Three is a Prime Number


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We both collapsed, with me lying on top of her. My cock was slowly going soft and eased out of her canal.

"That was fantastic," Phoebe said. "Thank you."

"I love you, Phoebes."

We adjusted ourselves so we faced each other while on our sides. Phoebe kissed me and slid her tongue inside.

"I know you must have questions, Jamie. And, I promise to answer them, but not now. Not this week. I just want to be with the two people I love most and be a selfish bitch and get the most enjoyment I can from each of you. Can you live with that?"

"Can we do this some more this week?" I asked.

"Maybe, but I can't promise. Abby's only here for a week, and I want to make the most of our visit. But, I can promise you that you won't be able to walk next week. I am going to fuck you senseless."

I smiled and nodded. Phoebe put my limp member in her mouth. She cleaned me and loved me at the same time.

"Be careful," I said. "Remember what I told you about penis breath."

"She'll just have to deal with it," Phoebe said and worked me until life returned. She did not stop until she gave me another orgasm, taking every drop in her mouth.

"Now, I really have to nap," she said.

"Okay, I'm going out to see about reservations. I'll be back in a second."

Walking into the main part of our condo, I enjoyed the sensation of being naked. I figured there was now no part of me that Abby hadn't seen and I could get back to my habit of extremely casual living. In the living room, I looked up the info on the Inn on my laptop. I picked two rooms that faced the harbor and called to see about booking them. Only one was available and it was the last one the Inn had to offer. I booked it in Phoebe's and Abby's names. I also booked a table for 8 pm. As I ended the call, I considered if I was being a good sport or was I doing a retreat from further competition or confrontation with Abby.

I was surprised to hear Abby's voice.

"Remind me to pick up some earplugs," she said, while looking at my naked body. She was freshly showered and dressed only in a tee shirt. It took me a second to realize she was talking about the sounds of me and Phoebe in our bedroom.

"Sorry," I said.

"No you're not," Abby said and grinned. "And, I bet Phoebe is just as un-sorry."

I smiled.

"If I understood the last part of that conversation," Abby said motioning to the phone still in my hand, "I take it you will not be staying at the Inn. Too bad, because I plan to test the soundproofing quite extensively tonight. After listening to what was coming out of that bedroom, I am inspired."

"This is bizarre," I said. "Here we are discussing making love to the same person. I should feel angry, jealous or something."

"But, you don't?"

"Honestly, Abby, I'm not sure what I'm feeling. Maybe having a bit of space between me and you and Phoebe is not a bad thing."

"Jamie, I am not trying to put myself between the two of you."

"But, you have."

Abby looked intently into my eyes. She blinked and then nodded.

"Jamie, we both care for Phoebe."

"True. And, Phoebe seems so happy right now."

"Yes, she does," said Abby. "I know the main reason is because of you."

"I'd like to think so," I said. "But, she really is thrilled that you're here. It must be the two of us putting that smile on her face."

Abby put her hand on my chest. "You're a special guy, Jamie. I can't imagine any of the men I've known being so open and understanding." She leaned in and kissed me ever so lightly.

"It's funny," I said. "My entire rational side tells me I should be pissed and kick your ass out of here."


"You know, when we first met at the airport, there was something about you that I immediately liked. I rarely feel that sort of connection. I'm more of a go slow and easy person when it comes to getting close to someone. When Phoebe told me what she wanted, it clicked in my head. I got it. I knew you would be just what she needed. And the really strange part...I trusted you. Am I wrong to trust you, Abby?"

She folded herself into my arms, my naked body pushed against hers covered with only a tee shirt. I wrapped my arms around her and found out she wasn't wearing anything else.

"Before I came here, Jamie, I had thoughts about trying to make her mine exclusively. That sounds like I own her and that's not what I meant. I mean making her want to move in with me. To be my lover, my partner."

She hugged me tightly and continued talking. "You know what you said about our immediate connection?"

I nodded.

"I felt it too. I never had that experience with a guy. I've almost never had it with a woman, either. I felt really good about you and then on the ride in from the airport, I realized I liked you. It hit me that I couldn't hurt you and made up my mind that whatever happened with Phoebe and me, that I wanted you to be part of it."

"Part of it how?" I asked.

"Ah, million dollar question," she said and placed a tiny kiss on my neck. "Do you think you could put some clothes on and we can talk?"

"Does my nudity bother you?"

"It affects me, not sure I'd say it bothers me. But, I don't think I can talk to you about this while I'm looking at your cock."

"It disgusts you?"

"Fuck, no," she laughed. "It makes me horny."

I laughed and stepped back. Abby smiled and kissed me again. She ran her hand along my flaccid cock and smiled again. I turned and she gave my naked butt a friendly swat.

I returned a few minutes later dressed in shorts and a tee shirt. I noticed that she still wore her long tee shirt, but I could now detect panty lines under the cotton. She had two beers waiting. We sat at opposite ends of the couch.

"Phoebe still sleeping?"


"Must have been a great cuddle before," she said.

"Definitely for me, it was."

"Jamie, can I just talk and you listen? I know as a lawyer you like to ask a lot of questions, but I want to get this out. Afterwards you can ask any questions. Okay?"


I drank some of my beer and Abby sat cross-legged on the couch. I could see her tan panties under her shirt. I laughed to myself as I realized I was acting like a typical guy in trying to make out a camel toe.

"Phoebe probably told you I've been with men. That's true, but I prefer women and it's been a while since I had sex with a man. Jamie, I love Phoebe and have for a long time. It would make me the happiest woman in the world if she would commit to me. But, as I said before, seeing how happy she is with you, I know that she would be equally unhappy if you were not in her life. So, where does that leave us?"

I recognized a rhetorical question and just sipped my beer.

"All this is just forming in my mind and I have not thought it through completely. I have also not talked about it with Phoebe. So, maybe we can keep it to ourselves for now?" she half-asked.

"Abby, I said I would let you talk, but you have to know that I am not going to keep anything from Phoebe. If we can't discuss whatever you're going to say with her, then please end this conversation right now."

"Deal. So, here's what I'm thinking."

Abby took a long sip from the bottle and set it on the coffee table. "How about a triad?"

She read the puzzlement on my face.

"I think 'ménage à trois' is so over-worked and misused," she said. "It mostly implies having a sexual three-way. I want something else. Do you think the three of us could learn to live with each other, love each other, support each other?"

"What about 'have sex with each other'?"

"Of course, you and Phoebe and me and Phoebe—that's a given. The question is would you and I have sex."

"Or, would the three of us ever have sex together?"

Abby nodded and played with her beer bottle after taking another sip.

"Would you want to have sex with me?" Abby asked.

I knew this was a critical point in our discussion. "Yes, I would. But, it would not be a make or break part of what you are describing."

She looked at me strangely. "You mean you could consider a triad, even if it meant you and I would never have sex or that the three of us would never have sex together?"

"Yes. If it meant I could be with Phoebe."

Abby thought for a moment. "You know that sort of relationship is sometimes called a Vee."

"Have you been involved in this sort of thing before?" I asked.

"No, but thinking about this and listening to Phoebe talk about you, I wanted to think about how maybe we could do something that would work for all of us. So, I did research. I had some free time while there were obscene noises coming from another room."

Abby played with her beer bottle. I tried to absorb all that she had said. I also tried to not stare at the mound between her legs barely covered by her panties.

"If we were to try something along these lines do you think you'd be jealous of her and me making love?" she asked.

"Maybe. Would you be jealous of Phoebe and me making love?"

"Probably," she said and laughed.

"And, yet, you think it could work?" I asked.

"Oh, I haven't a fucking clue if it would work. I am just trying to come up with something that won't destroy Phoebe. This seems like something to consider."

"I guess I'm asking questions, now."

Abby nodded and encouraged me to continue.

"Where would we live?"

Abby took a deep breath. "I haven't mentioned this to Phoebe, but I've received a great offer from our Boston office. It's a promotion, raise and a sure path to partnership."

Thinking that Abby may move close to us made this conversation suddenly seem more than idle chat. As idyllic a picture that Abby was painting, I was too much of a lawyer not to see the flaws in the brushstrokes. I was not sure I could live with the two of them knowing they were sexual partners. Maybe it was typical maleness, but I always imagined that I would be enough for the woman I loved. Admitting that Phoebe could only be truly fulfilled if she also had Abby as her lover raised a few insecurities. Had she really been happy with me before? Was I satisfying her sexually or was she faking it? Was I not emotionally supportive of her? Could I be more attentive? My mind was reeling off questions faster than I could possibly consider them.

"Abby, I think you need to have a long talk with Phoebe. It's probably good that I won't be going with you tonight. When we all get together we can see where things stand."

"What will you do tonight?"

"You mean besides get drunk?"

"Jamie, that makes me sad. I say cancel the reservations and we all sort this out now."

"Tempting," I said. "But, you and Abby need to talk. Go to Maine. I'm not much good at getting drunk by myself, so don't worry about it." We looked to see Phoebe standing in the doorway to the living room. "What are we not worrying about?" she asked.

I rose and walked to her. Taking her in my arms, I kissed her. "Thinking about the nice time you'll have tonight in Maine."

"You mean 'we'll' have," Phoebe said.

"No, just you and Abby. I'll let Abby explain. I'm going to shower again and then go into the office. I have a ton of work to catch up on."

I kissed her again and went into the bathroom.

After I had dressed, I came into the living room. The two women were sitting on the couch. Phoebe's red eyes told a story.

"Please don't leave me," she said.

"I'm not leaving you, Phoebe. I'm going to the office."

"But, you're not coming to Maine with us."

"Phoebes, you go to Maine. You spend time with Abby. The two of you need to talk. Then when you get back all three of us will talk."

"That makes it sound like you're breaking up with me," Phoebe said sobbing.

"I am not breaking up with you, Phoebe. I love you, but we have things we need to discuss. Go with Abby. Try to have some fun, enjoy a great dinner, take advantage of staying at the Inn. I'll be here when you get back and I promise I have no intention of breaking up with you. We'll talk - the three of us."

Phoebe sprang up and held me tight. "I love you, Jaime."

"I love you, too. But, babe, you have to be honest with yourself. I think you love Abby. I imagine she loves you. That is a lot of loves in one sentence. That's why we each need to talk all this through. You and Abby spend time today and tonight. Tomorrow night, the three of us will sit down. Okay?"

Phoebe nodded against my chest. I tilted her head up and kissed her. "See you tomorrow."

I waved to Abby and left. I wasn't sure if this really was a good-bye or was it the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story, and VERY well written. I do feel that Phoebe should have been more upfront about her feelings/past history with Abby...she just doesn't seem to be the kind of person to invite a lover to visit without letting Jamie know what was almost certain to happen....or even what she intended to have happen. This strikes me as a lapse in characterization. But still....5 stars, and I'm looking forward to Part II. (Jamie, by the way, is altogether believable: he's hurt, but loves Phoebe deeply and is a genuinely good guy.)

striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Having to jerkoff because your 'girlfriend' is cuckolding you in your own condo. Didn't even ask him to join. It isn't cheating because it's sex with a woman...I had to stop reading this sexist shit is so bad.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 1 year ago

Technically this is superior -- no glaring errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, or punctuation. That counts for a lot. You even seem to have mastered the difference between the transitive "lay" and "raise" on the one hand and the intransitive "lie" and "rise" on the other. That counts for a lot. But even with that huge plus, I am withholding the 5th star. ////

You fall down on the characterization. Jamie is supposed to be the epitome of nobility. He doesn't carry it off, which means you don't carry it off. Compared with Abby, Phoebe is a mere placeholder; she's two-dimensional flat. ////

I will read the second installment, but without alacrity.

Janrene3Janrene3over 2 years ago

Category: group sex?

I would say cuckold instead.

This is not a girlfriends surprise to spice up a relationship, this is an attack on the couples relationship.

He is in the dark from the beginning, and Abby just steams on and on - her needs to be fulfilled first and foremost. She even admits it was her intention to steal Phoebe from him! I see no redeeming character in Abby!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Not a single likable character...

...of the three main.

Seriously...they all suck.

Is it 'sexier' because it is two women? Sure, but if this was Jamie springing an ex/sort of lover on Phoebe...if, in fact, Abby was there for him, only the most misogynistic males would not be up in arms. Because it is a girl, we now accept wanton cheating? Phoebe KNEW who was visiting and why, KNEW what was going to happen. Nobody thinks that is important in a relationship?

Also, he's garbage as a lawyer if he overlooks the obvious crime for emotion. Especially since he is cast AS a typical 'cold' lawyer, not one with a soft heart. Commenters inverting that as an excuse to fanboy/girl the writer must all exist in a magical world.

Then Abby almost could have pulled off some 'innocence', but nope...she admits she arrived with ill-intentions.

AR couldn't have written three less sympathetic characters for one story if she tried. If this were presented to my Writer's Group, or ANY self-respecting such group, it wpuld have been sent back to the drawing board.

The women are bad people that deserve each other and their future-cheating-on-each-other selves, and Jamie is a 'smart guy' too stupid to realize he was/is being played.

With nobody to root for or even care a little bit about, three may be a prime number, but two was two chapters too many.

SteveWallaceSteveWallacealmost 4 years ago
No continuation. Leaves readers hanging.

One star for baiting and desertion!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Even though chapter 02 ends with "To be continued...," it has not been, to this date.

Even though AltheaRose has since made 8 other submissions.

See my fuller comment on chapter 02. Same date.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
old girlfriend

he should invite an old girlfriend to visit and say he is sleeping with her for emotional support. i wonder how his girlfriend would react probaly start crying, he should then tell her i need this for me baby you understand

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Jamie has no balls at all, he just let the 2 of them walk over him.

he was manipulated by both Phoebe and Abby about her trip and he is still being manipulated. Why can't writers write a guy not being a wimp or push over or a cuckold. It's starting to really suck reading stories on here.

he gets mad but the second she shows him a nanosecond of attention it's "okay , go do what you want to do."

They owe him major and their treating him like crap and he is allowing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Re: not your same old story, but it could be.

No, it is as abusive as it seems. H2O where 2H is two selfishness and O is one codependence, no love here to see, folks, move along... Vees always suck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
After reading the comments I have decided that I hate all these people too.

As a guy I have no idea what I would do. The guy in this story didn't start having a GF till later after college, these women are messing with some guy who has very little experience.


pinkroguepinkroguealmost 8 years ago
Love the story

You explain and use the characters well. Even made me horny being in a similar situation myself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great story and there has to be more to it. ( from lowkeyone )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
not your same old story, but it could be.

i like it but,

change Abby to Abe and ''her smile'' to ''his smirk'' and this is a cuckold story.

Phoebe basically says '' if you love me you will let me do this. i need this."

and he gives permission, and she goes to her lover.

this is not really my idea of a committed relationship,

but then i'm not writing it either.

i just wanted to make the point that since he didn't ask for this,

she's a real shit for springing it on him.

how much does she really love him?

how many men or women would agree to their significant other fucking someone else,

in the next room.?

how on earth do you get any sleep while that is going on.?

i guess my monogamy is showing.

ValendonValendonover 8 years ago
Love it!

Althea, hon, I just love your stories!

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