This Couldn't Have Been An Email


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"His name's Garrett. I think he's Mark and Judy West's kid. He came in a couple of hours ago and asked if he could play since Pike's got rid of their pool table." Her uncle laughed. "He bought the entire house a round as a one-night membership fee. But since then he's been taking his money back and then some, one game at a time. He keeps handing Figley his ass and we had to stop Rahm from hitting up the ATM for more cash. I hope he's not trying to hustle us. I'm too drunk to dump someone outside the town limits."

A warm, soft smile touched Sadie's lips as she watched Garrett rack the pool balls for another game. "He's not hustling you," she quietly proclaimed. "He's that damn good."

"How do you know... ah, fuck. I know that look."

Her uncle was staring at her with the same steely gaze she had seen in old Polaroids from his time flying Search & Rescue helicopters. "What look?"

"The same look your Aunt Joanie and I gave each other every day before she died. The same look your father gave my sister when they first met. Six months later they were married and three years after that you came along. That look." He motioned to Garrett, who was shooting his way through a solid game of 9-ball. "I've never given someone the 'Break Her Heart And They'll Never Find Your Body' dressing down. Is he the guy?"

"First off, you're never giving anyone I date that speech. Second, he might be. He actually might be."

"Kind of skinny."

Sadie leaned over and kissed her uncle on the cheek. "His nickname's 'Scarecrow,'" she said before taking her beer and heading for a high top against the wall. As she settled in, Garrett glanced up from the pool table. He grinned at the sight of her, causing her heart to flutter. Sadie watched while Garret easily won his game, offering his opponent one hand while taking his money with the other. He unscrewed his pool stick and, after putting it in its case, walked over to the high top. "Are you taking my surrogate family for their money?" she asked as he sat down.

"Everything I've won tonight is going in the donation box when we leave. I only came down here to play, but someone offered to play for money and it went from there. You don't burn a pool hall out if you can help it. If I was coming in here to hustle, I'd leave before I took all their money. When I came back in a few weeks, they'd want another shot instead of trying to break my fingers. Besides, you don't hustle where you eat."

She raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like you did some hustling down in the Sunshine State." He offered a non-committal shrug. "But we're done talking about the past. I read your letter, and you and I are both on the same page. It's time to focus on the present and the future. I just have one question. I wasn't too harsh, was I?"

His laugh caught her off guard. "You were absolutely harsh. But it was because you were messy and honest. It was like when my dad used to lecture me about wasting my life. He did it from a place of tough love. You did it from a place of caring. Does that make sense?"

"I'm following you. So what's next then? Any ideas? Plots? Schemes?"

"Friday night I'd like to take you up to Snowmass for our first date. They have this thing where they honor Ullr, the Norse God of Snow. You take a gondola up to the top of the mountain and then just play around all night - tubing, S'mores, that kind of thing. It'd be a good way to get my winter wings back."

"That sounds like fun." She pushed up on her elbows and leaned in close. "And what about tonight?" she asked in a sultry tone.

"I'll have one beer, you drink as much as you want, and eventually we'll drive back to your place and sleep together. By which," he said, holding up his hand, "I mean fall asleep together, so you can snuggle with me as long as you want. And we'll deal with tomorrow morning when it comes."

His words made her feel lighter than air. "That's a lovely idea. Just don't forget to go swimming at your ungodly hour."

"My gym bag's in the car. Although, I could always skip swimming and sleep in."

"No way. I'm going to be a good influence on you, not a bad one. I, however, would appreciate some rest. I didn't get any sleep last night, plus my hand's cramped from writing that letter. The best I could offer you would be the World's Saddest Handjob."

"How about just holding hands, then?"

"Lewd," she smiled brightly. "How about you donate some of tonight's winnings towards buying the bar another round?" When he nodded, Sadie turned to yell at the bartender. "Lenny! Two Lock & Keys here, and another round for whoever wants one!"


It took a moment for Sadie to realize she was awake. She yawned underneath the heavy covers and rolled over, letting her arm drop lazily across her queen-sized bed. It took her another moment to realize that she was alone. "Garrett?" she inquired sleepily.

The side of the bed he slept in felt unmade. Flopping her hand around revealed a distinct lack of body heat. Finally peeling her eyes open, Sadie saw that she was alone. "Garrett?" she called out again. Maybe he was using the bathroom? No, swimming. He had gone swimming at the YMCA like he did every morning.

Sadie had started to doze off when she noticed something white against the chocolate brown pillow case on the other side of the bed. Another letter. "Come on," she groused as she pushed up to a seated position. "It's too early to make me read."

The letter was thankfully brief. It had been written on the white paper she had bought yesterday using a familiar emerald ink.



Swimming, coffee, donuts. I'm bringing the last two back.

Sleeping with you last night was wonderful. I liked hearing your words turn to mumbles as you drifted off.

I liked watching your curly brown hair splayed out on the pillow.

I liked when you rolled over, showing off your peach of a butt.

I liked when you stretched because it made your breasts look fantastic.

And I liked when you glomped on me at 4 AM because waking up in your arms is an experience I wouldn't trade for the world.

A boy could get used to this.



Sadie hummed with delight as she read the letter. Her thoughts turned to the keepsake box in her studio, once her childhood bedroom, which was stuffed with photos, notes, and mementos from her younger days. She would have to pull it out from under her bed and add Garrett's letters to it.

The sound of a door opening and closing broke her from her reverie. "Garrett?"

"Hey," he called back. "Did I wake you?"

"No, I'm awake. I'm still in bed, though." The strong smell of coffee wafted through the open bedroom door. "If you've coffee and donuts, bring them back here. We'll have breakfast in bed."

Garrett stepped into the bedroom, wearing his purple parka and a Denver Majesties baseball cap. His red skin contrasted against the fabric of his coat. "How is it outside?" she asked.

"Cold," he answered as he set a box and a cardboard holder with two cups of coffee on the nightstand. "The sign outside the bank said ten degrees. Coffee's still hot at least." He rapped his knuckle against the box. "Two Boston Creme, two cinnamon, and two frosted cinnamon."

"Delicious." She patted the other side of the bed. "Take your clothes off and get under the covers. A good snuggle should warm you up."

"Let me hop in the shower first. I smell like chlorine."

"I'm not letting hot water steal my job." This time, she thumped her fist against the mattress. "Naked and in bed, now."

Garrett quickly complied. Sadie sipped on the black coffee and devoured a frosted cinnamon donut while he got undressed. Her eyes dropped to his flaccid penis, causing her to shift slightly underneath the heavy quilt. Once Garrett had slipped into bed, Sadie pushed herself against him. "You don't smell like the pool," she remarked, "but you are cold. Let's fix that."

He turned and gently kissed her fingers. "Hand me my coffee."

"Not yet. I don't want you spilling it." With that, her hand slipped underneath the covers. Garrett inhaled sharply as she wrapped her fingers around his penis. "Spilling hot coffee on yourself is a serious mood killer."

She ran her thumb over his tip, making him shiver. "Isn't your hand sore?"

"I'm sexually ambidextrous. I can get someone off with either hand." She gently nibbled his earlobe. "Besides, I'm only priming the pump. My pussy's going to do the rest."

Sadie sighed when Garrett slid his arm behind her. "I thought we were only sleeping with each other," he said while tracing his fingers along her spine.

"That was last night. Now we're dealing with this morning because it came. And now, so will we." His cock quickly stiffened from her efforts. He was running his fingers through her curly hair when she reached down and cupped his balls. The sensation caused his hand to tighten, generating a flash of delicious pain. Her lips found his, as did her tongue. She gave him several more strokes while they kissed furiously.

He gazed at her with a soft hunger when she pulled away. "You taste like cinnamon," he said with a grin. She gave him a teasing smirk before reaching into the nightstand. It was her turn to shiver as he scratched her exposed back while she grabbed a condom. When she turned back to him, Garrett suddenly grabbed her by the hips and set her on his lap. Now he was leading the dance, one hand in her hair, the other on the small of her back, pulling her close, molding her body into his. His hard cock brushed against her thigh, and Sadie ached to have it inside of her.

She was tearing open the foil package when Garrett's tongue found her nipple. It plumped underneath his assault, sending a buzz of anticipation through her. He soon gave the other equal attention. The way he expertly worshipped her breasts, nipple and mound alike, threatened to distract her from the task at hand, but she managed to pull the condom from its package and roll it down his granite length. Part of her wished they weren't using one, but several conversations needed to happen first, and now was not the time for talking.

Gently raising up on her knees, Sadie took Garrett's cock in both hands. She expertly guided it to the waiting entrance of her eager pussy. She tried to look him in the eyes as she lowered onto him, but the feeling of his stiffness pushing apart her velvet walls made her close her eyes. "Ooooooooh my God," she breathed as she slowly engulfed his entire length, savoring that feeling of being utterly full.

A hand tenderly stroked her cheek. "Good morning."

When she opened her eyes, there was Garrett, staring directly into her soul. His eyes sparkled like emeralds from the dim sunlight streaming through the curtains. "Good morning," she whispered before rising and descending onto him once again.

A low sigh escaped from her lover. His hands gently took hold of her hips as she began to ride him. There was no urgency. She pressed her fingers against his swimmer's body, tracing his firm pecs and almost-six pack. His brown hair was a matted mess from the baseball hat, and she couldn't decide if running her fingers through it made it better or worse.

Her body grew warm. His cock, as it always had, hit all the right places inside of her. She leaned against him, arms straight, using his muscular chest for balance, as her pace slowly quickened. There was still no need to rush, but each movement of Garrett's wonderful dick only made her want more. His hips began to meet hers. She pushed back, grinding on him.

Her hands slipped under his arms to grab his shoulders. She leaned in, her breasts pressing against this chest. Sparks of desire were catching inside her lower body, causing her to cry out. His fingers were digging into her hips now, helping her as she rose and drove back down. Sweat formed between their bodies, making it easier to slide against him, and that feeling of skin-on-skin served to flood her pussy even more.

Her orgasm began to build. The sparks of pleasure had been little more than kindling for a bonfire of bliss. Her breathing became more pronounced. Her nipples were tight on her chest. Garrett shifted his hips, giving her a platform to vigorously bounce and grind against. The simple change of angle set off a firestorm inside of her as the shaft of his cock dragged repeatedly against a sensitive spot on her soft walls. "Oh, fuck!" she proclaimed as her orgasm ignited.

She pressed her forehead against Garrett's and forced herself to maintain eye contact with him while she came. Wet heat flowed from her clenching pussy, and it felt like someone was pouring warm honey over her flushed chest. And there was Garrett, looking at her, staring into her, teeth clenched, fingers gripping her hips, and at that moment she wanted nothing more than this amazing man she was screwing the hell out of.

Once her orgasm subsided, she collapsed against him. Her hips still moved, but it was more from reflex and Garrett's lifting her up and down, up and down. "Are you close?" she whispered, sweat forming on her brow.

"Yeah," he gasped, his cock pushing into her for emphasis.

"Cum for me." Her lips and tongue caressed his ear while she held him close. "I want you to feel good."

It took several moments, to the point where Sadie felt the embers kick up once again, when Garrett softly cried out. He pushed her hips down, burying himself inside of her. His face screwed up with that look of exquisite pain as Sadie felt his cock twitch. Once he had collapsed against the headboard, Sadie pressed against him a final time. She carefully removed his spent cock from her soaked pussy before wrapping her arms around him, a gesture he repeated. No words were exchanged for several minutes as they basked in the afterglow of their morning delight.

"Are you warm now?" she eventually murmured into his shoulder.

Garrett made an affirming noise before turning his head to kiss her. His eyes held that glassy faraway stare all men got after a good orgasm. She nuzzled his nose with hers. "What are you thinking about?"

"Not much," he laughed before an inspired look crossed his face. "Just two words."

"And what two words would those be?"

"'Dear Penthouse...'"

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EvaRampitEvaRampitover 1 year ago

Romantic and sexy!!!

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Here from the event, the base story sounded vaguely familiar but I'm not sure if I've read it. Fortunately, that didn't matter because this stood on its own quite well, being well told. It did a great job mixing the letter side in with the "live action" parts. I enjoyed their uncertainty of where they were going and the bits of humor in their letters and in their discussions. Great job.

LalawmanLalawmanover 1 year ago

First time I have read any of your works. You earned a 5, but now I have to go read the series... Thank you!

SisterJezabelSisterJezabelover 1 year ago

Love it! Thanks for contributing to the event :)

PeytonMirabellePeytonMirabelleover 1 year ago

Enjoyed this one, and these characters. Sometimes love isn't a freight train but a slow build-up. :) Thanks for sharing!

BarryJames1952BarryJames1952over 1 year ago

Great job. The gaming stuff went over my head, but it didn’t dampen my enjoyment. 5 big ones.

XactoXactoover 1 year ago

Thanks. I’ve missed these two. (and the others …) ❤️❤️❤️

chick2206chick2206almost 2 years ago

As always the best

MsCherylTerraMsCherylTerraalmost 2 years ago

Love it! A really well written piece :)

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 2 years ago

Very nice! Definitely worth 5/5.

norafaresnorafaresalmost 2 years ago

Sweet little story. I gave it a five :)

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