Things Aren't Always What They Seem


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She reached the open patio door when she turned back to him, tears streaming down her cheeks as her heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Goodbye Alex, I love you." Her voice was little more than a whisper, "I hope you find her one day."

She had barely gone half a dozen steps before he caught up with her, pulling her round to face him and wrapping his arms around her.

"I already have and I don't intend to let her go."

Looking up at him she sobbed, "Really? I know I've been really stupid and I'll understand if you don't want me now."

"Don't want you? I love you Niamh. I have from the very first time I looked into your eyes."

Sniffling, her cheeks moist with her tears, she stared into his brown eyes and a shiver ran down her spine, "I... I love you to."

His mouth found hers in a soft tender kiss that rapidly transformed into something reflecting their hunger and desire for each other, their tongues beginning to play together.

Niamh surrendered to him, her arms encircling his neck while her body moulded itself to his, pressing so tightly against him she was sure he would feel her heart thudding against her ribcage.

She hadn't had any real idea of what her expectations had been when she drove here but she certainly hadn't anticipated this. However, now it had started she was unable to stop herself as she kissed him again and again, peppering his mouth with them and refusing to release her hold on him.

'I want him so badly.'

'Will he still want me afterwards?'

'Does he think I've come back because of what he is?

Again, a host of conflicting thoughts raced through her mind and she forced them away as she surrendered to the sensations that were rapidly building inside her.

Ignoring any semblance of reason, she was determined to give herself to him.

"Take me to bed Alex. Please, I need you." Leaning her head back away from his face she whispered as seductively as she could.

"Good, because I wasn't intending to let you go."

Grinning from ear-to-ear Alex scooped her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing at all and started towards one of the closed doors.

"Where are you taking me." Niamh giggled in mock horror as he nudged the door open and carried her into his bedroom.

"Into my lair to have my way with you." He joined in the game.

Setting her down by the bed he looked into her deep blue eyes.

"Niamh I don't want this to be a one off.... I..."

"Stop right there. I want you for good mister." She went up on tip-toe and kissed him again, cutting him off mid-sentence, "No one night stand, no maybe's, just us seeing if we can make this work."

"I want that to." He agreed with her statement as he pulled her back against him and let his mouth start to hungrily devour hers yet again.

Their hands wandered over the others body, undoing buttons and pulling at clothes. Finally, Niamh's top and skirt lay in a heap on the floor by her feet, leaving her standing in her bra and thong while Alex's shirt was gone and his jeans were around his ankles, making him stumble when he went to move.


Stepping away from him for a second she giggled at his predicament and kicked her clothes aside, keeping her eyes on his as she sat back on the bed.

"Do you like?" Niamh asked somewhat self-consciously, her blue eyes wide as she sought his approval.

"I like a lot." He grinned, pulling off his trainers and removing the jeans that were tangled about his feet.

She blushed, her cheeks turning scarlet, and tried to tactfully remind him of her lack of experience, "I... I'm not very.... you know.... and the last time... well it was special for me."

Leaning closer he gently pressed his lips to hers again, his stomach clenching as he let his feelings for her run free.

"I'm not exactly an expert either and it was very special for me to."

Her heart did several somersaults as they looked at each other before he sat down next to her and let his lips find hers again.

For the next few minutes they kissed, longingly, their tongues playing together while her fingers curled around his engorged manhood stroking it through his boxers. At the same time, he fumbled the hooks of her bra undone allowing him to slip it off her shoulders and expose her modest breasts to his hands.

"Please, I need you inside me.... please."

Falling back onto the bed she pulled him against her, her hand reaching into his shorts while their mouths remained fused together reflecting the growing lust they both felt.

"I want you too. More than you can ever imagine." His whispered response came between the frantic kisses that she rained down on his lips.

"Then take me." She urged.

He grinned, his fingers busily caressing her tits and gently teasing her nipples into firm bullets, "I will but we have all night and I want it to be perfect as well."

Slowly moving down her body his lips traced along the sensitive line of her neck before finding her right breast. Flicking his tongue over the already swollen teat he drew it into his mouth to suckle greedily on the sensitive nub.

"Aaaahhhhh.... fuck!" Niamh gasped softly, her back arching up off the bed.

Switching between the soft mounds he continued his assault on her senses, nipping and gently biting her nipples until he had her shivering with lust. Then, satisfied he had her where he wanted her, he started to kiss down across her belly, his fingers hooking under the waistband of her panties and drawing them down her slender thighs.

Niamh knew exactly what he was doing and held her breath. He had gone down on her the last time, his mouth and tongue making her come hard and it was an experience she wanted to enjoy again.

"Oh fuck, Alex... I... I.... aaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

Her words tailed off into a long moan of delight as his tongue traced along the length of her pretty pink crevice, leaving her neat lips moist and parted while he worked from her puckered star all the way up to her clitoris.

Unable to stop herself Niamh's fingers twisted in his hair as Alex began to hungrily lap at her oozing slit, alternating between teasing the hardening bud and probing as far into her slick depths as he could.

"Oh Alex... oh God... oh, oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Her thighs clamped around his head trapping him in place, her eyes closing as she bucked her hips upwards, delirious with lust when the waves of pleasure started to drive her towards the summit she eagerly sought.

"I... I'm.... gonna.... cuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

The last word came out as a screech of ecstasy, Niamh's body convulsing almost uncontrollably as she came on his tongue.

Giving her time to recover he moved slowly upwards, his mouth slick with her juices as he found her breasts again, taking a moment to suckle them before continuing his journey to reclaim her mouth. Much to his surprise she offered no objection to the taste of herself, returning his kisses with equal fervour.

Spreading her legs wide she felt the swollen dome of his manhood ease between her nether lips, splitting them open and filling her with a feeling of lust that she couldn't have prevented even if she had wanted to.

"Do you want me to stop?" He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, just an inch of his hard prick nestling inside her waiting sex.

Biting her lower lip Niamh shook her head and asked him the same question, "Do.... do you want to?"


"Then make love to me Alex Wainwright, make me yours."

His eyes never left hers as he slowly pressed every inch of his throbbing shaft into her tight pussy, filling her until she felt fuller than she had ever done before.

"Yes, oh yes Alex... It's... so... big." Groaning softly, she stared lovingly back into his brown eyes and willingly accepted his iron hard length inside her.

His mouth found hers again as he began to move, slowly at first, gently easing his manhood back and forth between her neat pink labia while they clung to his erection. Folding in around him when he drove deep into her and adhering to it, trying to draw it in, when he pulled back the sensation from their caress only increasing the pleasure he felt.

As he started to fuck her she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms about his neck, her nails raking his shoulders while her long legs hooked over his. Moving under him she bucked and writhed, pushing her hips up to meet his long deep strokes every time his hard length pumped into her wet pussy, squelching with each thrust.

"Yes, yes... oh yes... oh Alex... don't stop.... I'm... I'm gonna...."

Losing control Niamh squirmed beneath him, the bed creaking softly in time with their urgent movements. Her body pressed to his, her pert breasts crushed against his chest as her orgasm erupted in her core.

"Gonna...... Cuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

The last word came out as a wail of delight, echoing off the walls of his bedroom, her body tensing momentarily before jerking uncontrollably when the ecstasy of her climax took her.

"Fuck... Niamh.... I... I can't.... aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Thrusting into her half-a-dozen more times Alex gave up trying to hold back, and when her vaginal muscles clenched on his already throbbing erection he surrendered to the inevitable and flooded her womb with his seed.

She clung to him as he collapsed onto her, the two of them slowly recovering their breath before he rolled off of her to lay on his back next to her.

Turning onto her side she laid her head against his chest and started to cry softly.

"Hey, hey, what's up. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, it was perfect. I just thought I'd lost you and...."

He leaned down and kissed her lightly on top of her head, "Well I was thinking of going to Italy."

"If... if you have to I.... I won't stop you." Twisting to gaze up at him she said miserably, "And I promise I'll wait for you."

"No, I don't think I'll take their offer now." He kissed her again, "It'll be too far for you to come and watch me play."

She giggled and snuggled happily against him.

They made love a second time before they slept. Niamh bringing his cock back to its tumescent state with her mouth then riding him to two more glorious climaxes before he rolled her onto her back and emptied another copious amount of his man cream into her belly.

The sun was already up when she woke the following morning, feeling more than a little content with life as she rubbed her eyes and rolled over only to find the space next to her empty.

"Alex!" She called out.

"In the kitchen." He yelled back to her, the waft of fresh coffee brewing filtering through to the half-open bedroom door making her stomach rumble.

Laying back she stared up at the ceiling letting her mind wander over the events of the previous night.

'Did he really want her or was he just looking to get revenge for what she had said to him?'

'Could she blame him for that if he did?'

The insecurities she had had driving over the previous evening returned with a vengeance to worry her.

Biting her lower lip apprehensively she slipped out of bed and, searching through his drawers, pulled on one of his t-shirts to cover her nudity before cautiously opening the bedroom door.

Peering out into the open plan living and kitchen area she was again assaulted by the scent of fresh coffee, this time accompanied by the smell of bacon cooking. Watching him she couldn't help but smile, with his back to her as he busied himself at the counter making breakfast he looked so domesticated.

Quietly retreating into the bedroom, she closed the door and leant back against it, her heart thumping excitedly, as she took a moment to compose herself.

'What if he had changed his mind?'

'If he had why was he making breakfast?'

'Last night had been so perfect he had to still want her, didn't he?'

Sighing resignedly, she knew she had to find out and eventually opened the door again.

Sidling quietly up behind him she studied his back, the sight of his toned body sending a wave of desire over her, before slipping both her arms about him, feeling him tense for a moment before relaxing.

"Are.... Are you ok?" She whispered.

Turning around he pulled her up against him and gave her a kiss, "I'm better than ok. At least I am as long as you haven't changed your mind about me."

"Never?" Niamh giggled happily, "I'm just happy that you let me back into your life."

"So, my girlfriend will come and watch me play then?"

She grinned, "Just you try and stop me."


It was just a few short weeks to Christmas and Niamh Staunton had never been happier.

Over the last three months she had fallen even deeper in love with Alex Wainwright than she thought possible and realised that he felt exactly the same way about her.

The paediatric ward was a hive of activity and she was fully engrossed with the task of putting up the Christmas tree in preparation for the visit of the local football team that afternoon. Although she missed young Tommy Bradley, who had gone home and now only came in for a weekly treatment, she knew he would be coming back, along with a few other day patients, for the treat.

Decorating the tree with the help of a couple of her young patients she let her mind wander off, reflecting on the huge changes that had happened to her over the last few weeks.

While she still shared a flat with her friend Sheena she now spent most of her time, when she wasn't at work, at her boyfriend's apartment, having moved a large proportion of her things there.

As she had promised him she had been to watch him play and was now a regular at the stadium whenever he was there and her schedule allowed.

She had even accompanied him to a charity event, taking the place of his cousin, and finally coming to realise the problems he and the other celebrities had with girls coming on to them. Even though she had been on his arm for the whole evening there were still a few determined gold-diggers that virtually threw themselves at him.

Not that she had had any reason to worry, Alex hadn't shown any of them the slightest interest.

Their only argument had occurred when her little Vauxhall Corsa had finally given up on her and died.

Alex had wanted to buy her a new car but Niamh had put her foot down and refused to accept his charity, the matter resulting in them not talking for two days until he finally relented. Instead, he had simply purchased himself a second car, a brand new mini, and put her on the insurance so she could use it.

"Are you nearly finished Nia?" Kath Murchison, the ward sister enquired as she walked by, "They'll be here in a while."

"We're just about done."

Stepping back, she admired her handiwork, complimenting her two helpers before going back to the ward office where she was just in time to meet Tommy when his mother and sister brought him in.

Greeting Tracy first, she turned her attention to the ten-year-old.

"Hi, Tommy. How are you? I guess meeting the team is all a bit old hat for you now?"

"I'm fine." He chuckled, "Yeah, I met them all when I did the matchday trip thing that Alex gave me."

Before she had a chance to respond she heard Kath call through the door, "They're here."

Joining the rest of the staff and patients, as well as several nurses from the other wards, she welcomed the players as they came in, puzzled as to why Alex wasn't among them. Waiting until it appeared that everyone had arrived she stepped out into the corridor wondering where he had disappeared to.

She had just wandered past the linen store when someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her into it.


Before she could say any more she found herself being kissed as her boyfriend wrapped her in his arms.

"Alex, what's going on? What are you doing?" She finally managed to extricate herself, "What if someone comes in?"

"I was going to wait until Christmas but....."

Dropping onto one knee he gazed up at her.

"..... Niamh Staunton, I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Will you put me out of my misery and agree to be my wife."

For what seemed to be the longest pause imaginable there was silence as she stared at him, her mouth open.

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes." Suddenly, unable to stop herself she burst into tears, dropping down to kneel in front of him and flinging her arms about his neck.

She couldn't help herself from gazing at the diamond as he slipped the large solitaire ring onto her finger.

"It's.... it's beautiful."

Getting to their feet he pulled her against him and had just begun kissing her ardently when the door opened.

"Niamh? What's going on?"

The couple broke apart to find themselves staring at a grinning Kath Murchison and a couple of the other nurses.

Smiling she held up her left hand.

"I'm getting married."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LivelovecumLivelovecum11 months ago

I love a good romance and a happy ending.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy11 months ago

A lovely conclusion to your story!


dgfergiedgfergie11 months ago

Avery good love story. The sex scenes were not a bit long and kind of took away from the story a bit, This being an erotic story site I guess that's to be expected. Well written and it flowed nicely. 5 stars of course, almost equal to "The Yips" I think it was called, a baseball love story. Keep writing.

OvercriticalOvercritical11 months ago

A tale of two very immature young people fumbling into romance that neither one is prepared to enter into. She is clearly not experienced enough to evaluate the men she meets and he is jaded with the groupies that follow the stars. Another few years and they'll probably mature enough and hopefully still like each other...but it's not a given. 3*

des911des91111 months ago

Very nicely done. Simple, straightforward romance with a few bumps along the way to keep it interesting. Lovely. Thank you for sharing

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

Good read but some of the relations dynamics were a bit too contrived for me. There's also the part where she doesn't know if she even wants a boyfriend and winds up fucking on like the third date. Really? 4.5*

eomersoneomerson11 months ago

Nothing wrong with plain and simple. Your story made my day better.

IlikecreteIlikecrete11 months ago

Loved it.

Change from your normal style, that said a very erotic change.

Frankenstein1962Frankenstein196211 months ago

Nicely done. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Cheers! Frankie

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