There was No Other Man

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Wife accidentally tricks husband into knocking her up.
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I knew from the day we met that I loved Greg and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. And I quickly found out that he felt the same way. We got married after a year and a half, and now we've been happy married for nearly a decade.

But one thing we've never managed to agree on was whether to have kids. I know that it's something people typically expect their life partners to agree with them about, but I wasn't going to let a once in a lifetime match go, just because Greg didn't want children. I thought he'd come around to the idea in time.

But nine years later, we were still due to come to a consensus on it. Having kids isn't the kind of thing you can really compromise on, because you either have them or you don't. But we kept putting off the decision. Which worked out fine for Greg, but I knew that eventually time would run out.

One day as I was taking my birth control, I decided I was going to stop taking it. That night when Greg and I got into bed together, I kissed him, stroked him, got him going. When we were both ready, he pressed the tip of his penis into me. And then I told him.

"Just so you know, I'm going off the pill," I said. "And then whether we have a child will be up to you and chance."

He stopped caressing my breasts, stopped stroking in and out of me. "Are you off it already?"

"No, I wouldn't do that without warning you. But today's the last day," I said.

"If I cum in you tonight, is it going to stick around, and...?" he asked. I saw the fear and concern in his eyes.

"No, no. It'll take a little while for my birth control to wear off. But you should just know that sometime soon I'll be fertile, and I don't know exactly when it'll be," just talking about it made me happy and horny at the same time.

We made love tenderly that night, and came together when he exploded inside me. From that point on, Greg started using condoms when we were together.

My next period was the heaviest it had been since I was a teenager. And then a couple weeks after that, even without checking, I could feel the difference. I knew I was fertile.

I seduced my husband that night, and as I sucked him to hardness, I told him. "Honey, I'm pretty sure the birth control has worn off. So if you get any cum in me, or maybe even precum, I could get pregnant."

The idea turned me on so much. I hoped that if it turned Greg on too, maybe he'd go against his better judgement and fuck me unprotected. He reached for a condom from the drawer. But I was so worked up I used his body to reach orgasm before he grunted and filed up the rubber.

That was nearly five months ago. Since then, there have been no incidents. No breakages, no seepage, no slips, no lapses in judgement, no just the tip. We aren't teenagers after all, we know how to use condoms effectively. The thought of sabotaging them had crossed my mind, but I couldn't do that to Greg. I'd given him a choice in the matter, I couldn't take it away.

Last night he had fucked me again. Going off birth control had made me horny more often, and it seemed like having me around was having that effect on him too. He finally came into the condom while I urged him on, but I was left unsatisfied. I could have fingered myself the rest of the way. I could have asked him to help. But I had done those things so many times already, and I missed the times when we could orgasm together. When I could get off, not by my own hand or by asking a favor, but by feeling him feeling the same thing inside of me.

So I went to sleep unsatisfied, and the feeling still lingered when I got up. All day at work, I got hardly anything done. My mind was a fog, my head felt feverish.

I got home from work and started changing out of my work clothes, but I still felt hot, and sat down on the edge of the bed to cool off. I looked at myself in the mirror. After going off birth control, I had gained weight in my breasts, my hips, and I had a little more protective padding on my belly. I cupped a breast in my hand, my fingers brushing a sensitive nipple. I had tried to prevent the weight gain by exercising, but where I was gaining muscle definition was in my thighs, and the muscles between them that weren't visible from the outside. I slipped my other hand down to my slit, to my slick labia, and I pushed a finger into my hole, and felt my vaginal muscles clamp down on it. The motion gave me a little thrill, and I practiced it. Maybe in time, I would be strong enough to pull the condom off of Greg's cock.

I lay back on the bed and let my hand seek my release, but my orgasm, when it arrived, felt weak and diluted. I had an idea, and it was crazy, but I had to try something. I wanted to feel cum inside me again, even if it wasn't real. I got up and went to the kitchen. I heated up some water in the microwave, and stirred in a bit of corn starch to thicken it up a bit. That also turned it a cloudy white, just like the real thing. It was still too hot to put in me, but I knew it would lose heat quickly.

I went back to the bedroom. I still needed some way to get it into me. None of my toys would work for that, and I didn't have any kind of syringe, or frosting bag, or...I decided I could try filling an unused condom. I tore open the packet, unrolled it, and poured in the warm mixture. Then lying on the bed, I tucked the open end into my vagina, and kept the rest of it in one hand. I frigged my clit with my other hand until I was on the verge of orgasm again, and then I squeezed the contents of the condom into me. It wasn't entirely like being with Greg had been before, but ohhh did it do the trick. I orgasmed from head to toe, shaking and bucking my hips. Afterwards I lay there in a daze, the empty condom still in my hand, its warm, harmless contents mostly inside me.

And that's when Greg walked in. I hadn't heard the front door or his footsteps over my labored breathing and the pounding of my pulse. At first he looked pleased at the sight of me stretched out naked on the bed for waiting him. But then he took in the rest of the scene, and gathered that I hadn't been waiting for him.

He started pacing back and forth. I sat up, and felt the warm liquid start to seep out.

Finally he gathered his words. "You know, if you've been having an affair with someone, in our bed, that is one thing. But to see that you finally let him take things too far, and cum inside you, that is something else!"

I wanted to explain, as strange as the situation was. I thought telling the truth was the best I could do, whether he would believe me or not. But he wouldn't let me.

"No, don't try to explain. I just need to think this through," Greg said, and he left. I heard him slam the door, slam his car door, floor his car's reverse gear out of our driveway.

I sat there stupefied. But I understood what it must have looked like. The used condom in my hand, the fake semen showing between my pussy lips. He thought that I'd had a lover over before he got home, that my lover had initially worn a condom, but that I'd taken the condom off him and let him fill me up with his seed.

I tried calling Greg to explain, but he answered and then hung up. I called back, and it went straight to voicemail. I left a message explaining what he'd walked in on. I waited ten minutes, enough time for him to listen to the message and call me back. I tried him one more time and it went straight to voicemail again. I guess his phone was off, so I decided I'd better give him a little while to cool off, and he'd get my message when he was ready.

He came home around midnight. I was waiting up for him in a bathrobe. He must have gone to a bar, because he was drunk. Not falling down drunk, but enough that he shouldn't have driven home. But that wasn't our biggest issue at the moment.

He came in and put his keys on the table.

"Greg, let me explain," I said.

"Whatever happened, I don't want to hear about it," he said.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Or it will be, anyway," he said, and kneeled down by my chair. "Honey, I know I haven't been meeting your needs lately, and I'm sorry for that. I hope, if it isn't too late, that you'll let me try?"

It wasn't the reaction I was expecting, but I couldn't tell if he had listened to the voicemail or not.

"Of course," I said. "Greg, you have nothing to be sorry for."

"Can we go upstairs?" he asked, the implication clear. He wanted me back in bed.

I took his hand and let him lead me. I helped him unbutton his shirt, and unzip his trousers, and free his erection. I took it in my mouth, but he pulled away. Both of us naked now, we lay in the bed and kissed each other's body, but I could tell he was hungry for more. I rolled onto my back to let him do what he wanted with me.

He kissed my softened belly, my engorged breasts, my tender neck, and I felt his body come to rest against mine. And unexpectedly, I felt the tip of his penis nudge into my folds. At first I didn't question it, but then when he pushed further into me, I looked up at him with surprise.

"Greg, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. I thought maybe it wasn't too late to turn back, if that's what he wanted to do.

"I understand now why you needed what you needed. These past few months have been hard on me too," he said, slipping more of his girth into my vagina. I found it hard to concentrate.

"You should know, I'm not on my period right now. It's highly likely that I could get pregnant," I warned him.

"That's just it," he said. His eyes were wild with lust and alcohol, and maybe something else. "I see now that you're going to get pregnant one way or another. And you know what I realized tonight? If someone's going to get you pregnant, then it ought to be me. I didn't realize I felt that way until now. Maybe it's already too late, but I won't lose the race for lack of trying."

He was pushing forcefully into me with every thrust, and fucking him without a condom after so long, I could feel every contour of him. As much as I had abused my pussy already, I knew I had another orgasm coming.

And he did too. He was pushing himself as deep as he could into me, pushing my knees up to my chest to penetrate me further until he was nudging my cervix.

"Oh Greg, are you sure about this?" I asked. He had certainly leaked precum into me, but it might not be too late to limit the odds.

"What, don't you want me to cum inside you anymore?" he asked.

"I do, I do! Cum in me!" I cried. He gripped my hips, pulling me tight to his crotch, holding himself as deep in me as he could go, and I felt his member swell up, and then his semen jetted into me, displacing the warm cornstarch water with his even warmer fluid. I had always gotten off on feeling him ejaculate inside me, but this was different, since we were both trying to get pregnant. I felt my vaginal muscles squeeze around him, contractions rolling through me, drawing the seed out of him, my hips pushing my cervix repeatedly against his tip. My muscled thighs held him locked in place while we both momentarily blacked out.

When I came to, his penis was still lodged inside me, rhythmically pulsing and pushing out more seed. Every time, my muscles pushed back against his, squeezing the semen out of him. I wrapped my arms tight around his back as another wave of pleasure and elation swept through me.

At last he pushed himself up slowly, the strength gone out of him.

"I'm still surprised you came around to the idea," I said. "Pleased, but surprised. Very pleased, and feeling very good."

"I just hope it's not too late. That the baby inside you will be mine," he said, a little despondent.

"Of course it will," I said.

"How can you be so sure?" he asked. He went on, though it seemed to pain him. " took the condom off another man's cock and let him cum inside you. How can you know that his sperm won't get to your egg first?"

I had a sinking feeling. He still thought I had cheated on him, and in the worst way possible. And yet he seemed ready to move past it. I felt like I had betrayed him somehow, and I didn't deserve the forgiveness he was so ready to give.

He needed to know the truth, but I worried about how it would play out from here. I'd tell him there was no other man. He'd ask why he had found me looking freshly fucked and full of cum. I'd explain it wasn't real cum. He'd think I staged the whole thing to trick him into getting me pregnant after all.

The voicemail I'd left earlier was the only proof I had, that I hadn't been trying to deceive him.

"Greg, did you not listen to my voicemail?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"What voicemail?"

"You'd better listen to it. I'm sorry, I thought you already had," I said.

He sat on the edge of the bed and fished his phone out of his pants. He started playing his voicemail, and put it on speaker.

My voice on the recording began, "Hi honey, it's me. I just...I get what it must have looked like, but it wasn't what you thought it was. This is going to sound really weird. I missed the feeling of you ejaculating into me so much, I made up a batch of fake semen. And I used one of your condoms to squirt it into me while I masturbated. I didn't mean for you to see me like that. I just miss how it used to feel when we made love before. I would never cheat on you, and I would never have anyone else's child. I can't believe I'm saying all this on a voicemail. We should be sorting this out in person, whenever you're ready. Just call me back when you get this, okay?"

As Greg sat on the edge of the bed, I saw the war of emotions in him.

"I'm sorry that I instantly assumed the worst," he finally said. "I know sometimes lately you've been left unsatisfied. And when I saw you, I just jumped to conclusions from there."

"I get it. If I walked in on you with a spent condom, I might jump to conclusions too."

He burst out laughing. "Well, it wasn't a broken condom that finally got me, but I guess it was bound to happen one way or another."

I put an arm around his shoulders. "If you still don't want to, I could..."

He shook his head. "What's done is done. We've crossed that threshold now, and there's no going back. I'm not sure I'd want to. You know, I never would have expected it. But when I thought about you getting pregnant by someone else, I felt so jealous. Suddenly I needed to be the one who knocked you up. Weird, isn't it?"

"What about now?" I asked. "Now that you know there's no competition..."

"Well, now I know what we've been missing for the past few months, and I'm not sure I'd want to stop."

"I mean about getting me pregnant..."

He had to think about it for a moment. "It might be a moot point. So...doing it again might not be doing any harm."

It was a flimsy excuse, and I knew he couldn't really believe it himself, but I'd take it.

"And if I don't get pregnant right away, what then? Back to condoms?" I asked teasingly.

"No, not that," he said. "But...if you want to motivate me to try again, I guess now you know how." He blushed deep red.

I couldn't believe he was saying what I thought he was. "Greg, are you suggesting that I actually should sleep with someone else?"

He shrugged, but didn't deny it.

"But surely I shouldn't fuck anyone else unprotected, right?"

"If I'm the only one putting sperm in you, then how is that any competition?" he asked. I couldn't believe what my husband was suggesting.

"Look, I'm not going to do anything like that right away. First I want to find out if we made a baby tonight," I said. "So there's plenty of time to change your mind, if you don't actually want me to do that. But you do realize that if another man cums in me, I could really end up getting pregnant with someone else's baby."

I wasn't sure if I'd actually want to fuck anyone else, let alone risk getting pregnant by them. The idea hadn't occurred to me. So I also didn't have any potential partners in mind. I realized if I had to, I could use more fake semen. Or I could find a sterile partner, someone who had a vasectomy, to at least make sure the baby would be Greg's. This little incident had changed so much about our marriage so quickly. Or maybe it had just brought latent ideas to the surface.

Talking about another man knocking me up was getting Greg obviously aroused again.

"You know, maybe what I said on that voicemail was just an excuse," I said with a wicked grin. "Are you sure you didn't see anyone running out the door when you pulled into the driveway?"

"Now that you mention it, I might have seen someone tall and handsome, pulling up his pants as he ran," Greg said.

"He came in me twice, so the odds are still in his favor," I said, pulling Greg in for a kiss.

"Not for long," he said, sliding under the covers, rolling me towards him.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

deceit it was - accidental - but it

convinced Hubby to file for divorce 99.9999% likely

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Greg was an asshole

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fun premise, but not very likely. People just don't work that way unless they are really weird. Most men would just walk out and leave permanently if they thought their wife was trying to have another man's baby behind his back. That is pretty much the ultimate betrayal in my mind.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

No, I walk out, and look for a good divorce lawyer. Any woman willing to go that far, will go even further later, when the mood strikes. Fuck no.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

That is one way to get your husband to change his mind about getting you pregnant. And all of this without cheating. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77over 3 years ago

Quirky cuckold twist, but it works. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

delightful story! Very romantic and a (suggested) happy ending. A pleasant read. 4 stars.

ReefBeachReefBeachover 5 years ago
that was fun

That's a loving, sexy wife, with a well-explained urge for a baby. The fake semen idea was a bit crazy, then the cuckold misunderstanding is pure French farce, but beautifully done. I loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Entertaining but but she was very willing to start to fuck other guys , interesting. Hubby was also very willing to raise another’s kid . Maybe he knows he can’t get her pregnant but kept it a secret all these years

PiperHamlinPiperHamlinover 5 years ago
This was fun

I like things I haven't seen before.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
Sperm wars.... LOL!

Only for closet homosexuals who are too cowardly to skip the middle woman and actually start fucking and sucking men.

I would say an even more basic or prime urge would be to kill the dumb ass that had sex with your woman.

Definitely not attracted to another man's leftovers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This is a unique, charming little story.

This woman's biological cock is ticking as loud as a herd of stampeding cattle. You can end it here, and it would just be a sweet little story. But I SO want another chapter. This is a highly motivated woman. What if hubby doesn't knock her up? You do realize he is mentally and emotionally prime cuckolding material? Please give us that chapter. Two of our three children are products of cuckoldry. A cuckold pregnancy is SOOO hot! Makes me wish I was a few years younger...

penneydog55penneydog55over 5 years ago

FAN BLOODY TASTIC!..... Thats how it's done ladies!.... I Thoroughly enjoyed this Story★★★★★ WOOF!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

'The rest sound like inbred country hicks with no imagination, or Donald Trump. Wait! Same thing!'

How does an inbred country hick sound like a new york business mogel?

And why oh why do you feel it's okay to mock and debase the skin color and origin of a general group of people? I mean, you can....but you cannot project morale indignation when you accuse anyone else of doing it. You are a bigot, and cannot cry bigotry without being a massive hypocrite.

Many people that enjoy Trump do so because he isn't a collectivist. People are sick of bigots like you. Bigots come in many shapes and sizes. I know you THINK you're not a bigot, because you're a self proclaimed progressive. But just stop and listen. Listen at how tribal and barbaric you sound.

That was real talk. I'm more than happy to roll around in the mud with your kind. I'm better at it. I'm from the internet. You're most likely a boomer. Don't be a lul-cow. :-D

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
It was a pretty original plot device

Props for the creativity

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Two idiots don't resolve the children question before marriage. Add manipulation, a gutless hubby, and a sudden dose of the cuckold illogism

Perfect recipie for a meh flavored creampie.

s.Double ick.

bruce22bruce22over 5 years ago
Amusing Tale

I thought that he had a low sperm account and did not wish to discover his lack of

Masculine traits.

luedonluedonover 5 years ago
Well that's different and I liked it

As in the first two comments by JohnTCooksey & 26thNC, I thought this was a quite nice little story about creativity on her part and strange motivations on Greg's part.

And yes, GrandPaM, perhaps the yeast may bloom, but at least it would be gluten-free.


Ps: 26thNC, you were perhaps caught by the moderation delay and assumed that your first attempt at commenting hadn't posted?

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 5 years ago
Not Bad!

A quick, cute little read. Thanks!

@ Polylvr; You seem to have been able at one time to produce a good story. Was that before you caught "Trump Crazy Syndrome"? At least you got balls enough to sign your user handle to your liberal nonsense.

BTW thanks for the stories you did post; why didn't you continue?

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