Tiffany Tantrum Pt. 03

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Boot camp is going to be a bitch, just like her.
4.9k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/22/2019
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Let me just pretense this by saying the drill instructor portion was inspired by an acquaintance of mine who has since passed, R. Lee Ermey; referencing his unforgettable role in Full Metal Jacket. I can only imagine how big of a dick he must have been as a DI, but was nice as hell when I talked with him. We miss you, Lee.

Tiffany stared at the pair of large, polka dotted cheetahs just a few feet from her, and instinctively shrank back against me.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed quietly, not wanting to upset the pair of large, golden cats. "Those really are cheetahs!"

I laughed good-naturedly at her response.

"You're in no danger." I said with a chuckle.

I made a kissy sound with my lips, and both Timba and Timon came over to me. I patted my chest, and each cat picked a shoulder to put their paws on as they stood up. Each one rubbed the side of their face against mine lovingly.

"You see," I began, "most people don't know that cheetahs have been domesticated almost as long as house cats. Cats were domesticated to keep rodents at bay and were given a safe place to stay in return. Cheetahs got the same deal for killing game. They were used for falconry before falcons were even thought of.

"These two are nothing but giant kitties, Tiffany. They won't hurt you. Well, unless you run. In that case, their instincts will kick in and they will see you as prey. Even as sweet as these two are, I have to be careful when I'm working outside. I wear a tee shirt with a pair of eyes on both sides. Cats are cats; it doesn't matter how big they are, they all react the same way. That's why I told you not to try and literally run away.

"Here, kneel down and call them. Just like your own Mr. Fluffy back home."

Tiffany stared at me incredulously.

"They really won't hurt me?" she inquired.

"Of course not!" I replied. "And if you're good with cats, you'll understand them just fine. Any cat that can purr and meow, has pretty much the same vocabulary. Now seriously, kneel down and call them."

Tiffany dropped to one knee and made a half-hearted attempt to call them over.

"Here kitties." she muttered. "here... Kitty, Kitty."

To her amazement, Timba and Timon dropped from my shoulders and approached her.

"Oh shit!" Tiffany exclaimed, looking at me in a panic. "Now what?"

"They're cats." I laughed. "Just pet them."

She reached out gingerly, and the two cats both muscled in to get petted. Timon (pronounced Temone), being the male, stuck his head in first, and began purring loudly as Tiffany rubbed his head. Timba eventually pushed him out of the way and purred just as loudly, as Tiffany rubbed her neck and back.

"They're just like cats!" she exclaimed incredulously.

"They are cats." I replied. "I told you, they have been domesticated almost as long as the common cat. You can go to Africa and take a wild cheetah kitten out of the bush, bring it home, and it will be a giant house cat. Albeit, a huge cat with a tiny head, but a friendly cat nonetheless."

"Why do you have them?" Tiffany inquired. "Why would you have cats like this? What purpose do they serve?"

"I have plenty of room for them to roam and even sprint if they need to." I replied. "But you remember I said they were domesticated to be used like falconry?"


"Well, the same holds true here. The fence is for them, as I said before. It's just a deterrent to show them the boundaries. Deer can leap over it, and wild hogs just bore through. The hogs are a particular nuisance in these parts. These two though, they handle it all."

"What do you mean?" Tiffany asked curiously.

She was no longer being bitchy about things, or afraid of the cats. She seemed genuinely interested, as she continued petting them and even butting heads.

"Well, you've had a cat leave you a 'present' before, right?" I inquired.

"Of course." she replied. "A mouse or a snake or something. It's a gift."

"It's not a gift." I explained. "It's their way of telling you how horrible a hunter you are, that they had to kill it and show you good they are. That's why they'll always eat their trophy in front of you. A cat will bring you that mouse or squirrel, but these two... well they like to leave me prey their own size.

"I get hogs, deer, and once in awhile, a beaver gets left on the porch. I've even gotten a turkey once. Yeah, I do shoot a lot of my own meat, but most of it comes from these two. Chances are good, that that venison we had for dinner was from a kill from these two."

Tiffany turned white.

"I ate roadkill?" she burst out. "You gave me-"

"Shut up!" I interrupted. "I did NOT give you road kill. What you ate - and enjoyed by the way - was either shot by me or killed by the cats. Time of death to butchering was the same."

I looked at her intently.

"Does it really matter to you how your dinner was killed?" I inquired. "Do you want to know how all the commercial meat you buy was killed, huh? Well, let me tell you, Tit-fanny; they run them all into a pen where they slit their throats with a razor sharp machete. As they're gagging on their own blood, they get turned upside down until they bleed out. Then, they're butchered. That's your store meat. Oh, and there's the other method where they put an electrode on the side of the poor cow's head and electrocute its brain."

Tiffany looked sick.

"That's your 'humane' way of harvesting meat commercially." I said sardonically. "Remember that the next time you eat a hamburger at the Falling Arches, or Jack in the Crack, or at Booger King, or when you have an In'n'Out urge. (Yes, I know that last one goes back to the 70's).

"All of the meat you get here was either shot dead with a humane bullet to the head, or else these cats took it down by way of nature and left it for me. Or from here on out, for us."

Tiffany was, for the first time in her life, at a complete loss for words. Never before, had she ever found herself remotely anywhere near this situation, yet here she was; petting a pair of cheetahs on the front porch of my log house and wondering if they had killed her delicious dinner.

"You should probably go on up to bed." I suggested. "You have really surprised me, Tiffany. You're petting my cats, and you haven't said anything overly snotty since dinner. It's a really good start, too. I'm actually amazed."

"Start?" she inquired nervously. "I was just trying to be nice."

"And you have!" I replied cheerfully. "It's really refreshing too, but it's still just a start. Come morning, your world is going to be turned upside down."

"I don't understand." Tiffany responded. "I really was trying to be nice."

I looked at her intently for several seconds before replying.

"You know, Tiffany, I actually believe that." I said. "I really do believe that you were actually trying for once in your pathetic life, but unfortunately for you, it's just too little; too late. It's time you learned things the hard way. At 05:00 hours, I'm going to turn into the worst thing in your life. You will be smack-dab in your own personal boot camp and I will be your personal monster. If you thought I was a dick up until now, just you wait until the manana, Missy."

5:00 AM came way too quick for my little protege. I burst into her room with a large stainless steel pan lid in my left hand, and a wooden spoon in the right. I began beating the lid as hard and fast as I could, and screamed at her at the top of my lungs.

"Wake up!" I bellowed. "Get your ass out of bed, you little bitch!"

Tiffany rolled over and looked at me; her eyes glazed over as she blinked at me.

"What time is it?" she inquired groggily.

"It's time to get your fucking ass out of bed!" I roared, as I stuck my face in hers. "That's what fucking time it is! You have two minutes to take your shower and get back here!"

I ripped the sheet, blanket and bedspread from the bed and tossed them on the floor. Tiffany stared at me blankly as she lay there completely nude. It still was not registering with her.

"I said, get your lazy, fucking ass out of bed and do it the fuck now!" I repeated at the top of my lungs, as I stuck my face in hers. "Play time is over! Welcome to Bitches Boot Camp! Your life as a pampered princess is over, your Royal Hiney! Move, move, move!"

Tiffany was in shock at such treatment and amazingly, did as she was told. She hustled into the bathroom and turned the water on, waiting for it to warm up.

"Get in!" I ordered, as I pulled the curtain back. "Are you going to waste time waiting for it to warm up? You have one minute, forty five seconds left."

Tiffany stepped into the cold shower and shivered as she wet her hair and began shampooing.

"One minute!" I reminded her, as I watched her lather her hair. "If you run out, you'll continue the day with soap in your hair, now get moving!"

She wisely chose to rinse her hair before soaping up, and I counted down from ten to zero. She barely had time to rinse her body, as I reached in and turned the water off, which had just gotten comfortable. I handed her a towel.

"Dry off!" I instructed. "Towel dry your hair and brush it. You have one minute!"

Tiffany was still shivering a little from her cold shower, so I decided to help her warm up.

"Into the living room and do one hundred jumping jacks! Then, you will drop down and give me fifty pushups!"

Somehow, she was managing to keep her tongue in her mouth where it belonged, but I knew it wouldn't be long before she slipped, and I wasn't disappointed. She made the jumping jacks and the pushups, but when it came time for her next set - situps - she blew it.

"You motherfucker!" she muttered.

"What did you just say to me?!" I screamed, as I stuck my face in hers. "Alright Bitch; make it one hundred situps instead! Open your mouth again, and I'll make it two hundred! You WILL do what you are told and you WILL be respectful about it! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

Tiffany blinked at me in astonishment.

"I asked you a question, Tit-fanny! DO I?!"

She nodded.

"What the hell was that?" I demanded. "Am I speaking motherfucking Chinese? I asked you a fucking question in English, and I expect a fucking reply in English, and it'd better include a 'Yessir' in it! DO I MAKE MY FUCKING SELF CLEAR?!"

"Yes SIR!" she barked back.

She was defiant and I could see the loathing in her eyes, but her attitude was beginning to change. It's the same change that every cadet goes through during basic training unless they are just too proud and end up being kicked out for lack of discipline. Tiffany knew this was her last chance or she would end up behind bars, and I think it was finally dawning on her that she had to change.

"Alright then, one hundred situps!" I responded sternly. "Since you decided to be so fucking disrespectful to me, I lost my motherfucking count, so you're going to start from the beginning! One! Two! Three..."

Tiffany was worn out and it took her almost ten minutes to finish them all, but to her credit she did. When she was finished, she rolled onto her side and began to cry. I of course felt sorry for her, but I couldn't let that show. I had to be a hard-ass, or she'd never learn.

"Take a five minute break," I said with feigned disgust, "you miserable little cunt."

Tiffany nodded, but this time with a reply.

"Yes Sir." she said politely, as she panted heavily through the tears in her eyes. "Thank you."

What? Whoa! That was the first time I'd ever heard the little bitch thank anyone for anything. I knew that inside she was still cursing me, but at least she was starting to learn to hold her tongue. In time, she would be happy to have even the slightest reprieve from what she was going through. It would take time, but I had plenty of it. Not much goes on in this county, which is why I moved here in the first place. Since I was an elected official, I was not expected to be in the office 9-5 and unless there was a major emergency, my chief deputy could handle day to day affairs until I straightened Tiffany out.

"Five minutes is over!" I barked. "Go get your socks and sneakers, and put them on. You're going to need them for your hike."

Tiffany nodded, but knew better than to question me. She would find out soon enough. She returned wearing her sneakers, but other than that was still completely nude, due to her disciplining earlier.

"Let's go!" I said cheerfully. "We're going to start off easy, since this is your first day, so I'll keep this one short."

"How short, Sir?" she inquired.

"Only five miles." I replied with a chipper tone.

Tiffany groaned, but quickly recovered before I could react.

"Yes Sir." she replied. "Five miles. You have that much room?"

"I have fifty two acres." I replied. "Due to the different angles of the property lines, I have just about one mile around the perimeter. Each time you complete a loop, it's a mile thereabouts. So, you are going to make five laps today. The average person can brisk walk three miles per hour, but since this terrain is all up and down, I'll allow you one mile per hour for the first week. Next week, I'll expect two, and by week number three, I want you doing five miles in an hour and a half."

"Yes Sir!" Tiffany replied. "I can do this!"

"I know you can." I said with a smile. "This part is easy. Come week four, you're going to start running it, and I will expect ten miles in two hours. The week after that, in one hour or less."

Tiffany gasped, but said nothing.

"Here is where we start!" I stated, as we reached one of my boundaries.

The entire property was fenced in as I said earlier, and it was cleared out fifteen feet to act as a fire break; also easily patrolled by the cats or myself on an ATV. If the shit ever hit the fan, no one was accessing this compound without permission. Motion sensors and CCTV kept it under constant surveillance.

"Okay, Princess Tit-fanny, your Royal Hind End; start walking in that direction." I instructed. "I'll be back shortly. In the meantime, Timba and Timon will keep you company."

I pursed my lips and gave a loud kissy sound. As if by magic, the two cheetahs materialized from the woods and approached me. I gave them both quite a bit of lovable petting and then an instruction:

"Go see Tiffy!" I said encouragingly.

"Hey Kitties." she said dejectedly.

The two cats darted to her and began head butting her eagerly, as she petted them.

"Start walking." I commanded. "And remember, don't make this the day where you decide to start running. They'll stay with you and keep you safe, as long as you don't run and look like a giant catnip toy for them to pounce on and play with."

Tiffany nodded and began walking. This part was fairly flat, but after that, it was all up and down, eventually ending about two hundred feet lower by the creek. That was flat as well, but then it was that same two hundred foot vertical rise to get back up to this part of the property. It was that last 1,500 feet that were going to test her mettle.

I retreated to the garage and mounted my ATV. It wasn't long until I caught up to her and began pacing her as she walked along.

"Not so bad is it?" I inquired.

"Not really, Sir." she replied. "I think I can do one lap an hour."

"Good!" I responded enthusiastically. "But you aren't here to think. You're here to do what I tell you to do. Now get your fucking ass in gear and start to make some time! I'll be waiting for you by the creek. It's all downhill from here, so pick up the pace!"

I kissed my lips again, and the two cats followed me as I accelerated along the path. With the terrain, I couldn't go much more than 15-20 mph, so they were happily jaunting along at a trot. I reached the creek and turned the ATV off. A few minutes later, Tiffany came into view. It took her another minute to reach me and I offered her a bottle of water when she caught up.

"You're doing well." I complimented her, as she took a few sips of water. "You're about a third of the way. Next little bit will be flat, but the last leg will all be uphill. Your legs will be burning. You'll still have four more laps though. Just keep it slow and steady. I'll see you up top."

The cats and I made the remaining thousand yards or so in good time. It took Tiffany almost ten minutes to catch back up to the starting point.

"One fifth down, and four more to go!" I said with a smirk. "Drink?"

Tiffany paused to take the bottle from me.

"Permission to ask Sir a question." she said pointedly, before tilting the bottle to her lips.

"Permission granted," I replied, "but before you even speak, let me tell you that I know what you are thinking. You're thinking I'm a pussy-assed douche making you walk while I ride this very comfortable ATV, correct?"

"Yes Sir." she replied. "Permission to speak freely?"

"You have one minute, Tiffany." I replied. "After that, it's back to Major Dickhead the Drill Instructor, understand?"

"Yes Sir. I think it's unfair for you to make me walk this course while you are riding that thing." she said flatly. "Why don't you walk it with me?"

Normally that would be cause for an admonishment, but it was time to make her understand that I was fully capable of everything I demanded from her. In all fairness, I did owe her that. I dismounted the ATV and approached her, as the cats ran around and wrestled with one another.

"I'll tell you what, Tiffany." I responded. "We'll both start right here; right now. I say that I can run three times around this course in the time it takes you to walk it. Don't run; just walk. I say I can pass you three times. Do you think I can do that, or am I just blowing smoke?"

"No Sir!" she responded. "I don't think you can."

I nodded in agreement and offered a response.

"I'll tell you what..." I suggested. "You walk - don't run - for a full course. I will pass you three times. That is my guarantee. If I fail, you have the rest of the day off, okay?"

Tiffany nodded.

"But if I pass you three times, I get to fuck you. No whining; no bullshit. A straight up fuck. Think I can do it?"

"No way!" she replied. "I mean, no way, Sir!"

"No way to the deal or no way that I can do it?"

"I don't think you can do it," she clarified, "but if you do, I'm okay with you fucking me. I've always thought you were kind of cute. A little eccentric maybe, but cute. I guess that's why I got so turned on in the car on the way home. Even though I was mad at you, it was still nice to have my boobs squeezed like that."

"See you soon." I responded, as I clacked my tongue against my teeth like an old fashioned 'giddy-up' to call the cats and took off at a fast jog with them alongside me.

It had been a while since I'd really run this course, so I was a little out of shape and actually in risk of losing the bet. I was determined to fuck her, however, so I was going to do my best to win the challenge and slide my dick inside her hairy cunt.

I started out effortlessly; the ups and downs along the high side of the property weren't too bad, and then it was all downhill from there. I crossed the creek on the foot bridge and then ran across the other side, crossing the creek once again on the graveled drive where it was then all uphill. I could feel the muscles in my calves working, but nothing major. I reached the top and caught up with Tiffany on the way back down just before the creek.

"Pass one!" I hollered, as I ran around her.

The cats were getting a little tired and decided to drop back and tag along with Tiffany as I kept going. Cheetahs are amazingly fast, but all of that energy is exerted in a quick burst of speed. Long distance trotting was not their cup of tea.

I waved as I crossed the bridge and continued on. I definitely felt the pull of gravity against me as I ascended the hill the second time, but it still wasn't too bad. I decided I would definitely need to run this more often, and definitely faster, though. It was good training for the both of us. Lap three found me crossing the creek not once but twice, and still no sign of Tiffany. I got a little concerned as I reached the top of the hill, but as I rounded the corner at one of the boundaries, I saw her ahead of me. She was getting dangerously close to the starting point, so I laid into it, bringing my speed up to as close to a sprint as I could after running three miles over the hilly terrain.