The Woman in Flat 213


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But it was no use.

Elizabeth just dived right in.

Her fingers drilled into the small crevasse under her arms, by far her most ticklish area. She screamed from under the gag, most of it agonised laughter. The gag itself proved to be particularly unpleasant because of how it obstructed the flow of her breathing. She struggled against her bonds, she shook her head back and forth, continuing to laugh loudly as Elizabeth's skilled fingers found their way into every nook and cranny of her body.

But there was absolutely nothing she could do, other than to lie there struggling for breath, laughing furiously and desperately trying to avoid the fingers. Elizabeth seemed to be enjoying herself. She would tickle various points of the body at random intervals, with absolutely no pattern or predictability to them. Every time she found a weak or sensitive spot, she would attack it with a vengeance. To make matters worse, she only stopped very occasionally to allow Emily to catch her breath, and appeared to be quite determined to test how far the girl's endurance would take her.

It wasn't long before Emily's lungs were on fire, and the tears were streaming from her eyes. But Elizabeth still showed no signs of letting up. She went for the soles of her feet next, pinning each leg under her body, and raking her long nails all over them. Emily's laughter continued, as did her frenzied breathing, obstructed by the gag on her mouth.

If she thought that time was going on forever, she was definitely right. Elizabeth kept tickling her for a full fifteen minutes, and her breaks were indeed very intermittent. She completely ignored Emily's wails, and the gag prevented her from begging for mercy. So she just went on tormenting her, making a mental note to remember where all of her weak points were - her armpits... her nipples... the inside sole on each foot... her waistline... her inner thighs... She even spent a good minute or two tickling the girl's pussy, which proved to be the worst area of all. When she had a good idea, she started to attack them specifically, and once again with no pattern.

Emily's mind soon became a blur; she was in absolute hell, and there seemed no escape. She wouldn't even pass out from lack of breath, because Elizabeth kept stopping at just the right time to prevent that. How she didn't piss herself, she had absolutely no idea - she used to get it very bad as a kid. Maybe she'd grown up a little. Regardless, this was definitely the worst torture she had ever been through, far worse than anything any of the girls had ever done to her at school.

Eventually, though, Elizabeth decided to let up, and stopped the tickling. Emily just went limp, wheezing loudly through her nose as she tried to get her breath back. Meanwhile, Elizabeth got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. She came back with what looked like Emily's shaving cream and her razor, along with a small bowl of water from the kitchen, a towel and a flannel.

"Before I do anything else, I need to shave you. That pubic hair is annoying me," she said, sitting down on the bed again and placing everything around her. Emily was aware of this, but was just too relieved that the tickling had finally stopped, and merely silently complied when she was instructed to raise her hips so that Elizabeth could place the towel underneath her. So she gave no reaction to the teasing sensation on her pussy as Elizabeth carefully applied the foam and began to run the razor all around her pubic region. It took a while, but eventually, she had managed to trim every last scrap of hair away, leaving the girl with completely bare down below. Her lips were now fully exposed to the cold air. Elizabeth gave a smile as she wiped it all clean with the flannel, before taking everything back to its place and pulling the towel out from under her.

"Right..." She said when she returned. "I was planning on getting ready to go after I'd finished, but I think I'll indulge myself a little... Have you, by any chance, had your pussy eaten out by another girl?"

Emily shook her head. She had never even received oral sex in her life. In fact, she'd only ever had a couple of orgasms that hadn't been of her own doing - all of them by her ex-boyfriend.

Smiling, Elizabeth moved over to Emily's side, and began to undo the bonds on her left wrist. Knowing the drill, she allowed herself to be untied, rolled over onto her stomach, and secured in place again without resisting. She was made to raise her hips again, and a pillow was placed under her stomach, causing her bum to face the ceiling and the lower part of her pussy was now exposed. Elizabeth moved over to lay behind her and, without another word, buried her face into the younger girl's mound.

Emily gasped in surprise as the woman's tongue carefully toyed with her clitoris, and vigorously sucked on, circled and massaged her lips. She was still too tired to do anything other than lie helplessly as the fast-moving tongue drove her crazy. It could not have been longer than a couple of minutes before she felt the orgasm building inside of her. She moaned and whimpered, feeling as the nails began to carefully massage her bum cheeks.

Then, almost with a flourish, Elizabeth launched an all-out assault on her clitoris and pushed her over the edge.

The girl just erupted, the moans now surprisingly loud despite the gag, and although there was no squirting, she was clearly too caught up in her own ecstasy to even be aware of her situation. The orgasm continued for another minute or so, before the breathing eased off, and Emily just sprawled out, exhausted, into her bed. Smiling to herself, Elizabeth untied the bonds and rolled her back onto her back.

Once she was re-secured, she sat down next to her and gave her a couple of minutes to recover, gently massaging her shoulders and running her fingers through her long hair. Eventually, she stroked her cheek, and turned her face towards her, looking intently into her eyes.

"Now," she said. "I think it's time I told you what the arrangement is going to be... What I've done this all for. Well, the long and the short of it is that, as of now, you belong to me. I have very embarrassing photos of you, full access to your computer and phone, and a spare key to your room, which I took for myself. From this day forward, you're going to do everything I say, let me do whatever I want to you and your beautiful body, and if you so much as think of trying to escape, or tell anybody else, including and especially the police, I will make sure that the entire world will get to see your naked photos. And I will post your name and this address wherever I leave it."

She patted her cheek. "Do you understand?"

Emily stared at her, dumbfounded. What she had just been told was a hell of a lot to take in. This woman was telling her that she was essentially her sex slave now, and that every avenue of escape had been sealed off. This was by far the worst thing that had happened to her that night, and that was saying something. She could feel tears forming in her eyes again, as she came to realise that the woman did, indeed, have her completely trapped. So, reluctantly, she nodded her head.

"Excellent. Before I go, I have one final thing to do."

She reached down, picked up her bag, and emptied the rest of its contents onto the bed. It all looked like electrical equipment, from what Emily could see of it. Her terror went to confusion. What on earth was this woman planning? She watched as Elizabeth assembled it all, and only once she was finished did she become aware of what was it was.

"These are special little spy cameras that my company use. We normally use it to keep track of terror suspects. But we also get to use it for our own purposes... a perk I take full advantage of. I'm going to install them all through your flat. That way, I can keep an eye on you all the time."

She examined each camera individually, and eyed the room as she did so. "I'm thinking I'll have a couple aimed at your bed, a couple more on either side of the flat to see it in full. And this last one..." She picked it up and held it up so Emily could see. "I think I'll install it in your shower."

Now too dumbfounded to do anything about it, Emily just lay there and watched as Elizabeth got to work, installing each camera in the location she'd talked about earlier. To her dismay, she did indeed follow through with her idea of installing that last one in the shower. Emily knew that she was doing it just to torment her, but knew there was nothing she could do. Eventually, Elizabeth was finished. She immediately undid Emily's bonds, and helped her remove the tape from her mouth.

Once she was free, she told her, sternly, "If any of those cameras are damaged, you're paying for it." Then she immediately added, "Also, your first instructions are quite simple. If you go out, you can wear clothes as normal. But when in here, you must be in your underwear at all times. Except in the shower. And you are forbidden to cover yourself when masturbating. When that happens, I must be able to see the whole show."

She gathered up the last of her stuff, and headed towards the door. Before she exited, she turned and gave Emily one last, cruel smile. "I'll be in touch soon."

Three Days Later

It had been three days since that night, when Elizabeth had attacked her, and in that time, Emily had barely gone out at all. She had gone out to enrol, and spent a couple of hours in local pub the previous day, thinking that she might be able to feel better with a nice pub lunch, but other than that, she had just been shut up in her flat, watching TV - and, as Elizabeth had instructed, she had worn only her underwear the entire time. The abject terror played on her mind constantly, as did the knowledge that she was utterly trapped. She had cried several times, and usually kept the curtains drawn. Her mother and friends had called a couple of times and, not wanting to let them think something was wrong, she had answered and put on a good act on the phone. But even as she was speaking to them, all she could think of was Elizabeth breaking in and dragging her away.

Eventually, it was mid-afternoon on the third day, a couple of days into Freshers' Week, and Emily was sitting on her bed, watching TV, when she heard her phone vibrate. Nervously, she looked at it, and her heart sank.

"Put some clothes on and come to my flat. Flat 213, remember? I've got someone I'd like you to meet. Elizabeth."

So the time had come. Elizabeth was about to begin her torment all over again. Almost crying, Emily rapidly got dressed, grabbed her phone and key, and left her flat. It was only a short walk down the hall to Elizabeth's door, but she was still shaking by the time she got there, and nervously knocked. Elizabeth answered, with the same warm smile she had had that day she'd helped her move in.

"Ah, there you are, Emsy!" She said, in a jovial voice. "Please, come on in!" She ushered her inside.

Emily fully expected her to drop the demeanour the moment the door was closed, but she didn't. She kept on smiling and talking in that same warm, happy tone.

"I hope you've been settling in okay! I imagine it's not easy - a beautiful Irish lass like yourself in a big city like this! Start of university! Having spy cameras watching your every move!" She laughed at her own comment. "So yes, I told you I had someone for you to meet. If you could kindly take your clothes off, and sit in that armchair over there..." She gestured. "... I'll be right back!" She disappeared into the next room.

Completely creeped out by Elizabeth's unnatural bon ami, Emily reluctantly undressed, leaving her clothes by the door, and sat naked on the armchair that Elizabeth had pointed to.

A few seconds later, she heard the door open, and Elizabeth stepped out. She had her arm around, and appeared to be leading a very pretty, but rather haggard looking young girl of about Emily's age. She, too, was naked. Her hands were cuffed securely behind her back, there was a ball gag in her mouth, and she looked like a frightened rabbit. Her bright red hair was long and messy, her eyes a deep shade of blue, and her boobs of medium size. Her skin was well moisturised and clean looking, and she was quite slim. But she was also very, very pale and unhealthy.

Ignoring the shocked look on Emily's face, Elizabeth simply stated "Emsy, I'd like you to meet Ginny. My daughter."

This disclosure hit Emily like a stack of bricks, and for a long time, she was completely silent, unable to even take in what she had just been told.

Seemingly understanding, Elizabeth continued. "You may have a few obvious questions. Well, I can give you some of the answers..." She sat the girl down in a chair next to Emily. "Have you ever encountered anyone who felt no emotion? Who was used to always feigning his or her emotional responses? Like that rather notorious character on TV - what's his name? Dexter Morgan? Well, let's just say people like him do exist. And I'm one of them. I had my dear Ginny when I was still quite young, and I've been raising her ever since. But I think it would be fair to say that I've never really felt a motherly bond with her. Don't get me wrong, I do really enjoy having her around. And I have learned over the years how to support her and make her feel loved. That's been easy. However, she turned 18 a little while ago, and... Well... let's just say she was weak and vulnerable, scared and trusted me. It was not at all hard to enslave her. So now she's my daughter, and my full-time plaything."

Emily found her voice at last. "So... When you left the other day because she needed to use the toilet - "

"Yes," Elizabeth finished for her. "One of my little games with Ginny. I like to force her to drink large amounts of water and then leave her tied up for ages at a time, seeing how long she can hold her bladder for." She put her arm around the girl, and held her gently against her. "She is such a good girl for her mommy. She never complains when I do it, and she even reciprocates when I kiss her now. Not many daughters her age do that, let me tell you. Even when they're not playthings."

What Emily really wanted to do now was yell at her, to throw all the bad words in the book at her, to tell her she was sick and twisted, and belonged in Broadmoor. But she knew that doing so would just antagonise Elizabeth. So she just held her tongue, and asked the only sensible question she had.

"What has she to do with me?"

"Glad you asked," Elizabeth said. "As of now, she's your girlfriend. For the next few months, you and her are going to be visited by a doctor who also works for our company. He's going to use psychology and a collection of other top-secret tricks to make you two fall in love with each other. To such an extent that you will be in too much pain if you so much as left each other's company."

Smiling, she picked up the phone, and dialled a number.

"I just hope you like girls, Emily. Because if not, you're going to have a hell of a transi- yes, hello? Dr. Curtis? It's Elizabeth here. Yes, the two subjects are ready now. Excellent, see you soon!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You are twisted

And none too gently! And yet the part of me that loves learning more about human psychology is devouring your stories. Haven’t read the one I believe is supposed to be softer yet, but I shall since you mentioned your life and tastes changing more n that direction. If you’re a sub, you must’ve had one twisted sister for a Mistress! (Puns intended). You write an interesting story, that’s for sure. Hope life keeps treating you kinder, and looking forward to more stories

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Interesting start and looking forward to the rest! Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good first story

A very interesting idea very well executed. You said that this was your first attempt at writing. Well, if it is, I look forward to your future efforts. Very good!

Psycho08Psycho08over 7 years ago
Dear badinbed

While I agree it is improbable that this would happen in real life, this is just a fantasy the author came up with, no need to stomp on their ideas just because it is too improbable to happen.

badinbedbadinbedover 7 years ago
Too Improbable!

Sorry but she'd go directly to the police instead of enrolling. She had a whole night to think about exactly how to do it. Yes, the GPS in her phone would track HER PHONE'S LOCATION (not hers if it wasn't with her!). She'd go to enroll, leave her phone hidden at that location, which like any freshman enrollment day anywhere in the world would consist of a series of LONG lines! Little or no motion on the GPS would be quite expected. She'd then go (sans phone) directly to the nearest police officer (constable is it in your side of the ocean?) and start explaining. Very soon a squad of detectives would converge on her flat, find ALL the expensive cameras (and since they're so specialized they'd know EXACTLY what company produced them). Next they'd find the malware on her phone and laptop. In the US at this point the FBI would be getting involved and they'd really have no trouble locating even "special" (as in made for the government or military) malware. Meanwhile, our trusty detectives would be breaking down the door to flat 123 and would find Ginny. Simultaneously another pair would be arresting Elizabeth at her workplace. Actually it would be a pair of FBI agents (perhaps Scotland Yard or MI5/6 over there?) because she'd now clearly be a national security risk (her company works on government funded "spy" stuff as you've explained). Elizabeth would end up on the Federal Penn. for a LONG time (here in the US, with the Patriot Act you really don't wanna mess with Homeland Security). I'm sure similarly bad things would happen to her in GB. Oh, and those photos? Yeah, used as evidence in Elizabeth's trial then destroyed, never to find their way onto the Net.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
not a bad start waiting for more

so far i like what you have laid out. interesting twist the finish has. i will wait to read more

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good job

I don't usually like stories with this much force in them. i like the coercion more subtle. But this is good please write more

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