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I could feel the tears wet the inside of my mask as she skipped over to pick up the dress. It was made to tie around me at the back and she was humming happily as she did it up. Again I could feel my body making a few final shifts as my arms, shoulders and hips changed.

I realized my eyes had been closed when I opened them. They looked out to a lower point on the opposite wall and I could feel my body redistributed in a thousand tiny ways. Why I didn't know, nor did I really want to know, but I was going to find out.

Her hand slid around my waist as she walked towards him. "He looks far too good, sure you don't want sex with him?". She asked playfully.

"Absolutely positive. He's still a man, and does not interest me in the least. Come here bitch, let's have some fun.". He was patting to sofa beside him. I could tell from her body language that she was suddenly hesitant, unsure. Had it finally turned from fun to horror for her like it had for me? I barely dared hope until it was dashed as she slowly sat down beside him

He gently put an arm along the back of the sofa, not touching her. Bastard knew how to seduce women, that was for sure. Then he slowly reached out to turn her face towards him.

Bizarrely I could feel the fingers on my cheek, but felt no pressure to turn my face. I watched, waiting in horror as their lips grew near. The kiss, when it came was tender. It made me shiver with both lust and horror.

Then I felt a hand lightly land on my leg. One of his had just touched hers. I looked down confused and saw the light indentation of fingers on my stocking encased leg

I groaned deep in my throat, in pure terror, as I saw that outline of a hand slowly trail up my leg. How could this be happening, what was happening? I looked up to watch them. This should have been incredibly exciting for me, and in a very perverse way it was. Yet it was also horrifying, as something impossible was happening. As I watched my wife be seduced by this unknown man, I felt everything that he was doing to her. His lips on her lips pressed down on mine with a taste of leather, his hand slowly teasingly sliding up her leg, was doing the same to me.

Something else had changed too, I had a new sense. As his other hand joined the fray, slipping downwards from her shoulder my attention shifted back to watching, but always I could instinctively sense her pleasure at the back of my mind.

As his hand slipped under her dress at the top, his finger beginning to play with the ridge of that sexy bra, I looked down and tried to jump way from my skin as I saw another outline of a hand.

She then tried to reciprocate, lifting a hand to his chest, but he stopped her. His eyes locked on mine, he said, "No pet, relax, do nothing..." She smiled and lay back as his fingers continued playing her like a violin. Sex was one of the very few times she let herself truly relax.

The horrible thing was, I felt this changed body of mine react to what he was doing. Not in complete sympathy with what was happening to my wife, but not far off. His fingers on my leg, tracing the top of the stockings, sent tingles up my spine. As his other hand gently shifted the cups of our bras down. I couldn't believe the flood of sensations. How did women not play with their breasts all the time? Yet at the same time, I was hating it, desperately wanting this aberration to stop.

The bastard was a tease, for agonising minute after minute he played, never touching anything sensitive like a nipple or a pussy, but coming so close. It was a stew of sensations, a finger sliding along the juncture of leg to pelvis, the tease of a hand gently cupping a full breast, a tongue probing mouth and ear.

Then all of a sudden he shifted. Showing incredible strength he lifted her over his lap, flipped up that dress, spanked her hard five times, then went all gentle again. It sent her over the edge, and me too, in a hard way. She convulsed in an orgasm at the same time I felt one rip through me. It was the same, yet different from a cum from my cock. There was that rush of pleasure, yet it had that edge of pain. She didn't have a chance to fight, but went limp over his lap as his hands changed from pain to gentle stroking again.

"A good one?" and I could have ripped the smirk off his face.

"I... God..." She couldn't respond, but groaned as his hand slid over that perfect ass. He lifted her back into the sitting position, and her mouth sought his, hungry, but he stopped her, forcing her to lay back, not violently, but not giving her an option either. He kept up his gentle teasing, again not touching anything.

The next shift was when his hand at her breast suddenly shifted and inch, and pinched the nipple hard. It sent her into another orgasm, and me too. Then he put his mouth down and started to gently suck the engorged nub of flesh. I almost passed out with the waves of sensation from his mouth. I'd always had sensitive nipples, but this was orders of magnitude different. Wave after wave of gentle pleasure flowed throw me, and I could tell another orgasm was building, but a different one entirely. Not brought on by pain.

This dichotomy of sensations, feeling the ache in my arms and legs as I hung there, yet feeling the conflicting shift of hands and mouth on my body was bending my mind. I no longer knew what to think, and was filled with terror, fear and lust.

After bringing her, and me, off on two gentle orgasms by concentrating his hands and mouth on her breasts he shifted again. After sitting up, and teasing her for a while, a hand suddenly slapped up between her legs. I convulsed in another painful wave of pleasure. She was laughing and crying at the same time. No teasing this time, his hand roughly pushed down the front of her knickers and crudely probed her. My conscious mind shut down for an eternity as I felt hands doing something to me that was impossible. There were no words to describe what I felt. The English language didn't have anything to use for the feel of a finger on a clit, or pushing up a vagina.

She was begging him to stop, and begging him to not stop. He held her firmly to the sofa, one hand between her legs the other at her chest. So he continued, alternating between gentle and hard, pinching or slapping her bottom, roughly probing her pussy or gently stroking the lips. I saw it all and felt it all. I hated it for so many reasons, but couldn't deny the rush of pleasure in so many flavours this changed body was experiencing.

After God knows how long, an hour, two, he suddenly stood up and stepped back. She had been increasingly pleading, even begging him to fuck her. For the first time in my life I understood that plea. It was like a dull ache, an incredibly good ache, deep in my belly that wanted to be filled. I feared that ache, because it could only be filled by one thing.

She was sprawled inelegantly on the sofa. Somewhere along all this she had lost both dress and bra. He just stood there, looking at his finger nails, and said, "Suck me." Blow jobs were not her favourite thing, not by a long shot. I could count on one hand the number I'd received over the years and would have one finger left over. The one and only time she'd let me cum in her mouth had been an accident, and she spat everything out on my belly.

This time she jumped from the sofa onto her knees at his feet. Her hands eagerly reached out for him, but he grabbed her wrists. "No, only use your mouth. I want your hands still at your side." She looked puzzled, but then smiled and slowly moved her head forward. As her mouth opened I felt my own jaw slowly split despite using every ounce of will to keep it shut. I had no control over the muscles of my face, even my tongue started moving by itself.

More than anything this horrified me. Giving head, to me, was the ultimate degradation for a man. It was making yourself completely compliant to another man's need without any reciprocity. It was subjugation.

As the huge tip grazed her lip I felt a brush on mine. I don't know how, but this magic made me feel it. She used her lower lip to lift him into her mouth and I felt the head slip past my lips onto my tongue. It tasted of warm leather, but had a shape that could only be a cock. I wanted to crumple up and die, but instead had to hang there and endure a quickly hardening cock enter my mouth.

"Now, suck on it gently, hollow your cheeks to give me more stimulation." He began to instruct her, and she was clearly eager to learn. "Do you feel my pleasure?" Her eyes went wide, but she nodded around where he entered her. I did too, another little set of dials pinged up in the back of my mind. He kept talking, calmly slowly, getting her to do depraved things with her mouth and tongue. Once, when he was having her let the tip slide along the inside of her cheek I looked down to see a bugle form on the inside of mine as well. I cried again.

Some time later, when she was clearly itching to do more he stopped her. "Need some relief huh? Let me teach you a simple trick very few women know about. Close your eyes and concentrate on your pussy. Feel your clit, and the muscles around it. Try to clench and relax just right there." Suddenly I felt little muscles moving down there. It was like there was a hood around that sensitive nub his fingers had been so excellently playing before. The hood started to contract and relax, gently massaging the clit. It was a very delicate, bu t lovely sensation.

Her eyes where closed, but mine weren't. He started to move in rhythm with those little clenches. Each time he thrust just a little into her mouth, but didn't pull back all the way. Inch by inch he went deeper and deeper into her mouth. In complete time I felt the monster in my own mouth go deeper. I expected to gag, but didn't. Instead it slowly wormed down my throat all in time to those lovely feelings down below.

He was making her deep throat him! I should have been enthralled, excited to watch it, instead I was disgusted, nauseous, but also feeling a building pleasure this body wouldn't let me deny. It built and built until his belly brushed her nose, she convulsed in another shattering orgasm. Her eyes went wide as she suddenly realized what had happened.

Taking advantage of the moment he gripped her head hard. I could feel steel fingers on my own scalp. With a fluid motion he pulled back until the tip was just in my, her mouth, then thrust deep again. It was horrible, and it was heaven. I watched her hands reach up to clutch at her own breasts, felt fingers on mine and amazingly felt the weight of silky skin in my own hands that were still encased far above my head.

My mind felt like it was breaking by the conflicting sensations. I was standing there bound, and I was kneeling getting my face fucked. None of this could be happening but it was.

Again he would switch tact, from roughly fucking her face to slowing, and teaching her new ways of pleasing him. She was clearly close to delirious, but still did everything he said.

Then, yet another twist, he pulled out, roughly flipped her onto her belly, yanked up her hips to put her into a doggy position and the same time as one hand put his full weight down between her shoulder blades to hold her head firmly down, and stopped.

"Ready to be fucked?"

Her shout was loud enough to bring the walls down, "Yes!" Again, though his hands held her firmly not allowing her to move, he teased. He slowly pulled his cock back, letting every inch graze the top of her crease. I could feel a long hardness slowly pulling along the small of my own back and shivered in dread. When the tip started to slide into that crease he went slower.

It glided down the crack of her ass. Lower and lower until the slick tip touched the rim of her/my ass. He was stopping there. I wanted to shout, but couldn't. She was moaning slowly, "No... no... not there... no..." but the pressure started to build. I felt that big hardness ready to enter where I never wanted to be entered.

It started to push in, then with a blast of pain that went over her red line, and ripped up my spine, he was in. For a minute, maybe longer, he just held it there. Time had little meaning for me, knowing I'd been speared by a magical false cock. I should have been over the moon to see my wife getting done. All I could concentrate on was that inch of flesh inside me.

He started slowly pushing in. She yelped and I convulsed as it pushed into some other tight little ring inside the rectum. This, instead of pain, sent a blast of pure pleasure at being spread. Then another, and another, and more until his hips pushed up against that perfect ass.

He pulled out just as slowly, causing little blasts of pleasure as each of those inner rings reclosed. In again, then out, slowly building speed, until he lifted himself up and used both hands to grab her hips. She was limp, like a rag doll being battered by each thrust.

Again, I didn't know what to think or feel. It wasn't a real cock in my ass, but there was no question I was getting fucked. Plus, the sensations were so intense, this heady mixture of pleasure and pain in ways I'd never ever felt. It burned going in, yet there was something in there that liked getting bumped by the ridges of the intruder back there. I didn't want to feel good from getting my ass fucked, but I clearly didn't have a choice. It felt good damn it.

Amazingly she slowly lifted herself onto her hands and began to push back against it. The woman who had once told me anal sex held zero interest for her was loving it so much she was wanting it deeper and faster. He laughed and began to spank her cheeks in time to his thrusts. She just laughed and cried and kept up with him.

Some time later he thrust in hard, then bent over her to play with her breasts. His strength and stamina where awesome considering he was fucking her with his body at a ninety degree angle. The clutch of hands on my own chest once again put me over the edge. I'd lost count of how many orgasms I'd had, yet this body was hungry for more.

More it got. I came back to here and now when the hands stopped roaming my chest. He had lifted himself up and with an amazing show of dexterity flipped her legs and body around to throw her onto her back without pulling out from her ass.

Keeping her feet around his shoulders he lay down on top of her, pinning her arms down. Her eyes were glazed, but she was up for more. He gave it to her, and consequently to me.

I didn't know which way was up. I was watching my wife take it up the ass, and at the same time felt every stroke, every thrust match what was happening to her. He shifted her through a couple other positions, then somehow got her back on her knees facing me.

Pulling out, he lifted his back up against her. His hands roamed over her body. "Having fun?"

Her voice was horse, breathless, "Oh God... I never knew it could be like this!"

"Think hubby is enjoying it?"

Her eyes started to focus, looking at me smiling, then frowning, "That's not..."

"Yes, it is. Look at how my hands touch you and touch him at the same time." He stroked down her belly, and I felt a hand slip down my front and down into those knickers. Looking down I could see a phantom hand bulge the tight fabric of the dress.

"God... no..."

"Oh yes. I thought it would be good for him to understand a little more."

"No..." Her eyes were full of terror, and lust. She locked onto my face, her eyes questing, but as he started to push her over she didn't resist. He moved his cock down the crack of her ass, not stopping where he'd entered her before. Her eyes moved down my body those liquid orbs opening wide, whether at the sensation of the cock pushing into her or at what she saw I don't know. "David... God... its so good and now you know what... it should feel like! Oh GOD!"

I felt the indescribable sensation of a cock penetrating my non existent pussy. The pleasure grew too much. With my wife's simultaneous scream, I came and the world turned black.

I awoke with a start. The light was low, it was just sunrise. My pounding heart slowed as I realized I was lying in my own bed. With a second start, I reached between my legs and again started to calm down as I felt my cock. Had it been a dream?

The memories were so vivid, so real, but it couldn't be could it? I turned in the bed to face my wife. Her face was peaceful and still very much asleep. Except, it wasn't just her face, it was her ideal face, the one from last night. Then I felt across my body, yes I had a cock, but I had bumps on my chest. I heard myself scream.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This should be in the horror tab. Not the trans tab.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


49greg49gregabout 11 years ago
Very interesting

A new take. Maybe a new genre "horror TV/non consent" LOL. I like it.

blacgoldblacgoldover 14 years ago

a brilliant answer to the question of "what if a man could know what sex felt like for the woman he was with?". I would be interested to know what other ways they might have changed permanently after this experience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Magical Fun, feel your wife's submission

Ever wondered what your wife feels when she's fucked?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great twist

Your twist was great. I was not expecting it at all. Don does not know what type of creativity it takes to put a story like this together. Oh well, he might not have a good since of good lit to draw from. I thought it was a great fiction. Just thinking of the possibilies are staggering to say the least. Keep it up.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Disgusting, and Shitty!

Crappy story.

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