The Weekend Fix: Cabin in the Woods

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Daughter helps to cheer up her divorced dad.
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As Jack and Lily pulled their car along the bumpy road, it splashed through the scattered puddles, creating a musical harmony of splashes and drips. The cabin they approached was a charming wooden structure, nestled in the midst of towering trees that swayed in the gentle breeze. It was a quaint, picturesque cabin with a gently sloping roof and a spacious porch that ran the length of the front. The porch was the perfect place to sit and take in the serene beauty of the surrounding woods. The cabin was small, but it had a cosy and inviting feel, making it the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Jack, a rugged and sturdy man in the prime of his life, stepped out of the car, stretching his tall frame and inhaling deeply, relishing the fresh forest air. His strong features, etched by years of hard work, were set in a contented expression as he gazed around the serene surroundings. Lily, a lively young woman with a head full of thick wavy red hair and sparkling brown eyes, eagerly bounced out of the car, her gaze fixed on the cabin before her. Excitement danced in her bright eyes as she took in the charming wooden structure, imagining the adventures that awaited her within its walls.

"Dad, this place is perfect! I think we're going to have a great time here," Lily said with excitement in her voice.

"I hope so," Jack replied, a weak smile on his face.

Lily's heart was filled with regret. She was the one who caught her mom cheating on her dad with someone. She struggled with whether to tell her dad or not for weeks. But in the end, she confessed. She always felt guilty for breaking up their marriage, but deep down she knew her dad deserved better than her mom.

So, she thought that taking her father to the cabin would help distract him from the recent divorce and ease his pain. However, no matter where he went, the memory of her mother lingered and continued to weigh on him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, concerned in her voice.

"I just miss your mom sometimes, you know?" Jack replied with a sigh.

Lily put a hand on his shoulder, understanding. "Forget about the person who doesn't care about you, Dad. Let's make this trip about us, okay?"

Jack didn't want to bring down the mood for Lily, so he put on a smile and said, "Yeah, let's do that."

Lily led Jack inside the cabin. It had a warm and cosy feel, with the walls made of rough-hewn wooden planks and the floor covered in a thick layer of soft rugs. There was a comfortable couch in front of a large stone fireplace, with a stack of firewood waiting to be lit. The kitchen was small but well-equipped, with a stove, refrigerator, and a small dinette set in the corner.

There was only one bedroom with a simple yet sturdy wooden bed and dresser. The walls were decorated with framed photos and paintings, giving the space a personal touch.

They unpacked their bags and got to work, setting up a cosy spot to relax and enjoy the peace of their serene surroundings. Jack built a fire in the fireplace, filling the small cabin with a warm and inviting glow, while Lily arranged the cushions and blankets to make the place even more comfortable.

As they settled in, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relaxation. The forest hummed with the sounds of nature, and the flickering fire provided a peaceful backdrop as they talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company. This was exactly what they needed after the chaotic mess they had been through for the last few months.

"I was right, wasn't I?" Lily said, feeling satisfied with herself.

"Yeah, you were," Jack agreed.

"This is what we needed, dad," Lily said.

"So, You wanna go to sleep?" Jack asked, as he stretched his arms lazily.

"I don't wanna leave you alone. You might start thinking about mom and all. Let's just stay here," Lily suggested, snuggling closer to Jack.

"Dad," Lily whispered.

"Hmm?" Jack replied, acknowledging her.

"Do you hate me?" Lily asked hesitantly. "For telling you about Mom and breaking up our family."

"Of course not, sweetie," Jack replied, his voice soft and comforting. "I was upset and hurt at first, but I know that we are better off this way. And most importantly, I could never hate you."

Lily was silent for a moment, feeling guilty for bringing down her dad's mood with her questions. She hoped to lift to cheer him up. So, she snuggled closer to her dad.

Jack noticed something stir against his dick. He looked down to find his daughter's soft butt cheeks pressing against his dick. He backed up a little. But Lily drew closer and snuggled him.

"Hey, when we get back, let's make you a Tinder profile," she said, quickly trying to shift the conversation to a lighter topic to lift his spirits.

"Tinder? There is no way you're gonna find a woman my age on there, hun. Good luck though." Jack chuckled.

"Who said anything about finding a woman your age? You have no idea how many young girls there are with daddy issues. They would eat you alive," Lily joked.

Jack laughed. Lily snuggled closer again brushing her ass cheeks against Jack. She felt his soft meat tightly pressing against her ass. But, this time Jack didn't move, he stayed still.

"Yeah, young girl with daddy issues. That's exactly my type." Jack laughed back.

"Hey, don't make it sound like it's a bad thing, dad. I know how men your age think about young women," Lily chuckled.

Jack stammered, "Not... all men are the same, love."

Lily raised her eyebrows and turned towards Jack, inquiring, "So, you never thought about a younger woman? I've seen you check out my friends. Don't lie."

Jack just chuckled without responding and they remained silent for a few minutes. After a brief moment of cuddling, Lily queried, "So, you are not planning to date anyone?"

Jack hesitated and said, "I don't know. I am old. I am not sure if there is anyone I can find with my type."

"What?" Lily exclaimed as she burst out laughing. "Daddy, I had no idea you had a type."

Jack laughed awkwardly.

Lily queried, "Now. It's getting interesting. Blonde, brunette, or redhead?"

Jack didn't answer for a second because talking about his girl preferences with his daughter caused his dick to grow in his pants. His mind told him to back up before Lily notices his erection, but his body chose to stay put as he pressed his hard dick against his daughter's soft ass cheek. He had been missing women's warmth for a while.

After a minute, Jack responded, "Redhead."

Lily giggled because she was a redhead. And then, she asked, "Tall or short?"

Jack replied, "Tall."

Lily bit her lower lip. She liked her dad's preference was a tall redheaded girl. She liked her father's preference for a tall redhead girl. Because she was a tall, redheaded young lady.

Lily blushed making her cheeks turn pink and she said, "Alright, last question. What's your preferred age range? 20's or 30's or 40's."

Jack said without thinking, "Umm... 20's."

Lily burst out laughing and said, "Eww dad. You are making it sound like I am your type. Don't swipe right on me on tinder."

Jack chuckled nervously and said, "Nah, you don't have daddy issues. So, you are not my type hun."

Lily chuckled. She was relieved to see that her father was finally happy and cracking jokes after such a long time.

"Okay, daddy. I'm sleepy," Lily admitted, pushing her ass even harder against Jack's boner.

Jack was certain Lily had felt his boner. But he was perplexed as to why she didn't say anything. However, he felt bad for taking advantage of his little girl. It was comforting to him to have a young girl's attention after the difficult divorce.

"Good night, Hun." Jack snuggled his young daughter as she dozed off.

The fire they had started earlier in the night had died down to a soft, warm glow. Jack and Lily, who had fallen asleep snuggled up together on the couch, stirred as the light gradually grew stronger.

Jack was the first to wake up, rubbing his eyes and stretching his limbs. The first thing he noticed when he woke up was, he realised that Lily was embracing him more tightly from the side.

He muttered to himself, "Jesus," as he tried to keep his daughter's boobs from pressing against his chest. As a man, he enjoyed having a young girl's soft boob pressed against his chest but as a dad he tried to move a little, but in the process he woke up Lily.

Lily let out a sigh and stretched her arms as she said, "It's so quiet here, Dad. I feel like we could stay here forever."

Jack nodded in agreement, "I'm glad we came here."

"I think I need to freshen up before we head out to fish. Give me a few minutes," she said, getting to her feet and stretching her arms. When she did that, her shirt rose, exposing her perfect round butt cheek in the tight pants. Jack noticed it with a guilty expression.

As Lily headed to the bathroom to freshen up, Jack decided to take advantage of the quiet and catch a few more minutes of sleep. He had been on the road for most of the day and was feeling tired, and he figured a quick nap would do him some good.

He settled back into the couch, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, savouring the peacefulness of the cabin. But just as he was about to drift off, Jack heard a blood-curdling scream coming from inside. He immediately leapt to his feet and rushed to the bathroom door, "Lily! What happened? Are you okay?" he cried out, his heart pounding with fear.

The door flung open and Lily appeared, her eyes wide with terror, "Dad! Look!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the bathroom counter.

Jack's expression changed from fear to amusement as he saw the small lizard sitting on the counter, seemingly unperturbed by the commotion it was causing. "It's just a little lizard, Lily. There's nothing to be scared of," he said, trying to reassure her.

He grabbed a nearby towel and slowly approached the lizard. He managed to scoop it up in the towel and threw it out the window. He stood there for a moment, watching as it scurried away into the forest, before turning his attention back to the bathroom.

He washed his hands thoroughly, trying to shake off the creepy-crawly feeling that the encounter had left him with. As he dried his hands, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of Lily's reaction. She had always been a little skittish when it came to bugs and reptiles, and he was glad that he had been there to help her.

"All clear!" he called out, a grin spreading across his face.

Lily let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks, Dad," she said, still shivering a little from the encounter.

"No problem, kiddo," Jack said. He turned to leave the bathroom, but he was taken aback by what he saw.

Jack's gaze shifted on Lily, and he couldn't help but take in her appearance. She was standing there in just her underwear with a toothbrush in her hand. Her grey lingerie hugged her curves, accentuating her feminine beauty. For a brief moment, he wasn't her dad. He was a man. But as soon as the thought of a man crossed his mind, Jack felt a twinge of guilt. He couldn't bear the thought of making Lily feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, so he quickly averted his gaze and tried to avoid looking at her.

But it was too late. Lily had noticed Jack staring at her, as she suddenly looked up and their eyes met. A moment of awkward silence passed between them, and Jack could see that Lily was feeling embarrassed.

"I am pretty sure you're gonna swipe right on me on tinder," Lily joked.

Jack chuckled awkwardly as he said, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay, dad," Lily replied. "I'm not mad. Now, if you excuse me, I am gonna shower. Unless, you wanna stay and watch?"

Jack chuckled nervously and said, "I'll leave you to get ready." With that, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Lily to continue her work.

He returned to his couch and attempted to sleep. He couldn't, however. Not after what had occurred in the restroom. When he closed his eyes, the image of Lily in her underwear kept coming back to him. The memory was etched in his brain, and he gave himself a hard time for being the worst dad in the world. He wanted to relieve the pressure to think clearly. And he waited patiently for Lily to exit the bathroom, so he could jerk off.

Thirty minutes later, Lily strolled into the living room looking casual in a sleeveless t-shirt and jeans.

"Don't stay long in the bathroom," Lily urged. "We gotta go fishing."

Jack went to the bathroom. When he was finally alone, he stripped naked. He had a rock-hard dick. He grabbed it and began stroking it, but as he closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation, the memory of his daughter returned. He cursed himself again and opened his eyes, breathing heavily. He wasn't sure he could continue without being interrupted by the image of his daughter. But he continued slowly, trying not to think of his daughter, but the memory returned after a few strokes. And he chose to keep going. He stroked it harder and harder until, with a huge grunt, he came all over his hands. He shook his head, convinced that his actions had earned him a one-way ticket to hell.

And then he went on to take a shower and forty minutes later, he got dressed, choosing a flannel shirt and jeans for the day's fishing trip.

Making his way to the kitchen, he found Lily already seated at the small dinette set, her wavy red hair falling in disarray around her face as she spooned fruit cocktail from a can into her mouth. Jack couldn't help but smile at the sight of his daughter, who looked so much like her mother with her bright brown eyes and infectious grin.

"Want me to cook anything for you,dad?" Lily asked.

"I think I'll have some canned peaches," Jack said, grabbing a can from the pantry.

As he ate in silence, Jack said, "Lily, I am sorry. I didn't mean to stare at you like that."

Lily sighed and said, "C'mon Dad, let it go. You didn't make me uncomfortable. Stop crying and don't mess up the vacation."

When they were done with their breakfast, Jack gathered their fishing gear and they headed out into the bright morning sun, the crisp air and chirping birds invigorating them. They were eager for a day of adventure.

However, as they made their way to the lake, they started to notice dark clouds gathering on the horizon. Jack tried to ignore them, thinking it was just a passing shower, but as they reached the lake, the clouds had grown darker and the first drops of rain started to fall.

"Looks like we'll have to head back," Jack said, disappointment evident in his voice.

"Aw, do we have to?" Lily asked, looking up at her dad.

"I'm afraid so, kiddo," Jack says, putting his arm around her. "But we'll have plenty of time to fish later, I promise."

As they made their way back to the cabin, the rain started to fall in earnest, quickly turning into a downpour. By the time they reached the door, they were drenched and shivering.

"Well, no phone calls or texts for us today," Lily said, looking down at her phone.

"I don't mind," Jack said with a small smile. "It's nice to take a break from technology."

Both of them switched off their phones to dry them, then Lily grabbed a towel and headed to her room to change into shorts and a black sleeveless t-shirt. While Jack opted for beige shorts and a white shirt.

Jack started a fire in the fireplace while Lily sat on the couch. They huddled together on the couch, watching the rain as it beat against the window panes. There was no hint of clear sky.

"Looks like we're stuck here for a while," Jack said.

"That's okay," Lily said, snuggling into his side. "We've got each other."

"I'll make some hot cocoa to warm us up," Lily said, trying to lighten the mood.

Lily walked into the kitchen and started making the cocoa while Jack got to work starting a fire. She could hear him rummaging through the wood pile, looking for just the right logs to use.

When the cocoa was ready, Lily carried two steaming mugs back to the living room, where Jack was now sitting on the couch, staring into the fire. They both took a sip of the cocoa, letting the warmth seep into their bones.

"So, what do you want to do now?" she asked.

Jack thought for a moment before answering. "How about we watch a movie?"

Lily's face lit up. "Yes! I love that idea."

They picked out a movie and snuggled up on the couch to watch it.

As the storm raged outside, they lost themselves in the movie. But as the night wore on and the storm only got worse, they became more and more aware of their surroundings.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Jack said, looking at Lily.

"I don't know," she replied.

Jack got up and walked to the door, while Lily followed him. He reached the door and called out, "Who is it?"

There was no response.

Jack looked back at Lily. "Stay here. I'll check it out."

Lily nodded as her dad went to open the door. Her heart started racing with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She wondered who could possibly be out in this storm, and why they had come to the cabin.

As Jack opened the door, he found a woman standing outside, completely drenched from the rain. The woman appeared to be in her late thirties and had a kind face, though it was hard to tell as she was shivering from the cold.

"Oh my God, you're soaked! Come in, come in!" Lily invited the woman in, who hesitated for a moment before stepping inside the cabin.

Once inside, Lily went to the bathroom to find a dry towel, while Jack stood awkwardly in the living room with the woman.

"Here you go," Lily said, handing the woman a towel.

The woman took the towel, but she didn't use it to dry herself. Instead, she stood there, looking at Jack and Lily with a strange intensity.

"Jack," the woman finally spoke, her voice echoing through the cabin. " And Lily." The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning and foreboding.

Jack and Lily both stared at the woman in shock, their minds racing as they tried to piece together how this stranger knew their names. But the answer was not long in coming.

"I am Gemma," she said, her voice cold and steady. "I was married to the guy who got tangled up with your ex-wife."

The words were like a physical blow, knocking the breath out of them. They had never met Gemma before, but they knew of her. Jack never expected to come face to face with her.

"We need to talk," Gemma said, her voice firm.

The atmosphere was charged with an intense energy, and the three of them stood there in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and fears. It was as if time had stopped, and the only sound was the pitter-patter of rain against the roof. But the silence was soon to be shattered by the tempest of emotions that was about to unleash within the cabin.

Finally, Jack asked, "What do you want?"

"Can we talk alone?" she asked Jack.

Jack looked over at Lily and led Gemma to the bedroom, closing the door behind them. Lily was on edge, worrying about her dad being alone with this stranger. She didn't feel comfortable leaving them alone together.

Gemma was still shivering from the cold, rubbing her arms to try and warm up. Jack noticed and spoke up.

"You really should change into something dry, Lily might have some clothes that could fit you," he said.

"It's okay, I'll be fine," Gemma replied.

"So, why are you here?" Jack asked.

"I went to your house and you weren't there. I talked to a few of your friends and found out that you guys were here," Gemma explained

Jack gazed upon the woman, his expression one of disbelief. The idea that she had tracked them down seemed absurd, and he couldn't comprehend why she would do such a thing.

"My husband sent me a picture with your ex-wife," Gemma continued, her voice quivering with emotion. "The two of them are on a vacation in Hawaii. They are getting married tomorrow."