The Twelve Tables Ch. 09


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"Want to let me in on what that was about?" Romey turned a suspicious eye on Peri.

"I think it's one of those cases where what you don't know can't hurt you," she considered her words then added, "Or what you don't know you can't divulge." Then she shook her head. "let's just agree not to talk about it."

"Yeah, I am not sure that's going to work for me," he chuckled. "I like to know when my wife is involved in any of the Christmas shenanigans."

"Maybe you should catch up to her and ask her," Peri felt like she had entered a new minefield. "I thought she was just lovely because I was so nervous."

"No need I've got the next best thing just over there," he pointed to Bianca and Jules. "Juliette," he called loudly only to have his twin turn and scowl at him. "Give me your wife for a few minutes."

"You've never asked before," he narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Yeah but I'm too lazy to get up and fetch her myself right now, send her over would ya?" Romey chuckled.

"I was just heading to bed, some of us have children who will be up at first light," Bianca rolled her eyes at them both and wandered over to where Romey and Peri sat closely followed by Josh.

"Josh you were amazing," Peri said standing up to hug him. "I never knew you could sing like that."

"I could say the say the same about you," he chuckled.

"It seems Carmen was very grateful that Peri had sung," Romey looked at Bianca with a cocked eyebrow. "Any idea why that would be before I call shenanigans and let my brothers in on my suspicions."

"I might know something," Bianca said guardedly looking at Peri worriedly. "What did she say exactly.

"She might have mention that Ang didn't look happy with Peri's performance," Romey said quietly, and Josh took a seat leaning into the conversation pulling Peri down onto the seat beside him.

"Okay, in a nutshell, we found out about Ang's plan to ask Peri up on stage, he didn't think she would agree because she always seems so quiet and shy. He thought if he teased her Josh might get mad enough to declare war and then it would be a prank battle all holidays as usual. So we helped Peri out and told her how much it would mean to us if that didn't happen," Bianca whispered. "He always singles one of you out, this year it's your turn," she patted Josh's shoulder.

"So you and Carmen did this," Romey was not finished with his interrogation. "Just the two of you?" When Bianca nodded slowly pursing her lips. "I see, I have just one more question then, how did you find out what he planned to do?"

"It's bad enough being married to a lawyer but having to deal with you as well is just painful," she groaned. "I'm not on trial here am I?"

"Tell me, Peri, would you have gotten up and sung if the girl's hadn't come to you with their story and asked you to help them thwart a terrible scheme?" Romey asked still talking quietly and seeing Bianca balk at being questioned further turned his attention to Peri.

"I don't know, I probably wouldn't have gone up there so easily," she admitted, "But Josh was getting ready to argue for me, so probably."

"Rosanna," Josh began to laugh. "Always mothering people and making things run smoothly. You all thought Peri was too shy to go up just because you asked. So Rosanna fed all of you a story to make it happen. Ang wouldn't target one of you, girls, to get at us."

"Especially after he took my son and Carmen was so distraught we thought she was having a breakdown," Romey said seriously. "You got played Bianca, and Ang got what he wanted all along." He chuckled then transforming his serious face into one of happy laughter.

"All Hail, Rosanna," Romey called loudly and lifted his glass in her direction.

"Don't tell Carmen," Bianca groaned. "She was so happy to be getting her payback I think she could almost forgive Angelo this Christmas."

"So you worked it out huh?" Angelo said as he and Rosanna came to sit with them. "You lose points for that you know," he told his wife.

"Totally worth it, did you see her up there?" Rosanna laughed. "All of you men had your tongues hanging out."

"They're arguing over who has dibs on your girl when you fail to produce a ring," Angelo teased Josh. "I think Pete has the edge at the moment because he met her before anyone else but Dante's playing the sad story card so its close. Carlo is just waiting to see who wins that argument before taking on the winner. If you ask me I think Lio is the dark horse he hasn't said anything yet but you know how he hates conflict, so he will probably just do a Bradbury and be the last man standing."

"She already said yes," Josh said as if that ended the whole debate.

"If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it," Angelo held up his hand waving it in a poor imitation of Beyonce.

"I'll do it when I'm ready," Josh said with an enigmatic smile reaching out to take Peri's hand. "She knows how I feel. She doesn't need the ring to prove it."


Christmas Day saw the family all wake early, or in the case of some of the men, just shower and change early after staying up all night, and gathered for a big breakfast in the room that had housed all of the gift baskets for the festival. It seemed to Peri that the household staff had multiplied as the family's every wish was seen to. Then to the merriment of the children they were allowed outside to the tree where over fifty stockings hung around the base of the big tree.

The stockings were gifts from Joseph and Antonia and held all manner of things from tickets for holidays, jewellery or technology for the adults to the reins of a new pony or keys to a motorised toy car among other things for the children. Peri smiled as she found a stocking beside Josh's with her name embroidered carefully on it.

"I didn't expect to be treated so much as part of the family," she whispered to Josh.

"The moment you agreed to come here you became part of the family, it just your choice whether to stay or not," he kissed her. "I am so very glad you are here for all of this. It's the best part of having a big family at Christmas," he smiled and looked around at his siblings and parents who all laughed and played together. "Being here with you just makes it even more fantastic," he took a small box from his pocket and got down on one knee. "Peri, will you marry me and be part of this craziness every year?" He flipped open the lip of the box to display a stunning teardrop diamond solitaire.

"You had me at craziness," she laughed and nodded. "I want nothing more than to marry you." He slipped the ring on her finger before standing again and taking her in his arms.

"Shit I owe Ben another twenty," Carlo said from nearby. "I can't believe you went for cheesy." He shook his head in disgust at his little brother. "Alright round two city chick," he pulled her from Josh's arms and dipped her back kissing her passionately. Letting her up he winked and chuckled, "See I did teach him everything he knows." With that, he sauntered off toward Ben and his family.

Peri stood stunned, and chuckling Josh took her hand and led her to where his parents stood to watch the chaos of their family unfold. Antonia wept and hugged them both tightly while Joseph in a rare display of warmth kissed her on both cheeks and congratulated his son on his fine choice of a wife with a manly embrace patting him on the back.

Once everyone had congratulated them and people started moving away from the tree, Peri and Josh stole away to her room together to find some quiet time and rest. Exhausted they fell onto the bed and snuggled together despite the heat of the day. While Peri had come inside to snatch some sleep at about three that morning, Josh had stayed up all night with his brothers and fell asleep almost instantly as they lay entwined together.

Despite having called her mother earlier that morning, she was bursting to tell someone about her engagement and slipped from the bed and Josh's arms. She sat by the large window willing a breeze to come through and took a photo of her hand with the ring sparkling in the sunlight. Then she texted Andie, "Guess what I got for Christmas?"

Disappointed not to get an immediate response she put her phone on silent and moved back to the bed and her future husband. Laying back down beside him, she was surprised when he wrapped an arm around her and gathered her into his body. "She's probably just busy unwrapping presents herself," he murmured his voice heavy with sleep.

It was a few hours later she woke hearing Josh speaking on his phone. She was surprised she had slept so long and she sat up to look at him.

"Yeah, we'll just get dressed and come down," Josh said his voice heavy with sleep. He threw the phone back toward the bed and ran his hand through his hair. "Come on lazy bones," Josh pulled her from the bed and wrapped his arms around her picking her up and carrying her to the shower.

"No taking advantage of me," he warned as he stripped off his boxers making her laugh as she too removed her underwear. "Or we could end up with Carlo in here proving he taught me everything I know about women again."

"That was some kiss this morning," she teased. "maybe I chose the wrong brother."

He growled and smacked her bare ass cheeks pushing her gently into the shower ahead of him. They kissed while soaping each other all over trying not to get carried away until Josh growled, "Fuck it," and pinned her to the shower wall lifting her leg over his hip. Bending his knees, he entered her thrusting up without any further foreplay.

Peri clung to him as she balanced on the toes of one foot, rising to the need of not being able to share the harsh passionate encounters she had come to expect and revel in. She longed for the feel of his power when he bound her and teased with a controlled balance of pain and pleasure. She rocked her hips to each of his thrusts wanting more, wanting the pleasure she knew he could give her.

She felt his hand wrap around her throat as he kissed her and groaned, not holding back his climax and willing her to come with him in his urgency. While none of their trysts here on the farm had brought her to heights of what he did for her at home in the city, she quivered as the small ripples of her climax washed over her.

"I warned you about taking advantage of me," he said breathlessly leaning into her and allowing her to lower her leg. "Now we have to hurry," he gave a crooked smile as he spoke.

"Maybe we'd be faster if I didn't pin you to the wall like this," she laughed.

"But not nearly as much fun," he murmured pressing up against her even more. He kissed her before moving to finish washing and leaving her to rinse off as he dried himself and dressed.

Peri chose a skirt and top combination unsure of what to expect during the afternoon and early Christmas dinner. It wasn't until they were leaving the room that she checked her phone again and realised that she had several Missed calls and messages from Andie.

"Call her back," Josh said with a smile, "I'll meet you downstairs." He kissed her and left the room.

"Thank you, I won't be long," Peri promised with a smile. She needed to tell someone and squeal with excitement. This morning it was a slight anticlimax because everyone knew that they had already discussed their engagement, and it was only the appearance of the ring that made it different to them. They had already accepted her as part of the family which was fabulous but robbed her of the gushing congratulation and a million questions about how it all happened she got from Andie.

By the time she hung up she was beyond excited about planning a wedding and shopping with Andie. Even to her own mind, she knew that was an odd thought. As little as three months ago the last thing she ever wanted to do was go shopping with Andie and get her advice on anything fashion related. She went downstairs grinning like a Cheshire cat and admiring the shining diamond on her finger.

She wandered about the house not sure where she was going until she found a young woman who showed her to a large glass-roofed conservatory. The air conditioning kept it cool while the glass ceiling allowed the bright summer sun to filter into the room.

"Sit with me," Antonia called to her as she entered the room and looked around for Josh. "The boys are all out playing, so it will give us a chance to talk."

"Sure," Peri said with one last quick glance around at who else was in the room. Emily and Carmen sat on chaises reading magazines and talking quietly nearby. Rosanna and Bianca appeared to be dozing on comfortable couches enjoying the quiet reprieve from their husbands and children. None of the men were present, and she could see a few in the distance with several children through the large windows of the conservatory.

"It will be nice to have a new daughter, even better that you are not linked to any other table. I fear we are all becoming a little too close in our relationships," she laughed softly. "Joseph showed me your work on the family history. He's very impressed by you. In fact, you have made an impression on my whole family."

"Not always a good impression, I am afraid," Peri admitted quietly thinking of Nik and her absence from the family Christmas celebrations. "You must miss your daughter's when they can't be here for Christmas."

"From the time they were born I knew they would have to leave and be with their husband's family," Antonia smiled sadly. "I have spoken to them today, and they will come home for our big family celebration in April. It is Izabella I miss the most because she is so far from home, but I have eight sons and four new daughters, five now that Josh has brought you home." She said with genuine pleasure. "Who knows the other boys may one day find a girl to put up with them but I'm not going to hold my breath." This time, she let out a full throaty laugh.

"Dante may surprise you," Bianca murmured not bothering to open her eyes. Peri looked up noticing the other women had been listening to the conversation. "I think he is seeing one of your friends isn't he Peri?" Her voice was sleepy.

"I'm not sure it's very serious," Peri said thinking about her friend Louisa. "Louisa hasn't said anything to me about him. You never know though I have been a bit wrapped up in my life recently to notice much else."

"He's been in a better mood this holidays," Emily smiled. "Maybe he's finally getting over Cherry or whatever her name was and finding someone new to obsess over."

"Perhaps," Antonia mused but seemed to dismiss the mention of Louisa, not probing for more information. "My boys come from a long line of men who want only the best in life. Some are lucky to find it early, others will search and never find what they seek. Our history shows that," she smiled and picked up the book Peri had created on the founding table of this family. I would love to see one created for the Farnese table. I am sure Pierre Luigi was the most colourful and flamboyant of the original men."

"He was the illegitimate son of a Pope, wasn't he?" Peri asked remembering that she had been tempted to look into his life further when she had come across that snippet of information.

"Yes, so you have looked at that table?" Antonia seemed happy that Peri knew who the man was.

"Only enough to create the very first table, I haven't looked into his life much yet, but I imagine that each of the original men will deserve their own book as Giambattista did," She explained.

"My thoughts exactly," Antonia enthused. "I'm a bit of a history buff myself perhaps I could help, particularly with that table."

"I would like that," Peri agreed happily.

A woman came to the door and quietly waited before Antonia acknowledged her. She announced the time with a curtsy and left. The women all got up and started to move towards the door, as a siren sounded loudly through the house and out into the surrounding grounds. Peri followed the women through the house to the front yard where the Christmas tree stood proudly, the debris of the morning having been cleared away and the nannies stood to wait for their charges amongst a lavish picnic of childhood favourites.

Peri laughed as the competitive men raced with the children and each other for the picnic tables. She was surprised to see Joseph with the noisy group of men and children and smiled seeing how the children all gathered around him before letting him leave to walk up the stairs to where they all stood.

"I will be down shortly, make sure the boys clean-up for dinner," he kissed his wife's cheek and moved into the house. One by one they followed their fathers lead and left their children to enter the house, and the women moved down to where the children still laughed and called out to each other. Peri hadn't got to know any of the children aside of BJ, so she stood back and watched as the mothers all chatted with their children quietly and kissed them all before returning to the house full of smiles and Christmas cheer.

The Christmas dinner was very traditional, and the family seemed to be quieter and more respectful in the formal dining room. The chatter was polite and quiet as they ate a six-course meal ending with strong coffee which Peri could see was sorely needed as the men began to wind down from having little to no sleep the night before.

The adults barely stayed an hour after dinner before beginning to turn in for the night promising to be up early for boxing day. Having eaten way too much and having drunk too much of the wine served with each course Peri herself was starting to fade despite the sleep she had managed to get both the night before and the afternoon. Once again she and Josh fell into bed and curled around each other finding sleep quickly.


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Lido_77Lido_77over 3 years ago

I really wish that there was more sex in these stories...they’re great and all but that’s something that is sorely missing here. There’s way too much buildup and no release! Two lines of a quickie just doesn’t work for me. I keep waiting and waiting for some huge bdsm party and then it’s just more and more family history...boring

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
too bad

I am in complete agreement with the "02/29/16" comment. I was looking forward to some sort of confrontation, and in the beginning of the chapter it seemed like Josh or his mother were actually acknowledging that it was not quite routine for the father to personally participate in the trial of Peri, but then Josh dropped the ball by choosing to ignore the ickiness and shadiness of his father using his future wife for his own pleasure, and the mother in the end was pathetic in drawing a conclusion that she is actually happy that her husband is like this. This is seriously disgusting. There is just no legitimate reason for such in-law sex...

AlwaysyoursaloineAlwaysyoursaloineabout 8 years ago
Please continue the story.... I love the new chapters!!!

I am so happy you have added new chapters to the story. This keeps getting more exciting and draws us in. Can't wait to see what's next!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON.

PS... Maybe a side story for Peri's mom Ande

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A boy growing into a man

This was a very important chapter. Ellie give us an opportunity to reflect on the fact that this story is a coming of age story for both Peri and Josh. For Josh it's about coming a man. Ok we know he takes the lead in his and Peri's relationship but that doesn't make him a man. Not in his parents eyes, not in his siblings eyes, not even in his own eyes. But maybe after this chapter that might start changing.

In the Bella saga all the men had their dominant roles well established from page 1. But in this story everyone has done that except Josh. In the early chapters of this tale Josh kowtows to everyone, especially his sister. Even in the first paragraphs of the chapter, Josh only grinds his teeth but never shows them. This is followed by his mother being openly pleased that her husband Joe will be teaching Peri the "carnal arts". Denoting that his own Mother knows that Josh is not enough of a man yet for this task and that it (as a benefit to her) will put a spring in Joe's step once again.

Next Josh tries claiming Peri with the word "mine" and merely a kiss. A kiss in which later Peri notes is not as good as the one his brother gives her right after the engagement announcement - while Josh stood idly bye letting it happen. We learn that Josh when younger needed to often step away from the family and hide in a tree house. That he sings sweetly in the family choir. He is seen by everyone close to him as the youngster, a boy...BUT...maybe things for Josh might start changing.

Because in this chapter, his father finally starts "hoping" that Josh might be starting to become the man that he always hoped he could be - not my words - Ellie's - yes two hopes in one sentence from his father of all people. So I have have to believe the boy is going to transform. And more importantly, Peri is going to grow in so many ways in the next three months that Josh will have a choice to make very soon - to become the man he needs to become for himself, and for Peri - or to get out of the way and let Peri live the life she needs without him.

I also wonder if Josh will, or should, become the man his father wants him to become. That choice sounds like it carries more concerns and seems far more ominous.

MC47MC47over 8 years ago
can't wait to see what's next

interesting twist, I like the father of the family, except when he plays with Joshua's nerves when he enters and is looking for his girl, but I understand that if Joshua had just sat his ass down ... the twists and turns and how Peri just went up and started helping, i think i was waiting to see if she would talk to Antonia about what happened, but i guess maybe it isn't open to discussion... kind of surprised at Antonia's feelings, but then again, she's from a family of the tables, she was raised to be the woman she is, so it is expected. the fathers explanation of sex with others as opposed to sex with the one you love was very interesting to me.

Again love how this story keeps you waiting for more and how all the family got together (well most) and how the men actually play with their children and seem human.

Thank you again for another great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I'm really torn.

I'm not a BDSM fan. I get it; many people are, and to be honest, I've read some that I've liked. But if this had been labeled 'BDSM', I never would have clicked on it. That said...

I'm having real problems seeing Papa as anything but a sexual predator. Making a shy girl who he'd just met blow him... And swallow...just to prove he's #1? But somehow he loves his family and wants what is best for them... As he throws his daughters away like soiled tissue?

Seems like a bridge much too far to ever make me not hope for his death.

If the final answer is that all of her abuse is meaningless because she gets to be part of this 'wonderful' family, I will be quite sick.

Ellienora35Ellienora35over 8 years ago

I hope the last chapter was foreshadowing because this one didn't really a dress the issues. I liked that they talked about it, but I have a feeling Josh won't end up being as OK with it in the long run.

On the other hand, the Karaoke scene was awesome. Good job.

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