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Thin Line between Love and Hate Ch. 01

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Forced marriage between a playboy and an average girl.
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Rose POV

As I'm getting ready for school, Mom is already up and ready for work. She's a single mother raising Ethan and I. I keep in contact with my dad, but he only cares about himself. My mom a supervisor at Faraldo Co. and are college friends with Andrew's parents.

Ethan the little 11 year old devil is eating his cereal. Last week when we went to six flags he stated very loudly that I had peed on myself. They didn't start the ride and made me get off.

Putting on my shoes, I yell, "Ethan, hurry up or you will have to take the bus." Getting in my car, I turn on the radio waiting for him. As I was singing Sam Smith "leave your lover" Ethan comes running out the front door with one shoe on and tooth paste on the side of his mouth.

I turn down the music and started laughing as his open the car door. I gave him a napkin and let him put his shoe on. "Your so mean Rose."

Laughing I say, "Right...I'm the mean one. I bet you already have an evil plan going on in your mind right now."

Looking around I saw something was missing. "Ethan where's your backpack?" He groans then runs back in the house to get it.

I drop him off at Atlas middle school and get to school with 15 mins to spare. I'm still bad at parking so I park my KIA far from others.

I'm so happy to be back at Atlas Academy for second semester of senior year. Winter break is never really 'winter' here in cali. If it was up to me, I would have done nothing other then read and sleep. Too bad my besties Emily and Isabella had other plans for me.

They took me everywhere. The beach, shopping, parties anywhere. By the time I would get home, I would only have time to shower and sleep before they would kidnap me again.

As I'm walking through the gates into Atlas High, I'm looking down in my bag for my class schedule when I run into a wall. I fall back on my butt.

When I look up, I see none other than Andrew Faraldo smirking down at me. I sigh and get up about to walk past him till he grabs my arm.

"Is there anything that you need to say to me Rose?" I looked at his friends Tristan and Cody, then back at him laughing. People call them S3 or The main squad 3.

"The day I say sorry to you will be the day I die and that's not going to happen anytime soon." I pulled my arm from his grasp and walked toward the lunchroom to find Emily and Isabella. Great way to start of the new semester.


Andrew POV

UGH this hangover is horrible from last night party. Laying in bed I look to my right to see Rebecka sleep holding on to me. I move her off of me and go downstairs to see Tristan and Cody playing the Xbox 360.

"Damn could ya'll be any louder?" I complained. "Haha Andrew you're the one who went all out for the party." Cody said looking up from the game. "But you have to admit it was an awesome block party." Tristan pointed out.

Looking at my watch I see it's almost time for school. "We have Basketball practice don't we, let go before we're late." I said running into my room to get my stuff. We got our gear and left in my Jeep.

We got to practice 30 mins late and Coach Dean was pissed. We had to do 30 laps, 100 sit-ups, 50 push-ups, and 30 burpees.When we're done showering and getting dressed we walk right into Rebecka and her minion Hanna.

I really don't want to be bothered by her right now. I tired walking past her towards the lunchroom when someone bumped into me. I looked down to see Rose on the ground. Ohh this is going to be fun. She got up and started to walk away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me.

"Is there anything that you need to say to me Rose?" She looked around then back at me and started laughing like I amused her.

"The day I say sorry to you will be the day I die and that's not going to happen anytime soon." Then she pulled away and walked into the lunchroom. I was going to go after her till Rebecka stood in my way started bitching again.


Rose POV

Ugh, Andrew is so annoying and he knows it too. He's just mad that I don't bow down to him like everyone else. Am I the only one that thinks he's the most annoying person on earth?

I hate that my mom is friends with his parents cause I have to see him all the time. He lives to torture me. He is the only person (other then my brother) that I want to throw out of a window.

As I walk up to Emily and Isabella at our table I sit down in the chair across from them.

Izzy was too busy on her laptop to look up and Emily was focused on her painting.

I take out my class schedule to see what my classes are going to be. Then from the corner of my eye I see Andrew coming towards us only to stop at our table and that's when Isabella and Emily both looked up at him.


Author POV

Rose started groaning and wouldn't look at him. She laid her head down on the table and mumbled, "Go away."

Andrew smiled and bent down to whisper in her ear. "Hey Rose, do you know that I missed you for Christmas and my new years kiss? It was very lonely without you."

She raised her head up knowing that their faces would be close. "Andrew if you were so bored without me you must had a really pathetic winter break." Rose replied.

She then stood up with her bag and walked away leaving her class schedule. Andrew picked it up as Emily and Isabella ran after Rose.


Rose POV

As I was walking out the cafeteria my girls come up behind me and tackled me.

"HaHa guys I missed you!" I said hugging them back "Right. You going on that last minute trip with your family was hard." Isabella wined.

"I can't wait till we graduate. Uhh this is going to be a long semester." Emily said getting up. "Well might not be with Rose and Andrew" Izzy teased.

"Never put both of our names in the same sentence again" I said started to walk down the hallway.

"Come on why can't you just see that you guys a match." Isabella teased.

I added "You mean a match from hell."

"Yall have been at each other necks for 7 years". Emily said.

"Both of you are crazy" I said opening my locker.

Out of nowhere a hand slams my locker close. Why now? Can't he just wait 5 minutes. I'm not turning around.

I feel him push up against my body to wear my body is up against my locker. He then whispers in my ear,

"Rose, you left before I could finish..."

Elbowing him in the abs he only moves back a bit. I turn around and look him up in the eyes. With him being 6'3 and me being 5"9 I try and stand tall.

"Andrew you are never done with me. Why won't you go get one of you hoes and suck it." I look over to Isabella and Emily laughing hard as hell. This is not funny.

"Their nothing like you bae. You will always be mine, don't forget that." I know he said it calmly but from his eyes I knew that he was serious.

He just walked away smirking. He is the one reason I've never had a boyfriend, date to dances, or even guy friends period. Their all scared of him.

"Damn you guys are the biggest help ever". I said putting my combo in and opening my locker to put my bag in and slammed the door.

"Your welcome!" they both said at the same time. I just rolled my eyes. "Im so glad that the first day back is a half day" I said

Emily looked at her IPhone "OMG guys I need to hurry and meet up with Cody bye!" she said running down the hall.

"Come on, We have to go to homeroom," Isabella said wrapping her arm into around mine and we walked to homeroom.

"I still can't believe she's dating a S3." I replied. "Well they have been together like forever". Izzy replied. "True True." I said thinking back to when I first met everyone

The S3 squad is Andrew, Cody and Tristan. They are the heirs to the most wealthiest companies internationally.

When my mom was going through her divorce from my Father, he took everything from her and left Ethan and I with her when I was 11.

When she had called her old college friends Kate and William (Andrew's parents). We moved and he gave her a job at his company. She is a hard worker with a master's degree. So when she started out she improved the company rates. Now she is the manger of children funds ,events, toys, and movies ex.

Everyone grew up with each other their whole lives. I met Isabella in my homeroom in 5th grade and met Emily in an art after school program.

Even though they weren't friends, I kind of balance them out to where were perfect all together.

Andrew and I were born around the same time but I moved to Chicago when I was 5 but we got along well. Moving back to California meant Andrew would be in face 24/7 again.

I just don't understand since I came back, he's been trying to make my life a living hell not including his whores and his groupies. I never tell on him because our parents find out anyways.

As soon as we walk into homeroom the intercom came on. "Good morning fellow students, Hope you guys had a wonderful break! Now here's your peer Andrew".

"Sup yall! Hope my party made history. So I wanted to make a shout out to my baby Rose. I see that we have most of our classes together like every year. I wonder who did that? See you soon bae."

The whole homeroom and teacher were looking at me. "Ugh I'm going to kill him!" I yell

I grab my papers and stomp out of the class with Isabella behind me.

"hahahahhaahaha omg he overdid it" Isabella said laughing. I looked back and gave her a death glare, which only made her laugh even harder.

I just walked into 1st period my cooking class ignoring her while she went to journalism. As soon as I walked in class Rebecka glares at me. I'm really not in the mood for her.

I just sat in the back of the classroom waiting for class to start. I look around the class to see who's here and my eyes land on a new student right across from me.

He's cute like a hot geek kind of way. I see Rebecka has her eyes on him as well and walks over to him. She goes over and tries to swing the no hips she has. When he sees her he starts looking everywhere but at her.

"Hello class, Rebecka sit down." Mr. Watson said. Rebecka flipped her hair and walked back to her seat. "Welcome back from break. First things first I want everyone to get a partner." I looked around and the new guy was already looking at me.

"Hi I'm Gabriel, do you mind being my partner?" he said with a nice smile. Wow he's kinda cute.

"Yea I'm Rose, Nice to meet you, your new right?"


"Where did you move from?" I asked moving into the seat next to him.

From behind his head I could see rebecka was mad, It was funny. "Yea I lived in Germany with my parents. My dad moved for work." he replied.

"Now students who you picked today will be your partner for the rest of the year. This class is either to help you cook or express your creativity through cooking. You will love it. Your first assessment is to find a dish based on a holiday. And no getting a personal chef, look on Google at least." Mr Watson added

Gabriel turned back to me "I know a lot of things we could cook from Germany. I'll ask my mom."

"Awesome. What class do you have next?" I asked

He pulled out his schedule from his backpack "Science but I don't know where it is"

"That's ok I can take you. Drama is like right across from it."

*'Bell rings'*

When we walk out of class Rebecka calls his name.

"Gabriel!" Rebecka said running over to him

"Yes?" he said softly

"We should really hang after school." Rebecka purred.

"No sorry I already have plans with him." I interrupted.

I grab his arm pulling him and ran around the corner running past G3.

I could feel Drew's eyes on me. It's too late now, I just hope he won't bully Gabriel. I stop pulling him when I saw Emily and Isabella.

"Guys hey-y this is Gabriel, he's new here." I said out of breath; I'm not in shape.

"Sup." Emily said, "Hey!" Isabella said.

"Izzy he has science next with you, can you take him?" "yea totally" Izzy was smiling hard. Isabella is acting more like a cheerleader then normal

"OKAY? So Emily and I have drama bye." They both wave "Bye!"

Walking down the hallway we see Cody. "Cody!" Emily yelled. I swear I'm going to kill my friends.

"Dang Em that was in my ear. You guys just saw each other 2 mins ago." I said rubbing my ear.

"Sooo he's bae." She said overly chessing "Yall have been together for 5 years chill." I said as soon as we caught up with Cody. "Just wait till you get a boyfriend, you'll understand." Emily added.

Laughing I said "With Andrew around it's not going to happen plus I'm not looking."

I walked past Cody and Emily and sat down. Emily sits next to me and Cody is behind her.

'Bell ring'

"As you all know I am Mrs. Swart, head director of plays and musicals. Welcome. (Andrew walks in late) oh good to have you in class Mr. Faraldo please sit." he sat right next to Cody behind me.

I don't know why but I can feel Andrew's eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. It's making it hard to pay attention to the teacher. I turn around to him looking me dead in my eyes. He bent over got closer to my face.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you." he threaten "whatever." I said, then turned back around. He says stuff like that all the time. I just ignored him.

'Bell ring'

Everyone got up and rushed out the door. I texted Isabella to meet us at Emily's locker for our next period that we have together. On the way out the door Andrew brushed against me and grabbed my ass. "OH! Hey!?" he just kept walking like I didn't say anything.

When we got to Em's locker, Isabella was already there.

"Omg guys he is so smart!" Izzy just keep ranting about Gabriel.

"OK Izzy chill." Emily said getting her gym clothes from her locker

"Look who's talking." I said.

Andrews POV

I can't help but always be by her. She is the sexiest thing on earth even if she can't see it. I remember when she came back, she had the cutest bob haircut with pink braces. I know it sounds dumb but she is and will always be mine. My old man thinks I'm crazy and my mom thinks it's cute.

I didn't have a 1st hour and to get away from Rebecka, Tristan and I went to the country club.

Coming back early I wanted to go get Rose and walk her to class when I saw her running past me with Hopkinson. Why is he here and what the fuck is she doing with him? Rebecka came down the hallway with a sour look on her face till she saw me.

"Drew Drew baby. I missed you." Rebecka said raping me with her eyes. She hung her arms around me.

"Hey I need you for a few minutes. you got time?" I said pulling her into the nurse's office bathroom "anything for you baby."

After I was done with her I pulled up my pants and left her on the floor. I walked into drama class late and sat next to Cody behind Rose.

I really wasn't paying attention the whole time Mrs. Swart was talking. I was looking at Rose's beautiful hair. I just start imaging me pulling it while we make love. Damn I can't believe the effect she has on me. She turned around with the cutest pout. I got closer to her face "Just wait till I get my hands on you." then threw her a smile. When the bell rung I got up behind her and grabbed her ass.

I heard her yelling after me but kept walking.

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blkuserblkuseralmost 2 years ago

Rose, if I had not looked at your profile I would not have any idea this was an interacial story. Don't get me wrong love is color blind. This just lacked the descriptions of the characters. And whenever you decide to return from your hiatus I will enjoy reading the continuation.

4Klo_Black204Klo_Black20over 3 years ago

Can you please finish this!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Where’s the rest

Is there a part 2 coming

Wantu2wantmeWantu2wantmealmost 5 years ago
Hey where’s the rest of this story?

I thought you said you finished it in your last comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
please continue

please continue. i like this so much.

roseloveroseloveover 5 years agoAuthor

Hi! If anyone is still following, Hi! I am back and finished with 3 of my stories including this one. I am contacting an editor and hopefully they can help me make a story you'll want to read. I pray soon you'll get to read the rest of this. I'm truly sorry to everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
More please

I'm loving this story. Please continue. Ignore the hatersA

black_maestrablack_maestraabout 7 years ago
This sounds good

Good start!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Waiting for chapter 2 please post soon!!

Alsamae94Alsamae94over 7 years ago

Please finish this it was a good start :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please continue!! Love the high school dynamic.

roseloveroseloveover 7 years agoAuthor
to the comment "Your so mean Rose"

My characters are in high school. I understand that my writing skills are not the best, but I am learning. Also it is supposed to be childish and funny. So I'm glad you caught that and thank you for trying to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great 5 Stars

Please update soon :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good start

Cant wait for an update... is this a bwwm? Going to be a good one if it is..Rose is going to make Drew work hard for it..

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