Tithonus Gym and Health Club Pt. 04


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"You mentioned the piercings. Rachael and others have commented about my nipples being perfect for piercing. Is that something you want me to do? I'm afraid of needles and scared to death of the pain something like that would cause. What do you think?"

"If you are willing. I love the idea of having your nipples pierced and think I've mentioned that to you myself a time or two," Ashley replied recalling the first time she showered with Lisa. "If you are you up for checking it out, we can stop by a place I know on the way home."

Unsure of herself and not knowing what Ashley expected of her, Lisa was hesitant. "Er, ugh, I don't think it would hurt to see what they have if you want to go."

Ashley was thrilled. She hadn't expected Lisa to be so agreeable so quickly and in fact had prepared mentally for the discussion she thought she would have to have with Lisa to convince her to step out of her comfort zone once again.

"Great, I have some friends that run a tattoo and piercing shop over off Belvidere. It's only a few minutes from here."

Ashley quickly and quietly navigated her Range Rover a few blocks north of their original destination and in a few minutes pulled to a stop outside a brightly lit building just off the main drag. The sign on the building in bright yellow lights proudly proclaiming the establishment to be "All About You Tattoo." Underneath the large lettering a smaller tag line read "Pain and Pleasure Piercing Pagoda".

Ashley unbuckled her seatbelt and seeing the apprehension on Lisa's face reached to reassure her lover.

"Let's just look around and see what's available. If you're not comfortable, we don't have to have anything done this evening," Ashley said.

Inside they first met a young woman standing behind a counter waiting on a couple of older customers. It seemed the clerk, a girl appearing to be in her teens, was just completing a transaction so Ashley and Lisa waited and while waiting used the few minutes to look around the room.

The walls were decorated with many different designs, displaying the types of tattoos available for purchase. On one wall were different types of birds and many flowers. Another wall had what the women assumed were tattoos that would appeal to the Goth crowd. Tucked away almost out of sight were pictures of different piercings on individuals they assumed were former customers. This intrigued the women the most.

Pictures of nipple piercings, labia piercings, vulva and clitoris piercings along with piercings done on the male anatomy as well adorned this small area. Lisa and even Ashley were surprised at what some people put themselves through.

"May I help you?" the young lady behind the counter asked surprising both young women. The girl's hair was black with purple streaks running through it. She was a small person, perhaps 5'2" and 100 pounds. Tiny breasts covered by a peasant girl blouse and a short black skirt, with dark eyeliner and heavy makeup, several piercings and tattoos completed the look of what Lisa and Ashley could see.

"Oh, er, yes, yes you can", Ashley replied. "Is Beth here today?"

"Yes, but she's with a customer right now. Is there anything I can do?"

"We're interested in speaking with her about getting a piercing done. Well, actually what we'd like I think this evening is just more information. I know Beth and thought it'd be best to speak with her if that's okay," Ashley responded.

"Well, I think she will be done in a few minutes, feel free to look around and if you have any questions I can answer, don't hesitate. I'm right here," the young lady replied.

Ashley steered Lisa back to the corner of the room to the pictures of pierced lady-parts, standing behind her and directing her attention to the pictures of pierced nipples. Among the photos were breasts with nipples bearing a single stainless barbell with plain knobs on either end, some were adorned with some type of jewel on either end. Some were pierced vertically and others horizontally. A few were pierced in both directions with studs inserted both top to bottom and side to side, with silver balls on either end creating a dynamic effect on the wearer's nipple. There were pictures of nipples pierced and the jewelry included a round disk covering the entire areola held in place by a steel rod through the nipple. As Lisa took all this in, Ashley wrapped her arms around Lisa's torso and began to lightly stimulate Lisa's nipples.

Excited beyond measure, Lisa didn't quite know what to do. She'd never been 'felt up' in a public place before and even though the person performing the assault was her lover, she wanted Ashley to stop. Stop before Lisa had a climax!

Gently Ashley whispers into Lisa's ear, "Would you like me to get a piercing like Maria has? You seemed to be in love with her pussy. Was it her or her piercing that caused such an attraction?"

About the time Lisa knew she couldn't hold out any longer. Her nipples hard as erasers, and excited beyond her ability to control herself, Lisa let out a deep moan and came as Ashley dropped her hands to Lisa's crotch and rubbed her covered pussy diligently.

Just at that moment a woman appeared from the rear of the store. Evidently this was Beth, the friend of Ashley they'd been waiting for.

Slightly embarrassed for her friend and her companion, Beth collects herself and asks, "Good evening, ladies, is there anything I can do for either of you?"

Regaining her composure Ashley stammers, "H- Hi Beth, how are you?"

"Doing good, Ashley, but obviously not so well as you. Who is this delightful young thing?"

Lisa turns to take in the woman standing behind Ashley and sees a somewhat masculine looking woman who appears to be in her early 40's, staring back at her and displaying a bit of a smirk on her round face. The woman, Lisa assumes is Beth reaches to hug Ashley and gives her a welcome kiss on her cheek.

"Beth, let me introduce you to my friend, Lisa," Ashley replied.

'Friend? That's what she called me?' Lisa thought to herself. 'Not her girlfriend, not her lover, not a person I've given my heart to?' Lisa was horrified at this clear insult.

"Lisa, this is my friend, Beth. She owns the piercing part of this business along with her girlfriend, Rainn who handles the tattoos" Ashley explained.

After a bit of small talk between Ashley and Beth, Beth asks Ashley what she can do for her today.

"Lisa has some interest in getting her nipples pierced and we thought it would be a good idea to look around, talk to you and get some first-hand knowledge on what's involved," Ashley explained.

"Oh, sure. That's a great idea, Beth replied. "Well, you can see from the pictures there's a bit of variety in both how the nipple can be pierced as well as the type and style of jewelry one decides to wear. Can I ask, what about your nipples, would you consider them fat or narrow and are they long or short?" Beth inquired.

Now it was Lisa's turn to blush. "Er, I, I guess I'd say they are long and narrow, but I don't really know how to answer that." Lisa replied.

"Beth, she's defiantly got long, very long nipples and they are about as fat as a pencil eraser. I'm worried sometimes when she's excited, they're going to poke my eye out." Ashley added with a smile and a reassuring touch to Lisa's shoulder.

"Well, given what you both have told me, it sounds like you are a great candidate for any type of piercing you want, either vertical or horizontal, but I don't think I'd recommend you having two piercings in each nipple like this one here," Beth states as she points out the picture of someone who has the cross version piercing her nipple from top to bottom and side to side. "And you can pretty much pick any type of jewelry you want. I would have to see them to accurately assess, but from what you've told me, I would suggest a surgical stainless captive ball ring. Of course, you can surely go with barbells in stainless instead, it's completely your choice."

"Ugh, stainless steel? Why not gold or titanium, Beth?" Ashley inquired.

"Well, those are available too. I believe in starting out with surgical stainless to begin with and then later on, once the piercings have healed, you can upgrade to another metal and even add decorative stones, your birthstone for instance or even diamonds to the jewelry. I just believe surgical stainless gives you the least chance for infection," Beth explained.

"What's the process?" Ashley asked.

"Well, first you'll decide on jewelry. If it's nipples we're looking to pierce that usually means selecting between barbells and rings. Most people start with barbells, but if I could suggest, you two look like a couple who like to play. Why not start with rings, captive ball rings? They are just as easy to care for and a hell of a lot more fun in the bedroom, if you understand my meaning," Beth explained.

"Once the jewelry is selected it's placed in an autoclave for sterilization. While that's happening, I get you ready for piercing. First, I'll have you disrobe from the waist up and then I'll mark your nipples with a sharpie to show where the piercing will go. This is important because we want to make sure your jewelry is straight and looks nice on your body. Once we have that done, we'll get you comfortable on the table and I'll attach forceps to first one nipple, aligning the marks I've made and then I'll gently pierce your nipple pushing the needle through with the jewelry and locking either the captive ball ring in place or screwing on the end to the barbell. Once you've had a chance to relax, we'll do the exact same procedure on the other nipple. Assuming of course, you want both done." Beth explained.

"Does it hurt? . . . much?" Lisa asked sheepishly.

"Sweetie, I explain it like this. It's a moment of pain for a lifetime of pleasure. As I'm sure you know, the nipple has many tiny nerve endings. That's what brings you enjoyment when they are fondled, or your lover supplies oral attention. The piercing only takes a second, there's no blood loss and even though the healing time can take up to 6 months, you two will be able to 'play' again very quickly," Beth assured both women.

"Can we see where you do the actual piercings?" Ashley asked Beth.

"Of course, my dear. Follow me." Beth led the way around the counter, down a short hallway and into another of several rooms situated there.

Beth led the young lovers into the last room on the hallway and began showing them what was held there. The autoclave sat on a counter on one wall near a sink. There were cabinets, a sink and in the middle of the small room was a table similar to the ones Ashley and Lisa's gynecologists used complete with stirrups. The space was spotless, and all the items were neatly arranged or in most cases stored in the cabinets out of sight of the customer.

"We strive to create a safe, comfortable space for our customers. We want them to feel, as we do, their health is the most important thing," Beth explained.

Both women were impressed both by the facility which was spotless and had a clean fresh aroma, and by Beth. She was professional in her appearance (sexy too) and evidently knew what she was doing as Ashley had explained earlier, she'd been in the business for a long time.

"So, what do you think, Lisa," Ashley asked.

"How much pain is involved with this?" an obviously reluctant Lisa asked again.

"I'm not going to sugar coat it for you, it's a bit of pain, but I want to emphasize, it will last only a second and then it is over with," Beth assured the reluctant younger woman.

"I need to think about this a little more," Lisa replied.

Obviously disappointed, Ashley turns to her friend Beth and shrugs. "Maybe another time, then. I myself am interested in a piercing in another area; my clit," Ashley whispers to the shop owner.

"Well, there a lot of options there. Why don't we return to the showroom and discuss what you might like?" Beth says, taking Ashley's arm at the elbow and escorting her back to the front of the store, leaving Lisa to her own devices.

Slowly, Lisa finishes looking over the room where she may be 'tortured' and eventually walks slowly back into the front of the store.

"Hi again!" The clerk behind the counter remarks to Lisa.

"Hi," Lisa responds.

"I'm Abbey. I saw you looking at nipple piercings. You're going to get it done, right?" the young clerk says to Lisa in an excited voice.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm adverse to pain and that's a pretty drastic decision. I'm going to have to think about it before I commit to that," Lisa explains.

"Shoot, it's nothing! I got mine done over three years ago: the minute I turned 16. Look!" an obviously excited young woman brags to Lisa as she pulls her blouse down revealing her tiny breasts with each nipple adorned with a barbell holding an Aztec Sun nipple shield in place.

"Oh, my God!" Lisa responds, shocked at the brazen attitude of the younger woman. "Didn't that hurt?"

"Only for a second and the pleasure I've gotten since having the done has been unbelievable. When my girlfriend plays with my nips, it's like they are being stimulated both inside and out. It's really un-freaking-believable!" Abbey states emphatically. "You really should get them done."

At this juncture Lisa and Abbey are rejoined by Ashley and Beth, who admonishes Abbey to "Cover yourself, girl. You'll cause me to loss my business license."

Abbey reluctantly covers her breasts and Ashley and Lisa thank both women for their time. As Lisa leaves, she looks over her shoulder at both Beth and Abbey wishfully.


The next morning, Lisa called Ashley to let her know not to expect her at the gym until after noon. She complained to Ashley of not feeling well but really, she was ashamed for anyone to see the hickies Maria had left on her neck and breasts. She was covered in light purple bruises that would be hard to explain. The other reason was Lisa had much to contemplate.

What the hell was going on with her and her feelings for Ashley? And now she was infatuated with Rachael, and she was sure she was in lust with Maria.

As far as Tabitha was concerned, she was certainly attractive and her personality was pleasant enough but aside from her nursing her, Lisa couldn't see her association with the young mother progressing beyond its current status.

Then there was her reaction to seeing Abbey's breasts yesterday at All About You Tattoo and Pain and Pleasure Piercing Pagoda. She was intrigued by what the young woman had said about the unbelievable pleasure she'd received since she was pierced. Her nips did look really good with the nipple shield.

One other more important issue Lisa had on her mind was darker and more sinister in nature. Unbeknown to Ashley or any gym member, Lisa had been spending time each week at a shooting range near her home.

Since her rape, she had been obsessed with getting her revenge on the boyfriend that set her up as well as the actual rapist. Her plan from the beginning was to seek them out and shoot them, kill both of them dead as a door nail. She didn't have an actual plan for getting this accomplished, but that was her plan in the macro stage. Lisa quickly found out handling a firearm required more skill than she had so she joined the Black Creek Gun Club in order to train for her mission. The next obstacle she had to overcome was her relative lack of strength. In fact, her first time on the range made it painfully clear she needed to develop upper body strength in order to control the Kimber Raptor II model pistol she'd selected for the job.

The gun range arranged an introduction to an instructor by the name of Jackie Sharp who'd taken her under her wing and seemed eager to help her in any way possible. Jackie was a retired Army Major, who Lisa guessed to be in her early 40's. With her choice in clothing, it was hard to get a read on her, but Lisa could tell she was taller than she was, make her about 5'9" or so and about 140 pounds, maybe more. Jackie typically wore what looked to be men's clothing, jeans and flannel shirt with black combat boots and kept her hair cut short. But she knew her guns and how to use them and that's all Lisa cared about at the moment.

Lisa was still languishing in bed, thinking about these things when she began reliving the events of the previous days. Images of Abbey's pierced tits, Maria's pierced cunt and Rachael, sweet Rachael flooded her consciousness.

Absent mindedly, Lisa began playing with her clit, just lightly strumming her tiny button while she allowed thoughts of the past couple days to play through her mind.

In her mind's eye, she could see Abbey's tits, pierced and adorned with the nipple shield while recalling her words "it's like they are being stimulated both inside and out."

'Oh, that feels good', Lisa thought to herself.

Then images of Maria's pierced clit would flit through the horny young woman's mind as she recalled the unique taste of the Hispanic woman's cunt. Licking her lips, Lisa began strumming her clit with more enthusiasm and purpose. What had begun as an absent-minded activity had now become an urgent mission.

Just as Lisa was beginning to feel the first stirrings of a needed orgasm, her phone rang. She tried to ignore the interruption and continued frigging her needy pussy. Ring! Ring! 'Just a bit more', Lisa tried to block out the noise of the phone and concentrate on her orgasm. Ring! Ring! 'Almost there', concentration was now becoming harder and harder. Ring! Ring! 'Oh, shit!' an exasperated and frustrated Lisa grabs her phone and almost shouts, "Hello!"

"Er, hi Lisa. This is Tabitha. I was hoping to see you at the gym this morning, but Ashley told me you most likely wouldn't be in today. Is there any way we could, ugh, you know meet?"

"Oh, hi Tabitha. Gee, I don't know. I have some things to do today," Lisa lied. "What time did you have in mind?"

"Well, I'm just about to burst now! Can you come over now?" the nursing mother inquired.

"I'll have to get a shower and dress, first," Lisa responded.

"Just throw on something and come over. You can shower over here, after, er, well you know," Tabitha implored the young woman. "I've nursed both of the children, but I'm still in need! I'll put them down for their naps, so we'll have as much privacy as we want or need."

"Er, Okay. Can you text me your address? I'm not sure I remember the way," Lisa added before hanging up.

Lisa, reluctantly threw back the sheet she was under, got up, washed her face and threw on a pair of jean cut-offs over her body before choosing a thin top with spaghetti straps. She grabbed her phone, checked to make sure Tabitha had in fact texted the address, before rushing out the door. Once in the car, she put the address into Waze, clicked her seatbelt and began the short drive over to the anxious Tabitha.

Lisa was greeted at the door by her friend who quickly embraced her young lover and began passionately kissing her, prizing her lips apart and inserting her tongue into Lisa's moist oral cavity. Tabitha was nearly panting as she broke the kiss and explained "I've been nearly about to die, waiting for your arrival. I'm so horny! I need you desperately."

Tabitha escorted Lisa through the living area of the house and into a bedroom all the while talking excitedly about how much she appreciated Lisa rushing over.

"I've just been about to burst. I've feed both children, but I am still anxious and on edge. I can't ever seem to get enough for you. Please Lisa, you've just got to agree to a schedule for me. Can you commit to doing this for me, today? Please!"

Tabitha of course noticed the array of bruises Lisa had on her neck and on the skin left bare by her top but chose not to mention them at this time. She knew who placed them on Lisa's previously unblemished skin and also knew Maria had plans for much more for the younger lesbian.