Three Square Meals Ch. 095


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Dana stared at it in confusion for a moment then giggled as she got the joke. "What's got into you? I know it's not John, he's probably up to his quad in Maliri right about now."

"I really enjoyed getting to know Nyrelle last night," Rachel replied with a smile. "She's so excited about having a baby with John... I suppose her good mood was infectious."

Dana eased back from the robot and nodded, a grin on her face. "Teaching Kali a load of naughty stuff was so much fun." She lowered her voice and whispered, "Have you told Nyrelle how much John likes fucking us in the ass? I haven't mentioned it to Kali yet; I know the Maliri are all weird about it or something..."

"It's culturally taboo for them," Rachel whispered back. "I suspect it's because of the dramatic gender imbalance. Any form of sex not strictly required for procreation was probably shunned for that reason."

Dana glanced at Irillith and murmured, "I dunno, the twins love sucking down spunk and getting it in the ass..."

"I can hear every word by the way," Irillith called over to them, her eyes remaining riveted to the console as her hands worked to reboot Faye's mechanised body. "The pointy ears aren't just to make me look like a big blue fairy..."

Dana laughed and stood up to stretch her legs. "Sorry, beautiful. So what's the story behind the Maliri and taking it in the butt? You can't seem to get enough of it!"

Irillith turned to look at the teenager, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's probably the illicit thrill of doing something considered so disgraceful that makes it so exciting," she admitted, blushing slightly. "Besides, you know how dominant John gets taking us that way, that makes it even better!"

The redhead nodded and sighed wistfully. "I love it when he stuffs me full of cock and tells me I'm a good girl..."

"Don't we all!" Rachel said with a grin.

Faye reappeared in a purple flash, looking a little disorientated. "Hey everyone! Sorry about that, Faye Primary got overwhelmed by all the sheer volume of data!"

"That's okay," Irillith called down to her. "I've rebooted the chassis' systems, so you can reconnect to it again whenever you're ready."

"Do you think Faye's going to enjoy being called a good girl?" Dana asked her friends, giving the purple girl an affectionate wink.

"Definitely," Rachel said with a lopsided smile.

Irillith laughed and nodded too.

"Oh, I really love it when John calls me that!" the sprite agreed, beaming at them all.


John walked out into the corridor in Deck Two with Edraele on his arm, having been warned by Jade that Tsarra had awoken a few minutes earlier. They had spent the morning trying a variety of Maliri dishes prepared by the enthusiastic chefs aboard the Maliri Battleship, with John chatting to the culinary team afterwards and learning some intriguing recipes.

The Maliri Matriarch paused just outside the grav-tube, rather than follow him towards the bedroom. "I'll part ways with you here, John."

"Aren't you coming as well?" he asked, turned back to face her.

Edraele shook her head. "I'm planning to meet Tashana and Irillith in a few minutes, we're going to spend the afternoon together. I thought you might prefer to spend some time alone with Tsarra."

John squeezed her hand and gave her a warm smile. "I hope the three of you have a lovely time. Thanks very much for this morning, brunch was fantastic and I really enjoyed your company."

"I thoroughly enjoyed myself too," she replied, giving him a tender kiss goodbye. "I'll see you later this evening."

She turned and glided towards the Officers' Lounge, so John strode down the corridor to his bedroom. The House Perfaren Matriarch was up and dressed, sitting demurely on the end of the bed. Jade knelt behind her, running a brush through Tsarra's tumbling white locks that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back.

"You look stunning," John said as he walked over to join them.

Tsarra glanced at him, then blushed furiously. "Hello, John," she said in a meek voice, quickly averting her gaze.

He squatted in front of her and looked up into her eyes. "What's the matter? You certainly weren't shy this morning!" he exclaimed, reaching out to stroke the rounded curve of her stomach where she hadn't finished digesting all the cum he'd fed her earlier.

"I got a bit caught up in the moment following Alyssa's advice," she replied, giving him a tentative smile.

He caressed her cheek and shook his head. "Don't be embarrassed. You were very, very sexy, and I really appreciated all that effort you went to, just to make it enjoyable for me."

The anxious tension faded from her and Tsarra looked much happier. "I really enjoyed it too."

"There, all done," Jade said, sweeping the Maliri girl's silky-soft hair away from her face. "If you come and find me later, I'll give you some good tips on how to take care of your hair."

"That would be wonderful, thank you, Jade," Tsarra replied, smiling at her over her shoulder. She ran her fingers through her new mane of glossy white hair and gazed down at John. "Do you really like it?"

He nodded as he stood straight and offered her a hand. "You look incredibly beautiful."

She was delighted by his compliment and accepted his hand, rising to her feet.

John turned to the Nymph sitting crossed legged on the bed. "Thanks for looking after her this morning, Jade."

"It was my pleasure," she replied, giving him a radiant smile. Vaulting off the bed, she bounded towards the door and waved them goodbye. "I said I'd help Dana build more weapons this afternoon. You two have fun, I can't wait to see you both later!"

Tsarra slipped her arm around John's as they followed the jogging Nymph down the corridor at a far more sedate pace. She glanced his way and seemed like she wanted to ask something but changed her mind.

"Curious where I'm taking you?" John asked, catching the furtive glance.

She nodded, flicking a longing look back at the bedroom.

He led her into the red glow of the grav-tube. "I thought you might like a change of scenery."

After descending only one level, they walked out into the Lagoon, where Tsarra paused, her eyes widening in surprise. "This place is lovely! I had no idea this was aboard your ship!"

"We installed it during the refit at Genthalas," John explained, walking hand-in-hand with her over the bridge. "It was intended as a gift for Jade. She loves to swim and the old pool was too small for her."

"That was very kind. I can see why she's so devoted to you," Tsarra said, gazing at him with open admiration.

He smiled at her and gently squeezed her hand as he continued walking across the bridge. "I'm incredibly lucky to have so many wonderful women in my life."

Tsarra realised he was talking about her too and she couldn't help blushing at that, but appeared thrilled nonetheless.

John opened the door into the observatory and said, "There's a fantastic view in here. It's a good place to relax and have a nice chat."

The Maliri took one look at the huge oval bed set into the floor and her expression brightened further. "You're right, this was an excellent choice." She kicked off her high-heeled shoes and padded out onto the covers, giving him a come-hither look.

He smiled at her obvious enthusiasm, then removed his own shoes and knelt down by the bedside controls. Pressing a couple of buttons, the ceiling parted down the middle then slid open, giving them a breathtaking view of the majestic starscape.

"Oh! The view in here is amazing!" she gasped, looking up at the stars in surprise.

John sat down on the bed and grabbed several pillows to prop himself up. Tsarra caught the movement out of the corner of her eyes, so she turned and knelt down beside him, her face filled with nervous anticipation.

"Just relax, I really would like to talk to you a bit first," John said giving her a disarming smile.

Tsarra laughed self-consciously. "I'm sorry I'm so jittery, I promise I'm not like this normally. It's just... I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"I understand," he said, his voice soothing. Gathering her in his arms, he lay back against the pillows bringing her with him. When she was settled, he propped himself up on one arm, then placed a hand on her rounded stomach and gently caressed her.

"That feels so good," she murmured, her angular dark-green eyes gazing up at him as she melted into his arms.

"Was it strange waking up to find your tummy like this?" he asked, tracing circles around her curved navel.

She bit her lip then nodded. "Strange, but exciting too."

"The more your body gets used to absorbing my cum, the faster it does it," he explained. "The girls get through a full load in only a couple of hours now."

Tsarra placed her own hands on her belly. "Did they really spend two weeks surviving on just... what you fed them?"

He nodded, an affectionate smile on his face. "It's become kind of a tradition around here for any new girl that joins the crew. Alyssa was on her own to start with, so for her it was over a month."

The longing was obvious in Tsarra's eyes. "It's such a shame you can't stay for much longer. I think it's important to respect traditions..."

"Do you indeed?" John replied, sharing a smile with her. He paused for a moment before continuing, "That's actually why I wanted to speak to you."

"You can stay after all?" she asked hopefully.

He shook his head with regret. "I'd love to, but there's a number of important tasks I need to take care of first. No, I just meant that I wanted to talk to you because I don't really know much about Tsarra Perfaren..."

"What would you like to know?" she asked, studying him curiously.

"Maybe start with your past?" he suggested. "What was it like growing up on your homeworld? I assume it's called Perfaren?"

"Yes, that's correct," she replied, before giving him a troubled frown. "Are you sure you want to hear about my past? It's not a very uplifting story. You've known the Young Matriarchs for quite some time, so you must know what it was like growing up as a Matriarch's daughter..."

"I'd like to know about you, but don't feel pressured into telling me anything you aren't comfortable talking about," John said, brushing a lock of hair away from her eyes.

She gave him a brave smile. "I'd be willing to tell you anything, I just don't want you to pity me."

"All the girls have had troubled pasts, and while I feel sympathy for them, I don't pity any of them," John replied earnestly. "I have too much respect for all of you to feel that way."

Tsarra's tense expression softened and she gave him a brief kiss. "Alright, I'll tell you."

Her childhood was much the same as the other Young Matriarchs, dominated by tales of her selfish, haughty, and sadistic mother. She'd been close to her elder sisters when they were younger, but as they'd been groomed for succession and involved in the cutthroat world of Maliri politics, they'd changed, becoming twisted reflections of their mother. Feeding off the Perfaren Matriarch's scorn for her youngest daughter, Tsarra's eldest sisters had turned spiteful, tormenting and bullying her too.

She told him how her beloved pet Marnleow had disappeared when she was twelve and she had spent days frantically searching for the affectionate six-legged feline. Tsarra only discovered that her eldest sister had tortured it to death, when Selantha wrapped up the mutilated corpse and gave it to the heartbroken girl as a present on her thirteenth birthday.

"Maliri society is so fucked up," John growled through clenched teeth. "I can't believe the monsters it turns your women into!"

Tsarra nodded sadly. "Selantha used to be a sweet girl when I was very young, but it only took a few years for her to be twisted beyond all recognition."

He hesitated for a moment, then asked, "What happened to her?"

"She was poisoned, two years ago," she replied, a flicker of grief in her eyes for the girl she'd been close to all those decades earlier. "Both my sisters and my mother were assassinated, probably by Tinefain Naestina."

"Valani's mother?" John asked, recognising the surname.

Tsarra nodded, her expression bleak. "I would have thanked her, but it certainly wasn't done for my benefit."

He frowned in confusion. "Why would Tinefain go to the trouble of murdering your mother and sisters, but leave you alive? Wouldn't it have been simpler to have killed you too?"

"Maliri politics don't work like that," she explained gently. "Completely wiping out another Noble House causes too much destabilisation and chaos, so the Matriarchs very rarely do so. It's seen as a far more insulting fall-from-grace to leave only the youngest daughter alive, so that she can watch while her House's holdings are picked apart and it tumbles down the rankings to fade into obscurity."

John's eyes narrowed and he gave her a grim smile. "Tinefain underestimated you. She had no idea how strong you were."

Tsarra had a wistful look in her eyes as she said quietly, "That's very kind of you to say, but I've never been strong."

"What rank was House Perfaren when your family were murdered?" John asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We were Rank Three, trying to surpass House Loraleth."

"And what rank are you now?"

"We're still Rank Three," Tsarra replied, lifting her chin with pride.

"Exactly," he said, admiring her sudden confidence.

Tsarra's expression brightened, but John hadn't finished.

"You also saw the truth behind Tashana's warnings about Progenitors, even though she was asking you to put your faith in what must have seemed like a wildly implausible story, at least at first," he reminded her, gazing into her eyes. "That tells me that you're very astute and possess a willingness to look beyond accepted conventions."

"Then you managed to rally half of the Maliri Regency behind your banner, convincing all those elder Matriarchs of the threat you saw looming. To do that showed exceptional courage and drive, as well as an impressive ability to inspire and lead people. They're all rare qualities, Tsarra, but you possess all of them..."

She stared at him, mouth open in astonishment. "I've never seen myself that way before," she finally murmured in a hushed voice.

"You know those aren't empty compliments, don't you?" John said, his tone sincere. "You can feel that I'm being completely honest with you..."

Tsarra nodded, eyes wide as she gazed at him.

He stroked her cheek and said gently, "For most of your life you've had people putting you down, so it's no wonder your self-confidence was so low. You're a remarkable woman, Tsarra, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."

She looked at him in awe, then let out a happy sigh, which suddenly turned into a giggle.

"Oh dear," John said with a smile. "I really wasn't expecting that to be funny."

Tsarra shook her head emphatically. "No, what you just said was lovely." She blushed, her cheeks turning a dark blue, "I just remembered something I said before I met you, while I was trying to recruit the other Matriarchs. I told them I didn't want to become a Progenitor's broodmare..." She had a doe-eyed softness to her eyes as she whispered, "Now I can't think of anything I want more..."

John slowly lowered his hand to her tummy, brushing his fingertips over the slight curve where her stomach was still full of his cum. He caressed her very gently while they stared into each other's eyes, both able to see and feel the emotions shared in that intimate gaze.

She eventually gave him a blissful smile. "This is so much better than a trip to the border stations would have been..."

"Alyssa mentioned that you were already thinking about having children," John said, his hand moving lower on her belly. "I know you're under a lot of pressure to rebuild your House."

Tsarra laughed and nodded. "That's another reason why I'm now so fond of Edraele, although I definitely wasn't at the time. I had an appointment arranged with one of the most popular males on the border stations, but I cancelled it when Edraele allied with the Young Matriarchs and sent their combined fleets to menace House Perfaren's borders." She looked tremendously relieved as she added, "If not for her, I'd have that foppish idiot's offspring growing in my womb..."

John frowned and looked at her dubiously, "If he was popular, surely he can't have been that bad? All the Maliri males I've met have been pleasant, friendly, and charming."

"Well, that might be because of who you are, or more specifically what you are," Tsarra replied thoughtfully. "But then again, I never met my father, and the only Maliri male I've spoken to had hundreds of women throwing themselves at him on a regular basis. Perhaps that's why he was so conceited and self-centred."

Raising an eyebrow, John replied, "I better be careful then!"

She laughed and shook her head. "I don't think you're in any danger of turning out like him!"

"Was he really that bad?" John asked, finding the thought profoundly unsettling for some reason.

Tsarra gave him a wry smile, then furrowed her brows into an angry frown and spoke in a slightly deeper voice, "I've never heard anything so outrageous in all my life! How dare you cancel an appointment with me! Don't you know who I am?! I've got hundreds of women begging me for my time and you have the audacity to make me reorganise my schedule?!"

John winced and raised a hand to urge her to stop. "Yeah, he sounds like a real dick."

"A terrible choice for a father," Tsarra agreed. "But I suppose we'd have just done the deed and I would never have had to see him again."

"Really? Never?" John asked with a frown. "Irillith and Tashana continued to see their father while they were young, and I know Ceraden tried to keep seeing his daughters as long as he could."

Tsarra shook her head. "Once I was pregnant, I would have returned to my homeworld to continue governing as Matriarch. Unless I chose to see the same male to conceive another child, we wouldn't have met again, not that he would've had any interest in doing so."

"Well my view on fatherhood is very different," John said firmly. "I believe we should raise our child together."

She looked at him in surprise, then frowned and admitted, "Actually, I've been so excited about being with you, I haven't put too much thought into the future. I suppose I'd assumed that once I was pregnant, I would return home to Perfaren."

"Not unless you really want to," John said warily. "I'd prefer that you live with me and the rest of the girls wherever we decide to make our permanent home. I want to keep you safe and look after you, and I'll need to feed you regularly to make sure you're in perfect health throughout your pregnancy. After the baby's born, then I want to be there to help every step of the way."

Tsarra was amazed and she beamed at him in delight. "That sounds so wonderful! I can't think of anything I'd love more!"

He winked at her and said, "My broodmare deserves nothing less!"

She giggled and hugged him tight. "I didn't know I could feel so happy!" she exclaimed, a look of bliss on her beautiful face.

"I actually know quite a few other ways to make you feel even better," John said, letting his hand slip through one of the slashes in her dress and ghosting his fingertips over her skin.

Tsarra sucked in her breath at his gentle touch, her pupils flaring with arousal. She looked up at him with big, trusting eyes. "John, I've never done this before..."

"I know and I'll be very gentle with you," he promised, leaning down to give her a tender kiss.

John was as good as his word, at least through her first couple of climaxes. After that, Tsarra urged him onwards to increasingly energetic heights, as he spent the afternoon teaching her just how good she could really feel.