All Comments on 'Too Predictable'

by IntuitiveJ

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Get an editor

Story has good promise but was ruined by easy spelling mistakes and wrong words used. Get an editor or reread your story 5 more times for errors. Please write more as you have promise. Can’t wait to read the next one. Would have loved to hear a finale with Kurt and Marla rekindling between the sheets.

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldover 5 years ago
Nice first story ...

.... looking forward to more.. 4*

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

I've got no problem with Kurt nailing Vickie after he found out his wife had been cheating on him. Marla arbitrarily decided to abandon their wedding vows, so him staying faithful to a whore would have been ridiculous... but why take the bitch back?

Marla proved she's a cheater who had no respect for her husband and Kurt already had Vickie lined up as a replacement. He should have kicked Marla to the kurb and let her suffer the consequences of being a slut... it's already established that she would suffer the most in the divorce.

I would have given it 5* for Kurt finding a beautiful fuckbuddy after he discovered his wife was a slut, but it lost 1 for taking the whore back again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So Boring It's Real

They used to call it the “Seven Year Itch.”; that was about the time that couples started getting bored with the married life they shared. The same holds true for those who make it to the 20, 30, or even 40 year mark. It’s all the same and if one party wants to make changes they worry the other won’t understand or will be angry or not willing to change. So they keep their thoughts, feelings and fears inside where they only get amplified. This story captured that scenario extremely well. Sometimes we need to take a chance with the one we love, the same way we did when we asked them to marry us. Well done and I hope to see further submissions.

moblanemoblaneover 5 years ago
Missed Opportunity

The ending was unimaginative, disappointing and truly wimpy! I know this was just a story but THAT gives the opportunity to use imagination and you failed. I think a good story ending should have included Thursday afternoons 'at the motel' for them and suggested by Marla. if you were really thinking then a threesome with Vickie could have been on the cards! Even Kurt continuing with Vickie while the slut Marla screwed her boyfriend. Real life would most certainly have gone some other way but this was a story and pretty reasonable till you 'missed the turning' at the end! Start thinking "the twist at the end" I suspect your ratings and comments will improve dramatically... and stay away from cuckolding, humiliation and "big black bulls" that is not a turning at the end... it is a TURN OFF! to get you lots of negative comments and 1* ratings!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well !

U did a good job thanks for the read

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 5 years ago
Not bad for a first try

Kurt should have insisted she quit her job. That's where she found the dudes to cheat with. Her coworkers knew she was having affairs which means she wasn't respected by the good folks and would be a target by the bad ones. Keep writing IJ, good job.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 5 years ago
Finding A Way to Sashay Past Betrayal and Pain

I liked the story much more then I thought I would . It was flawed in terms of presenting the characters as 3 dimensional characters and the dialogue was stilted. Yet the author succeeded in giving each one of the main couple some interesting quirks, strengths and blind spots .

Marla had initiated the cheating and carried it out over a longer term yet in a way Kurt balanced the infidelity scales by cheating with friend of his wife AND in their household. Nice touch .The secondary characters need more polish for the story to transcend the Loving Wives genre . But kudos for endowing the main couple with self awareness to analyze their own behavior and own their role in marital breakdown.

I also enjoyed the rural farm setting which is very uncommon in LW. The couple worked here as a team very successfully during the span of the marriage. The farm acted as a glue and motivator to stay together despite the betrayal.

Bottom Line(s): Definite stumbles are to be found in foundation of story. Yet the author took some chances in setting , gave his characters a mutual bond beyond their individual day to day desires that motivated each to try to transcend their faults for the greater good . Would I make the same choice ? Very iffy. But IntuitiveJ made me see why this couple would.

I thank the author for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
Too Predictable Is Right!

First of all, get an editor, or at least a Beta reader.

She wants more and/or more adventurous sex? When has she said anything to her husband? According to the cliches, it's usually the husbands that want more sex. You don't hear, "Not tonight, Honey, I have a headache," from too many husbands.

As for more "adventurous," I suppose it depends on how that's defined! If her idea is pegging, yeah, he probably won't be too receptive; if it's anal him to her, the answer would probably be much different. The point remains, has she ASKED for more "adventurous" sex, either in the abstract or the specific?

"It seemed that everyone was getting it more often and had more adventures in the bedroom." - Whom with? Are they ALL cheating, or are they getting more, and being more adventurous with their husbands?

SHE wouldn't suck Kurt's cock, though she will Carl's, but it's Kurt's fault that their sex life is dull! "Predictable" cheater logic!

Of course, after Carl, it NEVER occurs to her to use the things she did with him to spice things up with Kurt, but goes looking for another lover instead! Predictable!

"I have for years tried to get her to be more adventurous in bed. I'm not even sure she likes sex. Most things I tied or suggest Marla would say that it was disgusting and say she wasn't a slut." - Predictable.

"Where would she live and what about her horses?" - Where would she live? She'd probably get the damn house!

Why are cheaters always worried that their husbands care why they're getting better and/or more sex? Men don't care! They're getting it, that's all that matters! IF he asks, say from talking with girlfriends (that IS how this all stated, right?), or Cosmo, or the Internet.

"That fucking bitch Vickie. I thought she was my friend." - Yeah, and Kurt thought you were his faithful wife! Funny how that works out!

"He never did any of those things with her." - Yeah, and we know why! She would have said that they were disgusting!

"She realized it was her fault they didn't have that. She had shut him down in the early years of their marriage. They didn't have wild sex because she hadn't been open to it when they were younger and Kurt loved her so much he had let it go." - Predictable!

No, they are NOT both at fault, Revenge affairs aren't right, and he SHOULD have confronted her, but it was all started because of her cheating.

Please learn how to punctuate dialog! If the same person is speaking across multiple paragraphs, every paragraph gets open quotes, only the last gets close quotes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I’d make Vicky my new women.and have a 3 way marriage

Vicky is the women I would want,seeing we were totally compatible and both of us were cheated on. I’d keep both women but Vicky would be my wife if Maria couldn’t accept that. Out the door she would go. She was a serial cheater, who couldn’t open up with Kurt. After the cat is out of the box she wants to put everything back the way it was. That’s almost impossible to do. Trust is dead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
She will cheat again

I spent 18 years of my young life with a cheater. Chance after chance till i couldn't take it anymore. Dump her or she will keep it up...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Kind of stiff

Unrealistic discussions, and lots of misses on spelling, but OK as a start. Best I can do is average which trust me, is WAY better than most new writers on here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good First Effort!

This is a tough category to start with, but your first story was actually pretty good. Some advice: First, get an editor. There is no such thing as a “bail” of hay. This is the sort of thing that can spoil the story before the reader gets into the action. Second, ignore the trolls who condemn everyone who doesn’t “burn the bitch” (BTB). Keep writing!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
Two years is a long time.

I get it. He thought if he confronted her it would end the marriage. He was afraid. Still, you can't live two years like that. And if you decide to get even, you are just headed down the wrong road. That's a good story about some very bad choices.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ain't love a funny thing

Just a thought. A woman around 50 most likely post menopause, dry coochie, would probably do ok with shares in KY to justify lubricating during prolonged coitus.

Ha, only kidding. What a breath of fresh air. This one was not belted out on a few hour flight between major cities on a laptop, I-pad or I-phone (or ET-Phone, whatever that is). No, this one took many, many hours to create. As a first effort, it deserves top ratings for creativity, storyline and all those other literary jargon jumbo only educated people grasp. A convulated tale, cleverly and deviously plotted. A few typos, but not too distracting.

But all things being equal, the hardcore BTB faternity, of which I may be a supporter or not, may crucify your effort. You have been marked as a favourite. Go for it.

What is that saying 'go for revenge, dig two graves'. But then, what really is the difference between loving someone and being 'in love with someone'? Enough rambling.....


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

One of the stupid stories I've read, the wife who is a whore and slut.

What a husband does, how an idiot does not know what to do, cries. It's just another woman who takes a fool to bed. 1*

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 5 years ago

Not a Bad story. Writing is a lot better than many newcomers, and would improve with more proofreading. Spellcheck will accept words that sound alike, so we really need to be careful.

Also try making dialogue more like real speech. Ex> Instead of “Oh yes, Marla. I would love to spend the afternoon with you," Carl said. Try: “Yeah! I sure would.”

It’s hard to remember this when writing, but very few of us normally speak in complete sentences. Otherwise my best advice is KEEP ON WRITING. You’ll do nothing but improve with practice. cd

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good initial effort

Thanks for submitting your story. I thought it was an interesting take on common problems in an old marriage. Hope you keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Future Writing

Your story was hard to follow as you often mixed up hubby's name (once, in the same sentence) and messed up your time line--hubby knew about wife's cheating for two years, but was having sex for six months when that was exposed. What happened during the 18 months after he found out? Also, why wasn't wife torn up by her cheating for so long?

Rolando1225Rolando1225over 5 years ago
Good First Story

Good first story. Thanks for the effort. Hope you write more. Sometimes in the story Kurt and Karl names were mixed up. I'd strongly recommend to spell check the story. It always catches some typos.

Unfortunately for Kurt, he loved Marla far more than she loved him, and she loved herself far more she loved him. She only considered her needs and the hell with the consequences. It's clear she took him for granted long time ago. Not sure you can rebuilt trust, when she says she loves you and cheated on you multiple times with another man and felt free to do things with him she denied you. How does Kurt know when they fuck in the future if she's enjoying his caresses or thinking of Carl and the things they did and the orgasms he gave her? Good luck with that, for he won't.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
This is 2019 and we encourage new writers.

This story had some pluses. It was easy to read. The thing it lacked was emotion. Everyone thought to themselves, but never really expressed any anger, resentment, or much of anything else. You left quite a few words out. The basic idea was pretty good. Divorce is not an easy decision. The readers need to see and feel more of the angst and pain caused by cheating.

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago

on posting your first story. It's a lot more difficult to do than people might assume.

If you are looking for resources as a new writer, you may want to consider Grammarly, an add-on for MS Word. It's a stop-gap until you can find a talented editor (which is a boon for any writer).

Thanks for sharing your work.

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyover 5 years ago
Thanks for the story

Most of the comments regarding writing errors are worth your attention, but I did like the story. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not bad

If chapter 2 adds Vickie and then le els out... it is a winner...otherwise... he is too easily cucked...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not bad writing, but....

....I thought the story went on too long. Also a number of spelling or grammar errors. Follow the advice of others and have an editor go over your stories before posting.

waifwaifover 5 years ago
Good First Effort

Your story kinda matched the title. It was pretty predictable, but there is very little in the LW genre that would be considered groundbreaking or original. You also had the misfortune to choose the one most polarizing genre on Literotica. All the btb crowd will scream "cuck". If he had burned her at the end the RAAC team would cry out about his inadequacies that drove her away. As a result, no matter how your story went, you were doomed to face low ratings by half of your readers.

I thought it was a good first effort and I am looking forward to seeing how your writing develops, since you've shown both talent and courage just by posting in this category.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
My first impression of your writing is that English is not your first language

That, if true, is a problem.

One of the things all authors should do when they write dialogue is to say it aloud, to themselves, and see if it sounds real. This will help you immensely.

Secondly, think about tense; writing anything other than dialogue in present tense is almost impossible to get right.

As to the story itself, it wasn’t bad. A significant number of marriages survive the first exposure of an affair, and you did that part of the story well; it was realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Punctuating Dialogue 101

When one paragraph ends with a quotation mark and the very next one starts with a mark, that indicates the character speaking has changed. When one character is speaking and is not uninterrupted by narrative or another character talking, every paragraph starts with a mark, but only the last one has a closing mark.


We were taught this in grade school. Anyone past the age of 10 has no excuse for not knowing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Pretty good first effort

An editor or some proof reading help would be a good thing. Some of your grammar and some misspelled words affected the flow of the story. Nothing horrible, just slightly annoying. But forget the grammar police (me included). The over all story was predictable (sorry I couldn't resist) but most things in the LW category are. Not too many original things possible after all this time and all those stories. But you could use a little more emotion in the dialogue. Thanks for the effort. Good luck.

breville1breville1over 5 years ago
Loved it!

From the number of comments and level of detail in some of them, you've clearly made your mark!! Regardless of the negative comments and the minutia, it was a good story, especially the fact that they work back to each other.

Most stories here essentially don't get them back together. If you've "invested" so many years in a relationship, most people want to stay together after they wake up to their transgression or get caught. After all that time a second chance is well worth pursuing. Yes in some cases it's a lost cause.

However, here hubby recovered after the initial pain to enjoy sex with another woman....and it was just sex!! They still felt it worthwhile to continue living aand sharing the way he always had her cup ready in the was just the sex she needed with no intention of loving another or leaving hubby.

Of course, when she finds out...shoe on the other foot, it was devastating!! Yes, selfishness and all that on her part but that is what it took to make her realize her mistake. That mistake, which is often left out in many stories here, is about not communicating.

After so many years together, why is it so difficult to talk about these things?? Who knows? We all have our hang ups in our relationships. Heck, shouldn't it bother us that our nearest and dearest was fucking someone else before we met? That they had shared their heart before? So, time is a healer then? Hence, the discovery of hubby's tryst was the catalyst for that communication and to give time a chance to be a healer. Because, it is tough to throw away all those years together, because it is tough to find someone new that you will trust again, especially since you're that much older too.

Perhaps the risks are lesser with the devil that you know....just sayin'. I look forward to stories with a happy ending. Life doesn't have to be a bitch all the time! Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nice first story

It was probably too realistic for some of the sad little trolls who post the hateful comments. You didn't kill her or name her or leave her penniless so the post their vile comments. It's sad, especially when you yourself stated that you enjoy BTB stories. It shows they don't bother with details. Please continue writing at all costs.

notredame43notredame43over 5 years ago
good attempt but sorry

Shes a piece of shit. It got vanilla yet she spurns him everytime he tries something different, Nah cut that bitch loose end of subject. i get irked by the i was a virgin when we married, the you;re boring in bed but i rejected your attempts to be different and of course the husband who allows or pushes wife to cheat . thats just me

phill1cphill1cover 5 years ago
I gave it a 3

I thought the writing and dialog was reasonable. But the notion that a man would allow cheating and not confront his wife seems absurd. It would be one thing if he liked the notion of her cheating. But since he didn't like it and felt it was a detriment to their marriage, the fact that he didn't man-up and confront her makes both of these characters unlikeable and the story ultimately becomes "who cares because I just don't believe it".

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wow those critics!

Congratulations on a very good first effort. You have put together a story that felt real with characters who behave like normal people. I think your critics were unnecessarily harsh.

Some of the dialogue was a bit stilted but that gets better with experience. My biggest trip-up came when she said, "I am a cheating slut" which rang false to me. I don't think I know any women who'd refer to themselves using those words. Sounded like what a guy would like her to say.

Regarding the plot wives and husbands have forgiven each other after affairs longer than that. It's not unusual.

So keep on reading for style and keep on writing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

she's been cheating on him for over a year.

i think he deserves a year's worth of extra-marital fun to balance things out.

that is...if she really cares.

for men....the 'it's just sex' thing is stupid. and i'll explain.

men tie up sex with the relationship itself. he is BUILT genetically to fuck everything that moves. so he SACRIFICES a lot to be faithful. sex IS love...for a faithful man.

women are built genetically to find the BEST man and raise children with him. she is NOT built for multiple partners. she gives up NOTHING in a marriage. it only HELPS her genetic prerogatives.women don't have the same baggage as men. they didn't sacrifice anything when they cheat. for them, it is 'only sex'. that's why women become ENRAGED when her man has a really good female friend. she sees that as direct competition. they call it 'emotional cheating' open-minded women will share her man sexually sometimes, but that's not the same thing. women will even team up to joint-marry a super duper high status male...which baffles a male mind.

this is all from the perspective of jilted and FAITHFUL spouses. I realize most adults are old immature children. women need to understand men better, because almost every women i talk to, date, frenemy makes the mistake of assuming men think like females OR don't bother at all to empathize with men.

Men try...bless their understand women in spite of it being one-sided. they are generally really bad at it though. some married men get it after some hindsight.

i don't claim to be an expert. i feel like a novice. i'v really had to have dozens of heart to hearts though...bad trial and error experiences. but so far these fundamental differences i'v applied them with better results. much better. men and women are very different...but they do balance out through aging. hormones change, and life experiences seem to help. but sharing opinions and opening dialogues seems to help most.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfover 5 years ago

Good STORY. Nice first effort. Looking forward to more of your stories.

seadog58seadog58over 5 years ago
Well done.

For your first effort is was good. There's some good writing advice already given so I won't presume to add.

Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

IntuitiveJIntuitiveJover 5 years agoAuthor
From the writer - IntuitiveJ

Thank you all for your constructive comments.

I know I need an editor. I went over the story multiple times but knew, as the writer I would miss many mistakes. I am learning as I go.

I have another story I have been working for awhile. It is a longer story that doesn't end as this one. I am not going to write only cuckold stories. I know that is not how life really works.

I am hoping that by writing this first story I can get an editor or two onboard which will help me polish future stories. If anyone out there would like to help me improve the quality please contact me.

Thanks again,


Harryin VAHarryin VAover 5 years ago
Just deeply wretchedly STUPID.

The scene where the husband decides to have sex with the wife of friend Vicky makes no sense at all. At that point of the story hes an agony over what his wife is doing. It Is never explained the story how Kurt having sex with Vicky is going to fix his marriage to Marla. It's a pathetically stupid and pointless plot development and since it is completely underdeveloped and without any foundation and makes a story look really dumb.

But the worst part of the story is when they're finally talking and the husband says this...

"This disaster in not all your fault Marla. I was fucking Vickie too. I should have confronted you early on. I should have known that nothing good could come from me not talking to you about it. We are both at fault here"

This is 1000% bullshit. Wife clearly states that the entire reason their sex like turn into a pile of vanilla nonsense is because she control the sex life and whatever she wanted... is what happened. What the husband wanted in their marriage sex life never came into her consideration in any way at... any time. everything he wanted early in their marriage sex life she ssid no or it was disgusting.

If she had not done that Kurt certainly would not have had the affair with Vicky. Marla on the other hand being a lying cheating cunt probably would have had multiple affairs with other men

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
1 star

That was just plain bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good 1st attempt

A little one sided for sexual revenge but a good story. Maybe a part 2 with Vicky getting involved dince there's a new kink going on...

OSUpokesOSUpokesover 5 years ago
Your story is a lot better than the rating.

For a first timer, it's one of the best ever in this category. Congrats.

Pappy7Pappy7over 5 years ago
Didn't like the story very much but it was more the subject

than the writing. As others have said, it was a good first try. You got some advice from some of the better writers on this site, so if they took the time to do that then there is indeed something laudable about your writing. Please continue to write, like any other endeavor, you get better with practice. Thanks for having the courage to brave the loving wives crowd. Tough bunch is what we are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
brain dead women who think with their cunts are really marriage material


tennesseeredtennesseeredover 5 years ago
Good first story!

Your story has humanity but lacks fire. Beef up the emotions and add some intrigue. Make your dialogue snappier, too. I read LIT for years before I tried my hand at authorship. Hard work, no? The LW category is not for the faint of heart, but you know that. The trolls CAN one bomb you, and they will, but they can't suppress your reader numbers. Write good stuff and the readers will come.

penneydog55penneydog55over 5 years ago

Simple Comment--Simply Fantastic Story!....It's fiction relates to no one..It's just entertainment!......SIMPLE...5 Stars. ★★★★★WOOF!

Masterpuppy2974Masterpuppy2974over 5 years ago
My suggestion

Read over your stories. Its Hay Bale not Hay Bail. Spell check wont catch it as its spelled right just not the right word.

0zed0zedover 5 years ago
Nobody likes a wimp . . . .

Kurt's a pussy whipped wimp! He deserves "a lying, cheating slut" wife. Nobody likes a wimp, or a lying, cheating slut wife. At least he had the balls to get with a fuck buddy while the slut wife fucked around. That gets you an extra star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Provocative plot line/story

I should explain: When I read a story, I seldom take issue with the author's basic plot. It's his or her story, after all, not mine. Rather, I take it "as is" and then apply my own interpretative framework. Is it plausible? Can I imagine myself as a character in this plot? What is/are the major themes here? What can I learn by considering the plot's dynamics -- viz., how it unfolds, how the characters are made to think, feel and act. Etc. etc. So ....

I your case you gave us a fairly straightforward idea, one that is often explored in this venue. My sense of difference you brought was of a couple who had endured / experienced / survived a whole lot of life -- 30+years together, three kids now grown, demanding (and competent) professional lives, etc. -- but at this . . . mature . . . stage of things the wife convinces herself, fairly easily it seems, that an affair is what's needed to escape the boredom of physical intimacy. OK. But what is the underlying theme here? What's exposed? A very basic failure of spousal communication going back almost to the beginning! Makes me wonder: given the complexity of life, could a 30+ year marriage really be otherwise successful given such a deficiency?

It reminds me of the story about the new boss who got assigned to a team with an important project that was behind schedule and over budget. He talked to his new people, got briefings, walked around. He finally was getting the picture. He asked someone "How in hell did this project get so screwed up?" And the answer he got: "One day at a time, boss. One day at a time."

I liked your story; Thanks. I learned something too. I sense you have some latent skill, so keep writing. But please, get an editor who can proof-read your work (very few people can adequately proof his own work). You've made some grammar error as well as getting Kurt's name mixed up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing...

Nice first try & enjoyable read!

Looking forward to your next story.

Good luck

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
1 star

for the WIMP story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
4 stars.

Needs some work on the dialogue and the talking during sex was...ridiculous. I don’t have conversations while getting pounded, I’m trying to focus on getting g laid. That being said, I loved how they got into a rut with no way out because that is realistic.

All in all, great job and I look forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very good first story

Thanks for taking the plunge and for sharing your effort to entertain.

Gave it 4 stars because this story line, while compelling, was predictable. And, I’d like to see you try to add more drama, hidden agenda, and surprise to your work.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 5 years ago

The writing is good and the plot

well explaned.

The story is full of cliches,

but that is not the worst part.

The worst part is that this

is just a sad depressing story

of a slut and a wimp.

2 out of 5 from me.

FirstwithUFirstwithUover 5 years ago
Great first effort

You obviously have some talent, you just need to refine your style. The plot points need some more development and a you need a good editor; but overall a very good first story in the LW category.

Please take the good advice given by the other authors and keep writing.

5* from me

Thank you for braving the most critical, cynical, and jaded catagory on this site.

TheKrrakTheKrrakover 5 years ago

The language between the main characters just seems stilted to me, there is no passion, no fire - all we have is selfishness and remorse. It just doesn't seem believable


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
@breville1 Re: "Loved it!"

"Heck, shouldn't it bother us that our nearest and dearest was fucking someone else before we met?" - No, it was BEFORE we met.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Nice first story"

No, my, and many other's, problems with this story have nothing to do with what happens to her. It's the, not to rag on the title, the predictability. The wife who wants more/different sex, and instead of gong to her husband, cheats for it, etc.

If you're going to use that excuse, not that it does excuse cheating, at least show it as being legit. Show her trying to seduce her husband and him being a cold fish, etc. Then we can feel at least SOME sympathy for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Too Predictable .......

....... and the story was just that !!

Written well enough and entertaining up to a point .

Have to wonder though , a wife wanting to enjoy more adventurous sex feels it best to find another guy and risk an otherwise safe , happy , dare I say ' predictable ' future ..... why not simply make a few gentle suggestions regarding sex play and take it from there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Needs an editor

Really bad writing mechanics...and another wimp husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Good story that stayed within the realm of reality. I could totally see a marriage follow this path. Buuut, Vickie doesn’t deserve to be dropped, clearly she would run off with Kurt as she appreciates who he is. Kurt deserves two partners for a while, maybe a threesome? How sorry is wifey?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nice first story

Need to polish more. Don’t quit

likeboblikebobover 5 years ago

I am more of a BTB reader than RAAC but this was ,IMHO, a real good first effort. I encourage you to continue writing and thank you for this story.

SkubabillSkubabillover 5 years ago
Not Bad

It was a pretty good read but maybe a little redundant in that the story is fairly typical. I saw somebody else suggested an editor and that may be wise. I hope you will keep writing and ignore negative remarks from anonymous commenters. Good luck!

darthdaxdarthdaxover 5 years ago

Good first effort, keep it up! I just wish I had the courage to write one.

maxx308maxx308over 5 years ago
Thank You

for sharing your story with us. A Good first effort and I hope to see more stories from you in the future.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I read the comments, and started to not read this story because I hate the wimpy cuckold husband stories. I'm glad that I decided to read it after all. I'm a dedicated BTB guy, and this definitely wasn't a classic burn at first, or even second glance. It wasn't a RAAC either. Like sbrooks103x and others said, it was predictable. Middle age wife gets bored with sex with husband. She doesn't tell him, but finds a lover she can be adventurous and a.little kinky with. Figures what Kurt doesn't know won't hurt him. Lover gets caught, Marla is afraid she will be found out a stops for awhile. After she feels safe, she decides to try again, but new lover has attack of guilt and bails. Marla goes home and surprise, there is Kurt having hot sex with her friend Vickie. Damn! How can they be doing this? Cheating on her! How dare they! She runs for it, totally outraged. Then she thinks about it and realizes what she has been doing. Then they finally have the talk and reconcile. If they had just talked before, they could have had two years sex. All that is standard LW template cheating wife story. Let's reaction goes off standard a little. He has known all along, but doesn't want to confront her and.lose his wife. He hopes she'll get over it and stop, but when she goes for the second guy, he goes to Vicki. She has the idea to let him regain his mojo by having his own affair with her. He does it with enthusiasm and regains his confidence. He is a cuckold, but he doesn't accept it and goes his own way to get revenge. I think Marla did get burned in that she was scared out of her cheating mindset. She got a strong taste of her own medicine and choked on it. Seeing what she lost out her head back on straight. I don't know if real people would react in this way, but it made a good story. Glad I read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
moron writes

Dear dumbass,

Get you characters straight. It is either Kurt, Curt or Karl. Not Carl as he was her first "cheat". Or so you claimed at the beginning. Nobody is really sure when Kurt or Cuert started cheating as it was originally mentioned to happen after Bill but then the time shift happened and you lost you mind.

A VERY confusing and disturbing story about a man who lost his testicles and then started cheating because the dumbass author thought this would be a good way to end his shit of a story.

Continue working for the NYT as real writing isn't for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This would be a 5* story

If Literotica had a "Cuckold" category.

B_BaileyB_Baileyover 5 years ago

Your story is simple and believable. Your punctuation is off just enough to throw my simple mind off a little. Go back and reread it slower this time and see if you can see it. I did enjoy it.

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 5 years ago

Not a bad story for a first attempt. One thing the author might think about is the very real difference between dialog written on paper (so to speak) and dialog actually spoken between real people. The dialog in this story is very carefully written and aside from the errors which clearly show that no one proof read the story, is basically grammatically correct and has complete thoughts. (Proof reading is well worth the effort!) That's not the way people talk. It all sounds stilted and takes a lot away from the tale. There is no real drama in the story either. It just meanders along until it ends. Still worth a 3* and perhaps with some constructive criticism the stories will improve.

HikingThruHikingThruover 5 years ago

Good first effort, and kudos for stepping up to Loving Wives, where Anonymous is numerous, and refuses to be held accountable for anything they think or say. Thirty years is a damn long marriage and would certainly give a man pause before such a confrontation. Two years, though? Not sure. And how would that not affect him every Thursday, or his desire to bed her on Saturdays? Seems like something would crack sooner. That's part of the emotion that HDK said was missing. That's two to four family Christmas' and anniversaries gone by. My darling Valentine - You Cheater!

Ditto on the numerous Carl, Karl, Curt, Kurt and myriad other omitted or wrong words. This number of errors is just jarring to read. Read it many times before posting.

driv2u2driv2u2over 5 years ago

Guy was a dithering ass , how he finds his way home at night god knows , don t worry about the the blank comments , most are inbreeding .

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 5 years ago

One of the hardest sectors to get decent ratings unless you destroy half of new york to get revenge on the cheating wife.

Only fly is you were too matter of fact about letting us know about her cheating, especially by being in her thoughts. Best to keep that reveal for the hubbie to 'accidentally' find out, to tell us readers she was cheating as he does.

Best of luck in future stories.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

the one that cares the most, hurts the deepest, TK U MLJ LV NV

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago
shit is shit no matter how you dress it up

great writing ability and well told story

i m not criticizing your ability to write but i willl criticize your characters who are both pieces of scum

i don t care if it s after 30 years or 30 hours cheaters should never prosper

it was so heartwarming that the 2 cheaters stayed together it almost made me puke

but i take solace in the fact that they will cheat on each other again and they will both catch an everlasting disease .... that makes me smile

what a nice life they will have wondering what the other is up to when they are 5 minutes late .......lmfao

they deserve all the pain that is comming their way and hopefully a lot of pain

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
no soul

Reads like a high school book report about a bad skinemax movie based on The Waltons. This is rural life, crazy horse fucking meth-heads abound but are missing from this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I guess people go through what to do. If he held out for that long he should’ve started pulling money out draining there assets . Maybe put it in the kids names than dump the cheating whore. Stay with the friend. She’s more compatible and has a heart. His wife wasn’t compassionate she was just pissed that he was cheating. Her humiliating and disrespecting him with a coworker for two years wasn’t enough for her. I’d never stay and for who her. The kids are bigger. If they are young I get not leaving and riding it out but other than that there would be no reason.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
One of the main problems with reconciliation is that the husband didn't discover it, . . .

he had to be told. Otherwise he had no clue his wife had become a whore. She went from loyal loving faithful wife and mother to selfish shallow arrogant whore who held her husband in contempt as a lover, and he didn't have a clue. And after the husband found her out, and started fucking around, with her best friend, who she must have interacted with with some frequency, the wife had no clue until she saw it with her own eyes. Can anyone imagine a more shallow distant mediocre marriage relationship? No wonder it failed, it barely existed by that point.

If you can't discern contempt and guilt and loss of virtue in your spouse, then you don't have much of a marriage relationship. So, no real drama or sadness here, since neither one had anything of value to lose from a divorce. They are both attractive and intelligent enough to find someone else to share housing, entertainment, and base sex with. And when the old witch turns to cheese, the vintage ex husband will be getting younger and more energetic fuck partners. He's not just a wimp, he's really blind.

TexasBBTexasBBover 5 years ago
Good First Story

Enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked how he got some back with Vickie. Looking forward to more of your submissions

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No stars given....

You know that little green speck at the top of Chicken’s still just Chicken Shit !!!

The “ONLY” thing for Kurt to do now is disconnect the gas lines while enjoying their coffee and just flick on his lighter !!!

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago
Dump the selfish wife

They didn't have 30 years "together" they had some time before she shut him down in the bedroom. Then she decided that she was going to get hers outside the marriage while holding onto Kurt to support her and the family. Kurt comes across as "dumb as a rock" and really should kick Marla to the curb and get together with Vickie - at least she was honest with him. Can Kurt ever truly trust Marla again?

meganann10meganann10over 5 years ago

I don't think you could have made the husband a bigger wimp if you had tried, it's sickening for a man to be a wimp like you made him, Any man that can't face his problems head on is not a man

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Carl, Karl or Kurt way to many people.

Author needs to do some editing here. Regardless, husband needs to keep fucking Vickie, tell the wife any more strange and he will bury her in the back 40. He needs to grow a pair.

kmreaderkmreaderover 5 years ago
Needs Work

I’m certainly not a writer so while I admire your attempt at developing this story and don’t want to discourage you from continuing, this story was difficult to read entirely. In fact, I skimmed multiple paragraphs because the plot was predictable with too much cheesy dialogue and the editing was tough to stomach at times. Will read more from you though because I appreciate the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great Cuck Story

You are a closeted cuck with maochistic side to you. KEEP UP THE WIMP CUCK SPERM EATING HUSBAND STORIES ___MASTER CUCKSMAN WRITER😉🖕

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Sweetie, Get An Editor

Or get a high school student to read it.

cybojicybojiover 5 years ago

But a good tale with good imagination. Never mind the English profs that get a ego boost to themselves to put down someone who's trying. Intellectual idiots I call them. And they live in a small world of their own. Keep writing.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 5 years ago
Similar to a lot of couples

Sex as tender love making, but excluding lust is probably more common among older people who grew up pre internet. I’m guessing a lot of marriages survive cheating, and some who cheat do so to get relief from a miserable marriage they feel they can’t leave. This story was light on emotion and drama, something LW demands


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Liked the story but as an aside do you know how small 5 acres looks as a ranch. It is more like a big garden.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
know your setting

If the story is set on a 'ranch,' learn about the things that are particular to a ranch. For example: hay is measured in bales, not bails. Bail is something one posts (an amount of money or other security) to be released from confinement to assist in preparing for one's trial. Bail has other meanings too as either a noun or a verb, but none of those other meanings involves fodder.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 5 years ago
Character truly seems like an easy going Good-ol-boy.

And it comes across in his RAAC. Only reason I can see him going on with the marriage. I sure couldn’t, but I know I’m an insecure cuss. Just sayin’.

Yup. Editor needed. Good storyline (if RAAC is acceptable) if you can believe he truly is an easy going git. Not a real wimp, but he does love her and can forgive her trespass enough to RAAC. But flow of story needs work. 3-stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Yeah, about this story....

It was populated with just a few too many rainbows, bluebirds and unicorns to be believable.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 5 years ago
The warden in a southern drawl

“What we have a failyu’ communicate”.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
1* Wimpy Cuck Crap

What loony tunes planet does this author come from?

Definitely a cuck writer who got beat up a lot in school.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A very good yarn! 5-Stars not because I like RAAC!

It all made sense in the end and proved HOW important communication is in any marriage! They could have given each other great sex a long time ago if they communicated and were honest with each other. You brought it all together so naturally that they knew they were both to be blamed so the reconciliation made sense - it was the only way to go! Because these two people obviously loved one another! ENOUGH to forgive and FORGET!!!

matuateneiramatuateneiraabout 5 years ago
A very real story

I thoroughly enjoy stories like this where everybody is ordinary, and the challenges they face are like the ones I faced in life. Kurt not wanting to talk to Marla but just keep the marriage going is a real situation that I have faced. You fear that if you start asking your partner to talk with total honesty that you will each find out things that will undermine the marriage. The marriage had so much going for it that it was understandable that Kurt wanted to find an answer that would not destroy the marriage. Vickie gave him a way of tolerating his situation while he still looked for a full solution. This was a very believable scenario. The end of the story at this point is still open-ended. Kurt and Marla are in a position to improve their sexual relationship, and it is easy to believe that somehow Vickie will be rewarded for her contribution by being included in some way.

matuateneiramatuateneiraabout 5 years ago
How far do you go seeking complete honesty

Adding to a previous comment, I was married for 50 years before my wife passed away. I considered it an 8 out of 10 marriage. The sex was mostly 10 out of 10. I was reluctant to push my wife into talking about everything with total honesty. I knew there were some things that she did not want to talk about. I did not want to open Pandoras's box, with the risk that we would turn an 8 out of 10 marriage into a 6 out of 10 or worse marriage. I think IntuitiveJ has described this situation extremely well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Take that cheating skank back into my life. No, there'd be no sex, no touching, no pleasantries until I could get it official that I have to live with the whore again. and I'd never give up my relationship with Vickie.

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