To the Manor Bound Ch. 02

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Francine's training begins in earnest.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/04/2013
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This is part two of a series; you'll probably need to read part one to get a grip on what's going on. As with the first part this focuses on forced feminisation including aspects of BDSM and non-con, so if that's not your thing, now would be the time to leave.

Chapter 2 -- The Next Day

Peter was barely able to find a second's worth of sleep that first night and what little he did was haunted by vivid dreams of being chased down a seemingly unending corridor by an outlandish caricature of a bimbo maid. Her huge breasts swayed in time with her footsteps and her face dripped with cum. Around her neck was a tight metal collar with a bell that rang hypnotically in the enclosed space. Finally, she had him corned and pinned down, and leaning in for a kiss she let some of the cum run down from her lips into Peter's mouth. The feeling of her tongue pressing deeply into Peter's mouth seemed to expand and harder as he tried to shake himself free but that only seemed to make the ringing of the collar bell grow louder and louder until finally . . .

Peter woke with a start to find himself still strapped tightly down where he'd been left the night before. The ringing sound continued though and it took a second for Peter to realise where it was coming from as he felt his tightly locked cock throb again and the little bell gave another jangle.

"Pleasant dreams Francine?"

It was Lord Madison, leaning with an elbow against the mantelpiece, a cup of freshly steaming tea in his hand. Gone was the green, tweed three-piece that he'd been wearing the day before now he was standing in a dark Armani suit, neatly tailored and pressed.

He took a sip from the tea as the bell sounded again, Peter's cock was involuntarily straining to get hard against the metal bars of the cage but there was no give and he moaned into his gag.

His lordship smiled and took another long sip from the china cup before resting it on the mantelpiece. He walked confidently around the back of the chair and, leaning in close to Peter, he whispered into his ear.

"I hope you enjoyed last night Francine. Consider it an introduction to the kind of pleasure you might receive if you serve me well enough, but for that to happen you're going to need to be trained." With a flick of his wrists he unlocked one of the restraints that held Peter's arms in place and switched sides to whisper into his other ear, "Learning to correctly serve the house and how to correctly serve your Master." The second wristlock came undone with a click.

Peter stretched his sore arms; they felt almost numb after the night in bondage. When the sensation finally returned he hurriedly began running them up and down his body, pulling on his newly endowed chest to try to remove his new breasts. Lord Madison smiled at this as he leant down to unlock Peter's heels, "Calm down Francine, your body's still going to be there when you're free." With a final pair of clicks Peter was released.

Throughout all the time that he'd lain awake that night Peter had been planning what he'd do when he was finally released and he realised that this was the chance he was looking for. He swung his fist with everything he had at his Lordship's head. The punch landed soundly enough across Lord Madison's jaw, but it barely even phased him and certainly not as much as Peter had been hoping for. It was his only chance though and he took it, staggering uncertainly as he tried to run off.

The heels on the shiny leather boots he was locked into were at least 5 inches higher than the ratty converse trainers he'd been wearing when he'd entered Hambleton Manor the evening before and, to put it mildly, Peter was not used to them. Lord Madison sat back for a second and watched as his new maid managed to waddle a few paces, stumble, waddle again and then finally fall over, his skirt riding up his smooth legs to give a quick flash of panties.

Smiling cruelly to himself, Lord Madison rose back his feet and walked alongside Peter as he tried to crawl his way from the mansion, his arse wiggling as he did so.

"I must admit that was very spirited of you, utterly foolish and I do hope you realise that you will be punished for it, but very spirited. I shall say that I'm very much looking forward to training you to direct all of that energy towards something more . . . pleasurable." He leant down and squeezed Peter's pantie clad arse, all the time keeping an easy pace with the sissy maid crawling at his feet and he even opened the front door to the mansion for him.

"But if you do insist on taking your leave of me, then there you are Francine," his Lordship waved with his hand, "you're free to go!"

Peter looked up at him distrustingly, but not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth he crawled down the steps to the driveway. Peter's mind was so solely focused on reaching the gates that he didn't even notice a brisk gust of wind catching the back of his uniform and lifting it to show anyone who might have been watching a full view of the frilly lingerie and exposed chastity belt.

Upon reaching the bottom step however and touching the driveway Peter also brought his collar over the line of the house and the same electric shockwave that had jolted him last night struck again, only now it was strong enough to knock him onto his back, fully immobilising him. The pain that contracted through his body was so intense he could do nothing but watch as Lord Madison slowly made his way down the mansion's steps in a stately fashion and stood above him.

Peter felt a pair of tough metal handcuffs slide into place and shut tightly before Lord Madison effortlessly bent down, picked him up and carried him back inside over one shoulder.

He could do nothing but watch helplessly as the outside world disappeared once more as he bounced about on his Lordships shoulder. He was carried up the wide central staircase and along the same corridors he'd gone along the night before, this time a door further down. His Lordship balanced him on one shoulder as he opened the door into a wall of pink, yellow and lilac.

"Welcome to your new bedchambers Francine."

Inside the room was a vision of sissy femininity. The wallpaper was bright pink, covered in yellow flowers, and matched by the carpet. Against one wall stood the huge rack of maid's uniforms and lingerie; along the next was the bed he presumed he'd sleep in replete with a pink Barbie princess duvet and a large cuddly bear; and on the final wall was a desk with an enormous vanity mirror on, surrounded by a small mountain of make-up.

Lord Madison sat down on the bed and gestured him over with a finger.

"Now I hope you understand that I'm not going to enjoy this," He said with an unnerving smile spreading uncontrollably over his face, "but your little break for freedom cannot go unpunished. Rest yourself on my lap."

Peter looked around, still nervously looking for a way to escape but as he turned his neck he felt the collar shift around on his neck reminding him what would happen should he try to run and it was with a heavy heart that he staggered his way over to the bed and almost fell over his Lordship's firm legs.

As he wriggled around to try and make himself comfortable Lord Madison unclipped the heavy gag from Peter's mouth and let it drop to the floor. Peter stretched his aching mouth as a long stream of drool was finally allowed to spill onto the floor. Before he had a chance to voice his complaints he felt one firm hand pushing down between his shoulders whilst another lifted the hem of his skirt above his hips and pulled his panties down.

"Hey! You c-"


The sound of his complaints was instantly cut off as his Lordship's hand whipped down onto his bare arsecheeks, the sound reverberating around the room.


For a second Peter was unable to think his mind was so full of shock and pain, and it was only with the third strike that he came to his sense and started trying to wriggle his way out.


As the pain and the heat built and his arse started shaking Peter finally broke down and started wailing in agony, his tears spilling down his face and smearing his mascara.


The spanking seemed to go on forever and when his Lordship was finally convinced that Peter had learnt his lesson both of them were panting hard and perspiring. Through the flimsy material of the dress, Peter could distinctly feel his new Master's throbbing erection rubbing against his stomach.

After pausing for a second to catch his breath Lord Madison again picked Peter up in his arms. This time he deposited him on the chair in front of the vanity mirror, but not before hitching his skirt back up so that it was his bare, and now very sore, arse that sat against the rough wood.

"Let's see how much you remember from last night about making yourself presentable for your Master. Until you've practiced and perfected your technique enough to please me I'm going to have to inspect your daily application of make-up, and, so that you learn quickly, you will be given a mark out of 100. For every demerit under the perfect score you will be spanked 5 times on your arse. Do you understand?"

Peter pouted, but he was learning the error of arguing too much with his Lordship so he simply nodded in reply.

"Then get started slut, start by cleaning off what's left from yesterday and then build again. I'll be back in ten minutes to check up on your progress," and with that he strolled out of the room.

Realising that he didn't have much time to get ready and fearing another spanking Peter worked as quickly as he could with his trembling hands but his speed was going against him as he smeared the lipstick too thickly and left his eyes uneven. Such was the poor job that he did that when Lord Madison returned he burst out laughing at the very sight of him.

"Bwahahaha! You don't even look like a sissy-whore, you look like a clown!"

Peter felt his face blushing red at this new and unexpected humiliation, but found himself unable to find an answer as to why he felt so embarrassed at his poorly done job.

"This isn't fair!" he protested, "I've never done this before!"

"Of course you haven't" Lord Madison said sarcastically, barely managing to hold back a laugh. "Well I never expected you to get it perfect first time, so, start again."

On and on it went throughout the morning, Peter ended up applying his make-up six more times before Lord Madison was finally satisfied.

"Well you could do with dropping the pout," He said as he raised Peter's chin upwards and looked him over, "but otherwise I'd say that this merits a good 85 or 86. Do this well again tomorrow morning and your arse will barely be pink let alone red." With that he bent closer and kissed Peter deeply on the lips, forcing his tongue into Peter's mouth.

Peter tried to move back in an instinctive shock at the unexpected invasion into his mouth, but there was nowhere he could go and nothing he could do but moan in protest at his Lordships darting tongue and rough stubble.

"Not bad Francine, but you need to train your mouth to a higher standard. A sissy though you are, you should at least show me the correct level of respect. This is one of the very many problems that ingrate subservients like you seem to have: you've forgotten the very basics of demeanour when addressing one of your superiors. Repeat after me 'Yes your Lordship, thank you Lord Madison.'"

Peter looked up at him, blinking his mascara heavy eyelashes and whined sarcastically, "Thank you Lord Madison!"

His Lordship hesitated for a second and stroked his chin, "That's 10 demerits sissy. You'll receive your punishment before you go to bed. I think your punishment will take the form of a caning since it's your first day, now try again with the correct sissy attitude."

Peter hesitated for a second, the words sticking in his throat, the spanking had been bad enough and now he was being threatened with a caning. He stuttered a little as he finally chimed the words back at his master, "Y-yes your Lordship, Thank you Lord M-m-madison."

"That's much better Francine; do you see how much easier adapting to your new life would be if you just accept your place? But, if you will continue to act so stubbornly then I'll have no recourse but to readjust your attitude the old fashioned way. Stand up."

His Lordship gave the order with a snap of his tongue, it was clear that it was no request and that he fully expected Peter to comply but it was still to Peter's surprise that he found himself standing up automatically. Once standing though Peter was still unsteady on his heels, staggering and skidding about before falling into Lord Madison's firm chest and wrapping his arms around for support.

"No, no, no. I appreciate the enthusiasm that you're showing for my body Francine but this won't do at all. Deportment is vital for sissies like you; I simply cannot have you showing me up in front of guests by behaving like quite such a common slut. For a start it's high time you learnt how to curtsey."

Peter blushed deeply and stammered in protest at Lord Madison's presumptions as to why he had fallen, but his words fell on deaf ears as his Lordship ignored him and reached into an inside pocket of his jacket, pulling out a large lead weight linked to a long, thin silver chain. Pulling Peter close to him again Lord Madison stared deeply into his eyes as he pushed a hand under the hem of the maid's uniform and hooked the weight onto Peter's chastity belt. He kissed him gently on the lips before allowing the lead weight to drop freely from his hand.

Peter squealed as the chastity belt started pulling harder on his straining balls and it took a second or two of gasping before he was able to follow his Lordship's instructions.

"Now, you are to take a hold of the hem of your skirt with both hands, cross your knees and lower yourself until you feel the weight on your calves, then say 'Thank you, your Lordship' and wait for me to either acknowledge you or leave the room, at which point you may rise again."

Peter's cock, little though it was, throbbed and strained against the bars of his cage as he was forced into practicing the belittling practice again and again, repeating the dainty little gesture until he was finally doing it to Lord Madison's demanding standard.

"It will do for now Francine, I suppose you'll be able to perfect it with time. You are to curtsy whenever you greet me, whenever I allow you to leave my presence, and whenever you are given an order or a compliment, do you understand?"

Peter sniffled slightly and nodded mutely whilst staring at his shoes to which Lord Madison responded with a sigh and another mark into his pocket notebook.

"I know you're a sissy, and I intend to turn you into an airheaded bimbo one, but even you can't be so dim as to forget a warning five seconds after it was given, can you?"

Peter squirmed on his heels and pouted a little unconsciously before realising that he was facing another demerit and quickly spread his skirt as he curtsied, "No, your Lordship."

No sooner had he finished speaking than his empty stomach rumbled a chorus.

"Was that a complaint Francine?" Lord Madison grinned evilly, "I suppose it is lunchtime and I did deny you breakfast, so there's no better time to learn your kitchen duties."

Without a further second's delay Lord Madison spun Peter around, catching his wrists and pulling them behind his back and re-cuffing them. After attaching a thin silver chain leash to Peter's collar Lord Madison dragged him half-stumbling further down the hallway to a second winding staircase that spiralled downwards to the servants working quarters.

Lord Madison leant backwards on a heavy wooden door and pushed it open to reveal an old-fashioned, country-house kitchen, replete with an aga, a wide oak table, and, oddly, a pair of new chrome refrigerators against the far wall. The rest of the kitchen though had evidently not been cleaned in some weeks: plates were stacked ten or more high by the sink, there didn't seem to be a clean pan in the whole kitchen, and the floor was covered with dust and crumbs.

"Ah the unfortunate effects of a bachelor lifestyle. I'm sure you'll appreciate that it's simply beneath my station to even consider doing housework; it's simply not becoming a gentleman of status, or any real man come to that. I'm sure though that with a little training and reinforcement a sissy like you will come to love it."

Peter's hands remained restrained tightly behind his back as Lord Madison proceeded to demonstrate to him the correct manner in which he liked his steaks to be prepared. The smell filled Peter's nostrils and he drooled with anticipation as his Lordship lifted the steak from the pan and left it to rest on a plate. He then watched with mounting disappointment as Lord Madison prepared a second plate with a sparse sprinkling of a leafy green salad.

"Doesn't your lunch look tasty Francine? After all, we can't have you ruining your new figure with fatty foods. But I'm forgetting the dressing!"

Lord Madison strode back to the two refrigerators at the back of the kitchen and opened one to reveal shelf after shelf of identical plastic jars, each about the size of a can of coke, labelled by hand in an indecipherable foreign script, and two thirds full with a thick, white sauce.

After pushing Peter down by his shoulders onto a rough wooden stool, which sat a foot lower than the virtual throne at the other end of the table, Lord Madison pulled the salad plate in front of Peter. Lowering his head so it was barely an inch away from the young sissy maid's face, Lord Madison groped at Peter's new chest with one hand as he drizzled a jar of the dressing over the salad with the other.

"I do hope you'll enjoy this Francine," He whispered into his ear, "Not that it really matters if you don't, but seeing as how you're going to have this sauce with every meal you take from now on I'm sure you'll come to simply love it. It's just the product of a few little investments I made a couple of months ago in anticipation of this meeting."

The salad dressing was in fact composed of three parts female hormones to one part ground up Viagra to ten parts cum. The vast quantities of fresh semen needed for this originated from a string of sperm donor banks privately owned by Lord Madison from which he managed to discretely siphon off a few gallons a month, not that Peter would ever be told any of this.

With a flick of his hands Lord Madison unlocked Peter's hands again, removed the gag and sat down to eat. Peter had now not eaten for almost 24 hours and in spite of his suspicions regarding the dressing and why he'd been given so much he stuffed as much as he could into his open mouth, ignoring the oddly familiar salty taste of the sauce.

Lord Madison on the other hand languidly picked apart his thick steak whilst occasionally turning a page of the copy of that morning's Financial Times he was reading, leaving Peter to stare on and drool.

When his Lordship had finally finished he pushed the plate back down the table towards Peter.

"Time for your first official duties as my sissy maid Francine: I've got some business to attend to in my study but I'm sure even an air-headed ditz like you can manage the simple task of washing up dishes. But, to give you a little incentive, stand up and bend over."

Peter staggered to his feet and bent slightly forward over the table leaning on his hands, not yet realising how much of his new cleavage he was displaying. Lord Madison carefully wiped his mouth with a napkin and neatly folded his paper before walking around to behind Peter and, with one hand, pushing him all the way down and pinning him to the table.

Peter squealed in shock at the sudden movement but it wasn't until he felt the hem of his skirt, petticoats, and panties being lifted that he started struggling again, but by now all it took were a few well directed slaps from his Lordship's hands to stop the young maid's squirming. All it took to start the squirming again though was the cold touch of lube and the smooth pressure of a slim buttplug pressing against Peter's tight virgin arse.