The Wager

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He's forced into a not-so-friendly gamble on the family farm.
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I was working on a construction site about 90 minutes outside of the city. I had been suffering from a toothache all week, but couldn't schedule a dental appointment until Friday afternoon, just before the offices closed. I had taken some topical anesthetic with me to ease the pain during the day. Finally, 3 PM Friday came and I was allowed to leave for my appointment. I applied a little more anesthetic, hopped in my car and took off, hoping to make it to my appointment on time.

One of the guys on the site had earlier said he knew the dentist and assured me that he knew a route that would get me to that end of the city faster than trying to drive through. He drew me a map with the exits marked. Clutching that crude map, I drove away. Soon I saw the first of the side highways I had to take. Somewhat leery of leaving the main route because I was new to the area, I nevertheless decided to follow my buddy's instructions.

I was still just over an hour from the city, cruising past the outlying farms with no traffic, and thinking, "Wow, I'm going to get there in no time, there's no one else on this road." I was pushing 100 miles an hour when I saw steam coming out from the hood, and my car sputtered and died. I steered it off the road as it lost momentum, and when it rolled to a stop, I got out and popped the hood, only to find the engine not just steaming, but billowing smoke. I waved my arms under the hood, trying to clear the fumes and have a look. Unfortunately, while I know about dry walling, I don't have that much knowledge about cars.

While I was standing there, gaping at my engine, largely clueless about what to do, or even where I was in relation to the city, I heard the approaching noise of a tractor. Just what I needed: a farmer coming out to laugh at the stranded city boy. Now, I'm not your average guy. At six feet, two inches and two hundred and twenty pounds, I was in very good shape from working hard six days a week. But I was still stranded, for all intents and purposes, in front of this farmer's property on a seldom-used road, looking like an idiot because I can't take care of my K-car, the "reliant" automobile.

I was expecting the mockery to start as soon as this farmer gets close enough to see me, so I turned my back to the field to hide my embarrassment. I heard the tractor right behind me, so I leaned over and start checking hoses, pretending at least that I'm not completely clueless. I heard the engine stop, and the tractor cab door open and close. I looked over my shoulder, and stopped dead, my jaw dropping. I was looking at the most drop-dead beautiful young woman I had ever seen. She had beautiful wavy, red-gold hair that came past her shoulders, almond-shaped eyes that were a brilliant shade of green, and a smile that could outshine the sun.

She hopped the fence easily, the one strap of her coveralls that was undone swinging loosely, and walked over to where I stood. I tried to regain my composure and not ogle as she approached.

"So," she began casually, "you look like you could use some help."

I swallowed, fighting to look the least foolish in her eyes. "Yeah. Can’t figure out what's wrong. I mean, uh, it seems to be overheating, but the fluids are all topped up."

She walked right up beside me, leaned over the car and began inspecting the engine. I didn't understand all of what she was checking, but apparently, she was just as stumped as I was. So she offered to tow the car behind the tractor back to the farmhouse where her father might be able to examine it, since he was quite the handyman, as I was told.

I closed the hood of my car as this beautiful girl jumped back over the fence and started the tractor and drove off to get around the fence. I sat there, waiting for long enough to wonder if I had been abandoned before I once more heard what I now recognize as the sound of the diesel tractor engine.

The farm girl reappeared, and when we had hooked my car up to the tractor, we both hopped in the machine's cab and towed it back towards the farm. Along the way, we chatted. I learned she was the eldest of five daughters. Her name was Keri, and she was 21 years, Joanna (Jo for short) was 20. Sarah and Marissa were 19-year-old twins, but were not identical, and youngest was named Alana. She was just 18 years old. After that, their mom had her tubes tied, never bearing the son their father was trying for.

I told her about myself, how I had moved recently to the area after my high-school girlfriend dumped me, and had taken the first job that came my way. She talked about how she and her sisters had been home schooled and rarely left the farm, except with their mother, Katheryn, and father, Ben. Apparently, he was a controlling, jealous man, and didn't want them to leave the farm in case they met guys and wanted to move away from the farm.

Keri then confided that she had been able to get permission to go when she got her father to drink a little. Then he was willing to make agreements; for example, if she could clean the pigsty in less than an hour, she could leave the farm for an hour. But he always tricked her somehow, like only giving her a bicycle to go on. So she really had only left the farm on very short excursions, and not very far.

I began to wonder what would happen when Keri brought me back home, since it seemed her father was paranoid of male outsiders. I was preparing to meet the wrong end of a shotgun when we drove up to the farmhouse. As it turns out, Ben didn't mind her bringing me back, since he enjoyed the challenge of fixing things. He took me out to the barn, popped the hood, and began asking questions as he poked and prodded. I, unfortunately, had to admit that I didn't know much about my own car. So he hemmed and hawed about the engine and the car for a good long time. Soon, we heard his wife calling for dinner.

"Well," he admitted, "I had hoped I'd be able to get you on your way before dinner, but this little rust bucket of yours has me stumped. Now that I've had a look it'd be awfully unkind of me not to finish up. So I guess you'll be able to enjoy the courtesy of my table."

While Ben washed the engine oil off of his hands, I applied more of the anesthetic to my aching tooth, but felt that mentioning I had missed my appointment while out here would be rude, considering the fact that the guy was willing to fix my car for free. So I applied the stuff careful not to let anyone see, just in case they asked questions.

Supper at the farm was a delicious home-cooked meal, and after the junk I had become accustomed to, cooking for myself, it was heavenly. I made sure to compliment my hostess many times over for the meal. I also got to meet Keri's four sisters. All of them were equally gorgeous, with their subtle differences. And they got their looks from their mother. I didn't know how she had wound up out on a farm, when she should have been modeling, but I could see why the farmer wouldn't want his girls to leave, in case they got stolen away from him.

After the meal, I helped the twins, Sarah and Marissa, with cleaning up, and then went back out to the barn to see what was happening with my car. Keri and her father were both looking under the hood, up to their elbows in grease. Joanna sat nearby, listening to the radio and occasionally asking questions. I sat next to Jo on a hay bale and we chatted about her life as we watched father and daughter discussing my piece of shit car. Although they all seemed to know their stuff, this car's issue was definitely a mystery. Before we knew it, it was dark, and Katheryn was calling them in for the night. She apologized that they didn't have a spare bed at the moment, but gave me a ton of blankets when I said I could sleep in my car. So, about half an hour later, I was in my car, tooth medicated, and wrapped in half a dozen blankets, drifting off to sleep.

I was awoken from my dreams by the sound of my car door opening. Curious, I lifted my head to see what was going on, only to feel someone drop on top of me, and begin unwrapping the blankets. Whoever it was, when they had me unwrapped they didn't stop, but quickly began unbuttoning my pants. Somewhat surprised at this turn of events, and still somewhat out of it from just waking up, I was unable to react before I felt soft female hands searching under my boxers. When my mystery groper reached my cock, I groaned, and her hand clenched around the hardening shaft. Whoever it was gently stroked my dick until it was hard - a matter of moments in this situation.

"You like that, don't you?" came the voice of my midnight encounter. If I wasn't mistaken, by the sound of her voice it was Keri's sweet hands wrapped around my shaft. She kept fondling my hardness as she leaned forward in the semi-dark to kiss me. As our lips met, my member twitched, and she groaned softly.

Breaking our kiss, Keri whispered, "You don't know how much I want this. Daddy never lets me near enough to any boys to get any action. Oh god, I need a cock so bad."

Keri quickly maneuvered herself so her pussy was in the right spot, and then lowered herself on my eight inches. My god! I had never felt anything so tight. But damn, was it ever good! She was hot and wet and more than happy to do the work. So I just laid there enjoying the sensation of her riding me for her pleasure.

We were moving to each other’s rhythm; she was starting to breathe heavily and moan with my thrusts. Just then, a bright light flooded the barn. Keri just managed to say, "Oh shit," when the door by my head was opened violently, and I was staring at a shotgun barrel, and farmer Ben's livid expression.

"Boy," he said, "I invite you into my home, I spend my evening trying to fix your car, I feed you from my table, and give you what you need for sleep. Surely the least I can expect is that you will respect my family and not molest my little girl. You've got about ten seconds to come up with a damn good explanation before I pull the trigger."

"Daddy, wait!" Keri cried out, "It's not his fault. I started it."

All the wind went out of his sails. Keri continued, "You never let me go out, you never let me see anyone. Is it any surprise you found me out here?"

"Maybe we should all go sit down inside while we talk this out?" I recommended feebly. Ben motioned with the gun, and Keri moved off of my suddenly deflated cock and back out the car door. I hurriedly slipped my penis back in my boxers, and slid my pants up. Something in the pocket jammed into my leg, and I reached in to feel the anesthetic for my tooth still in my jeans.

I finished doing up my pants and scrambled out of the car, squinting in the floodlights that illuminated the barn. Ben motioned with the gun for me to head into the house. Keri was already ahead of me.

Ben was walking right behind me, the gun pressed into my back. I was running through excuses in my head, but I kept coming back to the thought that I wanted Keri, and had done nothing to discourage her midnight promiscuity. I was a dead man.

We went into the kitchen, where Keri was already standing there, her back towards the door. Ben closed the door behind himself, and nudged me towards a chair. I figured let him deal with this in his way; after all, he was the one holding the gun. If I was lucky, I would come out of this with my life. Otherwise, it'd be awhile before anyone noticed I was missing, and even longer before anyone would know where to look. By then, Ben would have long since been able to hide the evidence and bury my body. I reminded myself not to think about that option.

Keri turned around to face her father, and I saw she had been pouring him a drink. Scotch, I gathered from the label on the bottle. Ben took the glass and knocked it back swiftly, then motioned for Keri to just hand him the bottle. After another swig, right from the bottle, Ben looked at his daughter once more.

The farmer said, "So, you don't like the farm, then, is that it?"

"No, Daddy, I love it out here. But I get lonely. There aren't any boys here."

"I see. So the first boy that comes along...I see." I noticed the barrel of the shotgun dropping. Then his gaze swung back to me, "I can see how it would be for you. Beautiful young lady falls into your arms at night. Who are you to resist?"

I nodded, and Ben continued, "Nevertheless, this is still my daughter we are talking about, and I can't have just any man violating her." The gun swung back up from the floor, level with my chest.

"Daddy! Please don't. It wasn't his fault. It's all my fault. If I wasn't so horny. If I hadn't been so bold as to go out to the car."

Farmer Ben took another long drink from the bottle, and the gun started pointing lower and lower. I was thinking that if Keri kept talking, I just might have a chance to survive. As I saw another long swig disappear down Ben's throat, I saw what Keri was doing.

"So," I ventured, "what you're saying is that it's the isolation that's the problem? That's what's getting to you?"

"Coupled with normal adult desires." She replied.

"I see," Ben said to me, drinking again, "so you're not really to blame, since it would have been any guy this would have happened to. You just happen to be the lucky stud."

"I guess...yeah." I said.

Another drink. "And your sisters feel the same way?" His words were starting to slur.

"I don't know," Keri replied, "I guess probably."

"Well then, stud." he said, slurring the last word, "I have a wager for you." I knew this was the moment Keri was banking on when she handed him the first drink, "since all my girls are horny young adults, and there's never a guy to satisfy them, I guess you're the lucky guy - if you can last."

I just looked at him: "You mean, you want me to have sex with your girls, now?"

"Yeah. I want you to fuck 'em good and hard so they'll be satisfied for a good long time. Of course, you'll have to make it good for them, or this will all be useless. And if you can't…” He patted he gun.

Then Ben turned to Keri, "Go wake your mother and tell her to bring the girls down here to the kitchen. No, let's all go to the living room. Have them meet us there."

Soon, Joanna, Sarah, Marissa and Alana were all in the living room, looking sleepy or grumpy at being woken up. As Katheryn appeared in the doorway to the living room, she asked, "Ben, what is going on here?" Then she saw the bottle in his hand, which was by now half-emptied.

"Are you drunk?" Katheryn demanded

"Well . . . probably," Ben conceded, "and you might want to think about getting a little drunk yourself."

"Give me that." She said and took the bottle from his hand. As she turned his back on him and began to return the bottle to the liquor cabinet, Ben said, "Keri slipped out to meet with our visitor tonight."

Katheryn turned around slowly to face Keri, sitting on an armchair and trying to hide. "Is that so. What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?"

"I...I..." she began, "I'm sorry I got caught, but I'm not sorry for doing it at all. "

"Well, if Keri didn't do it, I would have." Jo said. Sarah and Marissa giggled, and Alana blushed.

"Well, we certainly can't ignore this problem. Ben, we need to do something about these girls."

"I'm already on top of that. You go pour yourself a drink, and then we'll discuss this."

"Forget pouring," Katheryn said, drinking straight from the bottle, "tell me what you planned."

"Well, I figured that our girls haven't had that much experience with boys. In fact, the only man they see is me. Now, I wanted to protect them from the kinds of men who aren't good for them, but apparently, sexual depravity comes naturally."

"Oh Ben," Katheryn said, drinking again, "it's only natural for girls their age to be curious about boys. And now they have one in their midst."

"Exactly what I was thinking, my dear. No time like the present for our girls to learn about sex firsthand." Ben said, grinning slyly.

"Firsthand?" Sarah asked.

"What do you mean?" said Alana, looking at her father.

"Well, I mean we have a guest here who can show you girls just what it's like to be with a man. Right here and right now, in fact."

"I don't think that's a good--" I began before Ben interrupted me.

"Now listen here, boy. You don't get to do any thinking around here. I'm going to make you a deal plain and simple. If you can satisfy all my girls without cumming, you'll live to see the morning, and I'll see you on your way. If not . . . " he let the implications hang in the air. It wasn't something I wanted to think about, but I didn't know how I'd last through five young women.

"Now, go on. Get undressed." Ben told his daughters.

"Here?" said Marissa, turning red.

"Of course here. How else are we going to know if your stud is doing his job?" Replied Ben.

When none of the girls made any move, Katheryn said, "Very well, I'll start off so you girls won't feel uncomfortable." With that, she opened her housecoat and tossed it on the floor. Her nightie soon followed, exposing her naked breasts to all. They were still firm and round, with her nipples stiffening in excitement. Her daughters stared in open-mouthed amazement, and I felt my cock twitch as she slipped down her panties, revealing the small patch of pubic hair and the lips of her pussy. She stood before us in all her god-given glory.

Keri soon followed suit, abandoning her clothes in a pile on the floor. I took in her features now, hidden before in the dark of the barn. Her magnificent breasts, her taut, flat stomach, her curving hips, and her vee of red hair above the line of her sex. Even Ben gasped when he saw her revealed, and at that moment, I understood his lechery.

He wanted them for himself, all of his young beauties, but couldn't have them. Now, through me, he could fuck his daughters vicariously. And I knew then also how to win his little wager. The little tube of anesthetic still dug into my leg from within my pocket.

Joanna looked at her father's leering face, then turned to face me and stripped off her pajamas, never taking her eyes off of me. She wiggled her hips eagerly as she stepped out of her bottoms, and licked her lips subtly as she saw my hard-on twitch inside the confines of my pants. Katheryn walked over to me, swaying sexily.

She put her hand on my chest when she said, "I think it's your turn mister, to show us what you're hiding." With that, she untucked my T-shirt, pulling it over my head before kneeling down to unzip my pants. Surreptitiously, while Katheryn worked on freeing my cock from my boxers, I slipped my hand into my pocket and palmed the tube of anesthetic.

As Katheryn slipped my dick out the fly of my boxers, she tugged my pants down around my ankles. My hardness pointed out at her face, and she popped it into her mouth. Five females gasped as they watched their mother suck my meat, and Ben groaned to himself, imagining what the blowjob must feel like. While everyone was busy watching Katheryn suck my manhood, I took the liberty of squeezing some of the gel into my palm.

"Well," Ben interrupted, "before we get this all started, I think we should go get us some condoms, since we don't want any accidents, now do we? Katheryn, will you please run upstairs and get that box? And while she's gone, the three of you can step out of your clothes."

Slowly, the twins and Alana undressed, trying to cover themselves as much as possible. Their nubile forms were very much pleasing to the eye, and Ben stared lustily at his daughters' breasts and buttocks. I dropped my boxers, and all the girls stared at my manhood and my hard body, all eight inches of stiff cock fully revealed and pointing at the ceiling.

As Alana stared, unable to take her eyes off of me, I took the opportunity to rub the freezing gel over my dick under the pretense of stroking myself, enjoying the lusty looks all five women gave me. When Katheryn returned with the condoms, all the girls had fewer misgivings about their parents' plan.