than that they just got dirty and they were hard to clean so why bother. When the strangers came, they were always wearing clothes, but I never noticed. Now that I'm thinking about it, I do remember the strange woman and her girls always looking at us funny."