The Vortex Ch. 01-04


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After she turned and left, Claire reached across the table to touch my lips again, then to lightly touch and circle my nipple in the thin dress, which rose at her touch. "We are working on the new and improved you, Laney, you should just be thinking about me, and I will handle the rest."

I tried to think outside myself throughout the lunch, to think about presenting myself to Claire and wanting her approval, which now seemed very important. She chose the food, without asking what I might prefer, and she led the conversation on art, films, and erotic classics and I tried to keep up and to show my wit.

We were settling into a relatively normal conversation, waiting for the hostess to bring the check, when Claire said in a firm voice, "Bring your skirt to your waist. I want the hostess to see Fabienne's work."

I hesitated only for a moment, then starting hiking my skirt up until my freshly trimmed and decorated pubic patch was clearly visible. I was trembling with excitement at being a truly slutty girl in such a whitebread situation.

The hostess, who had served Claire many times before, brought the check on a small tray and when placing it on the table looked down to see my lewd display. She didn't raise an eyebrow, but her gaze lingered long enough that everyone present knew that she was drinking in this erotic vision. As Claire was pulling her credit card out of her purse, without looking at me, she said, "Taste yourself Laney."

The hostess waited tableside for the credit card but her eyes were trained on my fingers, now dipping into my sopping wet cunt, and then upwards to my mouth where I licked each of them. I was highly aroused by my first foray into exhibitionism and Claire could see my rising passion as well. The hostess almost dropped the tray on the ground, and then scurried away, perhaps to go to the restroom to attend to her own needs.

I was excited as we left the dining room, feeling very naughty and conscious of being wet now. Claire was walking ahead of me in the hallway, and I saw some of her friends approach her, whispering and laughing. As I caught up, she turned to me.

"Laney, my friends at the club are inviting us to stay for a drink; they're always interested in my new finds. They want to meet you." She put her hand on the small of my back, which was enough to lift my dress a bit, to the top of my thighs. The two other women led the way to a private conference room upstairs. In a few minutes, two other women joined us, and a waitress brought a tray of drinks for them with a small green bottle of Perrier water for me. The waitress left, and one of the members quietly locked the door.

I was still excited but nervous, too, trying to read Claire's eyes. It was like any ordinary committee meeting - - five well-dressed suburban women, a sunny room with table and chairs, white board, large flat screen television - - and me. I was the slutty blonde in the tiny dress, ridiculous high heels, and leather collar.

"Laney, take a sip of this while I explain." Claire took hold of the Perrier, peeled off the metal cap and ring and handed me the chilled bottle of sparkling water. I was suddenly thirsty and took a long draw off the bottle.

"My friends here are the, umm, entertainment committee for the women's tennis tournament next month, and you're here to audition. They're thinking that you might have the skills for the special demonstration they have in mind. Dress off, shoes on, quickly now."

That wasn't what I was expecting, but then again everything with Claire was a new direction, and I was excited enough to keep going. I lifted the hem and flipped the short dress off over my head; I was already naked under it, and the ivy henna design caught their attention. There were oohs, ahhs, and laughter too and I felt my nipples harden. I was still holding the water bottle, and I took a final sip.

"Laney, up on the table please." Claire was speaking in an everyday voice.

I saw what they wanted now, could I do this? I took a deep breath and slid onto the table on my back naked, with my legs wide and knees up. Everyone had a clear view of my rouged labia, decorated pubic hair and my anus.

"Laney, you're the pretty one here; Fabienne at the salon did a great job. But the ladies need to see you in action. You have my permission to cum for them. Be creative."

Again, one step beyond whatever I was expecting. She was expecting me to tap into my inner slut. "Yes, Mistress Claire." I was feeling proud to be hers now as I put my hand between my legs and the women watched and chattered.

My other hand was still holding the now empty Perrier bottle. Claire wanted me to be creative. Of course, Claire had ordered the bottled water for a reason.

The thick glass Perrier bottle was cold, and not well suited to this task, with its stubby round shape and short sloping neck. This was even more humiliating than just touching myself, but I saw it was more exciting to me too. Holding the spherical bottom of the bottle, I rubbed myself against the neck and used my other hand to touch my hard clit and rub my nipples. It took me five minutes of squirming, rubbing, thrusting and other profoundly unladylike behavior until I felt the rising wave of my orgasm.

The ladies formed a tight circle around me. One leaned forward and kissed my deeply, with our tongues dancing with one another as my orgasm began to crest, the first of many waves to pass through my body. Two of the other women each took one of my nipples and began nipping and sucking at them. I began to pump the bottle even faster and the cold of the glass gave way to a warm smooth texture as my pussy juices coated it and the friction heated it. The fourth woman wet her finger and then slowly inserted it in my ass. That triggered even more intense waves of pleasure.

I broke away from the kiss. "Oh . . . Mistress . . . intense . . . cumming . . ." I was shaking on the table and as the last ripple of pleasure passed through my body my hands fell to my side, my breathing ragged, and the bottle still protruding from my pussy, now with my juices glistening on the clear green glass.

The women were laughing and applauding and thanking Claire and ignoring me. One of the women mercifully removed the bottle from my pussy with a linen table napkin covering her hand and tossed the bottle in the recycling bin. I slid off the table and cleaned up with a stack of cocktail napkins from the drinks tray, then slipped back into my dress. My thighs were sticky and my hands were smeared with my juices. I was euphoric but also thoughtful. There was no leash on my collar, I had not been bound or forced into this display, all it took was a quiet command and a prop from Claire for me to improvise a sex scene of praiseworthy depravity. I wondered what else we would find in that vortex of shame and debasement now madly spinning around in my mind.

Chapter Four

After a tumultuous day I was thankfully rewarded with a low key dinner in Claire's house and an early bedtime. I feel asleep instantly and didn't awaken until Claire once again came into my room with her coffee, but none for me.

She leaned against the door frame, striking a casual pose, and then in a tone of voice more appropriate for discussing the weather, said to me, "You know Laney, we have already explored a number of important elements of submission. Private and public humiliation, exhibitionism, being used by strangers to satisfy their carnal desires, and engaging in, shall we say, unusual sex acts in front of others. However, there is one more area to explore. Can you tell me what is yet to come?"

I thought about it. The videos, books, chat rooms and gossip with my girlfriends cycled through my mind as the answer became clear.


"Yes," Claire replied. "But it's not as simple as that. Can you fight through the pain to increase your pleasure? Pain without pleasure is a senseless act."

"I want to try."

"And you will, my pet. I do care deeply for you and want to make sure it's under the right circumstances. Pain inartfully administered or managed can have disastrous results.

"I am yours to do with what you please Mistress."

Claire tried to explain. "People hear about masochists or pain sluts and they wonder, 'who could want pain?' but that misses the point, Laney. Even to a submissive, it hurts and it's not pleasurable if you stub your toe on the furniture or touch a hot pan when you're cooking. It takes a relationship to create a situation where pain and pleasure are connected, and the endorphins and hormones make it exciting. You're a good student, you can look it up. But today we'll have a lab session for you."

We were in Claire's living room, and I was casually dressed in a t-shirt and bikini panties. Claire was in jeans and a cotton sweater. "Laney, stand here, in the archway."

I walked over to the opening to the dining room, which had loose curtains and a wooden rod above. Claire came to stand behind me, kissing my neck and giving me warm embrace, and my body settled against her. "Let me take your clothes off, Laney."

She lifted the hem of my shirt to peel it off over my head, slipped off my panties, then stroked my hair and my back. Her arms were around me, lightly cupping my breasts, and I felt my nipples respond." Hands up, Laney, hold onto the curtain rod till we're done."

I reached up and found I could hold the wooden rod comfortably, with my feet flat on the floor. Just an average day at home: naked except for the leather collar, in voluntary self-bondage. Claire left me there a few minutes, then returned with a small tray.

"We'll start easy today. This is a flogger." She held it in front of me, loose strips of purple leather braided around a hard black leather handle. "You need to develop a relationship with it. Make love to it." She ran the handle across my lips. I stuck my tongue out and detected the taste of well-used leather and sweat. I kissed the handle. Claire then traced the bundle of leather strips across my cheek so I could feel the sensation of cool leather and the rough and smooth texture of each strip as it skimmed across my skin. She continued with this teasing until I became familiar with the sensations of the flogger on my skin.

"In order to fully appreciate the flogger, I'm going to get a mask and cover your eyes, ears and nose so that you can focus on the physical sensations of the flogger." Claire returned a minute later and pulled a black leather mask over my head and zipped up the back.

"Try to relax and control your breathing. The mask will feel confining but with time it will allow yourself the freedom to feel without interference from your other sensory inputs."

The deprivation of sight was the most disturbing. Nothing but blackness. I also noticed the sounds of the house - - the refrigerator, the air conditioner, the creaking of the floorboards, were also noticeably absent now. I could only hear the crinkling of my hair as it moved against my ears as I moved my head. I couldn't smell anything except the odor of the leather and sweat of the mask.

"Now tell me what you feel."

Claire took the flogger and started at the top of my back and dragged the tendrils down my back and across my bottom. I could feel goosebumps rising on my arms and legs as she did this. A shiver ran up my spine.

"Ohhh, Mistress, I am getting goosebumps and shivers from the flogger."

"That's good, my pet. And now?"

She dragged the handle of the flogger between my legs, stimulating my wet pussy and ass. My knees buckled and I let go of the bar.

"Oh my God . . . Mistress Claire. The handle feels like a hard cock jammed between my legs."

"Stay with me now and regrip the bar. We going to pick up the pace now."

She then began twirling the flogger in lazy circles with the tendrils gently slapping my bottom on each rotation. It felt good, with the gentle breeze generated by the flogger cooling my back and the pleasant stimulation of the tendrils on my bare bottom. With each successive rotation my bottom felt warmer and warmer.

After a few minutes of this massage Clair rubbed my bottom with her hand. Her hand felt cool to the touch and relaxing. I pushed against her hand.

"Excellent Laney. Your bottom is warmed up and you are very wet between your legs. Let's step it up another notch."

I could hear the pulse of the flogger as Claire whipped it back and forth. After two of three pulses she took aim at my bare bottom. The flogger connected and it felt as if I was pinched fifty times at once on my bottom. I flinched and almost let go of the bar.

"Ughhhhhhhh." This was not a pleasant sensation although not overly painful.

"Try to internalize the pain. A good sub will try to minimize movement or noise. You did well with the first stroke. Here's another."

I heard the snap and virtually instantaneously I had far greater pain. I was very uncomfortable and my breathing started to become irregular. The presence of the mask seemed to magnify the pain. I had nothing to focus on with my eyes so I was sensing nothing but the pain from my bottom now pulsing through my body like a bright beacon.

"One more Laney, and then we'll be done with this session. This one is going to be at the speed I use on an experienced sub."

I braced myself for the final stroke. Claire took an extra minute to administer it. The anticipation was almost as bad as the pain. Then without warning I heard the snap and my bottom felt like it was on fire.

"Shittttttttttt . . . . " I was gritting my teeth, trying to internalize the pain and will it to dissipate. My whole body was flush. I could feel beads of perspiration form on my forehead and start meandering down the inside of the mask and into my closed eyes, stinging them.

"Tell me what you are feeling Laney."

"I . . . feel . . . pain . . . so . . hot . . . "

"Now tell me what you feel."

Claire took the handle of the flogger and eased it into my sopping wet pussy.

"Ohhhhh . . . Mistress . . . so . . .good . . .don't . . .stop."

"Hang on to the bar Laney. It's going to get really intense, really fast."

Claire started pumping the handle of the flogger in and out of my pussy and then took my right nipple into her mouth, nipping it lightly.

The pleasure was indescribable. The mask helped me focus my mind on my pussy and my pussy was overruling the pain receptors to transmit waves of pleasure that intermixed with the pain. The sensations felt as new and exciting as the first time I had sex.

"Mistress . . . can't hold back."

"You may cum Princess." Claire pulled the flogger handle out of my pussy. I let go of the bar and dropped to my knees. I put my right hand between my legs and started furiously massaging my engorged clit.

"Oh Goddddddd." I felt moisture spraying out of my pussy onto my hand and my thighs. I had never squirted before, but I had never felt the intensity of an orgasm like this one. I kept rubbing long after the last delicious ripple of pleasure passed through my body, milking every last ounce of my orgasm. I wanted to continue but lacked the energy to do so. I fell forward face first, still on my knees, with my forehead now on the floor and my hands next to my head. Because my nose was covered by the mask I was gasping for breath through my mouth. Claire was rubbing my back for many minutes as I caught my breath. She then unzipped and took off my sweat filled mask and I felt a rush of cool air on my face.

Claire was sitting on the floor next to me. She moved my head into her lap, my sore bottom still sticking up in the air, and stroked my hair with the flat of the back of her hand.

"That's my Princess. You took well to the pain and it did magnify your pleasure. Have you ever squirted before?"

"No Mistress Claire."

"Then there's no question that we must continue your journey."

My head was now spinning with the pain from the flogger and the pleasure from the last remnants of my orgasm. The vortex had now completely consumed who I was. More than ever, I wanted to know what was going to become of me.

"Tell me where we go from here."

"That's for you to decide my pet."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
No Joy

Breathplay, on a newbie? So much for safe and sane... kill a few more brain cells, Claire, and she will do whatever you want...

No thanks.

AmazonBeauty1966AmazonBeauty1966over 5 years ago
Oh dear

You put into words a fantasy, thank you Mistress

GamecoxGamecoxalmost 6 years ago
More please

Your audience begs it of You!!!

BKMASTABKMASTAover 6 years ago
Wonderful story

Please continue I also want know where they went from that start

cumbaby4ucumbaby4uover 6 years ago

Yes......I am yours!

TSreaderTSreaderover 6 years ago

A wonderfully written story! Well done! Thank you!

woodseaveswoodseavesover 6 years ago

Wonderful story of exploration into intimate BDSM, and the ensuing sexual fulfilment. You are a true artist.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very well written.

It shows that a small and temporary pain induced lovingly can help lead to intense pleasure. This is the whole reason why BDSM exists.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

What a wonderfully erotic journey. Makes me want to be with my subbie right this minute! Please continue this series. Thank for for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You are indeed the Mistress!

FASfanFASfanalmost 7 years ago
Another marvellous story from the Mistress of Erotic Fiction!

Just as we have come to expect. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us; five stars yet again!

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