Tied Up in Knotts Ch. 13


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"Not since coming to Alaska."

"No, I mean, have you told them about us? What should I expect when I come home?"

"They don't know. It won't stay secret long but I want you to myself for a little while. Plus, all that stuff with Cam, I haven't wanted to take any of the focus off her."

I still wasn't sure what was going on with Cam but I knew I'd find out when I got home. I could only imagine how crazy his family would be once they realized there was something going on between us. I was actually surprised I hadn't gotten a text from Ryan. It made sense now that I knew they didn't know.

I also understood wanting to keep things under wraps, even if for a moment. I wasn't sure I wanted it to get out, not with Lee being as difficult as he was. I didn't know what he might do if he found out about Penn and I. I didn't really care; I just didn't want the added stress.

We had a few more weeks and then we'd find out how things would shake out.


I was with Lee for a long time. I traveled a lot for work and spent a lot of weekends, weeks, and vacation time apart. It was never an issue for me. Sure, I missed him but it was never a big deal. It wasn't uncommon to spend our time apart with nothing more than a few texts or a single phone call between us.

With Penn, I was going nuts not being able to call or text whenever I wanted. I was distracted every day at school and bored out of my mind at home. I tried to keep myself busy but the closer I got to my flight, the more I wanted to leave.

I missed him. I wanted to spend all my time with him. I wanted to talk and laugh with him. I wanted to go to game night and give him a lap dance or serenade him with some lame song from the '90s. I wanted to stop by his house unexpectedly in the morning and hear his deep gravelly voice. He changed everything and now being away from him was not an option. For the first time in my life, I didn't want to be in another country. I wanted to be home, wherever that was.

I had no plans of moving in with him, it was too soon, but I didn't hate the idea of staying with him for a few days.

Every day that passed and we didn't talk felt like a knife to my soul. In the final weeks, we talked three times and they were only a few minutes long. He was tired and exhausted and the time change didn't help.

I was packed and ready to fly home four days before I was scheduled to leave. I even tried to get an earlier flight but it was too expensive. I passed my car on to the next person and gave away most of the stuff I had accumulated since deciding to stay and teach.

I wanted to talk to Penn one more time before my flight. I wasn't sure when he got back exactly but I wanted him to be the first thing I saw when I got home. Unfortunately, we weren't able to connect before I boarded my flight.

The flight was long. I even paid for inflight wi-fi just in case he was able to text me.

He didn't.

Stepping off the plane at PDX reminded me how long and drawn out the flight home was. It was seven in the morning when I got in Dad's truck. I was going on thirty-seven hours without decent sleep. Of course, Dad wanted to know everything even though we'd been video chatting every week.

"I promise I'll come over for dinner if you let me sleep," I begged. I could barely keep my eyes open.

Dad smiled, zipped his lips, and threw the key out the window.

I slept every minute of the two-hour drive home and then another four hours in Dad's guest room, aka, my old bedroom. When I woke up, no one was home. Dad must've gone back to work after bringing me home.

Starved, I decided to go to the store and get some good old American food.

I perused the fresh soup section. It wasn't the authentic American I wanted but after a long day of travel, I wasn't sure my digestive system was up for much more. I was deciding between a basic vegetable or a creamy potato when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Well look what Thailand dragged in."

I smiled and turned. Ryan stood behind a cart full of cupcakes and sparkling cider. His smirk quickly turned into a beaming smile. He stepped around the cart for a bro hug.

"Are you calling me ugly?" I mocked offense.

"Me? Call you ugly? Never. I'm just saying that maybe you haven't slept in a week or six."

"Oh good, I was worried you were about to say something hurtful," I teased back. "In my defense, thirty-six hours of traveling will chew you up and spit you out."

"Don't I know it! You know, Penn's been in Alaska and flies back today. I bet he'll be worse for wear. He doesn't travel well."

"Oh cool," I said not-so-smoothly. I didn't know what else to say since they didn't technically know that I knew more than they did.

"Oh," he said as if just remembering something important. "You should come to the Lewis' tonight! We're having a party. It's a lowkey surprise for Penny. I'm sure my brother would be tickled if you came."

"Tickled? Who are you, an eighty-year-old woman?" I teased. Ryan rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"You always have to make things sooo difficult," he mumbled under his breath as he pushed his cart of goodies passed me. "Just come to the damn house."

"I might be busy tonight," I said over my shoulder. I could practically hear him growl.

"Don't make me hunt you down. I'll drag you there kicking and screaming."

I laughed as he disappeared through the self-checkout. His words were a promise of sorts. He'd kidnapped me before and he'd do it again.

I kind of like the idea of surprising Penn. I wondered how well he'd be able to hide his expression or if his family would see right through him. Would we make it through the night before they caught on to us? Probably not. I don't think either of us could stay away from the other or keep the stars out of our eyes. We hadn't seen each other in six weeks and I wanted to wrap him up in a hug.

Plus, it would be obvious when we left the party together and we would be leaving together.

I was half blushing as I bought my soup. I was tempted to text him anyway but I really wanted to see the look on his face when I showed up.

I really wanted to watch him try and hide his feelings for me.

Oh yeah, I was going to have fun.


"So—" Dad strummed his thumbs on the steering wheel as he drove me to the Lewis'. If he was trying to make me feel like a sixteen-year-old again then he was doing a fine job. I couldn't have Penn pick me up since I was supposed to surprise him and my truck was still at his house. "What time will you be home tonight? Or is this a don't-wait-up-for-me situation? Should I leave the porch light on or turn it off when I got to bed?"

I rubbed my face and stared out the window. Good god, this was my life again.

"You could probably turn it off, no need to waste electricity," I responded.

"I upgraded to LED so it's no biggie if it stays on a little later than normal."

"Okay, then leave it on."

"But if you're not gonna come home—"

"Dad. Don't leave the porch light on, and for the love of God, please stop talking."

He didn't. That wouldn't be like my Dad.

"I'm glad to see you happy and moving on. I sure wish things would've worked out with you and Lee but you know what they say, life sucks and then you die."


"I like Penn," he said as if Penn was someone we talked about all the time. Which he wasn't. I hadn't talked to my dad about Penn ever. I definitely hadn't talked about him since Thailand, but Dad had me thinking back, had I said something and not realized it? How did he know we were a thing? He must've noticed my confusion because he started laughing. "Good god, Smash. When I picked up to take you to the airport there was enough energy between you two to start my truck. I had to bribe my poor stereo to keep me occupied while you two said your goodbyes."

"There wasn't anything between us."

Dad nodded and winked. "Oh sure, yeah, of course. Just friends looking like kicked puppies because the other was leaving. Totally friendly. Just friends. Nothing to see here."

"Oh my god, stooop," I whined. He was the worst. Worse than the worst. Luckily, we were pulling into the bottom of the Lewis' driveway. "Just drop me off here. It's bad enough being embarrassed when no one is around to witness it. No need to tempt fate."

"Oh c'mon, I'm only teasing you. You've been gone and now I have six months to make up for."

"Exactly why I'll walk up. Thanks for the ride, Dad. See you tomorrow."

Dad rolled his eyes but stopped half-way up the hill and let me out. I leaned over and gave him a half hug and kissed his cheek.

There were fewer cars than I expected but still more than I was used to. Penn's black truck was blocked in by some of the others. Looked like we'd be stuck until the others left. The jetlag in me was disappointed.

The horny boyfriend, or whatever I was, was also disappointed.

I went in through the garage and into the kitchen like normal. What the kitchen and living room lacked in people, it made up for in pink decorations. Lots of pink decorations. Baby girl decorations. I slowly stepped into the kitchen, pretty confused. I swore Ryan said it was a party for his brother.

Then I saw it. On the wall were five girly onesies, tiny little things if I ever saw any. Each had one letter on the front and together they spelled P-E-N-N-Y.

I chuckled to myself. Ryan had said it was a party of sorts for Penny. I assumed he meant Penn. Nope. It was someone's baby shower.

I could hear the sound of people just before someone came around the corner. The guy smiled at me and pointed behind him, towards the back patio.

"Party's out there," then he went toward the garage.

I went and stood by the patio door, which was really just a wall of windows that overlooked the giant patio/backyard. It was beautifully manicured and decorated. There were smaller kids running around. The older kids were grouped together off to the side near the fire pit while the adults mingled around. It was pretty low key looking.

Then I saw Penn. He was laughing with his brothers as they walked towards the ladies. Penn had the biggest smile on his face; all teeth and happiness. His smiled made me smile and I was about to go surprise him when I saw Cam.

A very, very pregnant Cam.

Penn dropped to his knees in front of her and, with a life-doesn't-get-better-than-this smile, he cupped her belly. Even from where I stood, I could tell he was whispering sweet nothings to her belly. Everyone looked at him like it was the sweetest thing in the world, and it was.

So damn sweet. The sweetest, most confusing thing I ever witnessed.

"Have you ever seen anything cuter than a gushing Penn?" Abby, Logan's wife said, startling me. Where Abby came from, I had no clue. She could've landed right in front of me and I wouldn't have noticed, I was too busy staring at Penn and Cam.

Abby looked stunning in a soft pink summer dress. Even with giant platform shoes she was still a tiny little thing. I bet she could have worn those little baby onesies with no issues. How two babies came out of her was both a mystery and a miracle.

"He's so happy. I haven't seen him this happy in years."

Penn stood up and kissed Cam. It was quick and soft but full of love. He was still touching her stomach like he couldn't let go. Like he didn't want to because he was so happy. He patted her belly before letting go.

Now I knew what the big secret was. Cam was pregnant. And by the look of it, it was Penn's. It would explain why he didn't want to share our relationship with her during such a delicate time.

Fuck, I felt dumb as shit.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Now, look at this point of a typical romance story I mentioned in the previous chapter. I bet Nash is going crazy with assumptions, decided to cut off relationship with Penn without having a proper talk, and even run away to Portland.

It's always frustrating to see this kind of drama in the story, but it really can't be helped with this format haha. I get where Nash is coming with the cheating part and this sparks that trauma once more, but it's just never a great idea to not have a confrontation and just run away from it all.

sm1982sm1982almost 2 years ago

My guess is, Penn is stepping in because whoever got Cam knocked up, doesn’t want to be in the baby’s life. After all, he did say Cam was his best friend. Plus, his family knows he’s gay as well as others in their town so highly doubt any of them believe he impregnated Cam.

I was shocked Penn has only had sex with a woman before Nash, there was no guarantee that he was ever going to be with Nash..

Twink1o1Twink1o1about 2 years ago

Only two pages and I’m in fucking shambles lmao 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029about 2 years ago

Oh frack. Let's cool our brains and try being open-minded.

4avidreader4avidreaderover 2 years ago


Pitbull86Pitbull86almost 3 years ago

I'm 100% sure Penn would've told Nash if he was getting his 'wife' pregnant. This just seem like a big misunderstanding.

He SHOULD have told him she was pregnant when they were talking about her though, just so there wouldn't be this problem.

SilentHerbivoreSilentHerbivoreover 3 years ago

I was worried going into this seeing a 4.5 rating (lower than previous chapters) and 28 comments. And I was right. My heart is in shambles right now. 😭

However, this is what we're here for; to feel for the characters and join them on their journey. I hope it gets better for Nash soon.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

I don't know whether to cry because of the pain it's causing Nash or cry for the beauty of the moment for Cam and Penn. I am so discouraged for Nash. His life is a shambles right now and I just wish he can find happiness and trust some time soon. Penn shouldn't have come to him with this big secret between them and not tell him. This is like burning down his house right in front of him. Nash is broken right now and Penn is the ass that did it.

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieover 3 years agoAuthor
Authors comment

I wish LitE’s comment section worked better. I sometimes feel like it’s impossible to reply because there’s no way anyone will know I did unless they intentionally check back.

I’m a huge fan of HAE. I don’t know that I can write a story without it. Whatever happens next, it will take a hot second to resolve. Let’s face it, something was bound to come up. Nash was just cheated on less than a year ago. Impossible for him to be ready to move on, emotionally. The person who said Nash shouldn’t put his job before Penn. I agree, but I also understand that his decision to do so is done out of fear. He wants to be with Penn but he’s guarded because of Lee. I GET THAT!

I also get that Nash will probably want to run. He confronted Lee because they’d been married for many years. He doesn’t have that same foundation with Penn. After what he went through, he doesn’t owe Penn a minute of his time if Penn couldn’t tell him the truth (or, at least that’s how Nash thinks). We’ll see what happens.

Nash is super gun shy and Penn hasn’t done relationships. Cool cool cool cool cool

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

"Tied up in Knots" is a Great title! Its how I feel after almost every chapter, but most especially this one!! Not sure why I keep reading these long drawn out crazy romances with the deck always stacked against them! These two just cannot seem to catch a break! Nash just barely started opening up and trusting Penn! Penn's idiotic decision to keep this Huge secret from Nash, for whatever reason he did so, is disastrous! Especially after spending such a nice vacation together and growing much closer! There was plenty of quiet time in the car to get this mess out in the open!! Not sure Nash will ever allow himself to open up to him again! "Fuck, I felt dumb as shit." Nash already feeling like he was Dumb for getting involved with Penn this way is a very bad thing! Looks like a whole bunch more misery suffering and pain for these two!! Typical Mrsgnomie writing style! Helps if you are masochistic while reading this stuff!!!!

As much as Penn seems to want and need things to work out with Nash, and already knowing Nash is a flight risk, he cannot possibly think this was a good idea to hide this pregnancy, all while attempting to build trust, and a new relationship! None of this makes any sense to me! These types of things are generally deal breakers, especially with someone as gun shy as Nash is right now! Yeah, can't wait to hear Penn attempt to explain and defend this secret pregnancy! Not that Nash will very likely even give him a chance to do so! I see him fleeing down the road, running until he cannot run any further! Then shutting Penn out completely! Trusting anyone again is difficult after such a betrayal as a cheating spouse! How can Nash not see this as another betrayal with Penn and Cam! Felt like cheating to me, just observing it through Nash's eyes!

Nash however is really not ready for a meaningful new relationship anyway! He does not get that you cannot put your career or dream job ahead of the person you love!! Penn offers Nash a job, basically saying name your salary, all in an effort to keep him close to him and work to build a loving relationship! Nash tells him I cannot put you ahead of my career, I need to see where things will go, even if I need to move across the country! Kind of makes sense to me why Lee cheated on him in the first place, you have to put your partner first, if you are detached and make your job your priority over a marriage what should you expect?

Are these two really so naïve and immature they cannot figure out how to actually talk about such serious matters? I'm certain Penn had no idea he was being observed by Nash coddling the baby bump and Cam! Also seems very odd that Penn did not let Nash know about the PENNY party! What is up for that? And Ryan is he blind to what is going on with these two?

This story SUCKS right now! I don't think I am interested in watching these two hurt each other any more! Way to much angst for me!

I was so happy after how chapter 12 and the progress made with these two characters!

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