Tiny Bubbles


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"As much as she ever was. I didn't make it all up."

"I'm well aware. Then you'd stay with us. Live with us, as the junior wife. Grocery shopping, house-cleaning, taking care of the kids. Stacy wants to have a baby, and I imagine by this time next year that could be very much a reality. Servicing... us, I suppose, should she still want that?"

Lilah looked surprised at this, but flushed with some hope. "Well, if she goes back to being so tight, she'd be unlikely to accept such an arrangement, right? You'd have to keep some modifications."

"Hmmm... true. Very well, then. You'd do all this? It would be a life of obedience to me, and to her. With not much to recommend it except my love for you."

"Would I get holidays off?" she said, her tone a mixture of humor and resignation.

"If you mean to say, 'would I get off on holidays', then the answer is yes. I'd service you whenever you wanted it. Even whenever you didn't want it. That would be part of the deal, too."

"Um... please don't say things like that. It makes it harder for me to answer."

"Because you wouldn't do that?"

"No... because it makes me wicked horny, and I need to use my brain right now uncluttered by hormones."

"Oh. Sorry. You think this would be a good life, a life you would love to live?"

Lilah looked like she was thinking about it, but he could see that the hesitation was more for his sake. For his peace of mind. Even now, trying to ease his conscience. He loved her for it, even as he was frustrated by her calculation. "If you would have me that way, yes, absolutely."

"I see." The decision was much easier now. "I suppose if you could stand it, Stacy could, too. Stand up, Lilah."

She looked blank. "Huh?"

"I mean, if that kind of a life was going to be good enough for you, it should be good enough for Stacy, too."


"What I'm trying to say, darling, is, 'Will you marry me?' After, of course, some other matters are cleared up. I assume you can help in getting my other marriage annulled?"

She looked confused and shocked and weepy and very, very happy. This might actually be the only time he'd seen her completely without words. When she finally found some they came out blurred by her trembling lips, and he embraced her tightly instead of trying to puzzle them out.

When they finally resurfaced for air, he wiped her tears away with his thumbs and kissed her eyelids until she was tickled and pulled away laughing. "I thought for sure, the way you were talking--"

"I know what you thought. And I was serious about it. If you would have been more reluctant about it, I'd have thought you were being dishonest about how it would be."

"No! I wasn't! I--"

"Hush, I know. The fact that you expected it to be pleasurable even with all the caveats I added made me think that Stacy would still be happy!"

"Oh, I'll make her happy, too, I promise."

"Yes, just... make it real happiness. Not trance-induced. I still have feelings for her, they're just... not what I feel for you. Can you understand that? Respect that?"

She looked down at Stacy's peacefully reclining form, then, with nothing negative cluttering her glance: not jealousy, not bitterness, not even pity. Just thoughtfulness. "I will. After all, she's family now." She winked impishly at him.

He suppressed his smile at her mischievousness. "Be good."

"Always. Incest is best, put your sister to--"

"I will spank you when you are naughty, you know."

"Mmmmm... how do you expect me to be good when the rewards for being naughty are sooooo niiiice?"

"Very well, I will withdraw spanking when you are naughty."

"Hey! The deal's off."

"No it's not. I saved you from Alaska."

"Hey! I like Alaska! Besides, I didn't even say 'yes' yet. Officially."

"Close enough."

"You weren't on your knees when you proposed."

"And I never will be. We're equals."

"Well, except that I will serve you and service you and can we fuck yet because I can feel you through those shorts and really need to feel you through these lips instead?"

They took extra care not to step on the slumbering Stacy, though they didn't hold back on their passionate vocalizations. Hypnotized or not, it was a wonder they didn't wake her up.


The place was called "Don's" and the black-and-white photos decorating the wall were of Don Ho. Dressed in a tuxedo with shorts, holding a ukulele; standing on a boat bearing a line attached to a tremendous fish. Holding hands with a heavyset Hawaiian lady. Adam wasn't sure whether the place'd had an official affiliation with the man or was just owned by obsessed fans.

Regardless of the rationale, Don's was a fine restaurant located in an out-of-the-way area halfway to Diamond Head. The host met them at the door, where Adam informed him of their reservation for "Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn". They were quickly escorted to a sumptuously decorated table for two in the center of the main room, and Adam brushed aside the host's attempt to hold a chair out for Lilah in favor of doing it himself. He was sure he accompanied the most beautiful lady in the room... or barring that, certainly the sexiest. If somehow all eyes in the room were not on her shapely hips beneath the elegant white dress, well, then that was their great loss. He was thrilled at the waft of perfume which breezed off his soul-mate, and kissed her heartily on the lips before seating himself across from her.

The host didn't blink; he was very used to newlyweds. He informed them of their waitress's name, but neither caught it, wrapped up in each other as they were. A server approaching with glasses of ice water broke the spell.

"You look beautiful tonight."

"Oh, only tonight?" she inquired, arching an eyebrow.

"Always, but especially tonight."

"Is it the dress, or me?"


"Hmmm... still trying to decide if that was the right answer."

"Don't bother. I'm sure it was right. We could test the theory, of course. You brought several tons of clothing."

"It's just the one bag!"

"Yes, I was impressed at how much you managed to pack into the one suitcase. Although I'd rather it have been two bags I can carry than one I have to hire someone for."

"Stacy packed it for me special. I think there's a lot of lingerie inside, so stop complaining." She paused, looking thoughtful. "Do you think she's all right? She seemed a little sniffly when she dropped us off at the airport."

"Well, you know she was a bit miffed when we said we weren't bringing her along."

"Yes, she was so disappointed! I think we should get her a nice present to make up for it. In fact, I insist."

"How very kind of you to think of her. Particularly since you're not above tormenting the poor lass at your Bible Study group. Cassie Arrhenius told everyone about Stacy running a hand up her thigh in the coatroom. It was quite a spectacle, I understand. And took some explaining, afterward, I'm sure. Ah," he said as the bottle arrived and was blasted open. He held out his glass and watched it fill with the bubbly fluid. "Thank you."

"None for me," Lilah told the server. "I want to do it the right way, after all. Water will be absolutely fine, really." The server, mildly mystified, raised an eyebrow and the bottle, bowed a tad, and walked to the next table as Lilah continued. "She thought it was me! Cassie and I were wearing similar dresses, and you know how I have her conditioned to respond to red..."

"Yes, well, you might want to tone it down a little. It was the minister's cousin this time, next time it could be--" It took him a minute, but he wasn't completely daft. "Um... did you just...? Are you...?"

"According to the little tester thingy, yeah. It made a plus."

"When did you find this out?" His incredulity was noted by people within a four table radius.

"On the plane. I had suspicions, of course, but no proof until then." She raised her crystal of water to his. "Cheers!" After theclinkshe added, "Daddy!"

Her grin was infectious, and he forced his stammering to be short-lived in order to blurt out a reply. "My God, congratul-- I mean this is wonderful! Hooray for us!" He knocked back his champagne in a single gulp and sought the server to ask for another. "I knew we were going to start trying, but I thought it would be now, here. You know, 'Name your daughter "Maui" in honor of...' or something."

"Well, I started a little early. And therefore, so did we. And Stacy will make an excellent nanny, don't you think?"

He was utterly without words, so he went with feelings. "I love you!"

"I love you, too!" she beamed before bringing her eyebrows down, mock-serious. "Now, what do you think an expectant mother should have for dinner? The waitress is coming back. Huh. I think I'll go with the filet. I know it's the most expensive, but..."

"You don't eat red meat!"

"Hmmmm... I think the baby wants it."

"Waitress, quick, get her the filet mignon before she changes her mind."

"Very good, sir. And for you?"

"More champagne."

"And for dinner, sir?"

"Oh, right, right... uh... the chicken marsala. With no cheese."

"I am sure the chef will be accommodating, as he never uses any in that dish." She smirked at him. "Will that be all?"

He waved her away, feeling stupid and giddy. And it wasn't the champagne-- at least not yet.

"She's laughing at you."

"Yeah, well, who wouldn't?"

"True, but it's not her place. She is here to serve you."

"Here we go again."

"What, can I help it if it's hard to find decent help these days? I think we should take her back to the hotel room and teach her a lesson. Or lessons."

"Lilah..." he warned. "You've gotten no fun vibes from her--"

"That can be arranged."

"--so leave her alone." He relented, thoughtfully, contemplating the waitress's ass as she bent to collect the menus at an adjacent table. "After we get the check, maybe."

"Okay. I'll be good. Scout's honor."

He rolled his eyes. "Where have I heard that before?"


The trip back to the hotel room was uneventful. They'd considered another resort, but ultimately decided on room 581 of the Four Seasons. Even rescheduled the wedding a week later in order to get it. The urgency of their entrance this time was gone, but the excitement was still present and accounted for. They were, despite Lilah's half-serious efforts, alone. Adam turned the lights down low, tuned the stereo to a local jazz station, and loosened his tie.

"Naughty, naughty, flirting with the waitress, after I told you not to."

"But I thought..."

"You were making her uncomfortable."

"I was making her horny."

"Don't count on that. Not every pretty girl is a cunt-licking slut like you are."

"No, just the best ones. And the rest I can fix."

"Hmmm... true. Nevertheless."

"You enjoyed it when I spread my legs at her. Admit it."

"I did, but you disobeyed a direct order, and that calls for punishment. Now assume the position and raise your skirt."

"Yes, sir."

"I-- nice. I thought you weren't wearing any. But they're actually just crotchless."

"Mmm hmmm."

"Ah, well, down they come regardless. Um... Will it... is it safe? I mean, will it hurt the baby?"

"It'll be fine. My daddy always spanked me when I was naughty."

"Yes, but pre-natal?"

"Maybe. Hey, maybe that's why I like it so much! It takes me back to the womb. I'll have to ask Mom."

"Ack! Stop. Things I don't need to know about your parents!"

"Hey, my mom was quite the hottie in her day. I found dirty photos. You would have done her."

"Yes, well, not now. I refuse to be a motherfucker."

"Ahem. That's a damn shame, because I must reiterate that my status is approaching motherhood. So if you won't do your duty, sir, I shall have to seek consolation elsewhere. And Stacy will not be enough for me. Even with the strap-on. I will seek a new man. Ooh! Maybe with a pregnancy fetish!"

He gave her the only proper answer...

"Ow! Er... was I naughty enough for you to do that ag-- ow!"

"I love you, too, dear."


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jkon77jkon77almost 3 years ago


since you have posted any new story since 2006 (and that's a shame, given your obvious talent), I hope you are well and eventually earning a nice living though writing.

So, just a quick thank you for a very nice and hot story.

You spent much more time about defining the characters than about sex scenes themselves, and for me, at least, this was perfect.

The more substance and deepness the characters have, the more love and sex scenes are enjoyable (at least for me).

For your time, your talent, and for sharing this nice story with us, once again, many thanks.

succubi33succubi33over 9 years ago

I have to say I do love this story, the charecters the setting ,you have a wonderful way of conveying all the emotions they are feeling, and it is extremely hot. Not that it doesn't touch a nerve here or there, but that's why I like it, it feels real. keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Wow. Thanks.

That was a really nice, slow burn. You did a good job of turning what's normally a set of painful existential issues (mate choice, commitment, and guilt) into something sexy.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpetealmost 13 years ago
This is a very solid MC story as it mixes real heartfelt emotions with....

...trance-inspired mental alterations. It is a solid piece of erotica as well although I agree that it began to get sappy at the end, and some fun with Stacy's transformation was skipped as well AND I wish the aspect of a marriage called "renewing the passion" was dealt with, so that calumny couldn't shroud his behavior but still an easy 5. Thanks for the effort and if you still visit here I would say the site needs more from someone with your talent. Gilding the lily indeed!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

best story i have read in a long long long time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Conquering All

You know, a lot of authors don't get how hot LOVE is. Sure, you can get off on just lust, control can be hot too...but actually finding the perfect mate? Well, let me just say that it really makes the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
did i miss something?

I just could not get heated up over this one. What was this about sexy dialogue? It started that way but for me seemed to drift away into something a bit mawkish. Sorry but it became like Mills and Boon meet 9 and a half weeks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Perhaps one of the best I have read so far. I absolutely loved the witty and dirty dialogue between Adam and Lilah. Their emotions and feelings were so well writen also.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago


asiaprofasiaprofover 17 years ago
Very hot!

Perhaps the only good MC piece on this site recently.

Keep it up...

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