The Twins Take Over Ch. 10


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Rhys' hands were in her long red hair, the silky tresses flowing through his fingers like water. "I can't believe how much I've missed you little one. But I promise, you will be with me every moment from now on." His hands touched her face as her pale green eyes looking lovingly at him. He could feel the panther close. She wanted to take over, his wolf felt it. His lips couldn't stop their exploration of her face. It was like he needed to taste every part of her he could touch to be sure nothing had changed. Something was different, his wolf could sense it, but he didn't know what.

Jenna watched her friend close the distance to her mate. Jenna looked longingly at Alistair as they both walked with purpose towards each other. But she was much more reserved in her approach. She reached the tall white haired Were and stood silent, gazing into his eyes. His hand touched her face and she closed her hand over his. They stood like that for a long moment before he bent down to tenderly and softly kiss her lips.

Alistair was simply amazed at the feelings he got just from brushing his lips against hers. Being this close to her was torture. He and his wolf were ready to shift and plunge into her but this was not the time or the place. He pulled her close and inhaled deeply, her scent of peaches and magnolia was intoxicating. He hugged her tight, whispering into her ear, "I've missed you my love." He felt her body melt into his.

The women watching from the tarmac were entranced by the two pairs who practically were melting into each other. It was obvious they couldn't get enough of each other, and each of them wanted a chance at that for themselves. They saw the people coming from the bus that must be from the Jensen Pack. There were two women, one small with kind of mousy brown hair, the other much taller with long black hair. They were both beautiful of course, like every Werewolf female they'd ever seen. They wondered if the taller was the Alpha Bitch. They also saw the hunk that was driving.

Melissa was licking her lips as she watched the tall male with broad shoulders and black hair get out of the bus, but pouted when she saw him wrap his arms around the tall woman standing near the bus. He was nuzzling her neck. It was obvious they were mates. Well there would be more at the pack, and she knew they'd all be dreamboats. She hoped hers would be waiting for her.

Melissa watched as the Jensen females approached them, smiling. She noticed the taller female was walking a little behind the other. So the smaller of the two was the Alpha Bitch. Guess not all packs are the same. The Alpha was more the size of the Omegas at the Baxter pack.

"Hello ladies, welcome to the Jensen Pack. My name is Anneke Jensen, and I am the new Alpha Bitch. This is my second, Delilah, and our bus driver is her mate Viktor. We are so grateful to you for coming here, and we truly hope you find your mates within our pack. She saw the smiling but nervous faces staring back at her. It was a very diverse group, all colors of hair, all heights, all builds. She did notice they all appeared a little older than she'd expected. Most Werewolves seemed to stop aging in their mid thirties and even one that is several hundred years old will appear no older than thirty five. Some of these women looked about fifty or so. Not that it was bad. Just not expected.

Alistair had to force himself away from Jenna. It took every bit of his strength to pull his wolf away. She smiled as he walked away and took the opportunity to join the women and meet the Alpha Bitch.

Alistair walked into the group of Council Members. "Xylon, do you have everything?" Xylon was going to research the panthers' special abilities and had samples of Rebecca and Danielle's saliva, as well as the remains of Rolf's arm that had been eaten away by the panther's bite.

"Yes, but I would like a quick sample from Jenna and Katy before I leave. I can get a sample from Tracy when we get back, that is if she and Konstantin are still there."

"They're still there. The Europeans won't be leaving for a little while. There's still too much going on here." Alistair smiled, a lot was still going on.

Xylon collected his samples and he and the other Council Members said their good-byes and boarded the plane for the trip back to Nevada.

The Baxter Betas were going to be happy to get home. Cole and James had new mates to attend to, Brett's was pregnant and emotional, two days gone was more than enough for them. They quickly greeted the females and wished them luck. If they found their mate, they'd be staying. The rest would return to the Baxter Pack until they had a chance to try again. Cole wasn't really happy about Carr staying behind. But he was going to help Axel for a few more days before coming home. He'd sent a long letter to be delivered to Lee. Carr never did like computers for communicating with his mate. He thought a letter was much more personal, nineteenth century sensibilities. Cole would keep the letter safe and deliver it as ordered.


The Bus pulled into the Compound and the women stared out of the windows. It was obvious there were only mated pairs waiting for them. They understood why. Oh, wait a minute, who was the guy standing on the porch? Talk about mouth watering. They wouldn't have left an unmated male to meet them now would they? His hair was different, black, but with another color running through it. And his body, every one of the women would love to feel that muscular chest. It was perfectly outlined under his tight t shirt. One thing about Werewolves, the men loved showing off their muscles.

They watched as one as Anneke got off the bus and ran into the arms of the male on the porch. Oh, the Alpha, that's who he is. Oh well. So far, the two Jensen pack males they'd seen were gorgeous so they were sure the others would be too.

Anneke saw the looks of disappointment when she glanced back to the bus. She giggled. "They were hoping you were one of their prospects."

"Glad I'm already taken. I have the most amazing mate that I ever could have hoped for." He dropped his head to her neck and reveled in her scent, rosemary and ginger. He couldn't get enough, but he had to greet their guests and pulled his wolf away. His wolf growled at the interruption.

Hand in hand, the Alpha pair returned to the bus as the women got out and looked around at their potential new home. "Ladies, welcome to the Jensen Pack. My name is Axel, you've already met my mate, Anneke. We're hopeful that you will find mates in our pack and become a part of our family." He and Anneke were really praying their Betas and Omegas would find mates. It could mean the survival of their pack. "We'll let you relax for a bit and when you're ready," He looked from face to face and gave a devilish grin. "let the games begin."

Some of the women giggled, some blushed. But all of them were excited. Their lives could take a major turn here. The years of feeling different would be over, they'd belong somewhere for the first time in their lives.

Melissa was determined to find her mate here.

They made their way into the dining hall. Anneke and Delilah had transformed it into a party atmosphere. The long tables and straight backed chairs had been removed and replaced with comfortable couches and it almost looked like a lounge. There were areas that were a little apart so if there was a connection, the couple could move away for a few minutes to talk before making the decision that the female would stay as his mate.

In the mean time, Jenna and Katy took the time to meet with Rebecca and Danielle and welcome them into their new Werepanther sisterhood. Katy was ecstatic. She and Rebecca had been close for so long, and she'd been worried about their bond being broken. Now it was stronger, especially since the panthers seemed to share a bond of communication like they did with their mates. Jenna and Katy had felt it as soon as the plane had been close enough but they didn't want to startle the two women. They didn't know about the bonds, they hadn't been present at the full moon when they had discovered it.

The women sat around on the couches, chatting with each other and their friends who had been turned into panthers. But they didn't want to know what it was like to be a panther. They wanted to know what it was like to have sex with a wolf. Carr and Axel watched from the far side of the room, seeing some of the women's faces blush crimson. Carr leaned in close. "The one who's red from head to toe is Fawn. She's the quietest and lives up to her name in more ways than one." Axel had a questioning look on his face. "Her hair is the color of a fawn, she has a deer in the headlights look when she's scared, and she's fast on her feet."

Axel laughed. They all seemed like they'd be an asset to his pack. Anyone who brought cubs to the pack would be a Godsend.

Anneke moved to the center of the room. "Alright ladies. We'll be letting two males in at a time. Some are Betas, some Omegas. Their rank doesn't matter to us. We would like all of them to find mates if that is at all possible. I know you've spent a little time in a pack situation. And you're familiar with how Werewolves find their mates. So you know they'll want to be close to you. Some are more experienced with females than others so they will vary in their approaches. If you feel uncomfortable with someone who is making advances, let us know and we'll stop it immediately." She looked at the assembled women. She hoped most would be staying.

Rebecca glanced at Anneke for a moment, and after a nod of the Alpha's head began to speak. "Don't be afraid of anyone. The Alphas are here and will control anyone that might get too rambunctious. Have fun, relax, and most of all, find your mate." She smiled and turned to look for Trey. When their eyes met she couldn't help but join him along the wall, twining her arm through his and leaning into his strong body.

Some of the women followed her every movement. That's what they wanted. To find the love of their life. They all knew they wouldn't necessarily know, but he would. He'd smell their individual scent and that would be. But they had the right to refuse. What if they were repelled by him? What if he scared her to death?

Melissa looked at her friends, looked at Anneke and answered for all of them. "We're ready Ma'am." She smiled sweetly and sat down, trying to calm herself as much as her friends.

Axel smiled and went to the main door, opened it a bit, and let the first two males into the room. Niels entered the room with Oskar, an Omega who worked in the car pool. He had never really met a human female before.

Niels was nervous. The last time he'd been around what he thought was a human woman he'd made an ass out of himself by trying to sniff Rebecca's crotch. Before he moved on to the group of women, he walked up to Trey and Rebecca and stood silently for a moment. "I'd like to apologize for my behavior yesterday in the forest." He looked at both of them and then dropped his head. He really felt bad.

Carr raised an eyebrow when he heard the exchange. What had the Beta done? He watched Trey closely and knew it had to do with Rebecca. Whatever it was, he had a feeling Trey had wanted to kill him at the time. And since he hadn't since then, he knew they'd forgive him. But he'd have to hear the story later. It should be a good one.

Trey reached out a hand to the grey haired male and shook it. The apology was heartfelt it and they would accept it and have no hard feelings. "Accepted, now go find a mate."

Niels smiled at the two of them, bowed to his Alphas, and turned his attention to the women in front of him. His nose flared as he took in her scent. He smiled. She was here. Now which was she? Mmm, the smell of raspberry and coconut filled his brain. He could get drunk on it. But where was she? His eyes scanned the room, looking for her. He knew she wasn't to his right and the scent was strongest to his far left so he concentrated on the females seated at that side of the room.

Everyone in the room knew he had scented her. The women knew what to do next. The ones to the right and middle moved farther to the right so the group to the left could space out a little more and make it easier for him.

Niels weaved his way around the chairs until he stopped behind one and leaned down closer to take in her scent. It was her. He never thought he'd have a chance to find a mate. He walked around and knelt in front of her. He took in her grey eyes and light brown hair and reached out a hand to tenderly touch her hair, pulling a strand slowly through his fingers. She sat motionless. He couldn't get enough of her scent. He didn't know how he would handle it if she refused him. "My name is Niels. Would you like to talk for a bit?"

She took in a breath. He was everything she'd hoped for. He was tall, with strong features, beautiful blue eyes she could lose herself in, and a body that she couldn't wait to see and feel up close and personal. "I would love to talk with you. My name is Melissa." She took his hand and they walked to the side of the room to talk.

Oskar watched Niels find his mate and hoped he would be so lucky. But he wasn't so sure he knew what to do. But even if his human half didn't know, his wolf did. He sniffed the air. Yes, he smelled her. Now it was up to them to find her. Oskar tried to pin down where the scent of peach and ginger was coming from. He wasn't adept at finding the source as Niels had been.

The women could tell he was getting confused and moved away from each other so he could move between them. He smiled in thanks and slowly moved from woman to woman. He slowed and stopped beside one. She was tiny, smaller than the smallest Omega here. He didn't care, she was his. Her eyes were the same chocolate brown as his own, her hair the darkest brown he'd ever seen. He stuttered as he spoke. "My-my n-n-name is Oskar."

She looked up at him, amazed he'd stopped at her. He was smaller than most of the adult Werewolves she had met so far. But he still towered a foot taller than her five foot frame. "My name is Valerie." She said it so quietly if he hadn't had Were enhanced hearing it would have gone unnoticed. He held out his hand to her and she very lightly took hold and stood up. They walked to a corner of the room to talk. There was something about him that drew her. She knew she had found her mate. She would stay.

And so it went with every member of the Jensen Pack. Each found his mate to everyone's delight. The pairs ringed the room, trying to get as much privacy as possible so they could chat.

"Is that everyone? I count fifteen pairs." Jenna was so excited that all of the males had found potential mates.

"Actually, there's one more. I'd almost forgotten about him but he's on his way, kicking and screaming." Axel was smiling and could hear the protestations of the Doctor as he was dragged down the stairs.

"Doctor, it's the best thing for you. You've never had a mate. Trust me, you'll feel so much better after you find her. And then you won't put yourself in so much danger. You won't have any need to flirt with the females anymore, you'll have one of your own." Delilah had a firm grip on his arm as she pulled him along.

"I don't have time for a mate. I'll be delivering cubs constantly if the Alphas have their way. Delilah let me go."

"I have my orders Doctor, and so do you. Now go, find a mate." Delilah laughed as she pushed the Doctor through the doorway.

"Ah Doctor, nice of you to join us. Thought you could get away huh? Not on your life. This is an order from your Alpha. See if your mate is here. If you find her, your wolf won't let you leave her." Axel had a smirk on his face until Anneke elbowed him in the ribs.

"Really, I have too much to do between the hospital and the pack to..." His voice trailed off as he slowly turned. He'd caught her scent. With only seven women left it was much easier to pinpoint the correct one. He walked directly to her. She blushed immediately. He smiled, and not wanting to scare her he dropped to his knees. "I would never hurt you my dear, never. My name is Jordan." His hand moved slowly to her face. She shied away from him for a moment. He held his hand where it was until she remained still, and he carefully placed it on her face. Her skin was hot to his touch.

She whispered, "My name is Fawn. Are you going to be my mate?"

"I certainly hope so Fawn." He looked at her innocent face and was smitten. He would never let her go.


"Ladies thank you so much for coming. I'm sure your mates will find you soon. Have a safe trip home." Anneke hugged each of the women who hadn't been chosen as they got off the bus at the airport. She turned to Rebecca and Danielle and cried as she hugged them each tight. "I know we didn't know each other long, but I feel so close to you." She wiped her eyes as they did the same.

"We're only five hundred miles away. Besides, our friends are here, so we may show up on your doorstep to visit." Rebecca wiped the tears from her face.

Jenna said good-bye to Anneke and Katy as Alistair did the same with Axel, Rhys and Carr, who would be staying on for a couple more days.

Axel and Anneke stood arm in arm as the plane finished boarding and took off. Their pack had grown by sixteen in one day. Their chances were good now. If they all mated by the next full moon they could have cubs by fall.

The Jensen Pack was healthier already. Katy had sent her vision on to Carr. She saw them with many happy, healthy cubs in the near future. He watched the new Alphas. The pack was in good hands.


That's it for the Jensen Pack for now. I hope you enjoyed the first sequel. As you can tell, this chapter took much longer to get out. It's also much longer than my normal. So there's the trade off. So is faster better than longer? Let me know. And don't forget to vote :)


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Great sequel! The characters, their interactions, descriptions are fantastic! A great story. Congratulations to the author for her wonderful and creative story! The first story was very much enjoyed as well and I greatly look forward to future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I would most certainly be happy if you published.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 7 years ago
I am loving this series

This was a beautiful story of the Jensen pack and how everyone helped each other and the men found their mates with the women from the Baxter pack... now onto the next series

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I truly love your stories of the Jensen Pack. I would love to see more into there universe. I need some were pups in my life hahaha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Loved it!!

I didn't read them in the correct order, but such a great story. Keep up the good work.

cliuincliuinover 9 years ago

I loved this story !

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I love it wheres the next one. Bravo Bravo

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Loving your stories keep on writing!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I have read all of your stories!! Loved them all!! Please don't stop writing

erinjamisonerinjamisonover 11 years ago
Longer (Bigger) is always better :)

I loved Wolf's Pet and The Twins Take Over. I know this last chapter was an ending and so it was time to wrap it up but I kinda wished you had left a cliffhanger or a lot of unanswered questions where some would be answered in the next sequel or a spinoff. I think it was too convenient that sixteen couples were mated within a day and the space of an hour or so.

I for thought.

oneboobeeoneboobeealmost 12 years ago

Love this story!!!! I hope you write more about them!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

loved your story. hope you write more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Love it!

Loved the story. Hope it's revisited to show their progress later.

MoheekoMoheekoalmost 12 years ago
longer is better...

please, take the time needed to turn out longer chapters, this universe is so rich with life that the characters deserve all the time it takes

19Kitten1919Kitten19about 12 years ago
heck with everyone else!

You need to take the time you need to make your story just right. Heck with all the readers (including myself) who are highly impatient while waiting your next piece in this series. You should write first and foremost to please yourself. And you should be tickled pink that your stories have caught the attention of so many! Do your own thing in your own time and ignore the peer pressure, it leads to better stories.

(Im)Patiently waiting for more,


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