Tim and Amy


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Tim grinned. "I wondered how long it would be before it got the better of you."

When Pam returned, Laura was in the dining room starting to work seriously on her new canvas, I was washing my Mini, and Tim was working on the laptop.

I came in from the garage. "There," I said. "Nice and shiny for Laura and I to go up to campus tomorrow."

"Oh yes," said Pam, "you both start back, don't you."

I nodded. "Laura has class too, so she'll have to work on her painting in the evenings. I need to finish writing my report on my placement today."

"Have you had lunch yet?" asked Pam.

"Did someone mention food?" said Laura, coming in from the dining room wiping a brush.

"I stopped off and bought pizza, it just needs sticking in the oven."

"I can manage that," grinned Laura, and she went off to clatter in the kitchen.

After lunch Laura carried on painting, while I sat for a while with Pam and Tim in the living room. Tim explained to Pam his idea about my next year. "Amy can start as soon as this term's over, and work through till the end of the following summer."

"Poor girl," said Pam, "you seem to have forgotten to give her any holidays."

"Well," Tim said, "she will get a break, but she'll have to get used to the business environment – none of this 'four weeks at Christmas, three months in the summer' rubbish."

"Tyrant," said Pam, smiling to let him know she was joking, and grabbed a cushion from the couch to mock-hit him with. I seized a cushion of my own and threw it at Tim, missing by a mile. We collapsed in helpless laughter.

The next day after Pam left, Laura and I drove off to the campus, and Tim went to work, missing my presence around the office.

He and Pam were busy at work for the next few weeks; Laura spent most of her time working on preparations for her next show, and I seemed to have an incredible amount of coursework to do. The four of us went out occasionally for a meal, or to see a film, and Laura and I sometimes came home late from a party on campus, but there was little opportunity for anything more exciting.

Then one Monday evening when Laura and I arrived back, Tim guessed from our expressions that we had something to tell.

"Go on, then," he said. "I can read you two like a book. What is it?"

"Well, funny you should say that," I replied. "Next week has been timetabled as a reading week, which means we don't have to go to any lectures or anything."

"Hmm," Tim said thoughtfully, "but they expect you to study, right."

I grinned. "I'm way ahead in my reading and coursework already. Why do you think I've been slaving away for the last few weeks?"

Laura chipped in. "And absolutely nobody cares what the art students do in reading week – it's practically expected that we'll go off somewhere to 'look for inspiration'."

"Well then," Tim said, looking across at Pam, "I think there's a chance we can come up with something to do that doesn't involve reading – or at least, only beach books. Barbara Cartland, anyone?"

Laura and I looked at each other, and chorused, "Ewww!"

"Only kidding," Tim said. "Are you OK if I arrange something? I've never let you down yet, have I?"

I grinned. "Sure."

"Count me in," said Laura.

Tim looked across at Pam again, and she nodded.

"That's settled then. Pam and I will sort out time off work, and I'll do some digging to find us a week's getaway. Make sure you know where your passports are!"

Thursday evening came, and as we were sitting eating Tim said, "So I've sorted out our holiday, and we drive to the airport pretty much as soon as we all finish tomorrow. We'd better start packing!"

"Tim," I said, "you forgot one thing. We need an idea of at least what sort of place we're going, so we know what clothes to take."

"Hmm," he mused, "let's see. Thermal underwear, sweaters, scarves, overcoats – and you'd better take something to feed the penguins."

I reached over to jab him playfully in the ribs.

"Seriously, Tim," said Laura.

"OK, seriously. All your summer clothes, swimming stuff, something to keep the sun off your head, and the highest-factor sun screen you can find. And you'll need your cameras. I've packed one or two special things that we'll need."

"Goody," I said, "I love the heat."

Laura and I went upstairs to pack. "Where do you think we're going?" asked Laura.

"No idea," I said, "but knowing Tim it'll be fantastic!"

When we'd finished packing, we dragged our suitcases onto the landing. Tim came out of the master bedroom.

"Gosh, that was efficient," he said.

I grinned. "Want to carry this downstairs for me?"

He pretended to struggle with the case, and put it by the front door. Laura clattered down the stairs following her own case, just managing to stop it from landing with a crash at the bottom.

"I hope you two kept something out to wear tomorrow," Tim teased.

I grinned. "Don't worry about that."

"Anyway, we'd better all get an early night – I don't know how you two cope with jetlag."

We went back upstairs, and Laura and I carried on speculating about our destination and what we'd do on our holiday, long after we'd put the light out.

The next afternoon, Laura and I came back from campus early, barely able to contain our excitement.

Tim arrived back from work a few minutes later. Pam was still on her way; the traffic on the motorway was heavy, and Tim glanced at his watch to check that we still had plenty of time before we had to check in.

After a few minutes, Pam's car pulled into the drive and she got out.

"Sorry I'm late," she said. "Are we all right for time?"

"No problem," Tim said.

He ferried our cases to my car, then made sure that the house was locked up. Laura and I piled into the back seat, and Pam took her place next to me. We set off up the motorway, and as we approached the airport we competed to see who could spot the most different tail insignia on the planes landing and taking off.

Tim drove into the dropoff area at the departure terminal and pulled the cases out of the boot.

"Hang on here for a minute," he said, "I'll park the car and we can make our way to the check-in."

When he returned from dropping the car off at the long stay car park, Laura and I had found a trolley and put the suitcases on it. Pam was looking on dubiously as I pushed the trolley and Laura sat on the top case, swinging her legs.

"Come on, you two," Tim said mildly.

Laura jumped off and led the way into the check-in area. When we reached the desk, Tim presented our passports and tickets, and our luggage soon disappeared out of sight on the conveyor belt.

"Right," Tim said, "now we have to get through security. I hope you two rascals haven't got any skeletons in the closet?"

"How do we know you haven't got a chequered past," laughed Laura.

We reached the security check, and Tim had to eat his words when the only person who set off the detectors was him, with the change in his pocket.

We went through into the departure area. Tim spotted a coffee shop, and said, "We have plenty of time before they'll call the flight. Who wants a coffee and a Danish pastry?"

"Oo, can I have one of the swirly ones with the icing?" said Laura.

"I like the apple ones," I said.

"Pam?" Tim asked.

"A cinnamon one, please," she answered.

Tim went to the counter and came back with the tray. We ate our pastries, and licked icing from our fingers.

When we'd finished our coffee, Tim said, "Now, who wants to look at the duty-free?"

We raced to the perfume section, giggling. Pam and Tim looked at the various luxury items for a while.

Tim spotted that our flight had just changed to "Proceed to departure lounge" and came to find us. We were still in the perfume section, trying out the samplers.

"Let me?" Tim said, taking Laura's wrist and raising it to his nose. "Mmm, that's nice."

I offered him my hand, and he smiled, recognising the special scent he'd bought for me the first time I came to stay.

"Come on," he said. "Flight's been called."

We rejoined Pam and walked along the corridor toward the departure gates.

"Hmm, you two smell nice," she said.

Tim stopped at one of the gates. "Here we are."

I looked up at the display above the gate. "Dubai?" I said, a question in my voice.

"Just the first stop," Tim grinned. "The cat isn't out of the bag yet."

We went into the lounge and sat down. After a few minutes, one of the cabin crew came forward and said, "Can we have the first class passengers, please?"

"Come on," Tim nudged Pam.

"You're kidding," I said.

"Not at all. It's a long flight and I wanted us to be as comfortable as possible."

We walked forward, and the stewardess directed us down the metal corridor toward the plane.

"I love this bit," Tim said, "I always imagine it as the astronauts walking across the gantry to the rocket."

"Trust you," chuckled Pam.

We reached the end of the corridor, and walked through into the plane.

"If you'd like to follow me, sir," said another stewardess to Tim.

She led the way up a set of stairs and we found ourselves in a narrow corridor with doors set at regular intervals. "Sir, madam, you're here. And the next cabin along for the rest of your party."

Tim pushed open the door she indicated, which led into a small cabin. The opposite side of the cabin was clearly the outer wall of the aircraft and had a large window. Nearly in the centre of the cabin were two large reclining seats.

I spoke first. "I didn't even know you could fly like this. Can we look at ours?"

Tim grinned. "Of course. In fact, we'll be taking off soon." The engines were spinning up to begin taxiing the plane. "So better strap in. We can meet in the lounge when we're airborne."

Laura and I went to our cabin and took our seats, making sure we strapped in. After a few minutes, the noise of the engines grew to a muffled scream and we were pressed back into our seats, the plane tilting into the air as it raced down the runway.

When the plane levelled out and a gentle chime indicated we were free to move around, we made our way to the lounge. Tim and Pam were already there, and Tim got drinks for us – a White Russian for me, a Bloody Mary for Laura. Pam sipped Archers and lemonade, while Tim had a Martini.

"Shaken, not stirred," I teased.

"This is amazing," said Laura.

"Plenty more surprises yet," Tim smiled.

When we'd finished our drinks, Pam said, "Don't know about anyone else, but I think I'll get some sleep. I've always found it's the best way to avoid jetlag."

Tim walked with her back down to their cabin. When he returned to the lounge, he got us more drinks, and we sat and talked. Laura and I tried to wheedle Tim into telling us more about our final destination, but he refused to be drawn.

Pam was still asleep when we returned to our cabins.

"Better get some sleep, girls," Tim said, going in to their cabin and closing the door.

Laura and I went into our own cabin, undressed and settled down for a nap.

The next thing we knew was an unobtrusive chime, and an announcement that the plane would be descending towards its destination in about an hour.

We heard a gentle tap on the door of our cabin. I opened it a few inches, giving Tim a glimpse of me not quite successfully holding a shirt against me in an attempt to cover myself.

"Tut, tut," he said, "what if I'd been the stewardess?"

"I'm sure they've seen worse," I said, my eyes twinkling. "Give us a few minutes and we'll be decent."

"OK," he said.

A short time later the plane started to descend, and I looked out with interest at the sand dunes and the sparkling blue water. We were soon on the ground, and the plane came to a halt at the gate.

The four of us left the plane, and found ourselves in the transit area. Glittering shops and small coffee bars and eating places occupied two levels, with a central atrium.

"We have about an hour before our next flight, so you've got time for a good look at everything," Tim said. "Pam, how about you go with the girls and look over that way – I'd like to look for something this side."

We strolled off, Pam in the middle with our arms through hers. Tim turned and set off in the other direction; I had a shrewd idea he might be heading towards one of the jewellery shops.

We looked at the various shops, but nothing particularly grabbed us. We sat down and had coffee, then made our way slowly back to the point where we'd started.

Tim was there, holding a couple of small bags.

"Did you find something nice?" I asked, looking at the bags.

"You'll have to wait," said Tim, grinning.

He glanced across at the flight information screen, and said, "OK, time to go." He led the way towards another gate, and again we sat down to wait for our call. Laura looked up at the display over the gate.

"Hmm, Delhi this time," she said.

"Still just a stopoff," Tim grinned.

Again first class was called, and we began to board.

"I'm afraid this flight won't be quite as luxurious as the last one," Tim said. "Just the usual separate cabin for first class, more space, roomier seats. But the service will still be special."

We found our seats. "They turn round," Tim explained, "so we can all sit at the table to eat."

We strapped in, and soon the plane was airborne. After we levelled out, we rearranged the seats, and the steward approached with the wine list. Tim selected a bottle, and the steward returned after a short while and pulled the cork at our table. Tim sampled the wine he splashed in his glass and nodded.

We made our choices from the menu, and were soon enjoying our food.

"Gosh, I was ready for that," I said. "Hungry work, flying."

We looked out of the window, and soon spotted the plains of northern India, the Ganges a broad, meandering stripe.

"Anyone need a nap?" Tim asked.

"Maybe," yawned Laura. We turned our seats back round, and I closed my eyes.

The plane started to descend, and we looked out of the windows and pointed. "Look, there's the Red Fort," said Pam.

We soon landed, and instead of a gate, we disembarked directly onto the ground down metal steps. As soon as we left the plane, the heat hit us. I turned my face towards the sun and said, "Mmm, this is more like it. Bet it's raining back home."

Tim looked across the tarmac at a dark limousine approaching. The car stopped, and a uniformed driver got out.

"Come on," Tim said. "Here's our lift."

We got into the car and the driver closed the doors, turning the air conditioning up.

Pam glanced across at Tim. "Let me guess, you called in a favour?"

Tim grinned. "Someone at the Delhi office used to work for me. I helped him get a promotion and this assignment, so he made a few arrangements, shall we say."

After a short drive past planes of various sizes and liveries, we reached an area with a sign indicating it was the area of the airport used by private and corporate jets. We stopped by a Learjet, and the driver opened the doors for us. A woman in a pilot's uniform appeared at the top of the steps to the plane, and came down to meet us.

"Good to see you, Mr Smith," she said. "I'm Captain Sarah Fox, I work for the company. I take it this is your family."

Tim nodded, smiling warmly.

"Well, let's get you settled in, shall we?"

She led the way up the steps, and we were soon sitting comfortably in the luxurious cabin. Captain Fox went forward, and her voice came over the loudspeakers.

"We have clearance to take off," she said, "so please strap in and remain seated until we're airborne. Once we're on course I'll hand over to the co-pilot and come and join you."

The plane was swiftly in the air, and Captain Fox reappeared and took a seat.

She looked to Tim. "I gather this was a surprise, so the rest of the family don't know where we're heading?"

He nodded.

"Well, I won't spoil it, but you're definitely in for a treat," she said.

"How long have you been flying in this part of the world, Captain Fox?" I asked.

"Please, call me Sarah. I've been here about five years, before that I was in the Air Force."

"Oho," said Laura, "so you've flown much more exciting missions than just ferrying company people around."

"Can't possibly say," grinned Sarah, "but if you get a map and look up and left from where we are, I just might have flown over that part of the world more than a few times."

We continued to chat, and Sarah helped us to drinks from the well-stocked cabinet.

"Can't join you while I'm on duty," she said, "but regulations say I have to have a layover when we get where we're going, so I'd love to have a drink with you then."

"We'd be delighted," Tim said.

We sat and chatted for a while, then Sarah looked at the navigation screen mounted on the bulkhead.

"I'd better go forward and prepare for landing," she said. "The co-pilot could do it, of course, but regulations say we both have to be at the controls."

She went forward and closed the door behind her. Pam excused herself to go to the toilet, and Tim was left with me and Laura.

For a few moments no-one spoke, then I grinned and said, "You don't fool us, Tim. You think Captain Sarah's pretty sexy, don't you?"

"Actually," said Laura, "I think the captain was sneaking the occasional glance at Tim too."

"Good to know I've still got it," Tim said, teasingly.

"You'll not get any argument from us about that," I said, stretching.

"So what about Sarah?" persisted Laura.

"Don't I have my hands full with you two?" Tim protested, grinning.

"Well, let's see what happens when we get there," I said. "You can at least take her up on that drink."

Pam returned, and we went back to chatting about more general matters.

Sarah's voice came over the speakers again. "We're beginning our descent, weather conditions are good. It's quite a small runway, so we come in fairly fast, but don't worry, I've landed here dozens of times."

The plane started to descend, and we looked out of the window at the scenery rushing past. We felt a gentle bump as the wheels touched down, then the engines screamed as Captain Fox put them into reverse to shed the plane's remaining speed.

The captain reappeared, and opened the door, lowering the steps.

"You first," she said, extending a hand. We stood at the top of the steps, looking out at the view that met us. Just beyond the airstrip, all around, was lush jungle. To the right we could just make out what appeared to be a building through the trees, with a path leading to it. The air was sultry, and full of mysterious fragrances and the sound of birds and insects. In the jungle, invisible to our sight, something heavy was moving, crashing through the undergrowth as it drew away.

From behind us came Sarah's voice. "Welcome to Satpura Conservation Area."

"Wow," I said. Laura nodded. Pam squeezed Tim's hand.

"Someone will bring your luggage," continued Sarah. "Just walk up the path there and you'll reach the lodge. I'll be along later."

We followed her directions, and quickly reached the lodge through the trees. A small man in a suit approached us.

"Mr Smith, ladies, welcome," he said effusively. "Please, come in, your rooms are ready."

He signalled to a waiting porter. "Go and fetch the luggage."

"Please, come with me," he continued.

We followed him through the lodge and up a flight of stairs onto a wide balcony overlooking a central open area.

"For you, sir, madam," he indicated a door standing open, "and for the young ladies, this one."

We went in to explore. The room was large and high-ceilinged, with an air conditioning unit and a large fan, which turned lazily. The floor was of cool stone, and there was a bathroom off to one side. A door at the far end led to a balcony overlooking the jungle.

"Cool," I said. "Come on, let's go and see what Tim and Pam's room is like."
