The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 02

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Deuls and discipline.
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Part 2 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Chapter 2 -- Watching the Duel and the Discipline.


A Thursday in May 2045, three days before the paintball gun shootout northeast of Hamburg. Larry Lee Lewis, known as the "Killer," met with Eva Verte, an attractive, shapely woman with black hair, ghostly pale skin and bright red lipstick, in a small coffee shop in Hamburg's St. Joseph neighborhood just north of the Reeperbahn.

Eva, 32 years old, was born in Paris but has been living in Hamburg since Marcon's presidency ended, and everyone in Paris took early retirement. Verte was the wife of a member of the Bundestag, Sarah Opfer, who committed suicide after being disclosed as participating in BDSM activities with leaders of Germany's right-wing party, Alternative für Deutschland.

After greetings, getting coffee and sitting down, Eva explained that she manages a company that handles export and import arrangements with England. These arrangements had become more complicated owing to new paperwork cause by Scottish and Welsh independence and a myriad of new EU requirements.

Killer explained that he wanted to talk a bit about Lena Fesch because she was involved in a magazine investigation about a contest he was helping to run. Killer had heard Eva knew a lot about Fesch and might have reason to tell him something he should know before his employer went too far in allowing Fesch access to his business affairs.

"And your contests involve paintball gun fights? That is an odd sporting event," Eva said.

"The company president, ELvis Wallace, who most people call Neck, created the contests. The contestants can make a lot of money. The main purpose from the company's point of view is to obtain women who will provide sexual services on ships travelling in the Mississippi Basin and the Gulf of Mexico. Neck has explained that we need contests that could be played by women that most men who might patronize a boat featuring sex will find very attractive. A women's sumo wrestling tournament would not work for this purpose even if it would be a worthwhile sporting event. Only women considered highly attractive to typical boat customers are invited to compete. We have paintball duels, fencing, and there is talk of adding tennis."

"That's funny; I just took up fencing. I was told it was good exercise."

"Frau Verte, I don't think you'd want to compete in our fencing tournament until you are very confident that you are very good. Both the rewards and penalties for participating in our contests are substantial."

Eva came to the point, "Mr. Lewis, I am still not sure why you looked me up or why I agreed to meet with you unless it is simply that you are so handsome and charming. You say you are interested in Lena Fesch and probably heard that I had a grudge against her relating to Sarah Opfer's death a decade ago. Yes, at the time of Sarah's death, I mouthed off that Lena caused Sarah to take her own life, but I was very upset and looking for someone other than myself to blame. Lena could have been more discreet. One could even say it was a sort of betrayal for Lena to say anything about activities in the Club all three of us were in. But Lena was young and did not disclose much about Sarah. Sarah certainly did not kill herself just because of the hint Lena provided that led to the discovery of Sarah's little vice.

"The fact Sarah liked to be tied up, teased, whipped and have sex in bondage would have hardly even been considered an indiscretion in itself. This is Germany. It was worse when someone, not Lena, disclosed that Sarah had revealed internal Linke party discussions to show off, but Sarah would not even have lost her seat for that.

"Afterward, it was obvious Sarah suffered from young adult-onset schizophrenia. I suspected she was sick when she started telling me how she would disclose how many of the leading CDU and SPD politicians were in the pay of some mysterious Jewish Hungarian Trillionaire. As I determined after I read much of what was in her diary after she hung herself, Sarah thought there were voices in her head implanted in her while she nodded off during some speech. The voices were trying to get her to jump off the Reichstag's viewing platform onto the Bundestag's floor. The last words in her diary were, "No, they'll never take me alive", written in blood.

"I have long ago forgiven Lena for the indiscretion in the article, and even the Club has forgiven her, although many think she is nuts for other reasons, or at least think she is very ego driven and foolhardy almost to the point of being suicidal. One can't help but respect much of her daring work as an investigative reporter even if one always senses her mixed motives. Although Lena has some rivals, she's generally considered the most daring and successful investigative journalist in Europe since Günter Wallraff.

"It's mainly how she uses her beauty and sexual powers that has made her especially controversial."

"I heard a little about her escapade in Brazil," Lewis said.

"That's part of what's crazy about Lena; she goes after silly little scandals and misconduct the same way she goes after massive frauds, kidnappings, treason, rape and murder. True, she first became prominent by writing a relatively innocuous article about BDSM in Hamburg which was sort of like discovering there is a tower in Paris. But then she did incredible work, going to Bulgaria, pretending to be a local woman who only spoke Bulgarian and was looking for work as a housemaid in Germany. Lena learned enough Bulgarian to fool Romanian thugs who were too entranced with her looks to ask the right questions. She worked for weeks as a prostitute after she was forced to work in an underground brothel in Frankfurt.

"Lena made no effort to hide the fact that she'd had sex with dozens of criminals and brothel customers in order to get the story and mentioned in passing she'd gotten an abortion after disclosing the operation. A lot of the details as to how she fooled the criminals and how she arranged to be rescued are known only to Lena, but while in the brothel, she left enough breadcrumbs to be found and for the whole operation to be crashed and 34 women to be freed. After that, Lena was compared to Nellie Bly."

"Who is Nellie Bly?"

"Because of my acquaintance with Lena, I read up on investigative journalists like Wallraff. Bly was the pen name of a woman who faked insanity in order to expose the mistreatment of the insane in New York mental hospitals. While what Lena did was in some ways similar to what Bly did, there were naturally a lot of sneering remarks about what Lena had done that were never directed at Bly. In truth, many of those who sneered the most knew Lena from the Club. Her name in the Club is Mutige Schlampe, which means 'brave slut' if you don't know the German."

"I have certainly heard the word Schlampe frequently while visiting Hamburg," Killer said. "You know Lena well?"

"Let's just say that I have touched her most intimate places many times." Eva smiled slightly and continued, "After exposing the sex slave ring, Lena went on to find corruption among the windmill maintenance companies, which was good work, but then used all her feminine charms to bring down the Mayor of Lübeck, who was only guilty of using a bit of city money to spend on escorts. Of course, Lena had pretended to be an escort, and arguably the Mayor was entrapped as it was never proven he'd used city money to pay anyone but Lena. Lena charged a very high rate as an escort.

"Lena investigated accusations that women were being raped during the Russian civil war by getting raped Novgorod and almost murdered herself. Then there was a Bundeswehr general who disclosed how poor German air defenses were and an Education Minister of Lower Saxony who also fell for Lena's charms and revealed that she and another minister were taking money from government contractors.

"Lena did a tour of Berlin strip clubs and brothels, as a stripper and escort of course, but did not learn anything anyone did not already know. She nonetheless wrote a very charming article about her experience that showed that she had had a wonderful time."

"It does seem that she enjoys parts of her job a bit too much." Killer said. I have not studied the subject like you, but I think most investigative reporters don't fuck with everyone they fuck up,

"It seems Lena almost always does," Eva said. "And she springs something totally new every four or five months."

"How does she avoid being recognized?" Killer asked.

"We all know her in the Club, but she never allows herself to be pictured in the Club or elsewhere. But, for much of her information gathering, she does not even bother to hide her identity. I have heard of a few of her tricks and some have been the subject of legal testimony. Sometimes she leads the person being investigated to think she is pursuing someone else. Sometimes, she just uses her beauty and sexual talents to lead people, thinking more with their pricks or clits than with their heads, to do stupid things. It seems she is an absolutely brilliant interrogator of men who are recovering from their first orgasm before having sex with her again.

"The strangest thing is her marriage. She's such an adventurer but her husband wants to be a family man and a couch potato. I think she married him out of gratitude that he helped her get away from another guy.

"Now, Mr. Lewis, or what should I call you?"

"Most people call me Killer. It was the nickname for a 1950s Rock n Roll guy that my grandfather liked that I was sort of named after. I'm not in the business of killing people. As I mentioned, I work in the field of security. I used to work for the government. Now, I help with security and management of special events for the Wallace Import & Supply Company and work an occasional government job."

"Well, Killer, I haven't told you anything so far that you could not have learned from reading the newspapers."

"If I read German well and searched through 10 years of back issues."

"True, anyway, it's been a nice cup of coffee, but perhaps we should each go our own way?"

"Maybe. You've forgiven Lena for Sarah's suicide, but I sense you haven't fully forgiven her for the intimate relationship with Sarah that led to the disclosure."

"That was abrupt, Herr Killer. Maybe I haven't forgiven Lena entirely, and maybe I don't like some of the other things she's done. Maybe, like a lot of people, I'd like to see Lena, what you do say, taken down a notch. But how's that your business? Anyway, I don't know more than I've told you about her except what I read in the papers and experience in the Club. I'm not going to assist you in stalking her."

"I don't need your help for that. I've worked in security for various agencies and firms for 15 years. I just want to get into the back of Justines. I'd like you to take me as a guest to the play party they seem to hold there some nights. The bartender said I would fit right in.

"I imagine you would and that many people in the Club, both men and women, would find you as charming as I do. As you have probably figured out by now, almost everyone in the Club is enthusiastically bi-sexual, including me.

"You have to promise to be very discrete the first night and that you will not touch any woman in the Club Saturday,... except maybe me," Eva said with a sly smile, trusting her breasts forward.

"I can certainly follow those rules," Killer said dryly

"The bar opens at 21:00, but the Club doesn't open until 22:30 and doesn't get going much before 23:30. We can meet here at 23:00. Bring your passport and proof that you've been vaccinated and recently tested for every STD under the sun. When we meet, I can tell you what you need to do to be a good Club guest, and we can leave for Justines at 23:30."

Killer watched Eva gather her things and leave, focusing for the first time on Eva's body. She's built like a brick shithouse as Neck would say, Killer thought. Killer also thought of how his life had developed since studying at the Citadel and fighting in the civil war. This job sure beat being in the Army or working for Holy Hobby, stopping shoplifters and investigating employees who left the cash registers open too long.


The following Saturday, in May 2045, Marlena Sprengler, Angela Assad, Linda Loman and Lena went to the facility about 10 kilometers south of the Bad Segeberg Karl May Festival site. The paintball gun dueling stadium looked like a racetrack with an old western town painted on the walls around the playing field.

Neck let the three German women and Mrs. Loman in on a complimentary basis. Marlena, Angela and Lena each paid 20 Euros for a program that listed all of the contestants and a short bio for each of them with a picture of them in their Gunslinger outfits. The Reverend Loman was sitting elsewhere with a local churchman and the Mayor of Lübeck, who had recently returned to office after having stepped down due to a scandal.

Looking at their programs, which were in German, Chinese, English, and French, Malena, Lena, and Angela saw the following match-ups:

Joan Wayne v. Annie Sureshot

Gertrud Fassbinder v. Leanna Van Cleft

Kitty Carsonari v. Batty Mastercouri

Francesca Shatterhand v. Wild Betty Hickock

Katerina Earpinski v. Doc Joanna Vacanza

Cl** Ostwood v. Pistol Packin Mama

Susy Leone v. Contesa Mortimoro

Blondie Bois de l' East v. Belle Stern

"Obviously, the names are all made up, but I'm surprised they let Ostwood get away with a first time like that," Lena noted. "Looking at the program, it seems they have contestants from Holland, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Israel, Spain, England, France, Slovenia, and Italy, although you wouldn't always associate the assumed names with where the woman is identified as being from. I wonder if they tried to get women from many different places or if it just worked out that way."

"I certainly don't know," Linda said, "I am watching this spectacle, but I don't think I even want to know any more about this ugly event than I have to."

"I don't know," Lena said, "the women are certainly attractive in their tight costumes and colorful cowgirl hats, I might say Supergeil."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I guess someone might say that they are attractive if one likes the looks of women who look cheap," Linda said

"I would not call them cheap or at least not poor. According to the program, some of them have a 40 or more contests under their belts. They might be making 600,000 Euro a year just shooting six paintballs faster than others," Sprengler said. "Gertrud Fassbinder from Hadleydorf at 39 wins and no losses, sure isn't wasting much time after High Noon. The records for Shatterhand from Sachsen and Wild Betty from York also look like those women only lose to each other and Gertrud."

"It does not look like any of those three will ever be stuck on one of the sex boats unless they want to be," Lena mentioned.

"Some of the women have a large number of victories, but a couple are on their first or second duel," Angela said. "the records for the Roman Susy Leone, who is listed as a rookie, Kitty Carsonari from Salerno, at 1 win and 3 losses who must have just barely avoided losing her first duel, and the Polish Katerina Earpski at 1 win no losses tell a clear story. Except that you know no one lost their last match and are in the field today, a lot of the numbers do not tell a clear story. Leanna Van Cleft at 82 wins and 30 losses, must have had a lot of exciting late matches. She's sure a beautiful blonde Dutch woman, though with all the curves men fall for. Clit Ostwood and Belle Stern also have a lot of wins and losses, but the rest of the women fall in between."

"Doc Vacanza from Madrid has a 15 win and 25 losses record, a lot of feathers in her hat and a lot of buxom under her tights," Lena said. "I heard while buying a program that she's announced that she's quitting after this duel."

Neck Wallace showed up and suggested that Mrs. Loman might want to join her husband now. The religious business meeting has ended. Linda got up and went to the area of the viewing stands pointed out by Neck.

"We are to watch 15 paint gun duels now. How do you keep it interesting, especially when the best gunslingers get eliminated from the contest, and presumably the last match is between two of the less skillful shooters?" Angela asked.

"We get the first rounds out of the way pretty quickly by starting them at 100 feet and requiring people to fire in 90 seconds. Everyone is wearing their fancy goggles, colored leotards and the white torso body suit. We consider any hit to the torso as a kill. Because the paintballs don't harm anyone, it happens that women get off shots after they have been hit but we videotape the whole thing carefully so make sure we know who was hit first.

"After the first round we put in some filler to keep the crowd amused, usually a clown or a juggler, to kill time while the losers of the first round take off their paint stained body suit and put on a clean new white one."

"Still, it makes for a sort of strange contest in which the losers go to the next round and the winners get their money and go home. Have you ever thought of having the winners play to win the tournament?" Frau Sprengler asked.

"We thought of it but the real drama is not over who will win some money but who will go to one of the boats," Neck answered. "In a real duel the cost of losin is death which gives the event its real drama. We don't wanna kill nobody and watching beautiful women stressin over the chance of goin to work on a sex boat for much of the rest of their lives is plenty of drama and much more fun."

"Tastes differ. I'd probably prefer to watch a bunch of the leaders of your country try to curse each other to death," Lena said.

"Actually, that sounds kinda fun to me too," Neck answered, "but we are about ready for the first round now."

"Do you pay Sergio Leone for playing his music so much," Sprengler.

"It entered the public domain a few years ago. We don't have to pay Rossini for usin the Lone Ranger theme either," Neck answered.

"From what distance do women shoot their paintball guns?" Angela asked.

"About 25 yards," the guns aren't accurate for much more than that and we don't want to encourage a lot of wild shots. It could get messy in the grandstands."

"The ladies are coming out for their introductions, tells us about all their lovely attire," Sprengler said.

"Everyone wears the white cloth body suit on their torso so we can see clearly who got hit by a paint shot. You get hit on the torso first, you lose. You can see Killer and another guy down there, Frank Galton actin as referees and determinin who got hit. Frank, by the way is also a MD and there is a nurse sittin in the first row as we want to make sure there is someone on the spot if anythin goes awry. It ain't happened yet but someone get paint up her nose or some other shit and we could have a big problem if we ain't prepared."

"Every woman has to wear goggles durin the duels, so no one gets hit in the eye with a paintball. Otherwise, women are free to decorate their legs, feet, arms, hands and heads however they wish. We give em a budget and let them order what they want. Most wear cowboy hats and boots of some sort. Belts are not allowed cause they don't show the paint as well. Some women get quite gaudy as to what they put on their arms and legs and as you kin see there are feathers, arm and ankle bracelets, and all sorts of other stuff. The smarter gals, though, make sure that there is nothin on the arm they use to draw their gun.

"The introductions are kept brief. We are ready for the first match of the first round, Joan Wayne v. Annie Sureshot," Neck said.

At about 20 yards, the two ladies draw, and Sureshot is hit with a paintball in the stomach.