The Vassal Academy Ch. 04


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"That's why we're going to chain you up, to keep you nice and honest with your habit." Devon said. "If you work hard enough, if you try hard enough, we'll let you now and then."

Geneva shivered in anticipation. "Yes Master, thank you master."

"Give her a blue collar, and see if Mistress Rebecca has some time to get her started in Ballet. I think we're going to have a hard time teaching her not to march like a soldier." Devon said. "Dinner in the slave dining room, and then cleaning detail in the kitchen until lights out. Put her in slave training room number two." Devon said. "Chain her securely."

"Yes Master." Jeannette said.

"Take her clothes, and get the forms filled out." Devon said and then leaned back and watched Jeannette get Geneva up and moving. "She's too modest, make sure you take her clothes right away Jeannette."

"Yes Master." Jeannette said. _Geneva stopped and looked at Jeannette. "I'm too modest?"

"Yeah, but you'll get over it. Come one." Jeannette said.

Devon considered. Letting her do the paperwork to be member of the house staff now meant she could start Ballet after dinner, and then straight to bed. Chained of course, she was a horny thing, desperate to live out her fantasy, but that was fine. Devon made a note to himself to address her need to be humiliated and degraded.

Rebecca walked into the office, and took a moment to sniff the air. "Well, someone had a good time."

"Yeah, please have a seat." Devon said. "I'd use this chair, that one needs to be cleaned." Devon said gesturing to the seat on the right of his desk. "We have a new house slave." Devon said.

"I saw a half dressed girl, that her?"

"Yes, and she's a soldier, which means she marches, and has military posture not ballet grace."

"No problem, I'll take it. When do we start?"

"Paperwork now, then we'll do dinner, and then we're off and running. First class, ballet after dinner."

"Right, no problem." Rebecca said. "What happened in here? It smells like an orgy room."

"She masturbated to get in, and get it out of her system. She's a serial masturbator."

"Chains in the slave sleeping room?"

"Yeah, do it after your class, I'm going to give Jeannette and Diane the evening off." Devon said with a straight face.

"It's a lot different here Devon, a lot different." Rebecca said smiling and walking out.

Devon picked up the phone and notified Dominique that they had a medic on site.

Geneva spent an hour filling out forms and learning the basic hard limit rules. She smiled slightly as if relief when she read them. Apparently, they were things that she was afraid of. Geneva had called her aunt and told her the job she was interviewing for had worked out and they were excited and wanted her to start immediately.

Diane came in and looked at Geneva for a moment and then smiled saying. "Welcome home."

Geneva blinked for a second and then nodded. "Home, that's what this is isn't it?"

"Yeah, home. Where we work from sun up to sun down, and longer." Diane said. "If home is where the heart is, then my home is here."

Jeannette nodded and then glanced at her watch. "Come on Geneva, we'll show you where the slave dining room is. It's dinner time."

Geneva set her clothing aside and looked at it. She managed to cover herself as she walked through the hall and into the slave dining room. She sat and ate fast, her military training helping some there. She finished with Jeannette and Diane, and then put her tray back. She followed Jeannette to Ballet and arrived to find Mistress Rebecca sitting in a chair with a book.

"Mistress, this is House Slave Geneva." Jeannette said.

"Geneva, welcome to the Academy." Rebecca said waving her hand. "Let's jump right in, walk across the floor please."

Geneva walked across the floor and once she reached the far end she turned hesitantly and looked expectantly at Mistress Rebecca.

Rebecca was rubbing her temples with her fingers as though she suddenly had a major pain inside her skull. "Jeannette, please come here."

Jeannette approached and knelt beside Mistress. "Yes Mistress."

Rebecca pointed and Jeannette held her radio watch out to Mistress. Rebecca pushed the talk button. "Devon?"

The radio crackled and Devon's voice came out. "Yes Rebecca."

"This is going to require extreme measures Devon. I'm going to need her at least twice a day. She walks like a three legged ostrich with attention deficit disorder and a clubbed foot." Rebecca said.

"I assumed we'd be working hard on your subject. You have my complete faith."

Rebecca waved her hand and Jeannette stood. "Jeannette I'll put her to bed after class. I saw the note about chains to keep her from playing with her hungry little cunt."

Geneva had her head down and was humiliated beyond belief. Did everyone know about her masturbating?

Jeannette turned to go and Rebecca called after her. "Jeannette bring me the large cane please."

"Yes Mistress." Jeannette said and fetched the item, bringing it back to Mistress Rebecca.

"Now go, clean the kitchen, and take a look at Master Devon's office, it smelled like we were using it to breed animals."

"Yes Mistress." Jeannette said and left the room.

Geneva was standing alongside the wall and wondered how much more humiliating this could get. She was glowing bright red and almost ready to wet herself.

"Now girl, we have a lot of work to do here. First, stop covering yourself, You're a slave, on display for your master. By hiding things, you're saying that you don't want to give yourself to Master." Rebecca began rising from the chair and striding across the room.

Geneva tried to move her hand but they were shaky and she looked up pleading with her eyes for Mistress Rebecca to allow her some dignity.

"Step over here, let's teach you how to stand. If you don't manage to at least stand tonight, I'll be very angry." Rebecca said waving a hand.

As Rebecca began her first session with Geneva, Diane was cleaning the dishes and kitchen after dinner. Jeannette went to clean Master Devon's office. In a half hour, Jeannette walked into the kitchen and saw Diane putting away the last dish.

"Great, I'm done with Master Devon's office, the paperwork is filed and the kitchen is cleaned." Jeannette said looking around. "Mistress Rebecca said she'd see to Geneva and putting her to bed."

"So what else needs to be done?" Diane asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing that I know of." Jeannette said casually. I don't suppose you can think of something to do. Perhaps we could play a game in the day room. We have a couple board games, Monopoly and the like."

"Well I do need to get waxed." Diane said thinking. "Would you help me?"

"Sure, that's a great idea." Jeannette said. "I'll wax that little cunt of yours, and then you can wax mine."

"Orgasms? I'm not supposed to come without Master's permission you know." Diane said.

"With just us, you're free to come all you want." Jeannette said again. "And I'm free to be without clothes." She pulled her cotton slave shirt off and laid it on the foot of her bed as they headed towards the bathroom to take care of Diane's hair.

For the next hour, Jeannette waxed Diane's legs, and all her hair. Diane had tears in her eyes as the last of it was pulled out. Diane breathed shallowly and said. "OK, tell me about this laser thing again."

Jeannette smiled. "I'll speak to Master, perhaps we can do something along those lines."

Diane felt the familiar Sapphic pleasure of breast on breast as Jeannette hugged her and began to kiss her. "Master almost never kisses me, only when he's very happy with me."

"It's nice to be kissed now and then." Diane agreed and then her lips parted and her tongue flicked out to kiss Jeannette. They made out for several minutes, hands roaming, exploring the bodies of their partners. Then Jeannette brought Diane to her own room. Laying Diane on the bed she began to kiss her again and then working her way down Diane's neck.

Geneva was weeping openly. Tears running down her cheeks as she held her hands behind her head and received ten lashes for failing to keep doing something she was doing right the last three times.

Diane felt the talented tongue of Jeannette and blinked. "Oh. Oh that's nice." Diane had been in a lesbian relationship. She would have thought that she knew and had experienced the very best of oral arts from a woman. This however, was heaven. Diane began to caress her small breasts and pinching her nipples. "Oh God." Diane moaned and then felt a new trick. Her back arched reflexively as pleasure rippled out of her.

Jeannette knew her talents were extensive, she's been trained to pleasure a mistress as well as a master. She rarely got to uncork her tricks on someone, Mistress Rebecca rarely summoned her.

Diane's eyes had stars shooting across her vision as her hands gripped Jeannette's head. "Oh God, that's wonderful."

Devon was reading in his room and heard the distant sounds of passion from his first two slaves. He smiled and after a while rose and closed his door which he had left open a crack.

Geneva was trying to walk and stand as directed by Mistress Roberta. Finally after ten at night while Mistress Roberta's hair and shirt were damp from sweat at the effort of making Geneva walk and stand like a slave. Rebecca walked around Geneva who's body was liberally crossed with marks from the corrections and punishments. She looked up and down the girl who's eyes were red rimmed from crying and seemed to consider.

"Well, we've managed to get you to stand straight without trying to hide your god damn cunt." Roberta said. "My God girl, you act like that cunt is something special. Yours isn't any different."

Geneva nodded her head. "Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."

"We've made a decent start, of course, I expect your progress to evaporate tonight, while you sleep and dream of lacy clothing and sensitive men." Roberta said. "Isn't that what you want, Prince Charming to come and sweep you off your feet Slave?"

"No Mistress." Geneva said.

"No, what do you want then?"

"I want to be here. I've always wanted to be a slave." Geneva said. "I've wanted this since I read my first story about this."

"Then stop trying to hide that damn cunt. When you try to hide it from Master, it's telling Master you may not have it. It's telling Master that you're too good to give him your fucking cunt."

"Yes Mistress, I'll do better Mistress, I'll do it Mistress." Geneva said determination clear in her voice.

"Well, on your behalf, you've managed to survive your first day." Roberta seemed to soften slightly. "Well come on, let's get you to the bathroom and then we'll put you to bed slave."

Geneva followed Mistress up the stairs, and down the hallway to the slaves bathroom. She entered and then hesitated. Mistress Rebecca was waiting. "Um. Mistress, I don't think I can."

Rebecca's face grew hard. "Now you're going to tell me that slaves should be allowed to have modesty. What's next? A Union Representative perhaps? A shop steward to take your complaints to?" Rebecca waved and said. "Slave Geneva, you will have one chance to go, that is right now. If you don't go now, you won't be able to go until we release you in the morning. Unless you feel like pissing all over yourself tonight, you should hurry up."

Geneva lowered her head in shame as she sat on the toilet and just like for the drug tests in the army she managed to pee. She wiped herself and then washed her hands under the watchful eye of Mistress Rebecca.

As Rebecca walked to the closet to get the chains that were needed, Geneva wondered if perhaps if it was a mistake to do this. Mistress Rebecca connected her wrists together with heavy iron shackles and then connected that to her blue collar. "So slave, this will help you keep from playing with masters cunt. Apparently you think that cunt is there for your pleasure."

Geneva hung her head in shame. Unwilling to say anything.

"So our little slave is embarrassed?" Rebecca said softly leaning into Geneva's ear. "I doubt that, I bet she's horny as hell. I bet her little cunt is churning begging for attention. Tell me slave, aren't you a horny little slut?"

Geneva was just that. Her pussy was on fire with need. It wanted to be ravaged by these people, it wanted to have Devon plowing into her, and it wanted to have Mistress Rebecca's cane striping her back as she was fucked silly.

"Come now slave. I asked you a question? Are you afraid to answer me with the truth?" Rebecca said softly into Geneva's ear. "Perhaps I'll check for myself."

Geneva felt Mistress's hand move along her body to her sex and she bit her lip. As a finger parted her mons a low moan escaped her throat. Geneva couldn't reach down to protect herself, she was helpless, she was at their mercy, just like the stories, just like the fantasies.

"Oh, you are a horny little slut. That cunt is soaking wet, of course, I knew that from the drips running down your legs." Rebecca said mockingly. "It may be a month or more before that cunt gets any relief if you don't work harder in Ballet tomorrow, I'll see to it that when you do pass phase one, you'll be in a chastity belt for another month."

Geneva had tears of shame filling her eyes as she said softly. "Yes Mistress. I'll do better tomorrow, I'll do anything Mistress."

"I know you will, because this is what you are. A horny little slut, a slave girl who dreams of having her cunt, her ass, plundered by master. A little whore who wants to be ordered to lick cunts, suck cocks, and any other humiliation. There isn't anything you won't do, thankfully we do have limits. To keep us from doing those things that you won't even admit to yourself that you want." Rebecca said softly. "If you get through your training, and become a proper slave, I may take you for my own, to keep you asleep on my floor while I sleep. To lick my cunt, every night. I'll reward you by allowing you to masturbate on the end of the staff dining table during meals." Rebecca whispered softly.

Geneva gasped and was trembling, that was a true fantasy. "I'll do anything Mistress. Anything. I'll do whatever you ask of me Mistress."

Rebecca led her to the slave room. "Special orders for you slave, you're never allowed to close a door without master's permission. You are always on display until you learn that your body belongs to us. We didn't take it, you offered it to us." Rebecca chained her to the wall. "This will keep you from wondering about trying to find something you can rub that little cunt on. I don't want you to have any relief. I want you focused on passing phase one so you can finally have your desperately needed climax."

Geneva was twitching and lifted her eyes to Mistress, beseeching her with her gaze, pleading for just a little relief.

"Now go to sleep little slave, and we'll be along in the morning to let you shower, I'll make it easier on you. Cold water only, perhaps that will cool off that little cunt." Rebecca said slyly. "I'll whip some more grace into you tomorrow. Sleep well little slave."

Geneva watched her leave and saw the lights in the room go off. The door was wide open and she lay there sobbing in frustration. She wanted to come so badly. Mistress knew her so well. Master knew her so well, knew just what she wanted, just what she needed.

Rebecca knocked on Devon's door and entered on the order to come in. "I've put the little slut to bed. She's a hot one Devon, We may have to consider getting some additional slaves to keep up with her cunt."

"Let me guess, you left her twitching in frustration right?" Devon asked smiling.

"Oh yes, cold water showers promised, chained to the wall, her cunt on fire. She's in hell right now, but she'll be properly motivated to work harder tomorrow." Rebecca said turning back to the door. She exited his room and went to her own. She smiled slightly at the sounds of passion coming from down the hall. Jeannette and Diane were going at it something fierce all right.

Jeannette was leaning back moaning as Diane was licking her to a lovely orgasm. Diane had come four times before Jeannette had let her up. Fingers plunged into Jeannette's cunt and she came powerfully.

Diane came up and lay next to Jeannette and said. "I used to think was a lesbian, because my girlfriend controlled me and I loved it. I realized I was a slave, and was substituting her for a master."

"There's nothing like being the property of a Master." Jeannette agreed and settled back to sleep. "We've got a long day ahead, let's get some sleep."

Diane settled to sleep in Jeannette's bed next to the most accomplished slave in the world.

Geneva was grinding her hips and wishing she could rub her pussy just once. She was so humiliated, degraded, a piece of meat. Chained to the wall, her hands up at her neck so as not to be able to rub anything. She was so damn horny, and Mistress Rebecca's words rang in her ear. Making her sleep on the floor after licking Mistress to so many orgasms would be wonderful.

Geneva used to think Basic Training was the happiest time in her life. The level of control the Drill Sergeants had over her was called total. It wasn't. This was total control, and this was a combination of heaven on earth, and hell on earth. If only she could come, just once, she could relax and sleep.

Tossing and turning and growing more frustrated and desperate she finally fell asleep after one in the morning.

The Academy was quiet for now. In a few hours things would be moving again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

are rebecca and roberta the same person? I'm confused about that. maybe revise that real quick. otherwise, very interesting story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
only one issue

Mistress Rebecca somehow became Mistress Roberta. I had to double check to make sure I wasn't reading it incorrectly. You really let our readers feel what Geneva was going through. Great work 5 stars just for that.

Thank You


animaluver40animaluver40almost 11 years ago
Great story

But you didn't tell us what size the females tits were(example # size and a,b,c or d DD)

eWomaneWomanover 11 years ago

It's a little short on action for me, but chapter 5 seems to promise an uptick in the drama. So, i'll keep reading...hcl

Steve150177Steve150177over 11 years ago
Inconsistencies and a thought

As the editor who worked with DoctorWolf on "A Slave to the Servants" for over a year and who has read this whole series 3 times, I can warn new readers that there are inconsistencies and errors. A good editing would really help. Diane's car, the opening door that was kept open, mistakes in the name used, and others are the price you will have to pay to read this magnificant story. [Sorry without a spell checker I can't spell well.]

BTW ASttS once had the top 7 stories on the all time sci-fi list here on Lit.

Just a thought -- Devon has and will have problems getting the slavetoys to agree to come and get trained. He misses out on several clients over the following months. What he should have done is/was to give them a spin on the arousal table and then "try" to keep them away.


Crystal_AshCrystal_Ashabout 12 years ago
Love, sadomasochism and submission do go together

I wish to reply to SoCalCynic, who commented previously. I find it very strange that a person who obviously neither understands that submission is supposed to be more about love or that love and sadism can coexist, is even visiting this site and reading these stories.

For most of the world, sadism and submission are incompatible with love. Three things cause this: some people do not have a prominent submissive/dominant streak, some people are misinformed and some simply believe in stereotypes that are unfortunately confirmed by mainstream media and dominants/submissives who do not understand how loving and caring submission should be. Too many people are mistaken about that because they simply judge a book by its cover.

After all, is it not true that everyone has some degree of masochism in us? Why strive for the burn you feel after a good workout, otherwise?

This story is well written, aside from some minor inconsistencies, and is true and realistic from the author's point of view. I happen to agree with his point of view, and I'm disappointed that some people do not even try to understand that point of view.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Too Many Inconsistencies

This reader can no longer suspend disbelief; fantasy or not, sadism can not coexist with love and trust. The ass-to-mouth reference in this chapter is only the most obvious example.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

you need to back and proof read the story and correct all the Roberta's and Rebecca's, other than that great story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

A lot of these sentences were confusing. I love your story but an editor would be very helpful.

HonourHonourabout 16 years ago
Dammit man

You are a far better writer than this chapter would lead people to believe. You are usually on the ball with your editing but she is either Mistress Rebecca or mistress Roberta she canny be both at once unless she has a serious personality disorder. Have some pity on an auld wifie and stop confuddlin me.

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