The Vampire Curse

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Halloween, perfect time for a vampire to lose her virginity.
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She ran her tongue over her pearly white fangs, her blood-red lips curling into a smile.

Perfect, she thought, for sucking the life out of someone.

It was Halloween and tonight was the night, Ari had decided, where she would lose her vampire's curse.

And by curse, she meant her virginity.

She'd travelled over from South Korea to attend college three months ago and she was still a virgin. She'd assumed she would just meet a guy in the course of college life and they would start dating and eventually, she would give herself to him. But it hadn't been that way.

She had been busy with classes and studying, and any free time she had seemed to be spent in the library preparing for the next class.

But tonight, she had a victim in mind.

Jimmy was a vampire hunter, which meant he wore a floppy hat, a duster jacket, and carried around a crucifix and a bottle of holy water (containing vodka, naturally).

All she had to do was to use her hypnotising vampire eyes (currently a demonic red thanks to the contact lenses) and lure him to somewhere private, where she could suck the life out of him.

She continued to check her outfit in the mirror, her blood-red lips contrasting perfectly with her pale skin, her fingers tipped with matching nails (stick-on, of course.)

Her outfit was perfect, all leather and lace. The main body of the outfit was a corset, lifting her small boobs and highlighting her thin waist.

It showed off her soft, smooth shoulders, her shoulder-length black hair, brushing them gently, the exposed flesh tempting to even the most seasoned of hunters. Around her neck ran a small black choker.

Her exposed arms were covered from wrist to elbows in an opaque, black lace.

Below the corset, her black dress puffed out in frills and layers, which ended at halfway up her thighs, exposing the edges of her stockings and the suspenders holding them up.

Completing the outfit was a pair of black, knee-high leather boots, with a thick black heel. She was five-three usually, but these lifted her up to five-five.

Yes, she thought, I am the seductress and tonight my prey will succumb, and hopefully, so will I.


The streets were wild. Children were running and screaming as they went door-to-door trick-or-treating, as gangs of older kids loitered with bags of eggs and toilet rolls, holding court on the identity of their next victim.

Then there was the college crowd, running around in costumes that varied from extravagant to no-cost.

She had felt sexy at first, but seeing everyone else in their costumes made her feel self-conscious.

Everywhere, it seemed, were sexy nurses, sexy cheerleaders, sexy sluts in nothing but expensive lingerie. Rubber skirts showing off ample assets, with tits, asses, all curves, all on display. Bright red stockings on beautifully toned legs, huge tits nearly bursting from their skimpy costumes.

Suddenly, she had started to think this was a terrible idea. How was she supposed to compete with these women, beautiful and sexy, and infinitely more experienced than herself?

No, this was a mistake.

She turned to leave and walking right behind her was Jimmy.

"Sorry," he said, nearly bumping into her, the brim of his oversized hat flopping about. "Oh hey, Ari, wow. Uh, sorry, I meant uh..." he continued to fumble for the words. "Yeah, sorry wow, it's just you look different. I mean in a good way different, not that you looked bad before. I mean, nice costume."

He was nervous with a tendency to ramble when he was flustered, and Ari liked that. A lot of people found it tiresome, but she thought it was cute.

"Thank you," she said, "you too". Truth be told, it wasn't particularly nice but she hadn't planned on having him wear it for very long.

"You going to the party?"

"Oh, uhh yes."

"Ok, cool, 'cause it seemed like you were going somewhere else?"

"Oh no," she said, "I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world."


She wished she was anywhere else in the world.

The party was awful. The music was loud, there were too many people, half of whom were already wasted, with half of them beyond that. No, this was not her idea of a good time.

Not that it mattered, she wasn't here to have fun, she was here on the hunt. Still, she was nervous and it was still early, so she went to the kitchen to get a drink, moving through the crowd to do so.

As she poured herself a drink, she noticed a few guys checking her out, and she couldn't help but feel just that little bit sexier. She was desirable, and she knew it. She just hoped Jimmy knew it too.

Still, the crowd itself was too much, so she stepped out into the garden. There, in the corner was a small group of people, including Jimmy.

"Hey Ari," he said, waving her over, "come join."

"You want some?" He asked, holding out his vape, as she approached. She had never smoked and didn't particularly care for the habit, but tonight was the night for first-times, so she thought, why not?

She took the device and he showed her how to use it, even though it was pretty simple. Press this button, put it in your mouth and suck. She could do that, no problem.

She took a little puff and exhaled, the smoke sickly sweet in her nostrils.

"Yeah, just like that," he said, approvingly. She took another toke, this time a big one, drawing the smoke down into her lungs and holding it, before finally releasing it in a slow steady stream.

"You're a natural," said one of the women of the group, whose costume seemed to comprise almost entirely of a dark blue rubber dress, a police badge, and cap. From the top of her stockings hung a pair of furry pink handcuffs and a billy club, which Ari was pretty sure was actually a rubber dildo.

Ari smiled and handed the vape back to Jimmy. She suddenly felt light-headed, the nicotine going straight to her head.

"Are you alright?" asked the woman, "you look a little pale."

"It's because I'm a vampire," she said, eliciting light laughter from the crowd. "But yes, maybe I need to sit down."

"Why don't you come over here? I think I saw a bench somewhere."

Jimmy led Ari from the group and around the corner, where, in a little clearing was a bench, where Ari sat.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I think I just smoked too much," she said. "It was my first time."

"Sorry, I didn't realise. I thought you had come out to smoke. I thought it was weird as I didn't think well, it didn't..."


"Well, it didn't seem like you."

What was that supposed to mean?

"I don't mean that you can't smoke, rather you seem, you know, too uhhh, sensible to smoke."

"I am not always sensible," she said, indignantly.

"I didn't mean that, sorry, I should go," and with that, he turned to leave.

"Wait," she said, and he turned on his heels. "Would you like to sit with me for a bit?"

"Sure," he said sitting at the far end of the bench, leaving a wide gap between them.

They sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"Good party," he said, desperate for something to say.

"Yes," she said, "but it is a little chilly."

"Do you want to go back inside?"

"Oh, no. You can just sit next to me and keep me warm." He looked at her, then down at the ground. "I mean, if you want."

"Yeah, sure," he said, shuffling over, closer, leaving a small space between them.

"You can come closer," she said, fixing her bright red eyes on him, "I don't bite, much." So, slipping under her spell, he moved up again, until their bodies were next to one another. "Perfect."

"So," he said, "what do you think of—?" She leaned in and kissed him, taking the initiative. The last thing she wanted was to get bogged down in some inane conversation. Plus, the nicotine and the drink she'd been working on had gone straight to her head (she was very much a lightweight when it came to alcohol).

He was clearly taken aback and she thought at first he was going to run for his life, but then he leaned into it, kissing her back, copying the movement of her lips, her tongue.

His hands ran along her back, across the tops of her shoulders, the back of her neck, all carefully, as if he didn't want to break her.

Don't worry, she thought, you won't break me.

Under the dress, she could feel herself getting wet already. Yes, tonight was going to be the night.

After a few minutes, she broke off the kiss. She looked at him and smiled. He seemed completely bewildered, his mouth smeared with her blood-red lipstick.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Uhh, yeah," he said. "Never better."

I bet, she thought.

"Would you like to go somewhere more private?"

"Sure," he said, seeming anything but.

"Maybe there's somewhere upstairs," she said. With that, they went back around the way they came until they saw the house.

They looked at the windows upstairs and realised it was no good. In one, she could see the top half of a blonde woman in profile, her tits hanging out of her cheerleader outfit, bouncing up and down, pom-poms in her hands. She wasn't sure if she was imagining it, but she was sure she was chanting,

"Give me a D. give me an I. Give me a... fucking break. Already, Brad?"

In the second window, there was nothing so modest. A woman, completely naked, had her face and tits pressed up against the glass, as some guy in a football helmet took her powerfully from behind.

She stood and watched the show, unable to think of what else to do.

"I might know a place," he said. "It might be quieter, and perfect for the season."

She looked at him and smiled.


He was right, it was perfect.

As they walked down the darkened path, lighted by nothing but the illumination of the full moon (a clear sign, she was sure), she knew she had made the right choice.

She could still hear the night's festivities, but they faded into the distance as they moved further along the path.

The gates had been locked, obviously, but it had been easy enough to jump the wall, with the help of Jimmy and an overgrown tree.

He had given her a lift up, and, she hoped, she had given him an eyeful of the dainty black panties that were barely covering her pussy.

Not that she needed much help, she had cleared the wall easily, having done gymnastics most of her life. She was very flexible, but no one here had had the opportunity to find out. Well, that might change after tonight.

Jimmy, by contrast, was no gymnast. Indeed, seeing him scramble over the top of the wall, she thought he looked more like a man being washed out to sea, far out of his depth. The thought was further cemented when he gracefully dismounted the wall by falling on his ass.

Lucky for him the grass was dry, but not solid. It had been a long, hot summer, apparently, and it had only recently rained. The soil, desperate for water, had soaked it up, revitalising the dying grass. But now it hadn't rained for a few days, so the soil was fresh, but not muddy.

"I'm alright," he said, dusting himself off, "my ass broke my fall."

She laughed at his ridiculousness and they began to walk.

Now, they were deep into the cemetery, nearing the far side, where all the old headstones, aged and faded and falling into disrepair, were situated. The people who had cared for these memorials, and the souls contained within, had long since passed over themselves, as likely had those who had cared for theirs.

It was quiet and they walked in silence. She felt wistful, as she always did in solemn places like these.

She had thought it would be spooky, scary, sexy, exciting. Instead, she found herself thinking about her life, about where she was going and what it all meant? She believed strongly in a world beyond this, or at least she wanted to. The idea that this was all there was filled her with sadness. She wanted more. More time, more lives, more experiences, more adventures. She wanted to experience everything, yet here she was, eighteen years of age, and she had barely experienced anything!

Well, tonight, she decided, that would change.

"I really like it here," said Jimmy, breaking the silence. "Sometimes I just come here to think." She looked at him, but he was staring into the distance as if he wasn't addressing her at all.

"What do you think about?" She asked, still looking at him.

"Oh, lots of things," he replied vaguely.

"Like?" She sensed he wanted to say something, but couldn't quite bring himself to do so.

"What it would be like to kiss you."

She felt her cheeks flush hot. It was a sweet thing to say, but she was irritated because, as everyone knows, vampires didn't blush.

"Well, now you don't have to imagine," she said, taking his hand and giving it a little squeeze.

"I guess not," he said. She could feel his palm sweating, the poor boy was clearly nervous.

"Would you like to not imagine kissing me again?" She asked, stopping, holding onto his hand and forcing him to face her.

"Very much so," he said, and they leaned in for the kiss.

Whilst the kiss on the bench had been slow and delicate, two people cautiously exploring one another for the first time, this one soon spiralled into some different, heavier, passionate, a desperate desire to embrace life and celebrate the joys of existence. Or maybe it was just hot as fuck.

Whatever the reason, she was really horny and she knew that tonight nothing would stop her from breaking the vampire's curse.

They stumbled across the grass, through the decaying tombstones, until they stumbled into the wall of an old tomb. Jimmy's back pressed into the stone, as Ari pressed her body into him, rubbing up against Jimmy's increasingly stone-like dick.

She felt it press against her leg and she moved her body gently up and down, teasing him.

He moaned and tried to move slightly, but she pinned him back, knocking the air out of his lungs. She had him where she wanted him and she wasn't going to let him go.

She felt his hands on her back, but she wanted more, reaching back to grab one wrist, pulling his hand down and slipping it up under her dress, so it was on her ass.

She went to repeat the action with the other hand, but he didn't need to be told twice, and suddenly both hands were gripping her asscheeks, the bare flash exposed by the skimpy panties.

They continued like this for several minutes, moaning and grinding, kissing and groping, until she broke off the kiss.

"Is everything alright?" He asked. She smiled widely, flashing her fangs and then leaned in and whispered in his ear,

"Do you want to fuck me?"

She thought he would cum there and then, the look on his face. That was all the answer she needed.

She took her vampire hunter by the hand and led him through the tombstones, until they found a clear spot under a tree.

"Here?" He said, seemingly unsure.

"It's perfect. Just lay your coat down." He slipped off his heavy duster jacket and lay it lengthways on the ground, for it was wider opened than it was tall.

She watched as the sweet boy tugged and straightened the edges, smoothing it perfectly for her.

"So...," he said, standing back up. She ran her hand over his cheek and kissed him gently, reaching down and giving his dick a gentle squeeze, before laying down on the jacket.

He lay down on top of her and she took off his oversized hat, tossing it to the side.

"Right, thanks," he said, and leaned in to kiss her.

There they lay for a few minutes, kissing and groping, her hands grabbing his ass through his jeans, but he never made any move to take it further.

So, once again, she broke off the kiss.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Oh no yeah, perfect," he stammered.

"We don't have to if you don't want to?"

"Oh no I do, I really do. It's just... I've never done this before."

She looked into his eyes and saw they were filled with pure terror at how she might react.

My poor boy, she thought, you're just as cursed as me.

She reached up and cupped his face gently, bringing hers up to kiss him softly.

"I think the first thing you want to do, Mr Vampire, Hunter is find my heart."

He looked at her confused, until she took his hand and slipped it under her dress, running it over her soaked panties.

She moaned at someone else's hand on her pussy for the first time and was desperate for him to go further.

Still, he rubbed her slowly, as they continued to kiss.

One step at a time, she thought. Don't want to scare my poor boy away.

But soon, she couldn't take it and moved his hand up and slipped it into her panties, his fingers slipping across her wet, virgin pussy. She moaned in his ear, and then bit his neck, sucking at the exposed flesh. His finger slipped down, parting her pussy lips, finding her entrance, circling gently, and she sucked harder on his neck, eager to leave her mark.

I'm so wet, she thought. It has to be now.

She moved her lips to his ear and whispered her hypnotic charm,

"Take my panties off, please."

He moved his hand off her pussy and then, slipping both hands under her dress, began to peel off the flimsy material. She lifted her ass to help slip them over and soon she was watching him slide them down her thighs, over her knees and down her legs. He struggled to get them over the heel of her boot, but they both laughed and he seemed to feel more comfortable.

He went to hand them to her, but she stopped him.

"Look at them," she said, looking him dead in the eye.

He unfolded the small panties and stared at the front of them, dumbfounded. For right on the pussy was a bright, red heart.

"Now it's time to stake me," she said. "Right in my heart." She ran her hand down and pulled up the front of her skirt, exposing her tight pussy for the first time.

She had prepared thoroughly, her pussy waxed, the small mound of public hair shaped into another heart, just in case he didn't get it the first time.

On his knees, he fumbled with his belt, but his hands no longer seemed to work, so she sat up, legs still spread, the evening air cool on her exposed pussy, and helped him. Within seconds, his jeans were unzipped and she was pulling them down his thighs.

She gazed at his virgin cock, already rock-hard the tip glistening with pre-cum in the moonlight.

She worked it slowly with her hand and he began to moan. She wondered what it would be like to suck it. But that was for another time.

She let go as he leaned forward and wriggled his jeans down below the knee and around his ankles.

He slid forwards, his stake hovering above her heart ready to penetrate. She pulled him forward, but he hesitated.

"I just remembered," he said, concern in his voice, "I didn't bring any protection."

"That's alright," she said, leaning into his ear, "vampires can't get pregnant."

And with that, she took his cock in her hand and guided him into her.

She was so fucking wet, but she was also tight. She had never been penetrated before and it was sore.

"Go slow,," she gasped, "I'm delicate."

With that he began slowly, very slowly, working his way into her, her hands now on his hips, guiding him back and forth, going a little deeper each time.

Soon, he was all the way in and she gasped. Her pussy was aching, but in a good way.

He began to move himself in and out of her, slowly, watching her face, checking her reactions to make sure he was ok.

Such a sweet boy, she thought. But now I need a man, a vampire hunter.

She was dripping wet and desperate for him. She reached around and grabbed his bare ass, digging her red, vampy nails into his flesh, and pulled him into her.

He moaned as the nails dug in, and she moaned as his dick slid into her, all the way in. He pulled his hip backwards, then slid back into her, repeating the process, his confidence building, and getting faster and faster as he went.