The Wedding Slut Ch. 03

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Slutty Sammy goes on a quest and takes a load in the ass.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/15/2021
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This story continues directly from the first two parts. It is highly suggested that you start at the beginning.

Samantha was snuggled up against me, her head on my chest, our fingers intertwined. I ran my other hand up and down her back, giving her bright red, recently spanked ass a little squeeze as my hand passed over it. Sam responded to each squeeze with a little moan.

It was lovely to just hold each other and recover our strength a bit. We were both pretty worn out by all the fun we'd had so far, her more than me I'm sure. But that didn't mean it was the end of our activities, I had promised Sam one more load of cum in one more hole tonight.

I gently slipped my fingers between her ass cheeks and lightly rubbed a tip against her opening. Her ass instinctively pushed back against my hand. I pushed forward more firmly, just barely making her hole open. She moaned.

I brought my hand to her mouth and lightly rubbed my index finger against her lips. She moaned as she opened them and sucked on my finger, getting it nice and wet. I moved it back down to her ass and pushed against her again. Her bottom gave way more easily with her saliva acting as lubrication. I slid it in to the first knuckle. She grunted slightly.

"Has anyone ever played with your asshole before?" I asked as I wiggled the little bit of finger I had inside her.

"Mmm. No, sir. Nobody but me."

I pushed my finger in to the second knuckle. "And what have you tried?"

"I've used a finger. And my smallest dildo. Have never gotten very deep with it if I'm honest."

"Why not?" I began slowly fingering her ass, but not going any deeper than the second knuckle.

"I was scared."

"But you keep trying?"

"The idea of it thrills me. And it always feels good, right up until it doesn't."

"Are you scared now?" I pushed my finger in a bit further.

"Ungh. Yes, sir, I am."

"Good. You should be. By now you know I don't do things halfway. And this night isn't over until I fill your ass with cum."

I pulled my finger out of her and gave her ass a slap. She twitched next to me.

"The more important question is: do you trust me?"

She lifted her head and looked at me before answering, "yes, sir, I do."

I tilted my head down and kissed her deeply.

I brought my hand back to her mouth and fed her the middle finger this time.

"You're gonna want to get it nice and wet."

She moaned as she slobbered on my finger. When it sufficiently lubricated I slipped it back down between her cheeks and thrust it into her asshole.

She grunted and her face scrunched up. I continued moving my finger inside her.

"Just think about how wet you'll have to get my cock..."

She looked at me surprised, "wait, what?!? You're not gonna use lube?"

"Lube would be my preference, unfortunately I don't have any."

She groaned.

"You wouldn't happen to have any in your room, would you?"

"This may sound ridiculous but I didn't come to my little sister's wedding expecting to get fucked in the ass," we both laughed.

"No, I suppose not," I chuckled before my expression turned more serious, "I guess this will be less enjoyable for you than I'd hoped."

Her face dropped, "No! Please, sir! You can't! Not without lube!"

"I can't?!?" I slapped her ass hard, "I thought you were my good little Sammy Slut. I can, and will, do what I please," I slapped it again.

"Ow fuck! You're right, sir, I'm sorry! But please, there must be another option."

I smiled to myself, she had walked right into my trap.

"Hmm, perhaps..." I got out of the bed and went into the bathroom, I found the smallest robe the hotel provided and brought it back to her, "here, put this on."

Sam had a questioning look on her face but hopped out of bed and slipped it on. This robe may have been intended for a child, it just barely covered her ass and pussy. She cinched it tight around her waist, I thought her tits might pop out.

"You look good, slut," I gave her a sloppy kiss before walking to the door. I opened it and gestured into the hallway, "go find yourself some lube."

"What? Nothing around here is going to be open at this hour. And I don't even have any money on me."

"I didn't say 'buy some', I said 'find some'. I'm sure somebody in this hotel, at this wedding, thought ahead enough to bring lube. If you're lucky you'll find them."

Sam looked at me incredulously, "you want me to go door-to-door asking my friends and family if I can borrow their lube?"

I closed the door and moved over to her, "fine, if you don't want to find some lube why don't you take the robe off and get on all fours," I said with a smirk as I stroked my cock.

She was defeated, "ok, ok, I guess I'm going on a lube hunt."

"That's my good Sammy Slut," I punctuated with a kiss. I put my arm around her and we walked to the door, I opened it again. "I expect you back here within 30 minutes. At which time I will be fucking your ass, lube or not. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl," I pushed her out the door, "have fun," I closed it in her face.


What the fuck had I gotten myself into?

30 minutes to find lube? Behind some random door in this hotel.


I could have stopped this, used the safe word, but then our night would have ended and I don't want that. Being his slut has been some of the best few hours of my life.

I reached my hand between my legs feeling my wetness.

Even now I'm more turned on at the thought of being exposed and embarrassed.

I licked my fingers.

Ok, who might have lube? And where are any of them staying? Dammit!

I looked up and down the hall.

I'm pretty sure all the wedding guests are on this floor, of course there are some I'd very much not like to see me like this. Ok, my room is up there, I think Julie's college friend Trevor had a room between mine and Sir's. If anybody is gonna bring lube to a wedding it's the gay single guy. Plus asking a non-family member feels safer. Let's try some doors.

I lightly knocked on the door of the room next to Sir's. There was some movement and murmuring behind the door. At least I wasn't waking anybody up. I heard them move to the door before some more muffled speech, finally the lock was removed and the door opened revealing my cousin Daphne.

Daphne was always a stunning girl. Tall and slim with long tanned legs and perky b-cups. Much like me she was wearing a hotel robe but hers fit better. Her long blonde hair was disheveled, clearly that robe didn't indicate a recent shower.

"Hey, cousin Sammy," she was much more perky in her greeting than I'd expect at this hour.

I immediately felt self-conscious about everything to do with this situation, "oh, Daphne, uh, sorry to bother you, I thought somebody else was staying here, I'll, uh, let you get back to bed."

As I tried to turn away she grabbed my arm and held me, "don't worry about it, cuz, I wasn't sleeping. Whose room were you looking for?"

"Um, Trevor..."

"What would cause you to bother him this late?"

"I just, uh, need to borrow something from him."

"Well maybe we can help," Daphne said as she pulled me into the room and closed the door behind me.

Daphne led me to the main part of the room before I noticed that we were not alone. There was a beautiful Black girl sitting up in the bed, just barely covered by a sheet. She was curvy with long curly black hair. She looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on where I'd seen her.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I was interrupting," I quickly tried to move back to the door but Daphne was even quicker, grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"Nonsense, I invited you in. Stay. Sammy, you may remember Olivia, she was tending bar at the wedding earlier. Olivia, this is my little cousin Sammy."

That was the third time Daphne referred to me as 'Sammy'. I can't remember the last time she'd called me that. Had she ever?

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Have a seat," Daphne offered as she jumped onto the bed next to Olivia.

"Thanks..." As I made my move toward the chair I remembered the beating my ass took not that long ago and realized how unpleasant sitting might be, "...actually I think I'll just stand."

"I'll bet," Olivia said with a smirk.

Daphne smacked her playfully, "so what can we help you with?"

"Oh, yeah, uh, just looking for Trevor's room is all, something I wanted to borrow from him."

"Yeah, you already mentioned that. What do you need to borrow? Maybe we have it."

"No, um, probably not. I'd rather go to him anyway. I just need to find him," I took a couple of steps toward the door hoping it would help get me out of this conversation and out of this room.

"I know which room he's staying in."

I stopped and turned back toward them, "you do?!?"

"I do. But I'm not going to tell you unless you tell me what you need him for," Daphne was being playful but there was also an edge to her voice.

"Well, I'm just, um..." I was nervously bouncing back and forth on my feet, "I was, uh, looking for..." my eyes dropped to the floor as my hands fidgeted, "I was just hoping to find..."

"...some lube," Olivia interrupted.

Daphne turned quickly to Olivia, I looked up astonished.


"We all knew what she was hunting for. I had to put the poor girl out of her misery."

"But I was having fun making her squirm," Daphne playfully smacked Olivia again.

"Oh I bet you were," the two of them leaned into a kiss.

I was still standing there with my mouth agape.

Daphne looked at me then nodded toward the wall behind me, "thin walls. Or maybe you're really loud."

"Or maybe both," Olivia added.

"I have to get out of here," I moved toward the exit.

Daphne quickly jumped out of bed and caught me before I could get to the door. She put her arms around me, "hey, don't worry about it, nothing to be ashamed about," she moved me back toward the bed, her hands rubbing up and down my body, "you're having a fun night at a wedding."

"You're not the only one," Olivia added before they blew each other kisses.

"I'm sad to say we don't have any lube you can borrow. But I really do know which room is Trevor's."

I looked at her, hopeful.

"But you're gonna have to earn that info."

"Earn it how...?" I asked nervously.

She sat on the edge of the bed looking me up and down.

"Show me his handy work."

"What?" I was confused.

"Turn around and drop your robe," she said firmly.

My eyes went wide. Daphne just stared back at me, daring me with her eyes to try leaving again. Olivia was suddenly very focused on what was happening, she pulled back the sheet covering her, revealing her firm tits, and moved to the end of the bed next to Daphne.

I couldn't believe it but I felt oddly compelled to do what Daphne said. I slowly turned around and undid my robe.

"You really are a naughty bitch, aren't you?" Olivia asked Daphne.

"As if you didn't already know that," Daphne replied. They kissed.

I took a deep breath and let the robe slip off my shoulders and down my arms. With my forearms still in the sleeves I let it drop below my ass to show off what Sir had done.

Olivia gasped, "damn."

"Wow, he's skilled with that belt, isn't he?" Daphne asked.

"Well I don't know what it looks like but it sure felt skilled."

"Did it feel good too?"

I pulled the robe up and turned back toward the bed.

"Did I say you could turn around? Or that you could put your robe back on?"

I quickly turned back around facing away from the bed and lowered the robe again.

"Actually why don't you just drop it all the way."

I hesitated. Sir had me in such a subbie headspace that part of me just wanted to do as I was told. Part of me thought it was too weird for my big cousin to be the one telling me. And the rest of me just wanted this over so I could get back to Sir in time.

"C'mon, Sammy, I thought you were a good girl," Daphne egged me on.

"Sure sounded like that to me," Olivia added.

I sighed, resigned to my situation, and dropped the robe.

"That's my girl."

"How much could you really hear earlier?"

"Not everything, but enough," Daphne said.

"The way you scream when you're getting spanked," Olivia continued.

"The way you scream when you come, " added Daphne.

That sent a tingle up my spine.

"We listened in. I made Liv cum when you did."

"It was so fucking hot."

"Then Liv made me cum the second time you did."

"It was even hotter."

"Turn around, " Daphne ordered.

I hesitated.

"Do it now, 'slut', was it?"

I slowly turned around. Daphne had shed her robe as well. It was hard to believe she was older than me. Granted she was only a few months older. Either way she still looked like she did when we were 19.

She caught me staring at her taut body.

"Like what you see, cousin Sammy?"

"I'm impressed. You look as amazing as you did that time we went skinny dipping the summer after sophomore year."

"As I recall I noticed you staring then too."

I blushed.

"Julie, however, was always the more... adventurous sister."

I lowered my eyes to the floor.

"Get on your knees."

I stood there shaking my head back and forth slightly. As much to try to convince myself I wouldn't do it as to tell her no.

"Are we gonna do this every time? I got the impression you liked doing what you were told."

"I do."

"Then do."

I never would have imagined myself in a situation like this with another woman. Definitely not with my cousin. But in this moment I felt compelled to do what she said. Sir had flipped a switch that I didn't want to unflip.

I fell to my knees.

"Crawl over here."

Slowly I crawled to the bed and kneeled right in front of Daphne.

She extended her foot to me, "lick my toes."

My face scrunched up in reaction.

"Just fucking do it Sammy Slut," Daphne ordered as she shoved her foot in my face.

Even her feet were sexy, the bright pink nail polish contrasted nicely with her golden tanned skin. I extended my tongue and licked the bottom of her right big toe.

Daphne moaned her approval.

Emboldened, I held her feet in my hands and licked each of her toes in turn, moving back and forth across all ten. As I licked Daphne's feet she and Olivia began making out. I tried to look up at them as much as possible. Their hands moved all over each other's bodies. Breasts were caressed, nipples were sucked, pussies were fingered.

After licking my cousin's toes for a while I placed kisses all over the soles of her feet. I could really smell the combination of leather and sweat that can only come from a night of dancing in heels. I thought about how hot she looked on the dancefloor at the reception, the carefree yet confident way she moves her body.

Daphne and Olivia moaned into each other's mouths as they rubbed each other's clits. Daphne pulled her feet from me before quickly shoving one right back into my mouth. My lips opened and her big toe slipped inside. Instinctively I started sucking on it.

"Mmm, there you go you little slut. Suck my toes like you sucked his big cock earlier."

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment but I also felt a drip down my thighs. I bobbed my head up and down on her toe as I swirled my tongue around it. Then I switched to the other foot and did the same.

"Fuck yes, that feels good!"

I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or to Olivia, who had just pushed two fingers inside her.

It didn't matter, I sucked on her toes like my life depended on it. I let my hands rub up and down her calves, feeling the silky smooth skin of her toned legs. Both of them had multiple fingers inside the other while also rubbing her clit. It was impressive and hot as hell to watch

Before too long I felt Daphne's legs stiffen and her toe curl in my mouth as Olivia's fingers pushed her over the edge.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck," she moaned loudly.

I let her toes fall from my mouth and placed loving kisses all over her feet as she came down.

Daphne turned her full attention to Olivia and quickly made her come as well. While Olivia lay back enjoying her orgasm Daphne stood and helped me to my feet. She picked up my robe and put it back on me. She looked into my eyes and said, "thank you my sluttly little cousin."

I blushed some more and lowered my eyes. Daphne lifted my chin and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. She opened the door and pointed across the hall, "Trevor is staying right there," she laughed, "have fun," she playfully slapped my ass and closed the door behind me.

Holy shit that was so hot! And so wrong. And so hot!

I slipped my hand between my thighs feeling just how wet I was. I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them clean again.

Who knew my own cousin's toes could get me that wet. But it was more than her feet, or that she was a girl, or even that she was my cousin that did it. It was how she so casually ordered me around and how I felt like I just had to obey. I'd have to get a hold of that instinct, I can't just go around dropping to my knees for everybody who says so. But first thing's first, I need to find some lube and get back to Sir. I'm running out of time.

I crossed the hall and knocked on the door I now know is Trevor's. Thankfully I didn't have to wait long until he opened the door. He was just wearing a pair of boxers and looked tasty.

"Sam? What are you doing here?"

"Trevor, I'm so sorry to bother you, I just have a quick favor to ask."

He looked annoyed to be dealing with me right now, "and...?"

"Do you have any, uh, lube I could borrow?" I almost whispered.

A look of realization came upon him. "Oh. Damn girl, that was quick. We all saw how the two of you left the reception together. I thought, 'good for Sam, she could use a good fucking.' Didn't expect it'd be an ass fucking."

"What can I say? He's very... convincing."

"I guess so."

"Look, I'm in a bit of a time crunch and I really need that lube, can you help me?"

"Well, I did bring some lube with me."

My eyes widened in hope.

"But unfortunately for you, and very fortunately for me, I used the last of it not too long ago this evening."

I peeked into Trevor's room, "oh, sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"No. I sent him packing when I was done with him. But I would like to get some sleep. Sorry I couldn't be more help, good luck."

I replied, "thanks," as he closed the door in my face.

I was running low on time so I quickly worked my way up the hall knocking lightly on each door. I didn't get an answer at any of them. I knew my time was running short and my only real option was the room I was most trying to avoid.

I hurried down the hall and knocked on the door of the honeymoon suite. I heard some movement and put my ear to the door, though muffled I could make out a few things...

"Who the fuck would interrupt me on my wedding night?"

"Now don't go anywhere, baby," followed by a laugh.

"This better be important!" as footsteps approached the door.

Shadows shifted behind the peephole followed by an intrigued, "Oh..."

I stood back and waited. The door was unlocked and swung open. My jaw dropped as I laid eyes on my baby sister.

Julie was wearing a white leather body harness. Straps criss-crossed her body and left her large full breasts exposed. Her hard nipples stood proudly on large areolas. White wasn't really Julie's color, to be honest, black would have looked better against her milky skin. But I guess when it's your wedding night you go with white. No matter, she looked incredible.

Between her legs hung a large dildo, its color matched her skin perfectly. I didn't know how to react. She had her hands on her hips and moved them just enough to make the fake cock bounce. It mesmerized me.