All Comments on 'Three Square Meals Ch. 090'

by Tefler

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  • 170 Comments (Page 2)
FervorFervorover 6 years ago

I was was just trying to think of abilities that would really set her apart. I can see how unnatural charisma would be benificial to a reporter type person, but lets be honest, the crew is oozing more charisma than mere mortals could withstand. Any of them, john included, could seduce virtually anyone that they wanted to.

I think they dont abuse it though, because they would be morally against leading people on and hurting their feelings. Same reason alyssa rarely reads other peoples minds, the immorality of using unfair powers against people that are defensless against it is the kind of wrong that they would try and fight. If any member of that crew actively tried to seduce me, i know i would be wrapped around their finger faster than we could order drinks

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Species and Character Count!

185 named Terrans so far in this series (with 96 of them being in the Terran Federation Military)

55 named Maliri (with House Valaden taking up 30 of those characters)

18 Drakkar

17 Ashanath

17 Kintark

14 Trankaran

4 Progenitors

3 Enshunu

2 Slarmian

1 Largath

1 Lenarran

Bolon, Kirrix, Bract, Fulmanax, Yelneg, Skerawk, Oranlith have been seen, but no named characters yet!

We know of the Brimorians and Achonin, but have yet to encounter them!

jperk31260jperk31260over 6 years ago
Johanna Power

As a reporter perhaps super PR or sin doctor? opps I meant SPIN doctor? You know someone who knows how to present something in its best light. What will most likely appeal to her target audience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


TeflerTeflerover 6 years agoAuthor
Chapter 91

I've submitted the latest chapter for literotica moderation. It should be up on the site early next week. :-)


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Next week??!!

wow this is the longest time for a chapter wait..... 3 weeks....

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I give it 3 days

It depends on where Tefler lives. When he posted that it might not've been Sunday for him yet so next week would be proper. Hopefully it'll be up in a few days. Otherwise there's staging a riot against the site mods or hitting the sol site which I think Tefler finally gave in and made a page for this story on.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
Thanks Tefler!

I'm really looking forward to the new chapter! Can't wait until it posts. Thanks for continuing to post here, and not letting the whiners, who act as if you owe them instead of the other way 'round, drive you away. Patreon isn't an option for me, but

I am eager to read your new e-book beginning of the tale. I can't wait to see the improvements because your writing has improved throughout this epic.

Thanks again!


hpinghpingover 6 years ago
Chapter 92

Chapter 91 has now the longest interval between chapters, so I guess that maybe chapter 92 will be out very soon after 91 or maybe a second e-book???

My guess is fifty-fifty, but I hope for a next chapter 92 soon...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very Serious Addiction

Ninety hits (err, I mean chapters) and we still want more. Very Serious.

okibi8882okibi8882over 6 years ago

Yay, finally 91 is on its way!.

Btw Tefler, would you mind setting up an Amazon author's page? I bought your first book and would gladly get the rest but would like to follow you/ be notified when your next one comes out.

wolverine006wolverine006over 6 years ago
Re: Interval

The former longest intermission period was Chapter 56 - Chapter 57 (20 days), which was followed closely by Chapter 57- Chapter 58 (19 days). So if we go by previous experience, Chapter 92 will take slightly less time than Chapter 91. However, past performance is not a true indicator of future performance, so I am not putting much "stock" in that prediction.

That is assuming that Tefler doesn't decide to just end the whole story a la "evil Deus ex machina" (?) style and have BSP warp in through a wormhole at the precise moment psychic is exhausted and obliterate the Invictous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Awesome need more much much more

Another great chapter, hate having to wait for the next, really need 91 now!.

Keep up the good work with the book, get the next set on amazon and get the rest ready for publishing I need more

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Starting to think literotica is withholding

I'm starting to think literotuca is withholding/delaying on purpose

for more hits and force us to read other stories in an attempt to get our TSM fix

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not just literotica

Chapter 91 isn’t on either.

Not sure what’s going on but could be that if tef can get paid for his stories why continue to release them chapter by chapter for free

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
Patience is a virtue

But I'm not very virtuous some days. Chill guys, Tefler can only do what he has time to do. I'm sure he's not holding out on us. It's not like he just wakes up in the morning and finds that the story fairy has left him a finished chapter in his word processor! And if he spends a few days working on an e-book that might generate some income and compensate him for all the time and effort he has put into his tale, then more power to him. I hope his writing provides him with a wonderful income, that is the best way to ensure he can continue to write.[ No matter what liberal environmentalists and "community activists" think, the only sustainable enterprises are the ones that generate a profit and pay their own way.] And just think, you'll be able to say, "I read his stuff way back when he was a new author and he gave it away for free on the internet!" If you're so hot to trot, then go to Patreon. If you're not willing or able to go to Patreon, then join me in chewing our nails and tapping our fingers as we try to be patient and virtuous. Remember, it's his story, not ours. He's doing the work. And he's letting us enjoy it for free. He's even giving us the finished and edited product, not the rough draft. How about giving Tefler some gratitude instead of attitude?

I don't mean to preach, but sheesh! Keep your pants on! Good things come to those who wait! Etc, etc, blah blah blah. I'm sure none of the "anonymouses" this is directed at will read a comment this long.

Thanks Teff!


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Funny that patience virtue

I have been waiting, and I have been supporting, so I don’t have a registered account here and? I have bought the Ebook and a paperback because I want Tefler to be able to keep writing and make a great career out of it.

I was throwing around a thought when I said that maybe he was thinking why give away what he is getting paid for now, not complaining not spreading hate.

I’m sure someone with a registered account will understand the meaning of this message and not assume they know all about everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Patience is indeed a virtue, but I am checking every day multiple times for the next chapter in the story. Also, you said that the only sustainable activities are ones that are profitable, and pay their way, despite environmentalists. So are you saying that there is no sustainable activities since coal is not sustainable?

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 6 years ago
About the delay

Tefler is finishing his second e-book and started on chapter 92 just a few days ago. He is not holding out on you. Chapter 91 was submitted just 2 days ago to Literotica so expect it to be in the cue today or tomorrow with it being available to read by Friday. We on his Patreon site are chomping for Ch 92 which looks to get released to us by the end of the month....which will also closely coincide with the release of his second e-book. With less revision required for the later e-books things should speed up a bit by the middle of next month.

By the way, the e-books have additional scenes.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
I'm checking numerous times a day also!

But I'm not bitching at Tefler about it. That's my point. Stop biting the hand that's feeding you for free.

Now about coal - as long as someone is willing to pay more for a ton of coal than it costs to mine it, then coal is perfectly sustainable. Coal is under market pressure, as well as overwhelming governmental actions intended to drive coal out of business. As soon as solar or wind power is profitable without market distorting tax advantages and subsidies and a kilowatt of renewable electricity is worth more at a customer's meter than it cost to produce and distribute, then solar and wind power will be truly sustainable. If you are willing to pay extra for a kilowatt of renewable energy, great! Go for it! But YOU shouldn't have the power to make SOMEONE ELSE unwillingly pay more. And if you think it's a good thing that the government can drive an unfavored industry under, just wait, sooner or later you will become a target of non-democratic regulatory totalitarianism also. In this backwards bizarro world we now live in "nonprofit" is considered virtuous and "corporate" is considered evil, when truly corporate for profit free enterprise is what sustains our society and provides you sustenance and every item that makes your life pleasant, while another word for for "nonprofit" is "parasite." You will never be paid a dollar in your lifetime in a sustained manner that was not a direct or indirect product of "profit". No nonprofit can exist without being subsidized by profit produced somewhere else. I know I'm taking it to an extreme example, but sometimes that's necessary to demonstrate a point. Besides, when it comes to personal freedom and liberty, I'm an extremist. The hypocrisy of people who say no one should have the power to tell a woman she can't kill her unborn baby, but tells a business owner they can't allow their customers to smoke in a business they own and pay taxes on, in a building they own and pay taxes on, on property they own and pay taxes on, that any customer is perfectly free to make an uncoerced decision to enter or not of their own free will. Don't like a smokey bar? Don't go in! (Radical concept, I know!) Again, just an example, I don't smoke and never have, but what business of the government's is it one way or the other??

And as an aside, I will believe environmental computer models predicting the temperature within a tenth of a degree next century as soon as they can produce a computer model that will tell what my noontime backyard temperature will be a month from now to the tenth of a degree. Don't talk to me about next century if you can't figured out next month. Remember, "science" says global warming is real, but "science" also said that we were approaching a new ice age, and the same "science" said that margarine was healthy and butter was bad for you, and coffee caused cancer, no wait now its good for you!

Another aside, Tefler, the Invictus need a catapult(s) to launch the Raptor and any other fighters/gunships they add without slowing down as was necessary during the battle with the Kintark and rebel fleets. Imagine gunships designed expressly for Faye. No life support, no extra volume or weight, just propulsion, armaments and the minimum required structure.

Say, has chapter 91 posted yet? :-)

Thanks Tef!


Liberty or Death! (Have I ticked off enough people yet?)

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
*sigh* I was sure chapter 91 would post by the time I finished my screed.

Thanks Tef!!

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
Thanks for the chapter and e-book update PLR!

Thanks Tef!!

Hill CountryCowboy

PussyLickersRusPussyLickersRusover 6 years ago
The Irony of the Virtue of Patience

The only way to become more virtuious is to be placed into a position where you have no choice but to exhibit patience...LOL. Ain't that a kick in the pants!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You have all forgotten what else is going on

Folks you should all stop whinging about the publication of 91. It will happen when it is time. The terms of the site say it can take up to seven days to moderate.

Also what time of year is it? What is going on elsewhere on Literotica? Halloween competition! So do us all a favour, don’t be selfish, and stf up about delivery. It’s getting in the way of discussing the storyline!

Here’s a storyline thought which occurred when I Re-Read the saga. Did the Ashanath do some mental voyeurism when The team visited the first time and they had sex in Ashanath space?

Keep up the good work Tefler and please don’t listen to the grabby fans who feel entitled to prompt and accelerated delivery.


SpartanBobSpartanBobover 6 years ago
Are gonna continue to post here?

Just wondering. Love the story.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
They say...

a kick in the pants is worth two in the bush. Or maybe a kick in the pants is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. It's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out! Oil and metaphors don't mix. Vestis virum reddit. Veni vidi vici.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It is clear to me based on your comments that you don't actually understand what science is or what is has to say about global warming. Science is not done in a single experiment, so you find me a report published in a scientific journal with its results duplicated at independent labs saying that coffee causes cancer and I will eat my hat. Experiments can (and often do) provide contradictory results, this is why in order for a the result of an experiment to be accepted by the scientific community, the experiment and its results have to be replicated multiple times by independent groups.

As for climate change, you are correct it is generally beyond our current capabilities to predict the weather in your backyard. But that is just it, on that small a scale we are talking about weather not climate and weather is a lot harder to predict. It is hard to say whether or not it will rain on a specific day in a specific location (like your backyard) but it is much easier to predict if it will rain during a given week in a large area (say an entire city or county). We can for instance tell where a hurricane is going to make landfall at least 48 hours in advance with high accuracy and people trust those predictions because they are almost always right. Properly done science (and not media sensationalized single experiment results) has predictive power and should be considered carefully.

I am not going to say you have to believe the science on climate change (no one can be made to believe anything) but I will say ignoring the science behind climate changes predictions is like ignoring the scientists who tell you a hurricane is coming. It should be a decision come to after reviewing the evidence and not just because you don't see any clouds on the horizon; or because the weather channel said it would rain last week and it didn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
@climate change anon

Please leave this retarded Al Gore tale out of this.

This here discussion is about a reputable topic, like inflate&impregnation hentai, not some bogus man-made CC "forecast" by computer models based on proven falsified "scientific" data.

Thank you and carry on .. waiting.

Like the rest of us wankers. :)

BigDog167BigDog167over 6 years ago
Folks do not get upset.

Sometimes things go a little sideways and Lit has been known to be very slow at times. Just remember there are hundreds, if not thousands of writers posting free stories to read while waiting on the next chapter. If you can not find something you like here try other free sites.

And man made climate change is the worst science fraud in a hundred years. The science is poor, the results have not been duplicated by independent scientist, and if you follow the money trail you will easily see who is making money from the whole scam.

FatherSinFatherSinover 6 years ago
Not the forum for this

Trust me that you do not want me to weigh in on climate change here because I want to talk about it any chance I get.

It has nothing to do with this story.

I think these comments should be for story related comments the same way that you would expect potatoes in potato salad.

If even science forums like have to tell people to leave the climate change out of discussion then it should be obviously a bad idea here.

The future we can discuss here is full of beautiful women who kick ass. Why would you want to change topics?

hpinghpingover 6 years ago

I want to know if there are people on this forum who are sometimes looking for possible candidates for the crew (i.e. the lionesses).

John can be any good-looking male, but the lionesses...

GoneforeverGoneforeverover 6 years ago

You know we have been waiting a decent amount of time when the comments go from being about the story to something like climate change

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great stuff

Please post the next chapter in the saga. I have been hooked on the by-weekly posting of the previous chapters and check daily for a new dose of entetaining reading. Just awsome. Thank you for all your effort with creating it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
@anon global warming

Bringing science to global warming

Supposition: human activity/interests increase the atmosoheric concentrations of CO2 and methane

Corollary: increased levels of CO2 and methane increase global temperatures


1) discounting the sun as warmists do; INCREASING CO2 1600% (Cambrian era levels) an 80 deg. F day becomes an 89.5 deg. F

2) same exercise substituting methane for CO2, 80 deg F DECREASES immeasurably


Belief in global warming is religion not science

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Correction a non warmist endeavor 80.5 not 89.5

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
disbelief in global warming is just as irrelevant as belief in global warming. The data is compelling.

Google "oatmeal timeline global warming chart" and find his timeline cartoon (based on proven data with references). Deniers hate this fact-based cartoon because it dumps all their denial arguments in the toilet, with one visually compelling image. Scroll to the bottom if you're in a hurry.

Now go elsewhere for your jollies arguing about global warming.

Back to Tefler, who has already posted ch.91, so we're waiting on Literotica's review team.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Disbelief is just as irrelevant as belief

FatherSinFatherSinover 6 years ago
Anon comments may need to be deleted

Create a login commenters.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 6 years ago
oh crap!

I just touched something wrong and lost an entire diatribe with references and everything! argh!

I already knew I was a "bitter clinger" and a "deplorable" but from other comments I realize I'm a "whinging wanker" too! You have to really love a community that leads to further self-enlightenment.

So, is chapter 91 up? How much time do I have to spend distracting myself?

Thanks for the story Tef, we love it, and thanks for continuing to post here.

BigDog167BigDog167over 6 years ago
oatmeal timeline global warming chart

Is incorrect. The MWP was not regional and has been proven to cover as much of the globe as what little current warming there is. In fact the current warming is well within historical record if you remove the "smoothing" being applied by GW fanboys. I know a couple of climate scientist and both say man made climate change is a scam.

BigDog167BigDog167over 6 years ago
And yes

these discussions sometimes go off topic when waiting for a chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I don't know if this has been heavily investigate/theorycrafted, but Fayes' body, or at least a cheap prototype, could be finished in under a week or so at the rate Dana produces things. Synthetic muscle fibers exist today, as do silicone based skin replacements. The framework for the skeletal system would be easy enough to replicate based on x-rays and 3D modeling of a female skeleton; sized for the sprite, of course. Mocking up a heart, lung or brain and using it to house some of the tech needed to control speech/movement might not be much of a challenge for her. I'm sure at this point the only thing stoping her from going this route would be the desire to give her friend 'feeling.' Unless I have missed something, solving the issue of tactile feedback is probably her biggest hurdle. That and maybe a dampener for said feedback to help Faye first adjust to the new sensations without causing erorrs/crashes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
More Global Warming

While i will not dissagree that the current global temperatires are within the historical record, co2 levels in the atmosphere are the highest they've been at any point since the last mass extinction event, furthermore they seem to be rising faster than it has ever been recorded. Global warming is happening, there is irrefutible data to this fact and has been for some time. Not to mention that every single time global temperatures have risen like this there has been a mass extinction event. We should be very worried.

DryshDryshover 6 years ago
While waiting...

So, do you know other sites with sci-fi stories, but non-erotic? I love amateur literature because people come up with different ideas, interesting concepts etc. The erotic part of literotica is just the cherry on top of the cake, but even cakes don't need cherries these days. Suggestions?

okibi8882okibi8882over 6 years ago

Still not showing in queue :/ guess we won't be seeing ch 91 until at least Saturday. Really wished Tef would post of SOL first when Literotica queues get screwed up like this.

TeflerTeflerover 6 years agoAuthor

Must be the Halloween rush that's make queue moderation longer. Hopefully chapter 91 won't take too much longer to appear. :-)


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I need my fix !!!!

Just a few more days tills it's exactly a month since we got the last installment. :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Awesome series! I’m always anxious for the next chapter! The extended wait is killing me😬

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Thank God

The wait without any news was concerning, but since it's just Literotica and not something happening to Tefler it's okay. Keep up the good work Tef!

horned_lizardhorned_lizardover 6 years ago

Google "HFY" and "reddit".

FervorFervorover 6 years ago
@anon regarding faye

The tactile sense would be hard to replicate for us, but youre forgetting the brain trust they have on the ship. A master engineer, medical genius, a hacker that can interface herself with computer systems (biological to electronic), and a psychic that can delve into other peoples minds....if they cant figure out how to synthesize a nervous system, i dont know who could. Reverse engineering Irilliths ability to dive into the cyber world would probably be half the battle. Have Alyssa piggy back and see how she does it, Rachel scanning her brain at the time, and have Dana conrstucting an interface that projects in reverse...i think thats feasible with their current abilities

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Still don´t get why we have to wait for literotica to get their lazy asses in gear, please post it on SOL already...

CoolbradCoolbradover 6 years ago

Can you post ch. 91 anywhere else, as liteorica is taking too much time.. Already one month has passed since Last installment was published.. Really a big fan of yours writing and waiting for further installments also..

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ch 91

It's up people.

Horseman68Horseman68over 6 years ago
Go Invictus.

Another great adventure by the Invictus crew. What will result from this intervention? What is happening with Jade? We will see.

taco1085taco1085about 5 years ago

so full of action and suspense, love it all.... amazing story...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The Art of War ....

Great use of Sun Tzu here, really impressed.

"Know yourself and know your enemies, you'll be undefeated in a hundred battles..." John murmured, his expression brightening, suddenly seeing a whole new meaning to that ancient wisdom. He gave Irillith a grateful smile. "Thank you."

Thanks Tefler for your research and understanding, it is a delight to keep unearthing these little nuggets of your research and understanding

- Mankus-

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

So- since when do insects have fem? And why would they send thousands of them just to kill- not even infest- just a few Trans in the fortress.

TeflerTeflerabout 3 years agoAuthor

It's amusing how many people have made comments about me referencing an insectoid femur.

I didn't make up the term, I actually researched it when I wrote this chapter. Try googling "insect femur" and see for yourself. The femur is the upper segment of an arthropod leg.

As for their motivations, the Kirrix are a very alien species with a very different outlook to humanity, some of which I shed light on later in the story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Re: Insect Femur

That actually bothered me enough to look it up before I got to the end of the chapter, and I learned something!

Tefler, you have my thanks for a great story.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

With Jade out of action, and taking John's latest 'full load' with her... therebed in a matter of minutes was no need to show all the girls running out of John Juice too early... And no need to explain how only a fraction of a pint of John's psychic healing juice seems to last longer than a full tummy does... (around 2 to 4 hours?) ... there has been no answer one way or the other, unless it was on a page that was thrown away during a rewrite... so maybe Tef does know... care to share Tef? -- does last as long as John wants it to? -- or would it be absorbed in a matter of minutes? ... ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think Sakura would have been court martialed and executed in a real military. Her actions put her team at risk wihout having anything to do with their primary objective.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 2 years ago

I think of the Kirrix as being like ants. They just go about doing their thing which is just existing to make more ants. So they find hosts and food and just do their thing. Just like ants don’t care that you don’t like them stealing your food, neither do the Kirrix care what humans think. In fact I think the Kirrix are bewildered that the humans are so pissed off at being egg fucked and eaten.

The Kirrix just doing their thing since 10000 BC.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

*Head's up, naughty girl. You've got a shitload of incoming...* And I thought Dana got all the amusing quotes.

So John's being taunted by the Progenitor until he develops skills to rival him in a fight of the planets. Had hoped he was being groomed to be the leader and a better progenitor, which we know he'll become eventually.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Damn, even without the extra Eldritch energies supplied by Edraele and Jade, ... the gang fights a ferocious battle against hordes of Bugs, .... Alyssa just has a fuck-ton of psychic power all by herself, ... and Sakura really lets loose in the Mecha, saving thousands of the Trankarans, .... plenty of incredible action in this chapter both in space and planet side, ... a very good chapter, thank you, ... ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago
Mean As!!


"Now that was fucking awesome!"


Michael56SmithMichael56Smith12 months ago

Oh yeah, I did love that Tashana has taken a few of Dana's creative Fire/Flame ideas and is using them, with explosive results, ... I can't wait to see when she makes a Fire/Flame Tornado, ... Also, Dana is getting pretty Awesome with her own cool powers, ... later gators, ... ;-) ttfn

SpeedyPSpeedyP9 months ago

while on a reread i think i remember the firecontrol of the singularity drivers had been set up for the pilot not the tactical officer or am i wrong here

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

They lived and they learned, ... Sakura got the hang of super-cooling her energy weapons late in the battle, but it was when it was really needed, ... and of course, Tashara's explosive flame infused ammo, .... and Dana (and Tef) just keep coming up with more stuff for her, ... if only they knew then, what they learned later, ... and if only they had better heat sinks already installed, ... and if they had more psychic energy available for their use, ... and what about a few follow-along Ammo and spare rifle carts, maybe with their own shields, to let them rest behind them to recharge their own shields, ... they already have anti-gravity sleds and follow-along luggage, why not some floating platforms for spare gear? ... oh well, if only, ... this was a really awesome chapter, with lots of very dead Bugs too, ... so, 'til next time, see ya, ... ;-) ttfn

ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory3 months ago

Only two chapters after one of the worst in the series, to which i left a 1 star review, we get this gem.

Massive pitched battles, everything right on the edge, and clever reveals of new abilities. 5 star stuff.

What a maddeningly inconsistent series!

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Please see my Patreon page for the current progress on Three Square Meals. (I usually announce it here in the comments on the last chapter too!) I've added empire maps, as well as pics of the ships, guns, gear, and girls! *** ...