To Tell, or Not To Tell

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He cheated, should he confess?
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Exploring the question about confessing when you've cheated. Is it ever okay not to admit you cheated?

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Peterson?"

"Jenkins, yeah, come in. .... Listen, Toledo is blowing up on us and those fools have no idea how to fix it. I need you to drive up there and get our system back up and running."

"Uh, okay, but it's Friday, by the time I get there they will be closed for the weekend."

"I told the site manager to have someone meet you there and be available to assist you for as long as you need." Peterson picked up a notepad and tore off the top sheet. This guy will meet you at the back loading dock and let you in."

I took the note paper and stuck it in my pocket. "I'll head home now, pack a bag, then head out."

"Great! I knew I could count on you. When you get back, we need to discuss your future here. I have big plans for you after Morrison retires."

I smiled at Mr. Peterson, "Thank you, sir, I look forward to talking with you."

"Good! Now get out of here so you can get on the road."

I turned and walked quickly back to my desk. "Mark! ... He is sending me to Toledo, so you'll have to cover for me for the rest of the day and any emergencies over the weekend."

My co-worker nodded, "Sure, not much of anything going on today, so I can handle it. Sucks you have to give up your weekend. I'm sure Amy won't be thrilled."

As I hustled out to my car, I called my wife, Amy. "Hey Babe, Peterson is sending me on a rescue mission to Toledo. I'm on my way home to grab an overnight bag."

"Dan! We have the cookout at my parent's house tomorrow. We're supposed to spend the weekend there, remember? My brother and both of my sisters will be there with all their kids."

"Shit, I'm sorry, but it can't be helped, I have to go. Peterson, himself, asked me to do it. ... I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, I bet you are. Well, the kids and I are at the mall getting new swimsuits, so I guess I'll see you Sunday Night."

I started apologizing but soon realized she had already ended the call and I was just talking to myself. I sighed, great, things haven't been good between us lately and now she's really mad at me.

We just can't seem to catch a break. Between my job and the kid's activities, we hardly ever have any time to ourselves. We haven't had sex in over four weeks and, now that she's mad at me, that's not likely to change anytime soon. Maybe, if I get Morrison's job, I'll be able to cut out all of the overtime I've had to work lately.

I pulled into my driveway, parked, and hustled inside. I grabbed a small suitcase and loaded it with a couple of days of casual clothes. I snatched my toiletries and headed back out to my car.

It is usually about a two-hour drive to the plant, but I got there just in time to get caught in Friday night traffic. It was well past closing time when I pulled into the empty parking lot and around to the loading dock.

When I parked, I pulled out the paper Peterson had given me. I texted "Sam Mathews" to let him know I had arrived. I walked to the rear door and rang the loud bell. It took a couple of minutes, but the door finally creaked open.

"Hi I'm Sam, you must be Mr. Jenkins?"

I gaped at the speaker. "Sam" was about 5'6" with lots of dark red hair, green eyes, and an impressive rack nicely displayed in a scooped-neck long-sleeve tee shirt. She smiled brightly at my confused look.

"Let me guess, you thought "Sam" would be a guy? (I nodded) Yeah, happens all the time. I just never liked "Samantha" so I've always been called "Sam, " sorry for the confusion."

"No, no, my bad!" I stuck out my hand. "I'm Dan Jenkins, glad to meet you, Sam Mathews."

She led me back to the utility area at the far end of the warehouse floor. As I followed her, I couldn't stop staring at her shapely bubble butt as it twitched back and forth. Fortunately, I averted my eyes when we got close to the door and she quickly turned to speak to me.

"I'm sorry we had to call you, Mr. Jenkins, I've only been working here two months and Mr. Fuller is on vacation in Europe. I tried to get the system to restart, but I kept getting error notifications and then it would shut down again."

"Please, call me Dan, is it okay if I call you Sam?"

She nodded and her beautiful red locks bounced around her lovely freckled face. "Okay, Dan, do you have any ideas?"

"Sam, this system should have been replaced some time ago, but management doesn't like to spend money on new equipment. It can be pretty finicky and is sensitive to power fluctuations."

"Ah! We had a nasty storm roll through here two nights ago and that's when it started dropping out."

"Okay, Let's pull the covers and see what's going on."

The system was the controller for all of the automation units in the warehouse. When it dropped out, the conveyers stopped, the robot pickers died and all the inventory screens went blank. This was a cutting-edge system back in the day, but it was well past its prime. This was my third visit to Toledo in the last five years. If I get promoted, I will lobby for an equipment update.

We worked through various parts of the system trying to find the fault. It was not hard work, but it was time-consuming to have to test every section for failure. The newer systems had test ports and some were completely self-monitoring, but not this old system.

After a couple of hours, I heard Sam's belly growl. She chuckled, "I worked through lunch and now my belly is complaining. Do you want to order a pizza or something?"

"Sure, I can always go for pizza. I like pepperoni, but will eat anything except anchovies."

"Ew yuck, no fish for me, pepperoni is my favorite. There's a place just down the road that delivers here all the time, I'll give them a call."

We worked until about nine o'clock. We had diagnosed a couple of problems but I knew there were more to be discovered. "Okay, Sam, Let's call it a night. I'm bushed and I haven't even checked into my hotel yet."

Sam stretched, which was quite a sight, and said, "Yeah, me too. Excuse me, I need to call an Uber." She fished her phone out of her back pocket and started tapping the screen.

"Wait, I can give you a ride home, there's no need to call an Uber."

"Really? Uber is a little slow out here, so, if it's not too much to ask, I'll take you up on that offer."

"No problem, where do you live? I usually stay at the Hyatt off I-75."

"Great, my apartment is near there, so it won't be too far out of your way."

We chatted about what we'd done today and what we might need for further testing and repairs. I followed Sam's directions and we pulled into a very nice apartment complex.

"Wow, these look pretty nice, are they new?"

"Yeah, brand new, in fact, I'm the only tenant in my building, so far. It may be a bit messy, but would you like to come in and see it?"

I glanced at my watch, it was almost 10:00. "No, I'd like to see it, but I better get to my hotel. Do you want me to pick you up in the morning?"

"Could you? My brother has my SUV and I won't get it back until Sunday night."

"I'll call you when I'm on my way here, say 9:00?"

She placed a delicate hand on my forearm and gave it a light squeeze, "thank you so much!"

I called Amy when I got into my room. "Sorry to call so late. It was a very long day! I'm guessing it will be Sunday evening before I get back"

"Whatever, the kids are already asleep, so good night." She disconnected.

Fucking hell! She hung up on me! I grabbed a five-dollar bottle of beer from the mini bandit and plopped down on the bed. I knew she was upset, but it's not like I had a real choice not to go to her parent's house. What the hell did she expect me to do?

I had a fitful night's sleep but managed to get up when my alarm sounded. I called Sam and she was standing outside when I got to her apartment. Damn did she look good! She was wearing leggings and a short, tight tee shirt.

We worked through most of the day and finally got everything running correctly. I ran a few extra tests and it all checked out. Sam had been a great help and I was pretty sure she would be able to handle any new developments.

"So, are you headed back tonight?"

"No, the family is all at my in-laws for the weekend, so I think I'll head back tomorrow."

"Great, will you let me buy you dinner? You know, as a thank you for showing me how to keep that ancient old system running."

"No, but I'd be happy to buy your dinner because I'm on an expense account, I said and laughed."

She agreed and we went to a local steak house and had a nice meal. She insisted she be allowed to buy the wine and we ended up splitting a nice bottle of 19 Crimes. We drove back to her place and I accepted when she asked me to come in for a nightcap.

She opened another bottle of wine and we sat on her sofa. I excused myself and went into the bathroom to call Amy.

The phone rang several times and I thought it would go to voicemail, but she answered. "The kids are playing a game with their cousins and I'm not interrupting them."

"I just wanted to say goodnight to them."

"No." She disconnected.

Holy shit, she hung up on me again! What the fuck? I called her back, but this time it went straight to voicemail. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I splashed some cold water on my face and took several more deep breaths.

Sam was sitting on the sofa when I returned. "Are you ok?"

I sighed, "Just trying to deal with a pissed-off wife. She wanted me to be at her parent's party, but Peterson wanted me here. It seems like she's been unhappy with me for a while and now I'm pretty unhappy with her."

"Oh, Dan, I'm sorry to hear that. Doesn't she understand it's just part of your job?"

"I've tried to explain that to her, but she doesn't want to hear it. She just gets mad and shuts me out. ... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking to you about my marital problems. Maybe I better go."

"No, please, I want you to stay. Let's have another drink and talk about something else." She grabbed the wine and filled my glass.

"So, you know about my troubles, what's going on in your life?"

"Oh, ... well, there's not much to tell. I ended a long-term relationship about 3 months ago, moved here, and went to work at the plant. I guess this is kind of a new chapter in my life."

"Would it be too invasive to ask about your breakup?"

"No, my boyfriend of two years took a job in Alabama and I have no interest in living in Alabama. He took the job and just assumed I'd move there with him. He had a week to decide and never bothered to ask me what I wanted, so we split."

"I'm sorry, it must have been hard to let him go, but at least you weren't married with two kids to consider, " I said with way too much bitterness.

"You're right, we had talked about getting engaged, but I'm glad we didn't. I had no idea he could be so self-centered and inconsiderate. I made a clean break and now I'm in a new place with a new job."

"Well, that's exciting, have you made any new friends?"

"None that have interested me, until yesterday when you showed up." Sam quickly brought her hand up to her lips. "Oh my, maybe I've had a bit too much wine." She said with a blush.

I chuckled, "Sam you have made this trip much more bearable, I have enjoyed your company these past two days." I smiled at her beautiful face and she blushed again.

She set her wine glass down and slid closer to me. "Dan, the past three months have been very lonely here on my own. These last two days have been the most fun I've had since I moved here. I know it's wrong, but I am very attracted to you."

She then leaned in and kissed me. I know I should have pulled away, but I didn't want to. Her lips were soft and she smelled of lavender. I ran my hands up her arms and pulled her into my chest. She responded by kissing me deeply and running a hand across my shoulder and into my hair. Her mouth opened and her tongue searched for mine.

I slid my hands down to grasp the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. Her hands worked to unbutton my shirt and then moved to my belt. In moments we were naked and I kissed her neck and sucked on her soft skin.

"Please, Dan, please, I need you inside me."

She spread her legs and guided me into her wet pussy. I entered her slowly and felt her heels urging me on. I slid completely inside her and she moaned deeply.

"Yes! Yes!, that's what I needed, oh god you feel so good inside me. Please Dan, harder, fuck me harder."

I pounded into her and her hips came up to meet mine. She grunted softly as we slammed together.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Her heels pressed into my ass, driving me into her sucking pussy. "Oh god, Yeeeeeeees!" She keened as she came. Her nails dug into my back, "Yeeees! Give it to me! Oh my god! cum with me, Cum for me now!"

I exploded inside her. Rope after rope of hot cum spewed into her debts, as she clung to me.

Once I was able to breathe, I kissed her softly on the lips. "Sam, that was fantastic."

"Oh my god, Dan! I needed that so badly. Thank you! I was so afraid you were going to reject me." She kissed me deeply and hugged me hard.

Slowly reality began to come back to me and I sat up on the couch. I looked at this beautiful young woman as she rose to sit next to me. "Sam, we should not have done that, I'm sorry."

"Shhh" she pressed a finger to my lips. "I didn't do anything I didn't want to do. We're just two stressed-out friends that needed a little comfort. Thank you, Dan, for giving me a little bit of yourself. What happened here tonight is just between us. It was a one-time thing and I'm glad it happened."

I held her for a while and she asked if I wanted to stay. I knew if I did we would make love all night long. Reluctantly I got dressed, kissed her good night, and drove back to my hotel.

As I lay in bed, the guilt came for me. I had cheated on my wife. I was pissed at Amy and I was horny as hell and Sam wanted me. God, it was nice to be wanted by a beautiful young woman, but it was wrong. Fuck, what do I do now?

On the drive home, I worked it over in my head. Do I tell Amy and ask for forgiveness? If so, when do I tell her? She's very pissed at me already, this will certainly send her over the edge. Maybe I could wait and tell her after I'm promoted and our life is back on track. But then, will she explode because I hid it from her and didn't tell her right away?

What if I simply don't tell her? Could I do that? Could I hide it from her? Could I handle the guilt? But what happens if she somehow finds out? She'll be crushed, just as I would be if she did it to me. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I pulled into my garage, got my bag, and went inside.

Amy was standing in the kitchen, leaning on the counter. I dropped my bags and walked into the kitchen. She looked up at me and a tear ran down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry! I treated you so badly. I should never have used the kids to try to hurt you. That was wrong in so many ways. I told my mom what was happening between us and she helped me see I was being selfish. Oh, Dan, I love you so much! Can you ever forgive me?"

As she was talking I stepped to her and took her into my arms. I patted her and kissed the top of her head. When she finished talking, I held her at arm's length.

"I love you too, Baby, let's just forget this weekend ever happened and promise each other to never speak of it again."

Her beautiful face beamed at me as she nodded her agreement. I swept her up in my arms and carried her toward our bed.

"The kids stayed at mom's, so we have all night," she said with a big grin. Turned out we had all morning too because I called in and Peterson was happy to give me the day off.


It's been 25 years since I strayed and I never did it again. I never told Amy and even though I still get guilt pangs from time to time, I'm glad I didn't tell her.


So how about you, what you have done? Is it true that sometimes ignorance is bliss? What would you want your spouse to do if she/he was the one that had the one-night stand? Cheating is never okay, but, in this case, would it have been worse to tell her and risk breaking up the family? The answers are not as easy as you might think, especially with young children involved.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sigh cheating and lies auck regardless of gender. And thr husband gets away with it. No reckoning. No confession.

AllNigherAllNigher10 months ago

Amazing the difference in attitudes when it is the husband that skipped and cheated once. There's be a totally different reaction from most. They'd be looking for her to be strung up and left penniless and the guy she cheated with to have his balls crushed. No such attitudes when reversed.

I'm real life... I do think she should be told. He cheated. He got one over on her. Hard to believe it was a one time thing but maybe. Don't you all day once a cheater always a cheater.

I don't see this as just happening. A good husband would not have gone to dinner inn the first place. Wife is upset,... Why not drive out to be with her and the children instead of having dinner with a cute girl? That was weird to me...

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Cheating scum. People forget on this site that more men have extramarital affairs (at least one) by their 50s (29%) than women (19%), contrary to the belief system of the incel crowd.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That’s BS that you give him a free pass, you wouldn’t have written that way if the roles were reversed. KS

TonyspencerTonyspencerover 1 year ago

Weighty problem, but best result was to keep quiet. Enjoyable and readable account.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlungerover 1 year ago

Based purely on her reaction to him having to take a work trip as demanded by his boss, the "moral dilemma" us a simple answer. Say nothing, a confession would have made the wife lose her seemingly not very bright mind (given how she was treating him) so zip it closed, resolve never to repeat it and take your secret to the grave. No Possible good would have come from a confession, not two him, not to his wife & certainly not to their children,

Carry that weight.

Thanks for the tale Reg

tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago


My position is that if it was TRULY a one-night stand, and will ABSOLUTELY, 100% NEVER repeat it, then you should live with the guilt. Confession might ease YOUR guilt, but it just dumps a load on your spouse's head.

So you would be good if your wife cucked you as long as it was one time and never to do it again.

maninconnmaninconnover 1 year ago
Wow, makin’ us work for it!

Ok I’ll bite. I’m in the SBrooks school of thought. A one time mistake, live with the guilt. Thanks for Writing!

nestorb30nestorb30over 1 year ago

Ultimately it was a one off, the only person that would be helped by confessing would be Dan, it would alleviate his guilt but devastate his wife and jeopardize his marriage. This is not a long term affair. Now as to would I want to know if my wife had a one night stand, only once, hell yes! That said, would knowing make me happy and make my marriage better....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dan needs to evaluate his priorities and weigh the possible outcomes. If Amy went back to the evil witch he left what will he do? Can he put up with the shrew he lived with before going on his business trip if she returns. How will his children fare if he is forced by a divorce to live with their mother? Since Dan and Sam were both responding to the loss of what the once held most dear how would the react if they could be together? So many questions to be considered...later.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 1 year ago

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." Thomas Gray

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 1 year ago

tralan69er wrote: "@sbrooks and reed richards, By your comments you would be good if your wives had not told you if she had strayed."


I don't know about Mr Brooks, but my wife has never confessed to such, and I've had no reason to suspect that she cheated. I've never had to go through any angst or heartache about it.

So, what does that mean? Well, it means that I've never been divorced, never had to worry about child support or visitation or custody, never had to worry about supporting two homes rather than one.


There are only two possibilities: Either you know that your wife has cheated, or you don't think that your wife has cheated. There is no you know she hasn't cheated, unless you have been keeping her chained up in the basement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If this was the wife that cheated she would have been ripped to threads in the comments. Since it was the husband everyone is like meh. Totally a double standard in LW as usual.

tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago

@sbrooks and reed richards,

By your comments you would be good if your wives had not told you if she had strayed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If he told her.divorce court for sure.

KRD19254KRD19254over 1 year ago

In his wife's state of mind, IF he told her, she would divorce him and the kids would suffer the most. He can reasonably rule out any STD, so it was time to suck-up his guilt to preserve his family. Was he right NOPE, but did his wife repeatedly treat him right - NOPE, but he had a weak moment due to home stress and work stresses - still no justifiable excuse, butttttt.


5*****, Hooyah, good story for a shitty situation, Salutes....

njlaurennjlaurenover 1 year ago

A one time accident is always more understandable than a planned thing. It is why some of the stories on here are unrealistic, a wife has a one time cheat,she tells hubby, and he goes nuclear. For a decent persin who has a slip, the guilt will haunt them and it is punishment. It is like the statute of limitations,which says the fear of being arrested is a punishment enough that those years of not knowing is enough.

Is a one time indiscretion worth destroying an otherwise good marriage?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Don't be a chump! STFU!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In your heart, YOU know whether it was a mistake you truly regret. If it is, forgive yourself, get right with your Maker, and turn it loose. Forgiveness is the greatest gift in the universe. In this case, it was the right thing.

OPrimeOPrimeover 1 year ago

What would he feel if it was his wife doing the cheating.

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