Through Tragedy Comes Love Pt. 02

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Brother and Sister continue after Tragedy.
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/10/2023
Created 09/21/2021
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Good Day Readers!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who voted and commented on Part 1. I mentioned in a comment on Part 1 that my life has taken a turn, and I'm not going to have as much time for writing. However, I wanted to get you something to give an idea on how I plan on taking the story, and obviously giving you the knowledge that I do plan on continuing the story.

This part is nowhere near as long as the first one, but my plan moving forward is to have a more consistent length to the story parts.

As always. All characters involved in sexual relations are over 18 years old. This is a complete work of fiction, completely from the author's mind. Any characters with a semblance to someone real is coincidence, and not intended.

Please comment and vote. Enjoy!



Though life can be fickle, and we always have to accept the bad with the good, and as cliche, as it is, there is always a silver lining.

Life had been going well. I'd won a huge lottery, business was booming, had a loving wife, and daughter. All was right and well in the world. And then it was as though my world had been ripped away.

My wife Sarah went to pick up my parents, and my in-laws from the airport. We sent them on a month-long vacation in celebration of the lottery winnings. On the way back from the airport, the van was crushed by an out-of-control dump truck.

There are two things I'm thankful for from that event. First is the police and doctors figure that Sarah and our parents all died instantly, so they weren't suffering in pain. The other thing is were it not for that crash, my sister Emily and I would never have grown so close. It's been three months now since Emily and I have become lovers, and every second of it has been great.

"Chris, get your head out of your ass, and finish wiring up that panel will ya? I want to get home to Jen sometime on this fine sunny Friday!" Jimmy yelled out.

I gave my head a shake, clearing my head realizing I'd been thinking about the morning. Emily had been sick all week. I looked over at my lead-hand worker and gave him my crooked smile. "Sure thing boss!"

He laughed, "Boss! No thank you. That's your job. I just tell the other guys what to do!"

We laughed, and I got back to work. I continued to strip the wires and attach them to the breakers. We were almost done with this project. As soon as I tested everything when I finished with the box, and it all passed inspection this would be another job well done.

While I worked I thought of how glad I was Jimmy worked for me. He first worked for my father while I was still in high school, and he taught me as much during my apprenticeships as my father did. When the accident happened and I shut down, it was Jimmy who covered and ran the business. Though he claimed he didn't want to be the boss, I knew he could do the job if he wanted to.

The crew finished up what we needed to do. When the tools were stowed, I got them all together around the front of my truck.

"Good job everyone! I've got pay cheques here, with a couple of added bonuses. First, there is an extra few hundred for everyone--" when I said this, the guys let out a whoop. I passed out the cheques as I spoke. "--And everyone gets a week off! I'll text you the details of our next job in the next few days. As always if something comes up, give me a call." With a final wave, my crew headed for their trucks and home; only Jimmy stayed behind.

"What's up with the time off? You normally have jobs lined up back-to-back," Jimmy asked.

I nodded, "I know, but I needed some time. That's why I gave everyone the bonus, to make up for the lack of work."

Jimmy leaned back against my truck. "Everything all right?" He looked over at me with concern.

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Everything's good. Emily's just been sick all week. That and we're just still adapting to everything. You know?"

Jimmy nodded and patted my shoulder. "I get it. It wasn't easy when I lost my parents, and I can't imagine what it would be like to lose Jen. If you need anything let me know, eh? And tell Emily to feel better!"

"Thanks, Jimmy. That means a lot."

We shook hands and parted ways. I climbed into my truck and drove home.


"Daddy!" Ava cried out her war cry as she raced to the door to tackle me. Her long red hair streaming behind the three-year-old as she ran.

"Hey, Angel," I said scooping her up and hugging her close.

As soon as I hugged her, she started squirming to get down. "Down! Down! You stink daddy!"

I laughed and set her back on her feet. She was gone before I could reply.

As Ava ran past the kitchen door, Emily stepped out. My breath caught. Emily looked beautiful. If one didn't know, you'd think Emily and Ava were mother and daughter. They both had long red hair and vivid blue eyes. Ava's lips were a little poutier, but the resemblance was undeniable.

Emily seductively walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled my head down and gave me a kiss curling my toes. "Welcome home Chris. Did you have a good day at work?"

I chuckled at her simple question, how at odds it was to the wanton kiss she gave me. "Yes, I did. We finished up the job. I just have to go in on Tuesday to meet the inspector. Otherwise, I have the next week off. Feeling better?"

I had kept this bit of information a secret, and by the widening of Emily's eyes, and smile I guessed she approved.

Emily nodded. "Yeah. Ava was right about one thing though. You sink. Go shower. Dinner should be ready shortly."

I smiled and leaned in and gave Emily another kiss. "Sure thing hun."

I quickly followed orders and when I came out of the shower Emily finished up placing the food on the table.

"C'mon munchkin," Emily called out. "Dinners ready."

"Yay!" Ava yelled out as she ran from where she played with her dolls. Emily helped her into her seat. I smiled at the simple domestic scene unfolding before me. Though I had lost a lot, I was still content with my life. There was still happiness in the simple things.

Once I took my seat and everyone served, I was surprised. Ava was the one who started the evening conversation.

"School was fun today! Tammy's mommy was there. She made me laugh." I was about to ask the expected follow-up question about what was so funny, but Ava wasn't done. She looked right at Emily and asked, "Aunt Em-ly, are you my mom? Everyone else has a mom, except for Kyle. He has two daddies."

I was shocked. I hoped Ava would have been old enough to remember Sarah and know that Sarah was her mother. I didn't know how to proceed. Emily, however, answered.

Emily smiled. "No, Ava, I'm not your mother. I'm your aunt. Your mother's name was Sarah."

I held my peace and watched the women in my life, my food forgotten.

Ava sat in thought as she ate part of a roll. Her nose crinkled, and her eyes were looking up and to the left. When she finished thinking, Ava focused on my sister. "I miss mommy."

I stifled back a sob hearing Ava's thought. Emily glanced at me, and I saw my sadness reflected in her eyes. Emily quickly turned her attention back to Ava who hadn't noticed our glance.

Ava also continued before Emily, or I could say anything. "Aunt Em-ly, can I call you mommy?"

Emily's eyes went wide, surprise covering her face.

I think my face showed surprise as well. As the shock of Ava's request wore off somewhat, and my brain began to function again, the warmth of love spread through me. With Sarah gone, there was no one better to fill the role of Ava's mother, and she had already been doing the job now for months.

Once the surprise wore off Emily turned to look at me. I subtly nodded, smiling at Emily.

Emily's eyes teared up at my nod. She turned back to Ava and beamed a smile to -- now -- our daughter. "I think that would be all right. But only on one condition," Emily explained. "I will be your mommy, but you never forget your mother, Sarah. Do you think that you can do that?" Ava gave Emily a big smile and nodded her agreement. Emily continued, "This is probably good. Do you know why Ava?"

Ava shook her head, and Emily stole a glance at me with a coy smile on her face.

"I think that it will be a good thing because before too long you are going to have a baby brother or sister running around here!"

As the words left Emily's mouth, I think my heart stopped. I know I stopped breathing. Emotions flooded me. Surprise, fear, elation, fear, happiness, and finally settling on love.

My silence finally broke as I jumped out of my seat, and grabbed Emily, pulling her into a hug. I don't know what I said exactly, but everyone knew I was happy. I crushed her to me and let out a laugh.

Ava squealed in happiness because she would be a big sister as I set Emily back down.

I surveyed the table, and only Ava ate much of anything. I shrugged. "I declare this meal done. It is time for dessert! Both of you get ready to go, I'm taking us out to celebrate!"

Ava let out another of her war cries and ran from the table to get her shoes on. Emily and I just held each other for a moment longer.


I took my girls to our favourite ice cream shop by the park and got them whatever they wanted. Ava ordered a monstrous banana split. The father in me knew I should have limited her somewhat, but this was a celebration after all.

We enjoyed our frozen treats at the park. Afterwards, we walked, Ava ran, and we spent some time at the playground for Ava to work off some of the sugar she consumed.

Emily came up and hugged me, as I watched Ava run up the steps for the slide. I wrapped my arms around her, and slid my hands into her back pockets, squeezing her ass. She let out a happy contented sound.

Despite the added sugars, soon Ava began to slow, and we headed for home. I pulled the car into the drive and Emily grabbed my hand after I put the car in park. I looked over at her and she said, "Put Ava to bed and then come to the bedroom. We need to talk okay?"

I could tell from her tone whatever she wanted to discuss was serious. I nodded and smiled at her. "Sure. I love you."

Her eyes lit up as the words left my mouth. "I love you too, Chris."

Emily unlocked the house as I collected Ava, who passed out in her car seat. I carried the sleeping child right to her room and put her to bed.

I could hear the shower running. I thought about stripping down and joining Emily but decided against it. I wanted to give Emily the space she needed to be able to talk about whatever she wanted to talk about.

Though it was a little early, I changed into some pyjama pants and climbed into bed. I picked up my book and read.

A long while after the shower stopped a robe-clad Emily stood in the bathroom doorway. I finished my paragraph and set the book aside.

Immediately I was captivated by the beauty before me, though I was surprised to see she looked shy.

I held out my arms to her, "C'm'ere Em."

Immediately, her eyes teared up, and she ran into my arms sobbing. I held her close and let her cry into my shoulder. I felt confused by the situation. I figured she would have been happy right now. Instead, she was crying.

"Em, what's the matter?"

Between sobs, she managed to say, "I thought that you'd be angry with me."

"Why would I be angry?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

I laughed and hugged her close. "Em, I could never be mad at you because of that. If you have sex, there is always a chance that pregnancy will be the end result. We may not have planned the pregnancy, but we planned the sex, and I am more than willing to live with the results of our actions."

She sobbed again, but the character of her crying was different. Though she still kept her face buried in my chest, I felt reasonably certain she was happy now.

When her sobs lessened again, she peeked up at me and kissed me. Her lips were scorching hot because of her crying. "Everything is going to have to change now," Emily said.

Confusion took me again. "What do you mean?"

She sat up a bit, allowing her to look at me properly. It also meant her robe gaped somewhat exposing her pale flesh. That pale flesh was somewhat distracting too. "Chris, we're going to have to move. We can't stay here. There are people who know that I'm your sister. People know that we don't date others. Whenever we're seen, we are seen together. People will put two and two together when I show up pregnant."

I thought about her words, as I peered into her deep blue eyes. Finally, I nodded my agreement. "I see your point, but that isn't the end of the world." I pulled her close again and kissed her. "Listen, okay. A lot has happened this afternoon. We are going to have to think about and plan some things. Like you said, we're likely going to have to move. But right now isn't the time to worry about those things. I have all week off, we can worry about all that stuff then. Tonight, is for celebrating!"

We kissed again, and Emily melted into me. It was as though all the stress she held vanished with that kiss.

It wasn't long before our passions increased to the level of an inferno. Our tongues duelled and hands groped. It wasn't long before Emily's robe was gone, and her glorious globes were in my hands. She moaned as I pinched her nipples.

I groaned as her hand grasped my hard prick through my pants.

We continued to pet, grind and kiss, and before I knew it I was as naked as my lover.

Emily rolled onto her back and spread her legs. "Chris, I need you. Now."

I couldn't help but smile at her needy tone. I crawled between her legs and moved to lick her. She had other ideas though.

Emily grabbed my hair and pulled hard. "No. Eat later, fuck now!"

Who was I to argue with the woman carrying my child? I positioned myself and with only minimal play to get my cockhead wet, drove into my sister to the hilt. She was dripping and took me easily. We both moaned at the penetration.

I kissed her, holding her close, as I started to withdraw gently. When I pulled almost out, I drove forcefully back in. Emily grunted with the impact of our bodies. I repeated the process, and Emily guided me, with her hands on my hips. She helped pull me back in on the downstrokes.

Together we set a frantic pace, and our moans and groans filled the air.

We were both covered in a sheen of sweat from our exertions and Emily was flushed from her red hair to the tops of her nipples. Her face was contorted in pleasure, and her eyes were filled with love.

"Chris, I'm so close. Don't stop!"

Upon hearing her words, I reached down between us and began thumbing her clit. As soon as my thumb made contact with her nub, her eyes rolled back before closing tight, and I could feel her pussy contracting around me. Her nails dug into my back, as she held me through her orgasm.

That was all it took for me. I drove in one last time, as my balls boiled over, and I filled Emily with my essence.

Once we came down from our releases, I rolled off her, and Emily cuddled into my side.

"Did you know I love you?"

Emily smiled up at me. "I love you too, Chris. And I'm glad you're okay with this."

I returned her smile. "I couldn't be happier. Honest."

The moment broke a moment later when my phone dinged, and there was a sound from Ava's room.

Emily chuckled. "Answer your text, I'll check on Ava."

I nodded my agreement and grabbed my phone off the end table. Before I could look at it though, I was distracted by Emily as she got out of bed. Her naked beauty captivated me, as she retrieved her robe from the floor. She shot me a look over her shoulder as she swept from the room.

My phone dinged again, drawing my attention to it. Jimmy sent me two texts.

The first message read: "Saw you at the park today. We need to talk."

The second message read: "Meet me at the bar tomorrow at noon."

Apprehension washed over me for a moment. I knew what Jimmy would have seen. Me holding my sister as a lover, not a sibling. He would have questions, that's for sure.

"Ava just needed a drink," Emily said as she came back into the room. She looked at me, "What?"

I smiled trying not to show my worry. "Nothing. Jimmy was just making plans with me to go to the bar for lunch tomorrow."

She smiled, apparently accepting my explanation.

I replied to Jimmy's texts: "I'll be there. And I'll be open and honest."

There was no immediate reply. I placed my phone back onto the nightstand and cuddled up with my fiancé. Tomorrow would be another day.

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Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

What a story? Good, really good.

Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

Chapter 2 , very good story. AAAAA+++++

juanviejojuanviejoover 2 years ago


Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Best of luck with your real world changes - great story so far! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Leaving on a cliff hanger = boo. Still thanks for the story. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Ilovetophoto68Ilovetophoto68over 2 years ago

Don't stop now. Love your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story so far. I hope to read more soon!

bshell47bshell47over 2 years ago
Well written.

Will love there is often hardship and problems.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

God story centered around love.

No raucous beyond immigration sex for the sake of adding words.

A good author, such as yourself, will keep this family on tact and business will go on, as usual,

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why just the teaser

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story so far. Glad you plan to continue it.

cursrahcursrahover 2 years ago

can't wait for more of this story, hope it's soon

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