Torgan Wine Ch. 26


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The pale man at their feet rasped out something in Torgan and Draeseth smiled grimly. "He begs me not to harm you. If you require a friend, and he wishes to look after you, I will castrate him and allow it."

"I will not allow you to mutilate someone to satisfy your jealousy. I would rather drown in my loneliness."

"You can have my company anytime you desire it, you have no need of another." Draeseth growled pulling her closer. "Why would you go seeking?"

"Why would I look for a friend when I am utterly alone?"

He put the knife away and cupped her face in both hands, "Am I not enough?"

"You have been cold since-"

"If you require my warmth..." He bent to kiss her almost tentatively, when she didn't pull away he became more insistent, claiming her mouth. "If you give me the Arrangement that was offered, I will release him unharmed. He will stay away from you and you will cleave to me."

"You will have to keep to it." Isonei could feel the tension in his arms as she lightly touched them. If the Arrangement was required to have Xago released from his bonds unmutilated... "But I would ask for more. I will give you the Arrangement if you free him to go back to Mun."

The Torgan gave a growling grunt and let his hands move down over her back pulling her against his body. "You will remain in Torga for the half year you are not with me if I free him. It would be too great an expense to lose his service and send you back to Ara once a year."

Placing her hands on his chest she rose on her toes, pressing soft kisses to his lips. A life for a life, hers at least wouldn't be as bitter as his and he might have a home to return to. "Done. Release him and take me to bed? Show me that you can be warm?"

"Let him watch as my Duchess sings out in pleasure." Lifting her off of her feet he carried her to the desk and wrenched at the overdress forcing the fasteners to give. "Let him watch as you give me your desire, woman."

"My desire is for you alone, my Draeseth, my beautiful Beast of Kroscur." After the misery of feeling so alone, being touched was almost overwhelming. As much as the thought of being confined to Torga terrified her and being taken as a power play unsettled her, the need to be held, the need to be made to feel safe and protected in his strong embrace made her ache.

The fasteners of her shirt and high-waisted underskirt tore as easily in his powerful grasp as he began to purr in Torgan and trail his biting kisses up and down the side of her neck. Isonei untied his belt and clutched at his tunics.

"Please, let me see you..."

He stepped back to strip off his tunics and she took that moment to slip out of her destroyed dress and undergarments, including the warm, scratchy stockings Lislora had insisted she wear and small clothes. Draeseth was tugging his leather pants open with a wicked grin as she reached for him, pressing kisses into his broad chest.

"Did you miss my affections, woman? Did you miss my Torgan appetites?" He purred something in Torgan lifting her back onto the desk. "Show me you missed me."

Turning and lying on her back so that her head and shoulders were hanging partly off of the desk she began to stroke and tease him from beneath. She moaned against his dark grey-green skin as he ran his hands over her breasts squeezing and wickedly toying with her nipples.

Urgently, he pressed his cock head to her mouth and shallowly thrust as she opened for him. His words were a low lustful purr as she sucked and pressed her tongue to his shaft, slipping her hand to her sex, the taste and feel of him, even like this, was thrilling.

"I will have you apologize to me later, wife, I need." Draeseth pulled back and moved around his desk as she lifted her head. "I want your belly rounded with my first son before your Festival." He pulled her toward him across the desk sinking himself inside with an exultant groan.

"Draeseth-" She caressed his hands and arms soothingly as he held her hips in his iron grip. A reminder of her promises would wait, in this position he was trying to go too deeply too quickly, she was no longer accustomed to the largeness of him.

"Husband, you will call me husband." He half closed his eyes as he made a slow, powerful thrust. It felt as if he were trying to split her down the middle. "The way you feel..."

"Too much!" She gripped his wrists and looked at him helplessly. The depth and tightness of him inside her was unbearable.

"Show me a better way," He pulled back reluctantly and she sat up taking a breath of relief.

"Sit in your chair, it-"

"I want you bent or laid out before me." Draeseth's eyes were burning with desire.

"And you'll have me that way but if you try to fit all of that magnificent cock into me without taking your time and doing it right you'll hurt me. It's been too long." Isonei caressed his chest and kissed the tattoo over his heart. "You must go more slowly... husband." Where the word had felt light and easy, comfortable before, it now felt peculiar and weighty.

He bent to kiss her, moving his hands over her before he lifted her and wrapped her legs around his waist carrying her to the backless sofa. "I remember you putting the pillow under your hips."

"They need to be lifted but still below yours," she gave him a small encouraging smile as he put a stiff pillow under her and knelt to enter again.

Holding her firmly in place with one hand, he put the fingers of his other to work teasing around and over her most sensitive spot as he began to work himself inside carefully, taking his time.

"Yes, mmm, yes my Draeseth, like that!"

"Simple commands are beyond you," the large Torgan growled with amusement. "Perhaps you need to be reminded of where you belong. Now that you are bound here I will not allow you to forget again."

"You are the most wicked-" Isonei gasped as his thumb brushed across her most sensitive spot with a little less gentleness.

"Tell your Beast, your wicked husband, where you belong." He thrust more firmly and his dark eyes glittered.

"I belong in front of you with my fine legs spread, husband, my beautiful Beast of Kroscur..." Her back arched as he purred in Torgan and leaned to work more of his large Torgan cock inside her, his deft fingers making her moan in delight. "Mmn yes, please, like that!"

Draeseth pulled his hand away and wrapped it around her throat murmuring lustfully, "Put those nimble fingers of yours to work, woman, give your husband what he needs."

She tightened around him and his hand around her throat tightened slightly as well, making her thighs tremble. His Torgan groans and growls as he throbbed inside her spurred her toward release. Her heart pounded and the entirety of her body felt as if it were heating and cooling, pulsing and tingling as he pushed her over the edge. Isonei tried to speak his name but his hand tightened around her throat amplifying her release and bringing stars into her vision as he exultantly bellowed in Torgan. She could feel him still throbbing and releasing as he relaxed his grip.

"Woman, wife," he pulled the pillow away and lowered her hips to lie on top of her kissing her throat, "my silver jewel."

Isonei wrapped her arms around him closing her eyes and letting her fingers run through his black hair. "My Draeseth, my wicked husband. Why does the beautiful Beast of Kroscur feel the need to be so loud?"

He began to laugh in his throat, "Did you not complain once that I chided you for loudness when I made you wail in ecstasy."

"That didn't sound like a wail of ecstasy, more like a-a..." she tried to find the words in her slightly bliss fogged mind.

"Cry of victory?" The Torgan lifted his head to grin at her viciously.


"It was both." Draeseth captured her lips kissing her with assurance and desire. "You are mine. You have agreed to be mine permanently."

"I have, and you have agreed to give Xago of Mun his freedom."

"All of the contracts will be signed before dinner. Xago of Mun will have his now." Draeseth kissed her again before pushing off of her and striding to his desk. He tossed her her chemise and began to rifle through the drawers of his desk before withdrawing some papers and then a key.

She pulled on the chemise and glanced to Xago. His face was blank and he stared into the middle distance as if he were somewhere else entirely.

When he seemed to have everything he wished gathered, Draeseth dressed himself and drew his knife, returning to cut the man free. He spoke brusquely in Torgan and Xago rose from the floor without glancing in her direction, following him to the desk.

Xago spoke tentatively as Draeseth seemed to ask sharp questions, and the large Torgan nodded after each answer. And then he was dismissed. He carried the papers as if he were in a dream and they might vanish out of his hands at any moment, barely looking up from them as he left the room.

"You will be happy here, my Isonei. I promise you." Draeseth returned to the sofa to kiss her again, pulling her into his lap.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Can't disagree with anything said, to this point. You have not stayed consistent with the characters you created.

I'll try another chapter, or two, to see where you go; perhaps you'll surprise me.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Poor Isonei

I can understand how a woman gets trapped in an abusive relationship. She's honest and true and he isn't. Yet there was a part of him that loves her. If only he meant the caring things he promises.

Anomandaris2Anomandaris2almost 6 years ago

Yeah, the last few chapters have turned my stomach.

I really hope this shifts direction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Abuse story?

What in the world happen to the characters? She is suppose to be this independent free spirit who have handled the courts and princes. Yet she is now allowing him to isolate her, cheat on her, and use another man's life against her? This is more of an abuse story of how someone ends up in an abusive relationship. She should be running to the priests and ask to be extracted. Time for romance is over... Her actions bce in torga pretty meek and pathetic. If you want to showcase clash of values she should be putting up a fight that wakes him up that controlling abuser is not the way to go

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good luck

Good luck figuring out an ending. So many loose ends right now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I don't know

Someone said Draeseth was lovey-dovey and I never saw him that way, possessive and affectionate sure, and wasn't it mentioned several times that he was religious? *shrugs* It doesn't seem horribly jarring to me.

And, I mean, is he really courting Lislora or are they being pushed together? Draeseth doesn't seem like the type of guy to be like, hey y'all I made a mistake, he's kind of stubborn isn't he? If he starts realizing he might be better off with someone more Torgan he's not going to just drop things, forcing the Arrangement seemed more like doubling down to me.

Despite his faults, I liked Draeseth, I'd like to see how this gets cleaned up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Character development

You write very well but your character development is sorely lacking.

Draeseth behavior isn't consistent; he used to be all lovey-dovey with Isonei, wouldn't let anyone come between them, but once advised not to go near her he just agrees, ignoring his promises and her obvious distress? And he wanted an exclusive marriage but he is courting another woman, and now he is twisting Isonei's arm into an arrangement he knows she doesn't want yet? He confines her, cuts her from everyone she loves, ignores her and won't even get her a coat. Way to lose the love of any woman.

And Isonei, after all he did and being backmailed into entering something that will destroy her life, has sex with him just as if nothing happened, when she was so adamant she wouldn't be pushed around before.

You have virtually destroyed your whole story line here, there is no redeeming your characters now. Who are these people and what did you do with the original ones?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Poor Isonei!

I think I started off reading one story and then somehow took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in another one.

Isemay, did you write the third page in this chapter just to see if your readers were paying attention?

I always had the sense that Draeseth was dark, and Isonei wouldn't be happy in his homeland. She's always been an independent spirit and not allowed him to control her, until now, and now Draeseth is cruel and psychotic.

Isonei should have run when she had the chance, and now she's trapped. I can only hope she gets her wits back and finds a way out. He's broken promises to her, so it seems fair she should be able to break promises to him.

SisterRobinSisterRobinalmost 6 years ago

This story has always brightened my day... 'til now.

I hope this is a bump instead of a transition.

nthusiasticnthusiasticalmost 6 years ago
What the Heck?!?

This is worse than I ever imagined! I guess I shouldn't be surprised they keep slaves considering the way they treat women. I certainly see now why they call him the Beast! Ready to toss someone off a balcony because his own cheating was discovered or kill a man who showed kindness to Isonei, extorting an Arrangement from her to save that man's life despite deliberately breaking his own promise to return her home whenever she requested, none of these actions are honorable.

Isolating Isonei, depriving her of companionship or even the ability to speak with those around her? He promised he would teach her to speak Torgan but hasn't. He promised she would be tutored in Lerian but again hasn't. Promised he'd send her home when asked but hasn't. Obviously his promises are meaningless. Poor Isonei, caught between her gods & a man who can't be trusted.

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