Toofy Ch. 05


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Sai scratched his chin idly, "So you say. Yet, I do not think she is as entirely simple as you believe. Here is one simple question without an answer, Lady Efina. I have no scorpions in my yard. I would tolerate it, and nor would my gardener. Where did my mistress obtain them? Where did she obtain enough to fill the beds of your acolytes? They are not swarming creatures."

The priestess blinked, "Lord Sai?"

"It has been on my mind." He frowned, "How she knows things she should not. Obtains creatures like that, when she should be unable. The way the world itself seems to always give her a chance to succeed. A chance, not a guarantee, but a chance nonetheless."

Lady Efina backed away from the bars, "It is not possible. I would know. I am the speaker for the gods!"

"What is behind the idol, beneath the trapdoor, and behind the bookcase?" Sai asked.

The priestess glared at him angrily, "She did not tell you."

"You have no way of knowing, one way or another." He replied, "It does not matter. Toofy learned that, without you being aware of it. The cat is not as simple as she appears."

The priestess' knuckles went white as she struggled to suppress her rage. "Did you have to saddle the cat with such a ridiculous name, Lord Sai? What will you do when she enters society? Would you have her introduced to the emperor as Toofy?"

"That will occur momentarily. He has asked to meet her." Sai said with amusement, "I do wonder what her royal guard escort will make of your little assassin. Do you believe she will survive if they witness her attack?"

"The emperor has sent for the neko?" Efina stared in terror.

He gave a small nod, "I am afraid so. Predicting her future... Well, that is now in the hands of the gods."

The underhanded insult very nearly broke the priestess' composure. It was quite amusing to think his words had such power, when he lay behind bars, and she was free to do as she pleased.

"Do you know that our little neko has some desires, best not spoken aloud?" Efina asked quietly.

Sai chuckled, "Mmm. I do, indeed, Lady Efina. She made two demands upon me, before we even arrived home. The first was some fish. The second was... Impossible."

"Yet, I once believed that her mere survival in the temple was impossible. I regret making her my enemy, Lord Sai. It is one of my greatest regrets. I have no doubt, that if she survives to live in our world, as we do, that she will achieve her dreams." Efina came a hair's breadth from treason, begging Sai to trust her.

It was too bad that Sai had no intention of ever doing that. He would have liked to crow that he had not left his mistress undefended, and that he would not have left if he thought there was a possibility she would be killed.

He smiled and shrugged, "We'll see what the rascal does, soon enough."


She very nearly vomited as she entered her bedroom, clamping both hands over her mouth and nose. The catgirl let out a long and pained moan, shaking her head.

Arina stared at her, and sniffed, "Mistress? What's wrong?"

"Dog." She gagged, "He smells like freaking dogs. Don't like. Do not like."

The handmaiden stepped in front of her quickly, speaking firmly, "Who dares to breach the sanctity of my mistress' rooms? Reveal yourself."

Toofy tapped her shoulder, and then pointed at a man leaning casually in the corner of the room. Before she grabbed her mouth and nose again with both hands.

"Gamekeeper?" Arina asked in surprise, "This is an outrage."

"A necessary one." He said with a bored attitude, "I do not believe we have been properly introduce, Madame Sai. I am your gamekeeper, and manager of the grounds. I heard you may have found scorpions in my gardens. May I know where I have so blatantly failed?"

Toofy swallowed behind her hands, "He stinks. He should go away."

"A necessary invasion, I'm afraid." He replied without a hint of deference. "In a few moments someone is going to attempt to kill you. An assassin of the temple, that was positioned in advance of there being a Madame Sai. Killed for your title, not your person. Just an attempt to seize Lord Sai's property."

She rolled her eyes, "Little Saia is handled. He stinks. He should go away."

"You handled a succubus assassin?" He said with a tiny degree of surprise, "And yet without killing her. You should teach me the technique, m'lady."

"Make her cum every time you touch her." Toofy said, still not stepping into the room, "He should go. She needs her room to finish seducing succugirl."

The man gave a deep chuckle, and swung open the window, "As you wish, m'lady. I am afraid I will have to keep watch, to prevent your death. Propriety be damned."

She clamped her hands more firmly to her face, tail swishing happily, "Toofy doesn't mind being watched. Just watch out of stink range, stupid gamekeeper."

"Ah, I neglected to introduce myself." The man said as he sat on the windowsill, "I am called Tyre, Madame Sai."

He slipped outside and closed her window.

Toofy let her hands go, and let out a gagging cough loudly. "Stinky gamekeeper! Eugh. Just... Eugh."

Arina walked over and pushed both windows open, despite apparently being unable to smell the stench of wet dog the man had left like a poisonous perfume in the room.

The catgirl held her nose as she walked over weakly, before dropping onto the edge of the bed.

Her handmaiden whispered, "You knew that the temple acolyte was an assassin, mistress?"

"Of course." Toofy said arrogantly, "If she was taught like Toofy, she would not be surprised how easy it is to make a succubus cum. Horns, tails, toes. All the sensitive little places. She would know them. Instead, she smells like blood. So Toofy thinks... She will use her."

Arina swallowed, "It... Is beyond my place to talk, mistress, but I feel circumstances dictate it."

"Toofy is the Sai's." She rolled her eyes, "Toofy knows. But until the Sai is returned to her, then Toofy will have enemies. She needs a guard who does not smell like... Eugh. Dogs. She would not have her Arina hurt."

"The mistress nearly died, quite recently." Arina said fearfully, "Perhaps it would be best not to take so great a risk. I have overstepped, my apologies."

The catgirl grinned and crooked a finger, "Come."

The handmaiden walked over to her, and the neko, ran a finger along the woman's cheek, before fiercely grabbing the back of her head and dragging Arina to her.

She kissed her, tiny tongue playing across the woman's teeth. Not enough to set a mood, but enough to make her intentions clear.

She broke the kiss, grinning at her, "The Arina is still Toofy's. She will play later, when Twenty Four is feeling better. Less angry. She wants to kill the fucking elves. Burn their forests. She doesn't want to play with her Arina in that mood. Might hurt her."

The handmaiden flushed, "M-mistress."

"Toofy." She said suddenly, "She asked you to call her, Toofy! She is her friend. Only friend. Please. Call her, Toofy."

"I cannot, Madame Sai. Now, more than ever." The handmaiden protested.

The catgirl pouted, letting out a mewling cry of frustration and sadness, right before she grabbed her side and coughed up another bloody furball.

Arina immediately bent to clear it up, ever the faithful servant. The sacrificial lamb that would go willingly to slaughter. Toofy had managed to steal her heart, but the woman was already too broken to leave her role.


The succugirl, on the other hand... She was quite skilled with glamours. Toofy could convince her to appear as anyone. It would be fun to pretend to bed Efina. The endless possibilities made the neko quite excited.

Elia, her Little Saia, was not quite broken.

She was a killer, but inexperienced. Someone who was never actually meant to succeed, but sent as someone else's sacrifice. A temptation towards taking action.

That was precisely why the neko planned on making certain that Little Saia would never consider hurting Toofy. That she would do everything in her power to protect her new mistress.

"Arina? Toofy needs to make a purchase." She frowned, "Can she make the arrangements for her? It must be done immediately. Toofy may not be here, when Arina returns. She must get a receipt."

The handmaiden looked up from where she was cleaning the carpet, "M'lady?"

"Deal only directly with Lord Yu. Offer up to three casks of our wine. It is expensive, but must be done. He will offer other things, but Toofy wants only one. The slavegirl, Elia. None others. Buy her." The neko ordered and pointed at the door, snarling "Run!"

"Do I... Fetch Isaac for you, first, mistress?"

"No. Run. Fucking run!" Toofy growled.

Her plans had changed, had to change. She could smell the horses on the wind, now. Only a few minutes away from barrelling in, and she needed them not to interfere with the purchase.

Palace horses. She couldn't imagine any lord less than an emperor wasting bath salts on such damned stupid creatures. Which meant they were coming for the neko.

Almost as soon as Arina left the room, Toofy was knocked onto her back. Firm hands pinning her shoulders, and warm thighs above her own. A leather tail flicked the air playfully, as red eyes glared down at her.

"You're going to buy me, are you?" The succubus growled, "And here I thought I was just going to kill you."

The catgirl smiled at her, eyes glowing, "Is she going to take Toofy, now? Make her die with a flood between her legs?"

Elia growled again, a deeply guttural sound, and reached backwards for a knife at her hip. The cat took advantage of the movement, slipping free of the grasp as she became almost liquid, and pounced against the woman's back.

The would-be assassin snarled as she found herself pinned, but didn't fight back when she felt claws at the base of her neck. "I will do my duty, cat."

"Toofy thinks that would be boring." She purred quietly, "She is prepared to kill the succugirl, if she has to. She would prefer a playmate."

"Fuck off."

Toofy snagged the tail that tried to slap her face in her mouth, baring her tiny and incredibly sharp teeth. Threatening to bite down and causing Elia to whimper in fear.

She spoke around the tail, "Behave. If she wants, Little Saia can feel joy. Or she can feel unloved pain. It is her choice."

"That's not a choice. That's an ultimatum." Elia said angrily, "Get fucked, or get fucked up."

The cat sighed, "Little Saia did this. She didn't have to insist on trying to kill Toofy. Now, if Toofy releases her tail, is she going to be a bitch?"

"Probably." The woman resisted her powerless position.

Toofy sighed, and shuffled the tail in her mouth until she had the fork on the end. She suckled it gently. She would have preferred to play with the woman willingly, but needs must.

She didn't want to end up getting stabbed.

"No, you fuck!" Elia gasped loudly, "Noooo! I... I... Augh!"

The girl came, shaking and twitching beneath the cat sitting on her back. The orgasm pushing through her like a freight train as Toofy took her from nowhere to well passed the edge.

She continued suckling gently, knowing that the woman couldn't fight back, and moved her hands to take the knife and throw it out of reach. Then, she leaned down, rubbing her breasts into their back, before her hands found those sensitive horns.

"Noo! Not more! No! I can't take it!" Elia begged as Toofy blinded her with a forced joy. All the while, feeling guilty and hating herself for it.

This was not much different than what the bastard elf had tried on her, apart from Elia attacking first.

She released the tail from her mouth, and softened her grip on the woman's horns. "Is Elia going to attack her, if Toofy stops?"

"N-no." The woman gasped, still shaking.

She lay down beside the woman, letting out a sad sigh and stroking her cheek. "Don't like making people do things. But didn't want to kill the Elia. She will be Toofy's, soon."

"You're buying me." The succubus growled angrily, "I hate you."

She flicked the bell around her collar, "Toofy is property, too. She doesn't like it. Wants to change it. But humans are human. Stupid bitches who think we're weak and stupid. Don't see neko. See slave."

Elia winced, "You got yourself a lord. Don't even pretend to be like me, to know what I have been forced to do."

"Toofy nearly threw up when she saw it was a glamour." She shrugged, "Forbidden love, she doesn't mind. Stealing someone's image? Only if you hate them. He wants to hurt his daughter."

The succubus gave a timid effort to roll onto her side and failed, "You still have no idea who I am, or what I've done, cat."

"Yu is a drunk. A bastard who thinks that Toofy is a fucktoy for her Sai, who loves her." She insisted, "She may not know what Little Saia has done, but she will help her hurt him."

The woman's red eyes took on a different tone, "Excuse me?"

"If succugirl joins her mistress, then her mistress promises her revenge. It may take time, but it will be as bad as Toofy can make it. Help Little Saia fuck him until he wishes he was dead." The neko growled.

Elia laughed sarcastically, "Really? What the fuck can a couple of slave girls do?"

"Toofy is about to be called to the Emperor. She will become Lord Castelle's property." The neko stated, "When it happens, she will begin his death. She will return herself to her Lord Sai. And take what Castelle owns, with her."

"You're insane. We're slaves." Elia insisted.

She reached up and touched one of the horns, eliciting a gasp. "Slaves. Yes. Weak, no. Never. All the human secrets and lies... Toofy doesn't care for them. She will conquer, steal, and kill, until the empire is hers. She wants it, and so it will be hers."

"Fuck. You think you can do it."

Her mouth went into her lopsided grin, "Bastard elf is already dead. The women are afraid of Twenty Four. The emperor has already heard her name. She has been Lord Sai's for a single night. Why does Little Saia think that she can't do it?"

Elia gave a weak sigh, "Holy of holies. You're a monster."

"She is." Toofy agreed, smiling even broader, "She takes what she wants. She is using the Little Saia. She makes no pretence of it. But the Little Saia will enjoy it, and she will get her revenge."

"What are you going to do? Poison the casks of wine?" The succubus sneered.

Toofy rolled her eyes, "Twenty Four isn't that stupid. That would lead back to her. She will get Lord Vanhern to hold the knife, probably. He already hates the man, and wonders if Yu is not too dangerous to keep living. If Vanhern thought Yu was causing the blight on his vines, he would tear down the temple to get to Yu. Challenge the gods, even."

"Devious little shit, aren't you?"

She shrugged, "People are weapons. Words are weapons. Fucking is a weapon. Dangerous imaginations are weapons. Everything is a weapon, and Toofy will use it against her prey."

"Fuck." Elia gave a little groan, and reached a hand down between her own legs, "Such a monster."

She smiled broadly, "Does the Little Saia want a taste of this power? Does she want to hurt them?"

"Y-yes." Elia moaned, her red eyes beginning to glow as she began to frantically try and get herself off. Wanting the power and authority that Toofy was offering her.

Toofy leaned forward and kissed the succubus. Tasting the chef in her mouth, just like she'd ordered, earlier.

When it came to succubi, it was all about the power. They were switches. Didn't matter if they dominated, or were forced to submit, there was nothing more attractive than an imbalance between two people.

A long and forked tongue wrapped around Toofy's small and rough one. Snaking around it and then down her throat with a zealous lust. Wanting her, wanting more of her.

She felt one of the succugirl's hands on her breasts, toying excitedly, as the other hand noisily and frantically tried to make the temple assassin cum.

Toofy roughly grabbed the woman by her horns, and jerked, rolling them over and dominating the girl. Shoving her head into the bed as she pushed their mouths together roughly.

Tiny claws scratching and rolling around the delicate and sensitive ends of the black ivory. Elia moaned loudly into her, immediately beginning to cum, again.

To cum for her mistress.

A firm knock sounded at the door, threatening to interrupt the two of them. Isaac's arrogant voice coming through the wood, "Madame Sai. I am afraid that there are some men here to escort you. You have been summoned, m'lady."

"Fucking ass." Toofy broke the kiss, and moved down to gently nip at Elia's neck, "Want him... To go... Away."

"Mmm... Eugh..." Elia groaned under the increased attentions, "I... Gods above... Where did... Oh... You learn that?"

"Cum." Toofy ordered, "Cum for your mistress, your playmate. Little Saia."

"Eugh!" The succubus' voice cried out loudly enough that Isaac would have felt it. "I... Am... So... So... Much... Eugh! Fuck's sake!"

The catgirl licked her neck before suddenly plunging her teeth down. Breaking the skin with her needle-like fangs. Giving the succubi what she wanted.

"M-mmmmistress!" Elia cried out in a mix of pain and ecstasy as her largest orgasm yet hit her like a tidal wave. Forcing her to become Toofy's.

Hers, and no other's.

The catgirl leaned up, her tongue playing over her teeth. There was no mark, despite a few small flecks of blood. The punctures too small to be seen.

Elia gasped weakly, "Fuck. You win. I'll be your thing."

"Toofy expects Elia to reciprocate, one day." She said coyly, "Would she like that? Dominating the little neko?"

"F-fuck yes." The succubi groaned, and breathed heavily, "So... What now? Do I just wait here for the invoice?"

The catgirl shook her head and stood up, before nearly collapsing. She pulled at an ear in frustration, coming away with a tuft of fur. "Too much. That took too much of Toofy. She's still sick. Nearly dead. She needs a guard. Her handmaiden."

"Well, you've recharged me." The succubi purred and wrapped their arms around the catgirl's waist. There was a visual shiver as she changed and became the image of Arina. "Mistress."

Toofy grinned, "The voice is good. Not perfect. Enough to fool stupid humans. Shall we get arrested, Elia?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story thus far although I have to agree with Purplefizz' assessment regarding repetitive errors (such as the erroneous repeated use of the word "passed" where the correct word should have been "past"...

Its still very much worth the read though imho.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

5* But please get a decent proof reader to fix the repetitive errors, they stick out like big red arrows to some of us, the bones of the story are excellent though, literally clawing her way to the top. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"The orgasm pushing through her like a freight train as Toofy took her from nowhere to well passed the edge."

Another past/passed error.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 3 years ago

I swear this keeps getting better with each chapter. I love a good murder-mystery everyone-plotting-against-everyone story.

HargaHargaalmost 3 years ago

I normally don't go for this type of story. Humanistic animals and all but this is absolutely the most entertaining story I've read in a long time. The character of Toofy/24 is cute and adorable one minute and sadistic and somewhat evil the next. She's her own cat, knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. This world you've created is a fun sand-box along with some interesting characters populating it.

I hope to read more soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love it. Keep it going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I can't get enough of this. When I first read the first part I thought this was amazing shame it was one a one-shot. Now with part 5 I am still addicted to Toofy/24 the world and characters and desperate to know what happens next

mharrisonmharrisonalmost 3 years ago

This just keeps getting better and better :)

Fantastic story and loving every bit of it.

Thank you for sharing with us...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Past....not passed. Like the story though.

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