This Mother's Solution Ch. 06


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"Are you ready for a little adventure?"


"I think we should go over on the other side where there's more shade."

"OK, that sounds better than getting fried in the sun."

"Except there's this one little problem. . . I've got to piss like a racehorse. . . and as long as you're around," he said, indicating the still prominent lump in his shorts, "I can't pee. Why don't you go over there and get comfortable and I'll be there as soon as I take care of this."

"Sure sweetie," I said as I walked away, "take your time."

By the time I found a nice soft spot in the knee high grass and looked back, David had disappeared into the woods somewhere. I had pictured him undressing me but not wanting to be a stickler for details, I decided to do it myself and lay down in the grass when I was done, naked to the world. A fair amount of time went by and no David. The more I pictured him trying to turn himself off and apparently not having much success, the more it was turning me on. It felt like he was giving me a sort of backhanded compliment. It also meant that there was something fabulous on the horizon although I didn't have the slightest idea what that something might be. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore and I started touching myself. I knew I had to do my best to keep that touching from going to it's natural conclusion but I had to do something. The waiting was driving me crazy.

Just as things were on the verge of getting out of hand and I was arching my back, I was aware of something behind me. I craned my head backwards to see and there was David, standing there watching me! Not only that, he was as naked as I was, fully erect and he was stroking himself.

"DON'T STOP," he commanded in a very loud voice.

So I didn't.

As I continued, I reminded myself that this was the very first time David had seen me do this, which was more than a little surprising, considering everything else we had done, and what a place it was for this to happen. The surroundings were ethereal: the sky, the trees, the meadow, the birds chirping, the distant sound of the creek rushing over rocks. It was all unreal, compared to what we like to incorrectly call 'real life' in the city.

I was masturbating here just like I had when I fantasized only this was no fantasy. It was a hundred times better because, even though we weren't touching, David was here with me. My waves of passion grew and grew and eventually swept me away. My orgasm was intense. Very intense, with moaning and groaning, thrusting hips and sweat breaking out on my forehead. And then there was something even more wonderful. Just as I was looking back behind me, to see if my performance had met with David's approval, he came too!

The arc of his spurts was astonishing. What a sight it was, seeing him standing there, looking like a fountain. Some landed across my forearm, most in the grass and part went as far as my knee. The next thing I knew, he was lying beside me, kissing me everywhere and finally just holding me in his arms. We were lying on our backs, staring off into space, time not moving.

After who knows how long, the spell was broken when I felt David's hand pushing ever so gently on my cheek. He moved my head slightly, just enough so I could see that we had a visitor. A deer. It can't have been standing more than ten feet away.

Periodically it looked around, sometimes in our direction. Not seeming concerned, it would look back down and munch on the grass. I've heard that there are places on the east coast of America where a deer is considered a pest and where something like this would not be that unusual but out here in the west, a deer coming this close is exceedingly rare. We were being blessed by the best of good omens. What a fitting conclusion to our magical wilderness visit this was.

That night back at the cabin was to be the last one of our trip and we both expressed sadness that it was coming to an end. Checkout time was 11 the next morning and we resolved to stay until the last possible minute. Neither of us wanted it to be over. We made love, of course, not spectacularly or gymnastically or unusually, just lovingly and caringly. It felt as though we had become almost like a regular married couple in less than a week, except for one important difference: I had never been this much in love with either of my two legitimate husbands. I don't know how David felt about this, because I never asked him, but my guess is that he felt the same way I did.

During the drive back, we had two important conversations. The first one I started.

"You know, David, there's something we've got to get straight between us before we get back."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"Well, it has to do with how we treat each other when we're around Jessica and Ken and for that matter, everyone else we know. We can't be doing any of the lovey-dovey stuff we've been doing."

"Sure. I know that."

"I know you do but I mean, really. . . nothing at all. No footsy under the table, no kisses when we think everybody is in the other room, nothing. We can't even be looking at each other more than we usually do. It's going to be hard to keep from doing that but we absolutely have to. We can't give anybody the slightest reason to suspect anything."

"I'll do my best. I swear I will."

"Thank you sweetheart."

A short while later David brought up another subject, something which, up to that point, I had thought nothing about.

"So, tell me mom, what happens after we get back, if I want to take you out on a date?. . . No, seriously, I mean how are we going to get together?. . . You do want to get together once in a while, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I want to be with you as much as I can. . . gee, I don't know. . . motels, I guess? I can't see me coming over to your place or you coming over to mine. That would be too risky. Even if Jessica is gone or Ken is away on a trip, there's neighbors and things. I don't want to take any chances."

"How about if we get our own place?" David asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like an apartment or something."

"Well, I guess that's a possibility. Whatever it is, even if it's just a motel, it's going to have to be a long ways away, you know. We can't have anybody seeing us coming and going."

"Yeah, and whatever it is, it's going to cost a little bit, isn't it."

"Listen, don't worry about that, dumpling, I can afford it whatever it is. They're paying me more than I'm worth anyway and besides, Ken makes 2 or 3 times as much as I do. You're going to school and you need to save your money for that."

We talked about this for a while longer but never came to any conclusions. We decided to try going to a motel a few times and see about other alternatives later.

"How are we going to work out setting up a time?" David wanted to know.

"It'd be better if you call me at work. I don't want you calling me at home any more than you usually do."

"How often?"

"That's up to you, darling. Anytime you want me. . . We've got to be careful not to be away too much, though, or someone will get suspicious. Actually, now that I think about it, our work situations are ideal. Up to a point, I can get away pretty much as much as I want, as long as I don't get too far behind. You can too, except you don't get paid, so you've got to be careful that Jessica doesn't see that you're not getting paid as much as you're away."

"That's true but since she's at work mostly. . . at the same time I am, she'd have a hard time figuring that out. She knows I take time off to go to school, so I guess if I'm off more than usual, I could tell her I need the time for studying."

"You could study with me. I could be your tutor," I said and we laughed.

On several occasions , David reached over and held my hand as he was driving. One of these times, I clasped his hand tightly in mine, raised it to my lips, kissed it and lowered it to my breast, holding him against me as he squeezed me gently through the cloth. After a while, he lowered his hand into my lap, raising the hem of my skirt and slid his fingers along my thigh until he was touching my pussy. As usual, I wasn't wearing any panties.

This didn't make me leery the way it used to. In fact, I did what I could to accommodate him by taking off my seat belt, scootching my butt forward in the seat a little ways and spreading my legs as much as possible. He fingered me as we drove and I reveled in the feeling, closing my eyes as the waves of stimulation swept over me.

"Oooooh. . . oooooh David. . . you're going to make me cum."

He took this as a sign of encouragement and moved his fingers faster and faster. My hips uncontrollably pushed higher and I was over the top.

"Cumming. . . cumming. . . " and I let out a short little squeaky sounding yelp.

"Oooooh that was sooooo nice, David. . . thank you sweetheart," I said as I felt my orgasm subsiding.

For obvious reasons, David wasn't feeling as satisfied as I was.

"Listen mom, I can't take this. . . I've got to have you one last time before we get home."

I was feeling so blissful that I was inclined to give him absolutely anything he wanted but I wasn't sure exactly what that was. I leaned over and whispered in his ear, as if there was someone else in the car who might overhear me.

"Do you want me to go down on you, baby?"

I was willing to do that right here, right as we drove down the highway.

"No, I've got a better idea. Listen, I'm going to pull into the next rest-stop we come to."

I wasn't sure what that would lead to but I had enough faith in David's reasonableness that I didn't argue. I knew he wouldn't want to do anything that was too outrageous, so I didn't say anything. We drove along in silence and instead of putting my seat-belt back on, I leaned across the center console, kissed his ear a few times and rested my head on his shoulder. I could clearly see the bulge in his pants and I rested my hand on top of it, lightly squeezing now and then as we drove. I didn't want to do anything to over stimulate him. I just wanted to remind him I was there.

Twenty minutes later or so, we pulled into what was probably the last rest area before we got home. Neither of us needed to use the facilities so David drove past them and parked in the very last spot. There had to be at least 40 or 50 spaces between us and the first car that was parked next to the restrooms, plenty of distance for almost complete privacy inside the car, except as people drove past to get back on the freeway.

"Let's get in the back, mom. . . move your seat forward as far as it will go."

As soon as we were back there, David pulled me towards him and I thought we were going to kiss but instead he stopped when our faces were only inches apart and put his hands on the side of my face.

"I'm going to fuck you," he said, "Get on top of me. . . don't worry, no one can see us. You can leave everything on," and we started squirming around, trying to get arranged.

David rolled on his side so that he was diagonal in the space, with his head where the back seat meets the rear window. He unfastened his belt and the top button on his pants. I lifted my skirt as high as my crotch and swung my leg over his thighs. As he tried to wiggle his pants lower, I was having trouble finding a place for my knee.

"Move your butt over a little," I asked and he did.

As soon as I was in place, I arranged my skirt so everything was covered up, just in case someone looked in. I was still up in the air as I did this, my head bent over, my neck pressed uncomfortably against the roof. Even with all of this arranging, I never did see the object of my affections but I was certain that, where ever it was, it was fully erect. Sure enough, when David's hand disappeared under my skirt to hold himself in a vertical position, I could immediately feel that it was. Unfortunately, I was feeling this with the inside of my thighs, which meant that it wasn't where we wanted it. After some relocation, when everything felt right, I lowered myself down.

Because of our unusual positioning, I was controlling everything by how fast I wanted to raise and lower my hips. When we started, I was holding myself up with my arms but I couldn't resist bending down and kissing David. I stayed that way for the rest of the time, with our torsos pressed together. After a while, I felt David slide his hands under my skirt on the back of my thighs and raise them higher until he was holding me where each cheek of my butt meets my legs. When I raised my hips, he would spread me apart and when I lowered, he pressed me together. The extra friction was thrilling.

"Oh God honey, that feels so good. . . Oh God. . . fuck me, son. . . fuck me harder. . . harder," my voice almost whiney.

And I came. Multiple times.

"Yeeeees, oh yesssss. . . cumming. . ."

The timing wasn't perfect but I felt David get there shortly afterwards. His cum shot into me in a spurt I could feel distinctly. I'm sure there were others but those I didn't feel. The strength left my muscles and it felt like I was paralyzed. I have no idea how long it was before we moved.

Eventually, I rolled off of David and, because it was too difficult to get upright, flipped open the door handle and crawled out of the car on my hands and knees, on the side away from the restrooms. As I got my legs under me and straightened up, I saw the funniest thing. A semi-truck and trailer was leaving the rest area, passing behind us just a few feet away. Apparently, the driver suspected that something unusual was going on in our car because, even though technically the truck was moving, it can't have been going more that a couple of miles an hour. As I looked up, I could see a woman in the passenger window. She had an enormous smile on her face and was waving at me.

I waved back.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It would have been impossible for me as a man totally NOT be able to live with this woman, my mother, only to be able to see and be with her when we were able to steal a moment here and there to be together. She would be the last thing I wanted to see when I went to bed and the first thing I saw when I woke up. And the man in me would have wanted to make babies with this woman.

Can anyone reading this imagine living with another person whom you didn't love as much as the person (your mother) you truly loved? I agree that there would be obstacles to overcome but if you both loved one another as these two do.... then you would make it happen.

In high school I had a sexual relationship with my sister who was two years older than. The first time that I slid my tongue in her mouth and she in mine and I made her moan softly into my mouth... I knew that I could never share her kisses with another man let alone share her pussy with another man. She confessed that she also felt the same way. I was her man, and she was my woman. That I would be man who fathered her children.

We knew that she couldn't get pregnant while we were in high school. That we both needed to finish our education if we were going to secede in life. We did finish our education and found great careers that paid very well. This entitled us to put money away and were able to move to Mexico where we started our family.

So, if it was my sister or my mother.... she would be my woman and she would give me sons and beautiful daughters.

DanDraperDanDraperover 2 years ago

I remember reading these stories so many years ago, I had to go back and read them. They're still just as amazing as I remember them being. It's too bad you stopped writing, but it's also understandable. Maybe one day you'll come back let us know what has happened since your last story.

x_pac6969x_pac6969over 2 years ago

What a grea series you have written Joelle _m

its a pitty that you have stopped writting

Ant particular reason as to why you stopped writting?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I haven't responded to any other story before but ur story got to me so much I had to write you. I want to say I feel the same you say you did with ur son afraid to go for what I wanted so bad but never tried to with but I did with my cousin. Ty please write some likethis

paragem_oneparagem_oneover 3 years ago

Marvelous! Simply magnificent! So, Ellen would be in her mid-50s at this time (2021)? Women are still as hot as firecrackers at that age, so I wonder if they still make the hot love? I wonder if they ever got into anal? I wish they would divorce their spouses (how terrible for me to even think such a thing) and move to Iowa and buy a little farm and farmhouse where they can walk around nude all day and fuck and just let his cum constantly drip down her legs.

Thank you for such a substantial work of eroticism and raw sex.

Bigking1310Bigking1310over 3 years ago
Love the way u got your son

I just love the way u got ur son. As a mature person u approached him and got to make him let his feelings out . I have those same feelings towards my mom but I'm unable to approach her, but I hope i can do it someday. Thanks for your story and hope to know more about ur relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What a wonderful series

I enjoyed reading each of your chapters. You make it very real, very erotic, very deeply loving. Some of the best stories I’ve ever read on here. Thank you so much.

SassieCatSassieCatover 4 years ago
Me and Mom

Hi sweetheart - I wrote you years ago about your submissions. Since then Mom and I have committed to each other sexually. We are a older couple. Thanks again.

Love You - Richard & Janice

email -

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I like your style. thanks. v

lowkeyonelowkeyoneover 7 years ago

An excellent well told story. Yum Yum. joelle-m, has anyone told you how talented you are? Thank you very much.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketalmost 8 years ago
As usual

It is always a mystery why a good author will post one or two stories and then vanish. The same can be said for some very good authors who vanish after two or three years. It is the great Literotica Mystery.

TheSweeterTheWineTheSweeterTheWineover 8 years ago
Wonderful series

I recently signed up and have been going back to my favorite stories. Yours is one of the greatest and I'm sure I speak for many in saying that I'd love if you could give an update. Thanks so much for what you have given. 5s for all chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I read every chapter straight through, I've never been so aroused in my life. I have had sexual fantasies about my mother since I was 15, I developed early. I tried little things here and there to show her, usually I'd notice that she noticed and shed leave the room. This fulfills such an empty spot for me, I wish I could have felt the pleasure your son got from you. Thank you and I wish there was more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Ellen, you are a true craftswoman at the game of erotica. I wondered about detractors such as "Kind of Lame" for a second; they are really after cheap porn and eroticism is just too exotic for them.

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