The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 07

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Lena goes west, snopes and violates many rules.
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Part 7 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Things are going to get darker regarding sex and human relationships. I believe that this is unavoidable if discussing legalized slavery. If you cannot take a strange concoction of parody, sex, bondage and exploitation, you had best turn back now.

Chapter 7 Kinky Sex and Other Investigations


This story has had paintball gun fights and numerous S&M scenes, but it is mainly about sex slavery in a country in which slavery is thinkable and legal. For this Investigation, Lena Fesch will be our principal guide. Her unorthodox research methods have been discussed some already, but given their importance to the rest of the story, they deserve a bit more explicit discussion.

Lena's methods were unconventional, even for 2045. Given climate change, economic depressions, diseases, civil wars and other unforeseen consequences of technological, biological and communication developments of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries, nations and societies have diverged into radically different moral outlooks and legal systems. Gay sex was practically the only sex that was openly allowed in many places but was punished with the death penalty in other lands. Puritanical feminists banned heterosexual sex in some countries, while wild libertine heterosexual orgies were a normal bourgeoisie weekend night event elsewhere. Gun ownership was forbidden in some and mandatory in others. Despite all this legal and cultural diversity, nowhere did any journalism school teach or recommend much of what Lena Fesch did.

Of course, some of what Lena did was the normal operating procedure for investigative journalists. She did library research and contacted other public sources of information like everyone else. She confronted sources with hard questions sometimes. She cultivated hidden sources and sometimes sent associates to places that she knew she could not go. She also perfected the "dumb blond" question in which she pretended to be a hopelessly naïve person who just had a few questions. This was not markedly different from what Inspector Porfiry Petrovich did in Crime and Punishment or what Inspector Columbo did on American television 30 years before Lena was born.

However, the fact that Lena used her beauty, charm, and promiscuity in all of these activities sets her tactics apart, even with regard to something fairly normal for investigators. Male librarians can be far more helpful when a beautiful woman is shaking her tits at them while asking for materials that are not normally open to the public.

What really set Lena off, though, was her willingness to put her body on the line both in terms of risk of bodily harm and sexual conduct. She took personal risks comparable to those of Nellie Bly, Chris Terrill, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Donal MacIntyre, Tim Lopes, Günter Wallraff, and other daring journalists, some of whom have died in the line of duty. But, as we have seen and will see more, Lena also was willing to fuck just about anyone to get the full story.


Lena's biggest concern about her trip to the Free American States under God was that the trip would be too safe. She feared that Neck Wallace and others would just show her Potemkin villages with happy servants and sanitized sex entertainment boats full of happy indentured servants; her hosts would try to convince her that what Rev. Loman and others in the FASUG called "indentured servitude" was unobjectionable. To try to get around a cover-up, Lena planned side investigations that people like Rev. Loman, Rev. Brown, Rev. Powell, Max Klug, Neck, Lawrence "Killer" Lewis and other FASUG officials would not control.

Before leaving for the FASUG, Lena met with Thomas Schnupper in a coffee shop in the Hamburg Innenstadt. Schnupper was an investigator Lena often utilized to get facts that she could not or did not want to get herself. She told Schnupper to establish first a North American base for them in Cincinnati. "Because of what I am going to ask you to do next, I do not think you will want to engage in any sex in the Social Democratic States of America, but on the off chance you do, remember that it is illegal for you to touch a woman there unless the woman has signed in triplicate before a notary a form, printed in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi, fully consenting to the activity to be involved."

Next, after explaining to Schnupper what Neck had said about the low-budget "all you can fuck boats," Lena said, "Tom, I need you to go onto the cheapest of the cheap low-budget boats and see if you can find a woman who will write a report about her experience being a sex slave there. We want something in writing and with enough details to make it clear that it comes from a woman on the boat and that it's not just a sex fantasy.

"Just how do you expect me to do that?" Schnupper asked.

"The gambling and sex boats are open to foreigners with money. I will give you $35,000 now for expenses, and my company will pay more than that if necessary. An ad I saw in a sex travel publication said the low-budget sex boats charge $1500 for eight hours."

"It will seem strange if I go into the all-you-can-fuck parts of the boats but do not fuck."

"Doch, do you have an objection to sex? Except when speaking to potentially helpful women, act like a boorish, horny German sex tourist who came to the Free States to fuck like crazy when not too drunk on Bourbon. We do not have to explain in the magazine how you met the woman that was willing to write about her life. Hopefully, the woman you find who will write will be attractive to you as I would strongly suggest that you have sex with her repeatedly so as not to arouse suspicion as to why you are meeting her so much. Also, have sex with many other women on the boat even after you find one who will produce a letter. We do not want to call too much attention to the woman you find.

"We do not want to get the woman killed or tortured. Do not urge her to break any rules. Neck said that persons in servitude on boats are allowed to write letters to family. They have to submit the letters to censors, and the censors will delete anything that the Free States and the boats do not want to go public. Urge her to tell the objective, unvarnished truth but make sure that she not only follows the rules but is seen following all the rules. I will need you to tell me when the letter is being sent. I do not know how I will get the letter before it gets to the censors, but I will.

Finally, you should try to get onto one of the strict bondage boats and report on what you see. From what I've heard, you will not be able to talk to any of the women there. They probably will be gagged."

"And to make my visit seem legit, I have to fuck a woman who cannot speak and is in bondage?"

"I guess you do. We will not discuss that in the article and will present the information as coming from a 'reliable source.' I guess it is rape, but it's legal on the sex boats, and I do not know of another way to get the story.

One last thing," Lena said, handing Schnupper an envelope; take this envelope of papers and put them somewhere in the SDSA far away from the Free States border; Boston, Detroit, or somewhere. Cincinnati is a good base for us, but it is probably as full of FASUG spies as West Berlin was full of East German spies when our grandparents were young."

"Is this envelope going to get me killed?"

"No, it's just a little information concerning the EU that we might want to have stored and someday perhaps let some people know about."


In early November, Lena flew to Justice Roger Taney Airport in Little Rock and met Neck Wallace, FASUG information agency official Joe Gobbles, and Homeland Security official Maxwell Klug. Gobbles was a plump good-ole-boy, outgoing and positive about everything. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Klug was dressed in a London Fog trench coat over a grey business suit and extremely closed-lipped. Gobbles joked that Klug was the muscle behind the Free States. Neck told Lena to watch out for Klug. "He's as hard as Killer and doesn't believe in God or any of the crap the preachers put out. He believes in preserving the Free States' institutions and his power as Deputy Secretary no matter what."

The Reverend Loman and his wife were invited to come to Little Rock to be part of the welcoming party, but Rev. Loman told Neck that he'd had quite enough time with "Schlampes or whatever you call that awful Lena woman."

Reverend Mark Tailor Brown was also invited but said that he had to work on his sermon for the following Sunday.

The first thing Lena and the greeting party had to do was get Lena some guns. "All non-indentured adults in the FASUG are required to carry a gun at all times and to have two more guns accessible just in case they run into a dozen bad guys with guns," Gobbles explained.

For the gun that she would open carry to comply with the Free States open carry requirement, Lena picked out a pearl-handled Derringer in a jet-black leather holster. She thought the Derringer and holster went well with her black minidress, although she was upset that there were only leather holsters and ones that contained plastic and fossil fuel products. "Sorry, Lena, but there just ain't any vegan cotton, hemp or flax holsters," Neck said while rolling his eyes.

As to the other two guns that were required - for whatever form of transportation she took and for her dwelling - she bought a German Bersa pistol and a Heckler & Koch pistol to show her patriotism. I just hope I do not hurt myself with these things, Lena thought. I wonder if they would let me carry a crossbow or a rapier instead? The FASUG constitution that I read on the plane speaks of an obligation to bear arms, but it does not specify firearms. Too late to think of that now that I am packing all this heat.

Another blow to Lena's cultural sensitivities was that they had to take Lena to a clothing store. "Frau Fesch," Gobbles explained, "your attire would only be appropriate in very few places in the Free States, mainly on the sex boats on those occasions when they have women wear clothing." Lena was very upset that she would not get to wear her miniskirt with the new Derringer she'd just gotten to go with it. After much grumbling, Lena allowed them to buy her some dresses that went down below the knees and did not expose any amount of her breasts.

Neck agreed that it was a damn shame that Lena had to be covered up so much but assured her that she looked very sexy, even in clothing appropriate for wearing in public in the FASUG.

Everyone during this official greeting day was cordial enough. They showed Lena around to the Anita Bryant Museum, the new Hannah Duston monument, the Chvington Museum honoring the 25 men of the Third Colorado Cavalry who died at Sand Ridge, the museum honoring the KKK, and the museum regarding the 2030-31 Civil War. A picture from the war included a photo of a young Captain Lawrence L. Lewis sitting on top of a combat Humvee with a number of other officers. Lena was intrigued.


Lena took a flight on Curtis LeMay Airlines to Boise, Idaho, the largest city in the western part of the FASUG. Killer met her at Judge Roy Bean airport. They drove Killer's benzine SUV to see areas in Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming that had been liberated from the old U.S. Department of Interior to become useful lands for fossil fuel extraction, all-terrain vehicle use, bitcoin mining, military games, and cattle grazing where there was still some grass left. Lena drove from Ontario, Oregon, to Caldwell, Idaho, because Killer said his eyes were bothering him.

Lena and Killer had sex in what used to be the National Park Service Old Faithful Inn. It was owned by the Unwoke Mouse Corp., which split off from another entertainment mega-business at the time of the national divorce. They next went to Killer's house near Cody, Wyoming, where they made love for days between rides and strolls out into the mountains and prairies. Lena told Killer that the days with him on the ranch had been some of the happiest days of her life. Killer smiled.

Killer asked Lena if she could see living at a ranch like it. Lena smiled and said maybe someday, but not a ranch in the FASUG. Killer said that's what he had thought she'd say.

The day Lena was to leave the ranch, Killer's old army buddy, Wayne, came to his place from Cody. It developed that he also worked for Homeland Security and was going to accompany them on the rest of the western trip.

When they stopped in a gas station in a town that had been called Sheridan, Wyoming but had been renamed "Stuart," a message reached Lena from Thomas Schnupper. He had learned that one needed special clearance to be on one of the strict bondage boats where Lena had heard women were presented for sex in bondage and gagged. As a foreigner, he could not get that clearance. Lena was disappointed and wondered if there was any way for her to get on one of those boats, talk to one of the women and get back off. Even Lena Fesch was reluctant to go onto one of those boats.

Schnupper had, however, found a woman on an all-you-can-fuck budget boat willing to write an honest letter to a family member and tell Schnupper when she had given it to the person who would convey it to the censors in Little Rock. Schnupper had made sure to tell her not to exaggerate her woes, not to complain about the boat, Big Nose Kate, to stick to the facts and strictly follow the rules on submission of the letter to the censors in Little Rock.

Schnupper had made his trip to her seem legitimate by having sex with her numerous times and reported that the woman, Betty Jo, was excellent in bed. He had also dutifully had sex with numerous other women on Big Nose Kate to avoid calling too much attention to Betty Jo.

Also, because Schnupper had been ticketed for failure to have a gun on him, he had gone to a pawn shop near the Big Nose Kate docking station in Memphis to buy a pistol. In the pawn shop, he had heard a deputy sheriff who was pawning a few guns he had confiscated mention that he needed money until his next payment for arresting a mixer woman came through. The deputy had not elaborated on what a mixer was but acted like arresting mixers was a normal part of his job.

Lena was annoyed by Schnupper's request for more expense money and a salary raise, although she agreed that his job had become very strenuous.

In her response, Lena answered that he had done a good job and told him to head for their Cincinnati Social Democratic State base or to the southernmost SDSA city, Louisville, Kentucky after he'd finished business on the Big Nose Kate by finding out when the letter would be delivered by Betty Jo for delivery to the censors at least a few days before she delivered it.

Lena deleted the message from Schnupper and her response from her mobile device and continued her tour of the western part of the FASUG with Killer and Wayne.

Killer asked Lena to drive the SUV from Wyoming to Montana, saying he was tired and maybe she'd like to feel what it's like to drive 160 km/hour again, given that Germany had set the speed limit for the Autobahn at 80 km/hour. Lena laughed, said she'd never driven more than 80 km/hour and had only driven electric vehicles. With more coaxing, she drove from Stuart, Wyoming, to Garryowen, Montana, at 90 km/hour. The snail's speed drove Killer and Wayne crazy. They sneered and remarked that the land of Mercedes, Audi and Porsche was now making big golf carts, and it was a wonder that they could get their veggies to market before they rotted if everyone drove at the speed Lena was driving.

Near Little Big Horn in the Free State of Montana, they viewed the Custer Monument and Martyr Shrine. Killer took Lena to a make-believe tepee at a campground a few miles from there and told her that she was a white captive of Apaches (although Apaches were not at Little Big Horn). With Wayne holding her down, Killer stripped off Lena's clothing in the most violent manner he could without hurting Lena or her clothing. They bound her arms to a rope thrown over poles at the top of the tepee that allowed them to lift her from the ground to the point her toes just barely touched the ground. They used ropes tied to opposite ends of the tepee to hold Lena's legs open, all the while manhandling her breasts and butt like Lena's body was their toy.

Killer took little strips of what he said was buffalo leather and proceeded to tie them tightly around each of Lena's engorged breasts. "The Apache didn't have nipple clamps like we have today. In their honor, we are using equipment that would have been available to them," Killer explained.

Killer attached small ropes to the loops that were now around Lena's breasts and lifted her breasts up. Next was a riding crop whipping of her back, her butt, the underside of her breasts and finally, her inner thighs. They were careful not to leave marks while causing as much pain as they could. Lena was largely silent and stoic so as to impress the "savages" with her bravery. The last strokes across her labia, though, caused Lena to both scream and orgasm. "With that orgasm, you're not doing a very good job of portraying a victim," Wayne noted.

None of what Wayne and Killer did was any more historically accurate than what Karl May had written, but a good time was had by all. Lena had three more orgasms while having sex on the floor of the tepee, being raped by the fantasy savages.

But they weren't done with Lena. They gagged her, tied her arms behind her back, tied a noose around her neck, which they loosely attached to the pole holding up the ceiling and left her for an hour after saying that they sure hoped no real Indians or campground employees found her before they got back. Lena was scared but trusted that Killer would not have left her there if there was a risk that she would be found like that.

Killer and Wayne had gone out for bison burgers. After they came back from lunch and Lena had begged the savages to spare her life, pledging to be their slave and serve their tribe, there was another round of sex. Lena held an arrow in her teeth as she rode Killer cowgirl style while Killer pinched her nipples, and Wayne screwed her up the ass.

Lena was persuaded to eat half a bison burger just so she could have the experience. "It's grass-fed, Lena. You aren't going to disrespect indigenous people by refusing to eat their food, are you?" Killer joked.

They asked Lena to drive most of the way from Little Big Horn to Casper, Wyoming, now saying that her slow pace was very restful for them. Lena thought it was a joke or that they wanted to sleep off the sex and the big lunch.

Lena was not oblivious to the fact that all the sex had engaged in out west was likely to be frowned upon by the local legal and religious authorities and asked how Wayne and Killer felt they could do this. Wayne did not know Lena well. He said that law enforcement varied greatly from state to state and even from county to county within states and that out west, there was less enforcement. Also, while adultery was considered a serious crime, premarital sex was tolerated because of what happened in the Book of Ruth. (Ruth 3)

"Of course, if the woman gets pregnant, which is likely given Free States laws," Wayne explained, "the woman has to marry the guy. If he doesn't marry her, she'll have to have the child anyway, but, as single mothers are not accepted in the FASUG, the baby will be put up for adoption. In a lot of small towns, things then get real messy as the woman is likely found by the sheriff to have committed some crime shortly after she gives birth and gets sent to a sex boat. The guy might get murdered by the woman's relatives for refusing to marry the woman.

"You know, it's what We call that practicing traditional values. Women who don't stay virgins until marriage are labelled as 'sluts,' sluts who get caught are practically forced to become whores, and seducers can get killed. Sort of like Dangerous Liaisons or whatever it was called."