Track Meet in Purgatory Ch. 02


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Sweet agony overwhelmed me; impossibly welcome anguish overcame me! I expelled my breath in great sobs as my need pulsed into her, viscous and white hot; pulsed again, and again, and again—again and yet again—seemingly without end! Her need, hot and clasping, responded—embracing me with her love, welcoming mine. Then, barely aware that she thrashed, too, and sobbed with me in the grip of her own climax, I subsided into a state of nothingness.

A time passed, and two times, and more. Slowly, perception of things beyond my own consciousness returned. First, I knew that my body's desire was satisfied, at least for now: The driving compulsion for release was gone, though I still breathed heavily from the need for oxygen that I'd ignored when I'd exploded. (I didn't know when that explosion had happened. Was it mere moments ago? Ages ago?) Then I felt the loving embrace of her arms and her legs, and the softness of her warm, naked body under me and against me. She, too, breathed heavily. I felt her sheath contract rhythmically about my shaft as her orgasm subsided, and I realized that I still throbbed gently inside her.

My head had come to rest on the quilt, beside hers. I raised it and looked at her. She was relaxed, smiling faintly, her eyes closed. As though she had felt my gaze, her eyes fluttered open, and she looked into mine. Her smile deepened, as though with recognition, and she said, "I love you, Jason!"

I smiled back at her. "I love you, Lynne!" I said. "I love you so much!" And I kissed her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hungry as we were, we might have lain there, naked in each other's arms, for the rest of the morning. But it suddenly occurred to Lynne (who had always been the responsible one) that we needed to get in touch with our parents. They had probably expected us to call them from our motel the night before. They might be pissed off because we hadn't. They might even be super-pissed: If they'd tried to call us, they'd think we'd turned our phones off!

It wasn't an emergency, we agreed, because parents are always looking for something to be pissed about. This was probably better than some other things we could think of. Like, for example, what we had just done with each other! So we kissed and squeezed, murmuring quietly, for a little while before we roused ourselves, dug into our suitcases, and got some clean clothes on.

It was nearly ten, and we had barely turned onto the main highway south of La Junta when my phone chirped its missed-message complaint. Lynne gave me her Time-To-Deal-With-The-'Rents look, and she had just dug my phone out of my pack when hers chirped, too. Having mine in her hand at the time, she dealt with that one first. There were several missed messages, but only one voice-mail. She accessed my voice-mail, turned up the volume, and we listened to my dad wondering, at about nine-thirty the evening before, why we hadn't called and why our phones were turned off.

Then she repeated the performance with her own phone. Her parents had been a little bit more patient. The voice-mail that wanted to know what was up had been posted at nine-forty the night before. We were trying to decide whom to call first when my phone rang. I started to pull off to the side of the highway to answer it, but Lynne stopped me: "Keep driving," she said. "I'll talk to them."

As I pulled back onto the highway, she answered the phone, listened for a few seconds, and said, "Hi, Julie!"

I could hear Mom's voice, but not what she was saying; Lynne had evidently turned the volume back down. Mom sounded concerned.

"No," Lynne said. "We had a little problem. We were on the wrong side of the river when there was a storm upstream. There was a flash flood, and we couldn't get across to get back to the car. It got a little bit cold during the night, but we found some shelter, and we spent the night there. We even slept some. The river had gone down this morning, and now we're on the way home."

There was something more from the other end, still unintelligible, now sounding even more concerned.

"Neither of our phones would work down there! There was no reception, so we couldn't call you. Jase is fine. He's right here with me. I'm fine, too. I answered his phone because he's driving." That would get me some points, she knew; all four of our parents were dead set against having either of us use a phone while driving. She held the phone over toward me and said, "Say something, Jase!"

"Hi, Mom!" I said. "We're fine. We're just a little bit dirty, a little bit tired, and a little bit hungry." I left out and very much in love. "We should be home in four or five hours. We'll be in La Junta in a few minutes. We didn't have any supper last night or breakfast this morning, so we're going to stop there and get something to eat."

Lynne spoke into the phone again, quickly, before Mom could say anything. "See, we're fine. I'll bet my folks are worried about us, too. I tried my phone right before you called, and it wouldn't connect." As she said that, she reached for her phone and turned it off! I glanced over at her with a question in my eyes. She winked at me, and then she continued, "They're at work now, too. Will you call my Mom? She should have her cellphone with her. Could you tell her why we didn't call last night and that we're fine? Please?"

She paused. There was more noise from the other end, still meaningless from where I sat, but now sounding much less worried.

Lynne spoke again. "Thanks, Julie. The dinosaur tracks were wonderful. We'll tell you all about it tonight. 'Bye!"

Mom said something to her, and they cut the connection, evidently by mutual consent. We were just arriving in La Junta; a few minutes later, I pulled into the café where we'd eaten the day before. I smiled at her. "Umm…" I said, as I reached over and squeezed her thigh. "I think you left a few things out, Nerdette!"

"I sure did, Nerd!" She smiled back at me and reached over to squeeze my thigh. "Like the doctor said, our sex lives aren't anybody's business but ours! And they don't need to know how much trouble we really had! We need to get our story straight," she said as I parked. "Then I'll talk to my own parents."

I agreed. Why tell parents the truth about the trouble your dumb mistakes caused when there's a good lie that leaves the worst of everything out? Everybody knows that parents react badly to dumb mistakes! They might even decide that you should expiate their guilt for approving those dumb mistakes in advance!

Then she observed, "Speaking of parents, we can't let any of them know that we're Doing That now. Or even that we're in love. Dad's always been so worried about protecting me from boys. He thinks they only have one thing in mind—but that I don't! He'll have a cow if he finds out!"

"What about me?" I asked. "I'm a boy. And I definitely have That in mind! But he let you come down here with me."

"It's a compliment, Nerd!" she pointed out. "He doesn't think you're a typical boy. And come to think of it, neither do I!"

Those last two sentences were things for me to ponder during the rest of the drive back to Denver.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We got home just as our parents started arriving home from work. We had concluded, over that welcome meal, that we only needed to skip two minor details about our trip. They didn't need to know, we thought, that Lynne might have been very close to dying from being too cold, or that we'd found a very… umm… engaging way to reward ourselves for warming her up.

The flash flood, which my mom already knew about, and the warm boulder should suffice to explain away what they knew about the events of the past twenty-four hours. It was obvious from our appearances that we'd gotten soaked, but we could account for that with a rain-shower that had been a good bit less severe, and a good bit warmer, than the storm we had really experienced. We agreed that that lesser shower had hit shortly after the water had risen. It might actually have happened that way if the storm had tracked just a bit farther to the south. And there had been no one else in the canyon, no one who might someday tell a different story. Moreover, we each did our own laundry, so we wouldn't need to explain away the sodden clothing we'd hidden in our packs.

Up until that incident, we'd resented our laundry responsibilities. They were, we had thought, an unpleasant consequence of both having two working parents. We had some second thoughts about that on this occasion.

Lynne told our sanitized story when she called her mother as we left La Junta, and we told it again when everyone was back at home. We were obviously in good health, and, because we had given them no reason to believe that it might have been otherwise, our parents bought our story at face value, displaying admirable sympathy for the hardships we'd overcome as we spent a long night hiding under the big rock we'd found during the shower.

After Lynne and I had cleaned up and gotten naps, Robin had us all over for a late dinner. There, Lynne and I got the opportunity we needed to tell everyone about what we'd seen. Lynne was at her sparkling best when she did so; she hadn't forgotten at all how interesting she'd found those tracks. I thought it was something of an anticlimax, but I flatter myself that I carried my own weight in telling that part of our tale.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The following day was the first of the Memorial Day weekend. Those three days seemed a lot longer than than they needed to be! We didn't have to worry about explaining why we spent a lot of time together over those three days—we had always spent a lot of time together. We'd probably have been pestered for an explanation if we hadn't spent most of that weekend with each other.

No, the hard part (Well, the metaphorical hard part! Not the hard part of my body!) was keeping hands, lips, and other parts of our bodies all where parents were likely to think they belonged, and away from places where parents might think that they didn't belong. Of course we managed to spend some time alone with each other. We had always done that, and now we enjoyed it more than ever. But there was always a parent, if not two or more, not too far away. So we had to defer an important part of the love lives we'd just discovered. Not that we were completely unable to sneak in looks, words, hugs, kisses, and feels, but we couldn't carry things beyond that—much as we wanted to.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was about half past eight on Tuesday morning, after that long weekend, and our parents had all left for work. I had just gotten up, and I was finishing my shower when I heard someone pulling the shower curtain open behind me. I knew who it was. "Is that you, Nerdette?" I asked as I stepped into the shower stream and soap began to sluice off of my face.

"No!" she said. "I'm your other girlfriend!" as she stepped into the shower with me.

"Well," I said, "I'm happy that you're here, Other Girlfriend! But I wish it was Lynne!"

"You'd better 'wish it was Lynne,' Nerd!" she replied as she swatted me on the ass. It stung and I yelped! I shook the water out of my eyes and turned to look at her. She was smiling up at me; she, too, was naked, as is only fitting if you're going to join somebody in a shower. "I've already had my shower this morning," she continued, "but another one won't hurt!"

I pulled her against me, turning us so that her back was to the shower head. "A person can't be too clean," I said, solemnly.

Still smiling, she reached for a kiss, saying, "No… a person can't!"

We stood there, holding each other close, enjoying a deep kiss, as the flowing water drenched her. It wasn't long before the kiss and the double armful of slippery, wet, naked, willing girl gave me a boner. As the kiss broke, she reached down and grasped me. "We'd better do something about this," she allowed.

"My very thought!" I said.

"But first," she replied, "there's something I've want to try on a boy for a long time!" She sank to her knees without warning, kissed the head of my cock, and slipped half of it into her mouth.

Her unexpected action startled me, and the resulting sensations staggered me. Knees wobbling a bit, I think I yelled something inarticulate. Then she bobbed her head gently, sliding me in and out, in and out. Forces began to gather in my groin, and I shouted something that must have been even more incomprehensible than whatever my first utterance had been. I looked down; she looked back up at me, eyes smiling, as my shaft glided in and out between her loving lips.

She kept it up for a dozen strokes, paralyzing me with delight. Taking me from her mouth well before I could build up critical mass, she grinned up at me. When that stimulation ended, my volition returned, and I reached down to pull her up where I could hold her and kiss her again. She came happily, saying, "You liked that, didn't you!" She'd phrased it as a question, but it was a statement of fact!

"Oh, Lynne!" I answered. "I wish I could tell you!"

As she moved into my arms, she put her own arms around my waist. My boner slid up between our bellies; she wiggled against it and I throbbed in response. "I'm glad," she said. "I've heard girls say that guys like that. And the woman always seems to do that in the porn I've seen. So I thought we should try it. I liked it, too! Having your dick in my mouth was really hot!"

I was thinking of another place to put my dick, then. I grasped her wrist and pulled her out of the shower. As I turned off the water, I took a towel off the stack of clean ones with my other hand. "I'm going to dry you off, now," I announced, "so that you won't get my bed wet!" As I spoke, I saw the pile of clothes that she'd left beside the shower when she'd stripped to join me, and I pulled her away from them so we wouldn't drip all over them.

She renewed her grin and reached for another clean towel. "I'd better dry you off, too," she replied. "Our you will get your bed wet!"

We set to work. We still didn't know each other's bodies very well, so we probably accomplished a good bit more in the way of exploration than of drying in the minutes that followed. I think that there was a towel between a dry-er's hand and a dry-ee's skin no more than a third of the time! But, somehow, we did manage to get ourselves mostly dry.

At length, we threw the towels into the hamper. I took her hand to lead her into my room, but she pulled me against herself and reached up for another kiss. Then, hand in hand, we scampered into my bedroom. We both seemed to have the same activity in mind.

When we reached my room, I stopped and turned her around, so that she faced me with her back to my bed. I took her into my arms again, and we kissed, deeply, at length. Her naked skin against my own inflamed me; and, slowly, continuing that divine kiss, I pushed her backward, until her legs were against the bed. I pulled back and looked into her eyes, smiling. She smiled back at me; and I gave her a gentle push, tripping her. She whooped and landed on the bed on her back; her legs splayed as she fell.

Moments passed while I drank in the glory of her feminine nakedness, and then I bent slowly forward. A hand on top of each of her thighs, I leaned a bit to the side and kissed the tender sweet meat of an inner thigh, just a few inches from her groin. As I turned to kiss the other thigh, the scent of her feminine treasure wafted into my nose for the first time. She had just showered (Twice!), and her pussy's natural perfume was consequently subdued. I did not know that, then, because I had no experience with the stronger, more assertive fragrance she was capable of giving off. It was just as well; even suppressed as it was, her feminine aroma captivated me. Thought ceased, and there was nothing but the body—the feminine body—naked, spread in front of me.

Enthralled, I succeeded in kissing her other thigh before I turned back to her center and slowly, slowly, brought my lips to her. Gently, I kissed her clit where it protruded, very slightly, from the upper end of her cleft, and I heard her sharp intake of breath in response. "No, Jase!" she began pleadingly. "You don't have to…" The last part of her statement was lost in another sharp intake of breath, followed by a deep moan, as I dug into her cleft with my tongue, right above the entrance to her body, and stroked upward slowly.

She was hot, wet, slick; and my tongue moved joyfully in her furrow, stroking up and down and side to side, concentrating on her clit but not ignoring the other structures it found. Her pussy was still unfamiliar; it seemed even more complicated than it had when I'd fingered her before, but I wasn't going to let that distract me! Immediately she placed her hands on my head and held me tightly against herself as though she was suddenly afraid that I might stop because she'd said "You don't have to…."

"Oh, God! Jase! That's so… so…" she exclaimed, and, apparently unable to find a word that described what she felt, dissolved into another deep moan. And, a few minutes later, she thrashed and squealed under my tongue as her climax took her.

When she had returned to herself, she held me close. After a bit, she asked, "You haven't come yet, have you?"

"No," I admitted.

"I think," she said, "that you'd better put it in me, then. After what you did for me, I can't leave you hanging!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After lust had run its course, we lay naked together in each other's arms, enjoying our bodies' touch. We'd been there a few minutes, sharing quietly, when she raised her head and looked into my eyes. "Jase?" she asked.

"Yeah, Lynne?"

"Why you didn't stop when I told you that you didn't have to eat me?"

"Did you really want me to stop?" I asked.

"Well…" she allowed, "I guess I didn't really want you to stop. It felt so good! And you made me come so hard! But…" Doubtfully, she gave up, not quite able to find the words that would mean what she wanted to say.

"Didn't you like eating me?" I asked after I'd figured out that she wasn't going to continue.

She grinned and nodded her head. "That was so hot! I liked tasting your dick and feeling it in my mouth. And it made you feel so good! I liked that, too! And it turned me on so!"

"I liked tasting your pussy. And exploring it with my tongue and making you come that way! And that turned me on!"

Her grin was gone. "It didn't…" she started, and paused. She tried again: "It didn't… uhh… It didn't turn you off?"

"Why would your pussy turn me off? I think it's supposed to do the opposite! And it does! Did my dick turn you off?"

"I guess I am supposed to turn you on, now that I think about it. It's just that, well… that the thought of licking a pussy has always seemed kind of, uhh… well… dirty to me. I don't think doing that to someone would turn me on at all!"

"Maybe that's because you're a girl," I suggested. "Now that you mention it, I've never been very attracted or excited at the thought of—"

"Eating a dick!" she interrupted. "Yeah! I can see that! And I sure am glad that you never have been!"

She lay back down against me, and we lay there, happy in each other's arms, for a while.

We were still enjoying each other's naked bodies together when she spoke again: "Jase?"


"I'm going to get in touch with the gynecologist later today, to go on the Pill," she said. "But it'll take me a day or two to get started, and it takes about a week before I can be sure it's effective."

"Does that mean we won't be able to—" I began.

She shushed me. "No," she replied. "But we'll have to use condoms for a week. We need to start by Thursday, because I'm due to ovulate about Sunday. We probably need to allow a few days either way."