Three Square Meals Ch. 076


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Tashana smiled as she asked her twin, "Are you still following it? I haven't seen any duels in years!"

Irillith nodded eagerly, "There was a twenty car Battle Royale four years ago; it was the craziest thing I'd ever seen! I'll definitely have to show you that one!"

They giggled together as they remembered happy times watching it together in their youth, bright smiles spreading across both their faces.

Alyssa waited patiently for everyone to turn to her again and leading them further into the Lounge, she said casually, "As you can see, I got rid of the bar."

John frowned and said, "I quite enjoyed the occasional drink after dinner..."

She smiled at him indulgently. "We've got well-stocked booze cabinets at the far side of the Lounge, near the dining area. Don't worry, there's a wide variety of whiskey."

"Good girl!" he said, grinning at her as he swept her into his arms for a hug.

She laughed in his embrace then gestured to the clusters of sofas that had replaced it. "The bar was taking up too much space in the middle of the lounge and it was a bit pointless anyway. It was only really there so the officers could meet and hit on each other, but you only have to say the word and any of us will help you lighten the load."

He chuckled at that and said, "Okay, you make a good point. So what's with the new sofas?"

Giving him a coy look, she led him over to the group on the left. "Perhaps we should demonstrate."

She guided him to the middle chair then knelt down before him, running her manicured fingers over his thighs. Following her telepathic instructions, the rest of the crew fanned out to take their seats on the comfortable sofas, with Tashana looking a little startled at hearing the blonde girl's voice in her mind. There was plenty of room for everyone, with Calara and Sakura sitting beside him, Dana and Rachel to the right, then Irillith and Tashana to the left. Faye sat cross-legged on the table in the middle and a moment later, he felt Jade's fingers massaging his shoulders with an expert touch.

"Now, imagine the scene..." Alyssa began, her fingertips tracing teasing circles. "You've just saved the day once again and we've had a delicious meal. What better way for the lusty hero to unwind than with a loving blowjob and a massage from his ravishing harem?"

"Yeah, I think I could live with that," John replied, grinning at her, then glancing over the back of his chair at Jade. He started to thank her but paused as he exclaimed, "Where did that chair come from?!"

"It's built into the floor," the smiling Nymph explained as she kneaded his muscles. "You just press a button on the back of the sofa and it rises into place."

Hopping up to sit in his lap, Alyssa said, "And when we're done watching the lucky girl get her after-dinner treat, we can all relax and look at the stars go by."

She reached across behind him to press a button on the back of the chair and the sofas to the side pivoted outwards, turning them so they could look out through the huge full-length window. The lights dimmed to a muted glow and the vast sprawl of stars before them seemed to come alive, appearing like precious jewels amongst the vibrant tapestry of nebulae that blanketed Maliri Space.

John stared out of the window for a moment before turning to gaze at Alyssa. He studied her heart-shaped face, memorising every curve of her succulent lips and the slender, delicate nose that fit her face so perfectly. Raising his hand, he caressed her cheek, the back of his fingers brushing against the flawless tanned skin - so soft and smooth to the touch. Finally, he let himself be drawn in by those enchanting cerulean eyes which sparkled at him from behind long lashes.

*It's a breathtakingly beautiful view,* he agreed, not taking his eyes from hers for one second.

He saw her glorious smile reach her eyes, the intensity of her gaze softening as she leaned in to give him a tender kiss. *You're supposed to be wooing our latest young maiden, not buttering me up,* she replied, although her playful tone told him that she hadn't minded his compliment in the slightest; far from it, in fact.

*Sorry, I couldn't help myself, you're just that gorgeous,* John replied, hugging her closer. He eventually pulled away from her intoxicating lips and added, *I haven't thanked you yet for saving my life. I'm building up quite a tab.*

*Your money's no good here,* she replied, smiling as she leaned in for a second kiss, before nodding towards Faye who turned up the lights.

Like that, the spell was broken and the girls rose from their seats, blinking as their eyes adjusted to the brighter overhead lighting. Calara and Sakura gave John a knowing smile though, having been curled up next to him as they watched the kissing couple.

Alyssa flounced away from them with a grin on her face. "Okay, I'll show you the rest then we can settle down for dinner. I'm suddenly feeling very hungry for a filling meal, perhaps something with a rich, creamy sauce."

Her none-too-subtle innuendo earned a few giggles and she led them over to the long table at the back of the lounge. The table was constructed from a lighter coloured wood but it seemed to shine with an earthy glow, the grain making beautiful patterns in the surface.

"I've never seen anything like it," John murmured, running his hand over the smooth tabletop.

"It was a present from Edraele," Alyssa explained, her fingers trailing over the exquisite grain in the table. She smiled as she added, "It's fortunate it goes well with the colour schemes I'd chosen for the room, otherwise I'd have had to start all over again to accommodate this masterpiece."

Irillith sounded surprised as she said, "I think it's Lantaneak wood! It's very rare and worth a fortune." Glancing at John, she smiled as she added, "I think you might have made a good impression on my mother."

*A small token of my affection,* Edraele said, her voice gentle and loving as it teased his mind.

The table was more than big enough to seat all of them. A dozen chairs were set up around its length with the one at the end slightly larger and more ornate than the rest.

He sent a grateful telepathic smile to his Maliri Matriarch and said, *I love it! Thank you for the gift, that was very thoughtful.*

*It was my pleasure,* she replied, overjoyed to feel how happy he was.

John strolled over to the kitchen and took a quick peek inside. It had been largely untouched by Shinatobe's bomb so Alyssa hadn't made any changes. He glanced at Tashana. "All the Maliri noblewomen I've met have been excellent cooks. I take it you didn't fancy being poisoned either?"

Tashana smiled at her sister and slipping her hand into Irillith's, she replied, "Fortunately, I don't think things ever got that bad between the two of us, but our House had plenty of enemies. I started preparing my own food from a very early age."

"I'll look forward to sampling anything if you get the urge to be creative in the kitchen," he said with a grin.

Tashana leaned in to her sister and exchanged a few whispers, before she smiled and said, "We'd love to prepare dinner for all of you sometime. Just let us know when."

"Give yourself some time to settle in then by all means, the kitchen will be all yours," he said, looking forward to it.

"I think we've seen everything in here now!" Dana blurted out, growing impatient. "Let's go take a look at the new rooms on Deck Three!"

John nodded and they followed the redhead out of the room as she rushed for the door. He smiled at Alyssa and said, "I love the new room. It's very relaxing and just what we needed."

She smiled at him then arched an eyebrow at Sakura and said in a gently teasing tone, "I suppose we should be thanking Shinatobe for this. Without her dramatic remodelling, I probably wouldn't have bothered changing anything."

Sakura blushed, but she gave John a furtive glance then replied boldly, "The casualties were just an unfortunate accident. Shinatobe was just desperate to do something about the drab decor."

John smiled at Sakura as the girls laughed at her joke, delighted to see that she'd taken his words to heart and shaken off her sense of guilt for Shinatobe's actions. He put his arm around her as they walked through the Lounge and she grinned as she hugged him back.

They dropped down in the grav-tube to Deck Three, then stepped out into the long corridor. It stretched toward the back of the ship as it always had done, doors leading off it to the simulator rooms, the Training Dojo, and Faye's server room. However, the other end of the corridor had been opened up too and the serviceway that had once led into maintenance tunnels was now a fully-fledged corridor. It ended in a big set of double doors at the end and Dana was bouncing up and down with excitement as she waited by the door.

"Okay, let's see what you've been up to," John said, smiling at her as he gestured for her to proceed.

She didn't bother replying and just slapped her hand down on the button beside her, opening up the big doors with a swish of hydraulics.

"Oh, wow!" Jade gasped, taking her first tentative steps inside the humid room.

John's eyes widened as he looked around, seeing the results of their hard work for the first time - Dana's initial blueprints simply hadn't done it justice. The enormous room had been built around a huge swimming pool, designed to appear as if it was naturally occurring lagoon in a rocky jungle setting. Exotic tropical plants reached for the ceiling, and off to their left there was a pristine stretch of golden-white sand that formed a spectacular beach.

The path split in two, with the main one following a long bridge that arched over the pool, ending in another set of doors beyond. The second path snaked around to the left, dropping down a few metres as it led down to some white upholstered furniture that overlooked the tranquil scene.

"Bikinis will be mandatory in here, ladies," Alyssa said sternly to her female audience. She glanced at John and her eyes twinkled as she continued, "At least until we've teased John to distraction."

He chuckled at that then looking curiously at Dana, he asked, "You've done a spectacular job but won't all this water affect the ship's handling?"

She shook her head. "It's not as deep as it looks and we drained the tanks from the old pool when we repurposed the gym into the new brig. The artificial gravity will stop it from splashing around all over the place, so we shouldn't even notice any difference."

"I love it!" Jade suddenly gasped, wrapping Dana in a big hug and lifting her off the floor. "I can't wait to go for a swim!"

Dana laughed at the Nymph's exuberance. "It was John's idea! I just put it all together."

Jade's cat-like eyes flashed in the well-lit room, the warm glow from the ceiling lighting cleverly masquerading as bright sunlight. "I'll make sure I thank you properly later," she purred and the look she gave him made him sure he was going to be in for a treat.

"Let's go take a look at the last room," Alyssa suggested, gliding out over the bridge, her heels clicking as she strutted away.

The tour group followed her to the next set of doors and she waved her hand towards the button, opening it up for them telekinetically as they approached. The room beyond was built in a long oval, with a lowered section in the middle that was filled with a comfortable-looking bed.

"Why don't we get comfortable," she prompted them, stepping out of her shoes, then walking down onto the bed.

Following her lead, everyone joined her on the soft mattress, before sitting down and wondering what was going to happen next. Dana leaned over to press a button on a control panel set into one corner and there was movement above their heads. As they stared at the ceiling, the armour plating in the Invictus' Hull began to peel back, revealing a clear-crystal dome above them. The view was incredible, with a vast sprawl of stars filling the sky above them.

"This is just like the bedroom on Oceanus!" Calara murmured, lying back on the bed with a lopsided smile on her face as she reminisced about the luxurious resort.

"I'm afraid we couldn't arrange another storm for you," Alyssa said with a grin, as she curled up next to her lover.

Dana, Rachel, and Jade all laughed at that, remembering Calara and John's electrifying coupling in the face of a tropical thunderstorm.

John lay back on the bed, with Dana and Rachel cuddling up beside him. He put his arms around them both and said, "You've done a phenomenal job getting these new rooms built so fast. I love what you've done with them; they should be lots of fun."

"We need to come up with some names," Dana said, rolling over on her tummy so she could look down at him. She gave him her most endearing smile as she asked, "Can you help decide for us?"

Rachel copied her, rolling over so she was facing him too, and added in a serious voice, "We've had a few discussions and the popular consensus has been: 'The Alfresco Orgy Room' for this one, and 'Girls Get Wet and Wild' for the new pool area. We'd appreciate your thoughts, Admiral."

John laughed at that and saw that the rest of the girls had gathered around to listen to his verdict. He thought it over for a moment, then said, "I love the names, and I'm sure they'll be quite accurate, but they're a bit of a mouthful."

"I agree, but we're quite adept at handling tongue-tangling monsters," Rachel agreed, her mouth twitching in a smile.

There was more laughter from the girls and John was pleased to see Tashana joining in too. Their eyes met for a moment and he saw that burning desire igniting once more, her tongue wetting her lips in an instinctive gesture.

"How about we just call them 'The Observatory' and 'The Lagoon' for now," he suggested, turning his attention back to Dana and Rachel. "They'll be easy to remember."

"Boo! They're boring names," Dana pouted.

He nodded and smiled at her as he replied, "Yeah, but I'm sure what we'll get up to in them will be loads of fun."

"The mighty Progenitor has spoken," Rachel replied, her grey eyes twinkling like the stars behind her.

Alyssa grinned at John and said, "Alright, we better go get dinner ready." She glanced at Tashana and added airily, "This lovely girl looks like she's ready for a big meal."

Tashana blushed a dark shade of blue, but John noticed she didn't protest in the slightest. He smiled at her and said, "Now that gives me a wonderful idea. Would you like to christen the Observatory with me?"

"I'd love to," she replied, one hand going to her stomach as she smiled back at him, her eyes shining with anticipation.

The girls started to get up and off the bed but John was surprised to see that Rachel and Dana made no attempt to move.

Rachel saw his questioning look and asked, "If Tashana doesn't mind, I was wondering if she would share this load with Dana? I'm conducting an experiment at the moment and she's volunteered to be my test subject."

Tashana gave them a tentative smile. "Of course. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of scientific progress."

"That's the spirit!" Dana said with a wide grin as she pulled her shirt over her head. "We're going to make you so happy you agreed!"

The rest of the crew left them alone together and Rachel proved to be just as adept as Dana at quickly disrobing. Soon they were both completely nude and they approached Tashana who looked like a deer caught in the headlights - if describing two sets of big firm breasts that way wasn't a terrible injustice. John sat back and listened as the brunette and the redhead whispered to Tashana, their voices gentle and unthreatening as they reached out to touch the Maliri girl. Her violet eyes flicked to his and when he gave her an encouraging smile, she immediately relaxed then turned her attention back to the Terran teenagers.

They took their time peeling the long dress from Tashana, each taking one of her hands and placing them on their tanned bodies in an open invitation for her to explore. John watched in fascination as the trio got to know each other more intimately, their nubile forms moving at an unhurried pace that was as alluring as it was frustrating. Dana and Rachel each took a turn kissing Tashana, before lying down with her on the bed and beginning their gentle instruction in the art of Sapphic lovemaking.

The teenagers worked together with the experience and coordination of devoted lovers, teasing Tashana to her first climax before they had so much as put tongue to pussy. That was soon remedied as they took turns going down on her, while the other caressed her breasts, neck, lips, and a whole host of less-likely erogenous zones. By the time they were done, Tashana was left gasping for breath in post-orgasmic bliss, her eyes wild with a look of disbelief mixed with still-smouldering lust.

Dana and Rachel largely ignored John while they focused on the inexperienced girl between them, apart from giving him the occasional sultry glance, which reminded him the show was as much for his benefit as it was for Tashana's immediate pleasure. When they finally turned their attention to him, his cock was throbbing with need, his quad taut with excitement. Rachel lay on her back and beckoned him over, then helped him align his balls into the perfect position above her eager tongue. Dana and Tashana knelt in front of him, with the redhead simply opening her mouth in welcome invitation. He sank down her throat in one long thrust, groaning with the knowledge that his aching balls were about to get some well-deserved relief.

He pulled Tashana to him and smiled as he said, "I need a kiss."

She pressed herself against his side, kissing him enthusiastically as Dana and Rachel sucked on his cock and balls. The smoky look of lust in the Maliri girl's eyes was intoxicating and he guided her hand to Dana's mane of red hair. Tashana followed his lead and ran her fingers through Dana's auburn tresses, revelling in the feeling of dominance as she stroked the submissive Terran girl.

"You feel it, don't you?" John asked Tashana, as he held Dana's head in place and gently thrust against her plush lips.

She nodded, and replied in a breathless whisper, "I feel so powerful like this." Turning to look at him, her angular eyes were wide open, as she added, "Is this what you felt like with me, earlier?"

John nodded and met her gaze. "It's the only time I let myself indulge my Progenitor nature." He looked down into Dana's smiling eyes and continued, "They're good girls, they love playing their part."

"I never knew sex could be like this," Tashana murmured, a strange flicker crossing her face. She met Dana's gaze and added, "They were so gentle with me. It felt so liberating, and... fun."

"I'll never make you do anything you don't want to," John said, lifting her chin and meeting her gaze.

She paused for a moment then nodded and said solemnly, "I know. I feel safe with you."

Dana pulled herself off John's throbbing shaft and grinned as she said, "Stop distracting him! I want some cum!"

John laughed and guided her eager mouth back onto his cock, sheathing himself down Dana's snug throat once more. He smiled at Tashana and said, "She's right, no more talking."

With that he pulled the Maliri girl in for another kiss and they stared into each other's eyes as he thrust into Dana's plush lips. It didn't take long to bring him to climax, and Tashana stared at John in awe as his pupils flared and he started pumping his cum into Dana's hungry stomach. She greedily guzzled nearly two pints, before John groaned, "Your turn!"

Tashana ducked down in a hurry, just as the redhead slid back, so his pulsing head was filling her mouth with spunk instead of her throat. Timing it perfectly between blasts, they swapped hot mouths and then it was Tashana engulfing him, enthusiastically sucking out the contents of his balls. He watched her react to the taste, her body trembling with ecstasy as she swallowed the first mouthful. When her eyes had stopped rolling and she was able to focus again, Tashana gazed up at him and he saw her lips turn up in a smile as he stroked her soft white hair.
