Their Own World Ch. 01


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"You ready?" She asked.

Katie quickly glanced to see if he was hard before she looked into his eyes. It was the reason she tried to hurry him when she did, but it looked like he was hiding it from her. He nodded that he was ready, and she pushed open the back door. Punk rushed through into the backyard just so he could be wherever they were. T followed a few steps behind to watch her cute butt bounce its way to the pool. The sun shone brightly, but T swore he saw a red mark on her left butt cheek.

Pulling down the ladder, Katie began the climb up to the pool deck. T rushed to watch his favorite part. Her ass already stuck out in the air in front of his face without her having to push it at him; one day he was going to snap and grab it. She took her time moving up the steps, knowingly. Once at the top she tossed the towels he did not realize she had on a chair and jumped in the water.

T made the climb, and at the top stripped off his shirt, throwing it on top of the towels. Katie's eyes and nose surfaced slowly. She locked eyes with him staring like some sort of predator. It might have been creepy if it was not so damn sexy to him. She was really just taking in the view of her brother's body.

The man before her was one hot guy, brother, or not. He was on the swim team in high school and joined her on runs as often as possible. His efforts gave him the tight, lean swimmer's body that was unassumingly packed with muscle. He stood at 6'1, but Katie only cared that he was a little taller than her. Also, he had the cutest ass, just a little bubbly, but still tight.

His dirty blonde hair was cut short, and he had some stubble growing from a lazy summer. T was handsome, and when girls found out he was the nice guy type, they usually wanted to bang him to say thanks she figured. He had these sparkling hazel green eyes that would flutter over her body. The way he looked at her turned her into a puddle on the spot. More often than not, there was a literal puddle.

While she could have gone all day staring at him, it was the person he was that drove her crazy. He always tried to be kind and honest. No matter how many people tried to take advantage of it, Katie would never let it stop him from being that way. He never really fit into one group at school either. At lunch, he was often sitting at a different table talking to other friends, or making new ones.

All that, and so much more were why her affections had been for him and him alone, for so long. It just could not be held in any longer. Katie burst up from the water, spitting some at T. He took the hit unflinchingly and jumped into the pool after her. As fast as he moved for her, she tried to move faster.

T was always like a shark in the water. She knew there was no escaping him, but that was not the point of the game. The point was for her to put on a show before he did catch her. He would grab her in his strong arms, pressing himself against her body. Then maybe he would have a point of his own.

Things played out exactly as she wanted when she began to slow. Taking a breath, he went after her like a torpedo, after he kicked off the side. He grabbed her around the stomach, lifting her out of the water. She started squealing and tried to grab onto him so he could not throw her. The move worked as her breasts ended up in his face; trying not to be rude, he moved her lower down his body while holding her by her sides. Not only was her bikini top pulled up by being dragged down his chest, but when he kicked off the side of the pool he had lost his shorts.

Katie's bikini covered mound was then resting on T's full, naked hardness. Her top no longer hid her breasts from anything, and her hard nipples dug into his chest. She let out the slightest moan and instinctively wrapped her thighs around his length, rubbing them together around it. The whole scene lasted only three seconds before T pulled back, apologizing profusely.

He submerged himself to hide and recover his swimwear. Katie was still in the moment that had already passed, and her hand was moving down her body to grab the cock that was no longer there. Snapping herself out of it, she realized she was still flashing anyone that could see into their backyard. She pulled her top back down and adjusted herself while rubbing her nipples through the fabric. T resurfaced, trying to hide what she already knew was there.

"I'm really sorry, Katie," T said, turning back to look at her like a bad dog.

"Hon, it was just a fun accident. No worries. We've both seen each other before. So what do you want to do tonight?" Katie asked him, changing the subject.

She knew she had to dial it down. That may be where they ended up but it could not happen that fast. T, although handsome and somewhat popular, got a little skittish around women and sex. Bad past experiences that she knew she would have to help him leave in the past. Slowly, but surely, she hoped.


Later that night, T was finishing up editing some photos in the living room downstairs with Katie. There were two living rooms in the house, upstairs being for entertaining adult guests and downstairs for Katie, T, and whoever they invited over. There was a big screen TV, a gaming computer that they shared, and a pool table in the big room. Their parents had a tendency to spoil them at times which was only made easier by how well the siblings got along and shared with each other. In part, their new home encouraged not only them but their friends as well, to hang out there instead of going out and getting into trouble at night.

They had hung out all night again. Katie was pretending to watch some stupid show about fake tow trucks, but she was obviously ready to pass out. T was feeling the urge to play with the constant boner she had been giving him since he woke up that morning. His concentration had been switching more and more to his sister's long, smooth legs sticking out from the recliner. It was not out of the ordinary for him to admire her body; even when she caught him she just smiled that smile.

She glanced over then as his eyes moved up her lower half. When they caught each other's look, T attempted to cover his tracks. "Am I gonna have to carry you up to bed tonight?" He teased.

"You can carry me up to bed every night if you want to." She gave him a tired wink.

"No offense, but if you keep packing on muscle with kickboxing, you'll be throwing me over your shoulder and carrying me to bed." T chuckled out loud.

"Then maybe you should train with me so you could handle me like I asked." She let that hang there an extra second. "I think it would do you some good to hit something now and then. Plus you can make sure I get strong and tough, but not like some steroid dude with breasts."

"Good! That's definitely not my thing." T said, looking back to the computer monitor.

"Oh? What makes you think I'm trying to look hot for you?" Katie threw back at him, hoping he would get shy and admit something.

"Katie, you don't have to look hot for anyone. You just are." T smirked at her.

"Damn," Katie thought. He was getting way better at flirting. She was really beginning to enjoy their late-night banter. They had stayed up together many times before, but that summer almost every night the last thirty minutes consisted of the siblings teasing each other about the sexual tension between them. Neither ever fully admitting it out loud, but bringing it up so casually must have meant something, they both thought.

"Would you do that?" Katie laid on the innocent and shy act.

"Do what?" T asked, looking back at her questioningly.

"Carry me up to bed tonight. I'll even throw in a kiss goodnight?" Katie bit her bottom lip completely on instinct.

She thought she was making a puppy dog face, but in reality, her needs had taken over her muscles. She gave him the sultriest look in the history of sex. Her desire was practically stamped on her forehead. T gulped out loud. He tried to laugh that she actually made him do that, but nothing came out. She did not look like she was fucking around.

"Okay." He managed to squeak out.

Katie stood up and shut off the TV. Turning back around to T, she laughed at him still sitting at the computer, looking at her like he did not know what to do next.

"So who's carrying who?" She smiled slyly at him.

"Me." Again with the one-word answers, he thought.

T stood and walked over, casually sizing her up to figure out the best way to carry her. There was something happening to them. They were always practically inseparable, but that summer, it was as if they were drawn together magnetically. Katie and T equally wanted to spend most of their time together and they were both taking every chance they could to touch the other. It made him more bold than normal.

"I got an idea. Reverse piggyback?" He asked her, trying not to assume how far she wanted to take their game.

Katie smiled wide at the most intimate way he could possibly take her to bed. She was the one that had initiated the unorthodox escalation in their relationship. It only took him a few months to get into it and start upping the ante on her right back. She hopped onto his chest, simultaneously wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. His hands immediately cupped both of her ass cheeks while his fingers dug into her soft flesh.

"Mm," She held back a small whimper. There was a chance she had a small orgasm from the most sensual way she was ever grabbed by her brother or anyone for that matter.

"Sorry. It's just easier like this." T looked a little embarrassed.

"No 'sorry's mister. It actually feels pretty nice." She said, looking into his eyes.

Katie wanted nothing more than to kiss him in his arms. She was already doing all she could to not lower herself just a bit more and grind her pussy on his length. He began to walk towards the stairs and up to her room. They had a silent staring contest the entire way, each with a small smile. She was about to burst, and press her lips against his when his smile grew even wider; he let go of her butt.

Katie had been so focused on him that she did not realize they were already in her room. When he let her go, she was so distracted that she fell back onto her bed. Her strong legs were wrapped firmly around him, however, so she took him with her. That was where they should have laughed. Instead, they both kept looking into each other's eyes, with quick glances at lips.

"Where's my kiss?" T asked as smoothly as he could muster. He was shaking on the inside, yet still on the outside.

"Come n' get it." She dared.

T closed the few inches of distance between them and kissed her on the lips as gently as he could. His hands were holding him up above her, but his body was still pressed into her lower half. He was prepared to leave his lips there as long as she allowed. Permission was granted when Katie's hands gently came up to hold his sides. They both began moving their lips softly against the other's and the seconds went by all too soon.

She knew she had to end it. It was already perfect even though she fantasized about him taking her, she could never rush things with him. That was not how her plan was supposed to go. Deciding to tap out with a bang, she lifted her pelvis and dragged her mound against his now hard cock, prepared to claim it as an accident if he asked. She pulled back from the kiss to look at him.

"Some things don't change..." She said, dreamily. She licked her lips to taste his again.

"You mean the sparks?" T asked, smiling down at her.

Katie's eyes widened. That kiss had lead to what was happening all those years later. She had planned for this because of it. Could it have really been as important to him as it was her? That day just kept getting better.

"You remember that?" She asked in awe.

"Mhm, except this time I dropped you before I kissed you," T smirked. "Who forgets their first kiss?"

"Definitely, not me." The urge to flip him, pin him on the bed, and keep going built up inside of her.

"Well..." T leaned in once again and gave her another quick kiss on the lips. "Me neither."

He lifted himself off of her but managed to grind his hard-on against her ever so slightly as he did. Standing back up he turned and headed for her door. Katie laid there in bed, wondering if she should pinch herself after he left, just to be sure. T stopped at the doorway, the light from the hallway turning him into a silhouette. She could not see his face but felt his eyes on her.

"Sometimes, I can even feel them without touching you. It's like feeling your presence in the force, or something." He had to laugh. That was T, down to a T. Super smooth one moment, total dork the next.

T closed her door and started towards his room. He barely made it through the kitchen, towards the stairs, before he pulled the meanest looking erection out of his sweatpants and started stroking. He had no idea what the hell happened, but he was pretty sure he had initiated most of it. He tried to remind himself that she was his sister, and he should not be doing these things. It felt too good, too right.

Katie shoved her hand into her boxers and slid her fingers up, and down, and around her slit as soon as T had closed her door. No way did that just fucking happen, she thought. He didn't lose control, he took control. She had already soaked through her boxers and could hear her fingers moving faster on her. Suddenly she froze, sitting up in bed.

"What am I doing? I'm missing the best part."

She popped off her bed like a cat, and headed out the door, into the hall. Katie was well practiced at moving around silently. She liked to think that between kickboxing, and her stealth skills if the family ever hit hard times she could play cat burglar to help out. The stairs were the tricky part because boys are skittish when their pants are down, jumping at any sound. She made her way carefully down, making sure to avoid the steps that creaked.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, turning immediately right towards the living room, there was a small opening in the wall. Still being extra quiet, she crawled through the opening into the empty storage space inside. It was much larger on the inside, and they had fit four people standing up in there before. She continued crawling to her destination. Past the storage space, she was still under the stairs but had to crawl even lower because she was right below the front door, under the floor.

One quick right turn brought her to her destination. In front of her was a small door that T and Katie both needed to contort themselves to get through. It was installed when T's room was built after they moved there, and it led to a treat she had set up for herself awhile back. A year ago, as T re-arranged his room, Katie convinced him to put his desk up against the little door to hide it, but still allow him access. He loved the idea as they both had a long love of pretending to be spies, with top secret shit going down.

In front of the tiny door was a blanket laid out on the floor. It was for when he had to crawl in to retrieve something or add to his collection of treasures. Because of that, T cleaned the blanket and space whenever he would clean his room so the dust would not kill him whenever he went in there. She was thankful for his diligence, as she regularly hid there to spy on him. To her right was the trunk where he kept things that were important, or valuable to him; his stash spot.

Although a fan of her own idea, she had a hidden motive. As quietly as possible, she opened the little door in towards her and was delighted to see the show had already started. The small open doorway gave her a view of T sitting at his desk. His sweatpants were bunched up around one ankle. She couldn't see any higher than his stomach, but below that pointing right at her was her goal.

His hairless balls sat on the edge of the chair as his big meaty cock threatened to draw her in. She licked her lips at the sight of it, turning her body silently around to sit on the blanket. Leaning back with her legs bent in the air, she pulled off her girl boxers. Sitting up, knees bent, legs open, she faced her prize. Her right hand moved to her already wet pussy to catch up with her brother.

Katie's vagina was hairless too, but that was because she had already figured out T liked that. She had watched him jerk off quite a few times before. She knew it was totally wrong. Not because he was her brother, but because she was keeping it from him. Then again, she did know he was just over 7 ½ inches because she had snuck into his room one day to measure his morning wood while he was passed out.

She thought for a moment just how much of a pervert she really was, but it only made her wetter. He looked like he was edging himself slowly, firmly rubbing the tip with his right hand. She could hear him softly grunting every once in a while. His left hand came down and gripped the base firmly, causing pre-cum to ooze out. Katie opened her mouth to moan at the sight as she worked herself over; instead, she shoved her boxers into her mouth so she would not alert him to her presence.

His desk lamp was on, and he sat just enough away from the desk that his cock and balls were illuminated for her. He continued gently stroking and rolling his balls around in his sack with his fingers. The head of his cock was red, and angry, threatening to turn purple. She had seen him that hard only once before, but after he had already been going at it for 45 minutes. It had to be because of the kiss, and earlier in the pool; because of her.

T was definitely harder than normal. He thought he was so hard it should hurt, but it there was no pain. His cock begged to be fondled once he left her room. One hundred things and nothing at all went through his head. If he had stayed in that room, they would have fooled around. She seemed to want it as much as he did, but they both stopped themselves.

He grabbed the lube he hid in his desk. Instead of dripping some in his hand, spreading it like usual, he popped the cap and spilled it right onto his length. Closing the bottle back up, he gripped himself with both hands. T leaned back in the chair and stroked every inch of his favorite toy. He easily imagined Katie was under his desk giving him the hand job he so desperately needed. He wondered if she was in bed playing with her pussy, thinking of him.

When Katie first saw the liquid drip onto his dick, she thought it was spit. Once his entire crotch was covered in it, she knew what it was. He used lube some of the times she had watched him and it was hot. She would always imagine his cock was wet because her juices were dripping down it. Up to this point, she had been teasing her opening, but the thought of sitting in his lap with him buried inside of her, caused her to curl her fingers inward and begin long, increasingly faster, movements with two of her fingers.

"Mmmph" She moaned around her makeshift gag.

"Oh fuck," T said at the same time. He did not know she was there, but he was reacting to how easily he had convinced himself that it was her making him feel that good.

He began working the end of his shaft, harshly rolling over the tip when he reached it. T was losing control. Usually, he would prolong the pleasure before he would cum, but he was lost in the way he kissed his sister, and she had kissed him back. She loved the way his hand tugged so deliberately on his cock like he was stretching it to be even longer. She brought her fingers up to tease her clit, trying to imagine what he must feel.

The slightest touch was too much for her, after the pool and the kiss, so she began the process of cumming hard. Biting down on the boxers in her mouth, her legs quivered as she came; soaking the blanket she was laying on. She had discovered a while back that she was a squirter. Not all the time, but only when she was extremely horny, or was replaying some interaction she had had that day with T. After a minute of her coming down from her workout, T could smell her scent in his room again, and it caused him to work his shaft faster while moaning more frequently.