The Weekend Pt. 04

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She throws caution to the winds and goes away with Jim.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/20/2021
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Sorry for the delay between parts. My work has been consuming all my time. I have completed this and Pt 5 which will also be uploaded today. And yes, you will hear from the husband in Pt5.

* * * * *

I was awake before the alarm went off. It was Monday and I was going away with Jim. The flight was due to leave at 6:30 pm so I had told Jim that I would have to stay at the business during our normal lunch hour. He said that was ok, because he was looking forward to two whole nights with me, two whole nights of being able to feel me naked beside him, two whole nights of being able to be inside me.

I showered, carefully shaved those special parts and packed my suitcase making, sure to put in some of my sexiest lingerie. In addition to packing my smart but sexy business attire, I also packed a couple of different dresses to wear if we went out for dinner or to a night club.

Apart from my mind constantly being on Jim, the work day went very smoothly and no one said anything about me going away.

I met Jim at the airport and we checked in, getting our seating assignments together. I saw a couple of people I knew in the waiting room and introduced Jim to them as I had every intention of being with him, regardless of who saw us, and felt that if I did not introduce him it would create gossip. I was on my time table now and it was now just a matter of time before I would have to deal with people and my relationship with Jim. I walked into the Ladies and removed my engagement and wedding rings.

We boarded the plane and turned our cell phones off. The flight over was uneventful except for the fact that I was sitting beside Jim with his hand resting on the inside of my thigh. I could feel myself getting moist caused by his contact and knowing what we were going to be doing later.

Jim had left his car at the airport so this was my first introduction to his life. He had a dark blue BMW. You could smell the newness of the grey leather seats as you listened to the music that filtered through the air coming from one of those expensive sound systems. We sped off down the highway and within 20 minutes were at a high rise apartment complex overlooking a golf course. The Doorman took my suitcase out of the trunk and went to park the car while and Jim and I went upstairs.

Jim's apartment was on the 12 floor, it had three large bedrooms, indeed, all of the rooms were large, especially for an apartment. This was clearly upscale. His dining table sat eight and the sitting area was huge. Jim pored us a drink from the bar next to the lounge area. As I walked around I saw various pieces of art on the walls and sculptures and various figures dotted the apartment. The bathrooms had marble everywhere. The master bedroom was even larger and connected to two large walk-in closets and a bathroom that is every woman's dream, hot tub, separate shower stall, double sinks, and a large area with a big mirror and lights and a stool in front of it; all clearly intended for the lady of the house.

Jim and I sat on the sofa and I sunk into his arms. Being with him felt so natural. He asked if I liked the apartment. I told him that it was beautiful and that he had great taste. He kissed me, and said that the place had felt empty since the first weekend he had met me, and he had wanted me there ever since. He had wondered how, and if, he would ever be able to have me there, and he could not describe how good it felt to finally have me in his arms in his place, to be able to reveal more about himself to me. I put my arms around him and kissed him deeply. Soon his hands were all over me and he suggested that we go to bed.

I wanted to shower first so we both got into the shower. Whilst I let him run his hands all over me in the shower, I made him wait for sex as I wanted our first sex there to be in his bed. I wanted it to be special, something that we could look back on as a special moment in our lives.

The cool clean crisp sheets felt lovely on my bare skin. The cotton was soft, soft that only comes with a very high thread count. I lay on my back as Jim rolled on top of me, kissing me from head to toe, ever so softly stroking my body. I could feel his rock hard manhood touching me and pulsating. I reached for it and guided it to the entrance of my hot, well lubricated womanhood, and soon was blessed with that glorious feeling, a feeling that can only be enjoyed under the right emotional and physical circumstances, as he entered me. I never knew that heaven had so many different places in it, each with its own magic. Yes my Greek God, take me and make me yours, completely yours.

If you had asked me before tonight, if sex with Jim could get any better, I would have told you no, but being there in his bed, in his castle, was beyond imagination. He was more tender, more loving, yes, more than ever I felt that I was truly loved.

All night we made love and slept and made love some more. When I awoke he was not beside me and I could hear voices in the distance. I got up and put on a robe and wandered out following the voices to the kitchen. There I saw Jim in conversation with a woman in a neat uniform. He was asking for eggs and bacon as he poured coffee into a china cup sitting on a tray. He looked up at me and smiled as I walked in. He introduced me to the woman. Her name was Anna, and she was his house keeper.

She was an attractive woman. She was slim, with a fit figure, looked to be in her late thirties or early forties and of Latin origin. I noticed a wedding ring on her finger. She asked me if I had slept well and how I liked my eggs cooked.

We ate breakfast on the balcony to the apartment and I as I looked across the golf course I could see the ocean in the distance. Jim said that we would go to his office first and from there I could make calls to the people that I needed to see. He had arraigned for one of his two personal assistants to drive me around. He hoped that I could fit lunch with him into my schedule. Even though we had sex all night, I thought that I would like to get more than lunch with him.

Jim's office was only ten minutes from the apartment. It was in a six story building overlooking a main road, a wide beach and then the ocean. His offices were in the southern corner and he had a corner office with a lovely view of the ocean. The offices were tastefully decorated and you could see that they had been laid out in an efficient manner to provide for ease of work flow and comfortable, friendly work space.

Jim introduced me to everyone on the way to his office, the receptionist, various accountants and clerks in an open office space, and then his two personal assistants, Heather and Kate.

Heather looked to be in her late forties, and was English. Kate was much younger, mid-twenties and very attractive. Oh, and yes, Kate was American. Jim said that Heather would be taking me around.

Heather and I were soon on the road and we were able to get almost everything that I needed to accomplish, done.

Heather had worked with Jim for years; indeed she had worked with him at the same investment firm and left with him to help him turn the ailing company around. She asked me in a casual, yet probing way, about myself. I realized that she was looking out for Jim, they had a long history together. I did not get any vibe of jealousy from her, on the contrary, I felt she had a genuine caring for a friend. I realized that, in the long run, Heather could be a valuable ally and was honest in all my answers. Just like me, Jim had a history and I was now sitting with a very important part of that history.

Heather drove me to a restaurant and Jim was outside waiting for me. He stepped forward, opened the door for me and led me inside. The restaurant was on the second floor overlooking the mega yachts tied up below. We were seated at a table by the maître d and he handed us the menu. The menu was in French and English and consisted of gourmet meals.

Various business persons walked by and said hello to Jim. Those who were closer to him would stop and he introduced me to them. He explained to me that these were people who were well known for their expertise in their particular fields. It was clear that he was well known and well respected by those who matter.

After lunch we headed back to the office. Once there I was able to make calls and accomplish everything I had gone away to achieve, indeed, I was surprised as I had felt that I would be lucky if I had got three quarters of my goals accomplished but with Heather's help I was way ahead.

By five everyone was heading home. Jim's approach was that if you needed to work overtime, you either did not know what you were doing or you had too much work.

Before she left Heather told me that very early on she had considered a relationship with Jim but for several reasons, not the least was age difference and children, she had decided against it. She said that she felt that I had a great deal to think about and that she would like to be able to discuss it at length with me. She gave me her cell number and told me to call her when I was free to talk. She said that she liked me; felt that I had been honest with her, and that my interest in Jim was genuine.

I walked into Jim's office, he closed and locked the door behind us and took me into his arms. He said that he felt starved of me. He pulled my pants and panties off, dropped his own pants revealing his glorious upright manhood. Next thing I knew I was on my back on his desk with him sweeping everything off the desk as he guided himself into me. The were no blinds or curtains to hide what was going on and if anyone was looking out of one or two of the adjacent office buildings they would have been treated to a very erotic scene.

This was one of the things that I liked about our relationship. I never knew what was going to happen next. Last night had been a tender and loving experience and just now, well, it had been one of being taken and ravished. It was always different. One thing I knew though, was that I felt desired and loved in every way, wanted totally.

We went back to the apartment. Jim said that we would go out to dinner and, depending on how we felt we might go to a night club afterwards.

We showered together. As usual we could not keep our hands off each other and I soon found myself with that beautiful afterglow of a having been truly pleasured by a man who is well endowed and knows what he is doing.

Just as it had been at lunch, it seemed that everyone knew Jim, and I was introduced to a number of people. One of them told me that I must be special as it had been a couple of years since Jim had brought anyone, other than family or business connections, there to dinner.

After dinner we went on to a night club. The first thing I noticed was that what I had considered quite daring was regular run of the mill and that a number of the women were showing considerably more than I ever had. Also, there were a number of women who were in really good shape.

Not long after we were seated Jim's personal assistant Kate, who I had met earlier came up to say hello. She looked stunning. She was wearing a micro mini panel dress and had beautiful shapely legs, a flat abdomen with washboard abs was visible through one of the panels, and as she walked away her bare back was firm and taught. What was her relationship with Jim, I wondered. I confess, of her I was jealous and felt uncomfortable with her presence there. Did she know that we were going to be there? Was she there to make sure that I was kept in check? Was she my competition? How did Jim feel about her? Did they have a history? Jim seemed very matter of fact when she came over and gave no indication that anything was going on.

I was pleased to get out of the club, and on the way back to the apartment asked Jim how long Kate had been working for him. He said that she had been with him for the last two years. She was very efficient, was able to work on her own, and was good with clients. She had strengths that neither he, nor Heather, had and, therefore, complemented them. There was no hint of anything but a professional relationship in his answer and I felt a little less threatened.

When we got back to the apartment Jim took me in his arms and reminded me that I was the most wonderful person he had ever met and that he loved me. He said that having me with him like this was more than he had imagined. My heart went out to him and I started to cry and told him that being with him was like a dream, a dream that I never wanted to wake up from.

That night he made love to me with passion, but a passion filled with love. When I slept it was the most peaceful sleep that I could recall. He woke me in the early morning and made love to me again. I said to myself, "Oh, my Greek God, I am yours."

After a leisurely breakfast he took me to the airport. I expected him to drop me and go to work. Instead, he parked the car and walked with me to the check-in counter, and it was only at the last minute when I had to go through security did he leave me. He held me, told me he loved me and couldn't wait to see me the next day.

As it turned out my flight was delayed for 45 minutes so I decided to call Heather. She answered and confirmed that she could talk. She said that she was glad that I had called as it confirmed her judgment of me. She said that I was the first person who had had this effect on Jim and that she could tell that he was in love with me and, as she had said earlier, she felt that I was genuine though she did not know me well enough to say that I was in love with Jim. Regardless of that it seemed, from what she had been able to gather from her conversations with me, and with Jim, that there were a number of issues that I needed to deal with, not the least of which was the fact that I was a married woman. It was then that she gave me details of what she had eluded to earlier.

When she and Jim left the investment firm they worked long hours working feverishly to figure out how to save the failing company. Although she was already married and had children, she found herself being inexorably drawn to Jim. They would flirt with each other, even though she was 17 years his senior 25 and 42 years respectively. She knew that it would not take much to turn the relationship into a sexual one, and more, but she also knew that she was married. She was thus forced to consider what the consequences of her actions would be and, if she were to leave the marriage, how would she deal with that? She said that I was at that juncture and that it was clear to her that I had not yet taken the time to think it all through. Indeed, it seemed that I had not really given it any serious consideration.

First, she said that the time was now; in fact she already felt that it was past time. She said that the relationship was much further along than the one she had found herself in ten years earlier. I had already agreed to make the relationship sexual. No, Jim had not said anything but it was all pretty obvious. She asked if I had said anything to my husband, or anyone for that matter. What about my friend who I had gone out with that night? I admitted that I had not spoken to anyone, that I had been so wound up in the whole thing, it had all happened so fast, that I was not expecting it and that it had taken on a life of its own. I told her that I had wanted to speak to someone but given the relationships that exist in a small community it was very difficult. I told her that I was desperate to talk with someone but that I was sure that I wanted to be with Jim.

Heather told me that, based on that, she would be happy to talk with me but to remember that her loyalty lay with Jim. She also said that she would not give any advice that she thought might influence any decision that I would need to make. When it came to what I actually said and did was completely up to me.

She said that the first person that I needed to deal with was my husband. She said everything would be that much worse if he were to find out from someone else and as Jim and I had travelled together and got off the plane together that "The cat would soon be out of the bag." I knew that she was right and my husband had done nothing to deserve this. I asked her what I should say. She said that was up to me, he was my husband, she didn't know him, all she knew was that he should be the first one that I spoke to. Just then they called my flight. I thanked her for everything and asked if she minded me calling her later to let me know what considerations she had given, in her earlier circumstance with Jim. She said if I thought that it would help, I was free to call her anytime, but remember, she did not want Jim to get hurt.

When I arrived I turned on my cell phone and it showed that I had tens of missed calls from my husband and members of my family. I had turned my cell phone off when I left as I wanted to experience my time with Jim without any distractions. Indeed, to have calls from home would have ruined the effect.

I had not told anyone where I was going to stay, other than saying that I would go to Sheraton or Marriott or similar hotel once I got myself organized. I knew that what I had done was out of character for me. If I went away I would always call home and speak to my husband and he would, if I was contactable, always call me. I guess that I had known that my not calling or anything would cause my husband to worry, but how else was I going to get my uninterrupted time with Jim?

I knew that what I had done had caused my husband anguish and worry. I guess that Heather was correct, I should have spoken to my husband earlier but I felt that if I had, I would not have been in the open frame of mind that I had been with Jim, and that would also have ruined the effect. I wanted and got to be with Jim, in his home, as if I were completely his and I felt that I had achieved that, I got to feel how I would feel if I were free to be with him. At least that is how I felt about it. I needed to do that in order to make sure about what I was doing. But now I was going to have to deal with the consequences of all my actions, the first of which had started when I decided to go for drinks with my fun loving girlfriend, two and a half weeks ago.

As I dialed my husband I had no idea what I was going to say or how the conversation was going to end.

Well I guess that it was "Time to face the music," as they say.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Devoid of dialogue or any characteristic elements of actual fictional writing, this story is impersonal and cold. That the writer uses passive voice to distraction only adds to the gray, hopeless feel. MC seems more like a woman waiting for the judge to sentence her to prison than a woman on the cusp of finding true love. Gone is any good, understandable presentation of her inner conflict, turmoil, worries or regrets. Bad, bad, fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There is no doubt about it. Jim must die.

Slowly and painfully is optional.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Just another heartless Cunt and sissy loser husband pile of shit

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Inwitness doesn’t answer gender in the biography so I don’t know if the wife character is written by a male or female. I question if this is a typical female internal thought process representing falling in list?

I agree with other comments that this was too long and verbose about how incredible Jim was. Needs more dialogue and less telling and less pages but it is what it is.

This will probably end like the last space shuttle disaster that blew up on re-entry. The mission took off reached high altitude and disintegrated on re-entry. The destruction was quick but the falling debris lit up the sky across a continent and the emotional Devastation was huge.

KalimaxosKalimaxosabout 3 years ago
It's not cheating if the world love is tossed 100 times right?

She is deluded, self-indulgent, entitled and will probably use the "I was seduced" excuse in the end. Are we headed for a RAAC? I have my barf bucket ready

I know I should wait until the next chapter (whenever that may be) but I have to do this now. Cuckold... (I think I'm getting the hang of this.)

Oh look, the first e-mail telling me I'm an asshole just came in.

My reply: Yah think?

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 3 years ago

There is no room in this woman's life for anyone but herself. Run away as fast as you can.

GarySmith69GarySmith69about 3 years ago

It seems i missed something. Is there a loving wife in this story? As in a wife who actually cares for has feelings for or in done small way has affection for her husband? I don't think there is any possible way the woman could be called a loving wife. The husband needs to get rid of her as soon as possible. In the next chapter the woman calls up the husband and says "Im leaving you for Jim." And the husband says, "Thank fuck for that, Goodbye" THE END the husband lived happily ever after.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

So why is she actually married?

I see nothing resembling love or respect?

Yes, we know you cucks like the idea of the woman seeing you as useless and beneath her and her lover being such a superior male.

So, great job writing an entitled worthless bitch, whos husband should literally use his foot to help her through the front door onto the sidewalk.

No real man would ever contend with a twat like that. Great job, its rare I truly hate a character on LW, even though most of you cant write a real woman to save your life.

I hope her music is divorce papers, unless you hate the cuck hubby as much as we hate the wife you wrote.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wow! A whole page.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 3 years ago

So far, all we have is a stereotypical narcissistic cheating bitch. Is there anything else to the story? Is it going anywhere?

jaythemanjaythemanabout 3 years ago

This is dragging. You have spent 4 chapters letting us know how dreamy Jim is in the wife's eyes. This could have been accomplished in a couple of pages. The husband should have been involved on page 3 of the first chapter. There is no way a husband with average intelligence would not have figured this out.

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Legio, you nailed it with a comment as good as your stories. Your Acronym CUNT very aptly fits so many of the Loving Wives portrayed in these stories. Brilliant.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 3 years ago

What a vile and stupid female specie.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

You've created an interesting character. Sadly, she's a realistic self-centered, self-indulgent cunt. I mean, who uncharacteristically and unexpectedly drops off the radar - not so much as a text message - and has everyone frantically worried, upset, sleepless, unproductive and is so blasé about it?

C = clueless; U = unfeeling; N = narcissistic; T = twit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I hope to see the husband found out and is awaiting a confrontation with the deceitful bitch. I know you have already written the next chapter, but it is nice to think she will get what she deserves. I also hope the “shiny and new” relationship tarnishes quickly.

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