Tragedy Turns To Treasures


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On the twelfth night, Rachel came to the office with Joseph but told Dominic that they would not be able to have sex that night because her monthly curse had arrived. Dominic thought that, in this case, it was a monthly blessing, since he was not ready to father a bastard child, yet neither was he ready to give up his very satisfying tryst with Rachel.

"You know you have another possibility, don't you," Rachel offered softly.

"No. What is that?" Dominic responded.

"Kyleen would love to receive some attention from you."

"She would?" he asked incredulously. "But she is always so ..."

"Yes, I know, but that is just a front. She really is a very loving woman but too few men pay her any attention."

"Oh? I think she is quite ... attractive."

"Yes, I know," Rachel giggled. "It was obvious on the train. Why don't you go see her?"


"Yes, now. Go on."

Dominic walked slowly down the hall to Kyleen's room, uncertain what he would say to her. And when he arrived, he hesitated, gathering his courage. He knocked softly on her door.

"Yes?" came the faint reply.

"Miss Gallagher? May I see you?"

"Just a moment."

There was the sound of scurrying in the room and then the door opened. Kyleen was holding it partially open, holding a robe tightly around her throat, her long hair down and combed so that it draped over her shoulders and down her back.

"May I ... uh, talk with you for a bit?"

"Well ... yes, I suppose. Please come in."

She opened the door and indicated that he should take the rocking chair, the only chair in the room. He settled into the chair while she sat on the edge of the bed. He noticed that she was wearing a gown under the robe and her bare feet and ankles showed below the garments. That was the most of her that he had seen so far.

"Uh ... I was wondering how you are doing with the job so far?"

"Fine. Are you dissatisfied with my work?"

"Oh, no! I am quite happy with your work. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to make things better for you."

"Well ... I don't ... I don't know."

"I know it gets lonely out here sometimes. I'm sorry you don't have more company. If you need time to get out to make more friends, I'm sure we could arrange something."

"No, sir. I'm fine. I have ... well, I'm getting along well with Rachel and ... yes, it sometimes gets lonely, but ..."

"Miss Gallagher?"

"Please, Mr. Campeau. I would prefer that you call me Kyleen, if you have no objection."

"No, I have no objection, Miss ... ah, Kyleen. That is such a beautiful name ... just like its owner."

For the first time, she smiled. "Oh, my, Mr. Campeau. You are just too complimentary."

"Wait, Kyleen. Call me Dominic please. And no, not too complimentary. You are a beautiful woman. I have been afraid that I would offend you if I told you how I feel but ... something tells me you had an idea."

She giggled, remembering how his hard cock pressed into her big broad ass on the train, how he got hard when his hand wound up holding her ass.

"Yes, I guess I had an idea. Does that mean that you'd like to ... uh, you know, fool around?"

"Sweet lady, I would dearly love to."

They met halfway between where they had been sitting. Dominic wrapped the big woman in his arms and their lips met, tentatively at first but then opening wide, tongues snaking into the other's mouth. She was hungry for loving and he was willing to give her all she could handle.

Dominic felt the wonder of her massive breasts pressing into his chest. Unfettered as they were, they pressed like large pillows against him. Her mouth tasted delicious too and her tongue excited him even more than the feel of her big tits. His hands began to wander down her back and settled on her broad hips, pulling her against his now-erect cock. It registered belatedly that her hands had, at the same time, grabbed his ass and was pulling him into herself.

Slowly Dominic pulled her robe away from her form, tossing it to the floor. Then he began unfastening what seemed like hundreds of buttons that fastened her nightgown down the front. Baring her mammoth breasts, he bent to kiss each of them repeatedly and finally sucked one of her inch long nipples into his mouth. It was music to his ears to hear her moan as he suckled at her breast. His fingers continued working the buttons free down the gown until enough were open that the garment fell to her feet.

Kyleen stepped backward out of the gown, pulling Dominic's head so that he maintained contact with her bud. Not satisfied until his partner was naked, his fingers hooked the waistband of her cotton panties and pulled them down her legs. By the time she stepped out of the undergarment, she was at the edge of her bed.

With a little nudge from Dominic, Kyleen sat on the edge of her bed. Dominic dropped to his knees before her, lifting her heavy legs to his shoulders and kissing down one thigh and across to the other. Then quickly he returned to her core and began to delve into her depths. As heavy as she was, there were layers and folds of skin that smaller women didn't have but he thought there was also an extraordinary amount of heat radiating from her treasure. After carefully licking all up and down the puffy lips forming her outer crease, he gently used both hands to spread her apart, licking his way into her cavern.

Kyleen could not believe the attention Dominic was giving her with his mouth. Only once before had a man put his face between her legs and then it had lasted only for a moment before he had mounted her. But Dominic seemed to have actually settled in to savor her taste. And his tongue felt so good! She lay back and crooned to him as his tongue made love to her, licking up droplets of her nectar, touching her little clitoris, stabbing into her innermost opening, searching the tender flesh for new sensations ... for both of them.

Dominic licked up and down her now-open crease, finding pleasure in the taste of her soft flesh, taking even more joy in her reaction to his attention. When he finally sucked her clit into his mouth and created a vacuum around it, he was rewarded when Kyleen bucked up to his mouth, screamed out his name, and quivered like an autumn leaf as she climaxed.

Quickly Dominic stood, still supporting her upraised legs, and hastily stripped out of his clothes, sending buttons flying all over the room. When he had kicked his pants out of the way, he guided his raging hard-on between Kyleen's legs, carefully covered himself in her copious juices and eased his length into her hot box while she smiled at him lustfully. Perhaps some men would not find a woman as big as Kyleen to be to their liking but Dominic could not understand why. She was big but she was sexy and she was beautiful, at least in his eyes. Now that they had "broken the ice" between them, he relished the thought of making love to her.

With a start, he realized that he had just thought about love with Kyleen, not just sex. And, if he was honest with himself, he realized that he had been making love to Rachel too. Was it possible to love two women at the same time? Especially two that he had known for such a short time? Pushing those thoughts from his mind, he began thrusting his throbbing cock into Kyleen's hot vagina. He ground his root against her clit with each inward stroke. Reaching around her lifted legs, he captured a heaving mammary in each hand and massaged them as his hips thrust in and out.

Some minutes later, he placed the flat of his right hand on her belly and slowly worked it down over her roundness and to her abdomen. Perhaps sensing his intent, Kyleen spread her knees, making Dominic's goal more accessible. His thumb dipped into her crevasse and rubbed around her clit, finally teasing the little bud until it stood out from under its covering. Kyleen began to grunt and moan, thrusting her hips upward to press against his thumb and meeting his plunging cock.

When her orgasm came, it was as if an explosion had occurred inside her, radiating shock waves of pure pleasure to every remote part of her body. Watching Kyleen shiver and quake and jiggle was the last straw for Dominic, as his balls began spurting sticky hot cum into her willing pussy. With the last dribble into her, his strength ebbed so that he would have dropped to the floor if not for the strength of her upturned legs.

The natural support kept them together for several moments while the adrenaline burn faded enough for him to help her onto the bed properly and then crawl behind her. She spooned back into him, wiggling her big broad ass into his crotch, even though his cock lay flaccid between her buttocks. She laid her head on his left arm, pulled his right over her and filled both of his palms to overflowing with soft boob flesh. They were asleep soon thereafter.

As was his habit, Dominic awoke sometime during the night, startled at first to find himself snuggled up to the super-sized woman, then remembering the wonderful bout they had experienced earlier in the night. His cock quickly grew hard again, both from the lustful memories and the pressure of her soft round ass against his body. He heard her sigh and felt her hands pull his back to renew his grip on her oversized tits.

Rolling slightly backward, she looked over her shoulder and whispered, "Fuck me again. Please."

Dominic needed no further encouragement. He lifted her top leg and guided his probe to her hot core again, not terribly surprised to find her wet, although the amount of moisture did seem copious. He smeared some of her lubricant on himself and gently pushed inward, finding her vagina very receptive to his advances. With his second push, he found himself mashed against her big haunches, his cock as deep in her pussy as he could get. He began to pump slowly in and out of her cunt, amazed at the heat radiating from their connection.

In just a short time, Kyleen was moaning and whispering soft words of encouragement to Dominic – not that he needed them. He found her to be sexy and very desirable and screwing her seemed so natural. As time passed, she slowly moved even more onto her back, leaving her nearest leg propped over Dominic's waist. He slipped his lower leg under her far leg, leaving the thigh of his top leg rubbing against Kyleen's crease as he pumped.

He noted that the timbre of her voice started to change then, growing more intense as she urged him on. She put both hands on his knee, pushing and pulling his leg so that it rubbed ever harder into her slit. Her moaning grew more and more profound and he knew that she was using his leg to stimulate her clitoris. That thought was confirmed when she suddenly grabbed his whole leg and tried to jerk it into her body, from vagina through stomach and into her tits. Her body thrust upward to meet his pumping and he felt her pussy flutter around his intruding cock, knowing that she had just climaxed again.

He resumed his in and out motions, keeping his upper leg pressed against her now sloppy slick slit. The harder he pressed his leg into her, the better she seemed to like it and since he loved the feeling of his cock roving the fabulous flesh of her twat, he pushed his leg into her as tightly as he could. A few minutes later, Kyleen was bouncing her hips, not exactly meeting his thrusts, but more like completely out of control because her body loved the sensations his cock shot through her. She climaxed again well before Dominic was ready himself. He geared up his thrusts faster and faster, concentrating on his own finish and when his balls began spurting a fresh load of cum into her slick cunt, it sent magnificent tingles throughout his body.

Exhausted, Dominic carefully pulled himself back up to the head of the bed and lay panting, trying to regain his breathe.

Kyleen turned to face him and said, "Gawd, I have never felt like this in my life. That was so wonderful."

She leaned forward to kiss him. He returned the kiss but was forced to break it quickly, still sucking for air.

"My dear, it was very special for me too. You are fantastic!" he replied.

With her long hair framing her pretty oval face, he leaned forward and kissed her again, longer this time, and hugged her to his body. He fell asleep again with the comfort of her heartbeat thumping through her breasts and into his chest.

The following morning, nothing was said about the night's events as the three of them sat at the breakfast table, Rachel holding Joseph to her bare breast. However Dominic noted that Kyleen's countenance was much softer that morning, a gentle smile changing her entire look instead of the perpetual scowl she usually displayed.

Dominic did not need an invitation to go to Kyleen's bed that night, nor any of the next four. Neither did she rebuff his approach but rather welcomed him with open arms ... and later open legs.

However on the seventh night, they had just broken from their first kiss when Kyleen said, "Dominic, you know that Rachel loves you, right?"

"Uh ... are you sure?"

"I am very sure."

"Well ..."

"I think it is time for you to invite her to your bed again. She has missed your attention the past few nights."

"But ... what about ...?"

"Us? There will be time for us. Go. Bring her to your bed. I will join you there."

Dominic's mind was in a whirl. This was a turn he had not anticipated. Instead of one woman – one wife – in his life and sharing his bed, he had two and one of them was suggesting that he ... that they ... join together ... in one bed. In a daze, he walked down to the nursery.

Rachel was just putting Joseph in his crib, having changed his diaper, nursed him, and burped him. Without a word, Dominic took Rachel's hand and gently led her to his bedroom. She was surprised to see Kyleen already laying on the bed and looked at Dominic for direction. He pulled her to him and their lips met in a long, sensuous kiss. She made no objections when his fingers began unbuttoning her dress, not even when his fingers completed their chore by snaring her panties and slowly moving them down her legs. He guided her to lay in the middle of the bed while he undressed and climbed between her legs.

She was ecstatic when he lowered his face to the source of her heat and began to lick her for the first time in a week. She was even more ecstatic when she climaxed a few minutes later, flooding his face with her sweet nectar. Dominic spent so much time lapping it up, or she was so sensitive from lack of attention, that he brought her quickly to the mountaintop where she dove off into the valley of indescribable pleasure.

Dominic carefully moved up Rachel's form and guided his cock into her twat, pressing their pubic bones together.

"Stop!" The words came from Kyleen.

"What?" Dominic asked.

"Let's ... uh, let's talk," Kyleen stuttered.

She reached for Rachel's hand. "Do you love him?"

"Yes," Rachel whispered.

"So do I." She looked up at Dominic. "Do you love Rachel?"

"Yes!" he replied enthusiastically.

"Do you love me?"

"Yes!" he replied, equally enthusiastically.

She turned back to Rachel. "Then ... it seems to me ... that we should ... share him."

Rachel grinned devilishly. "I ... yeah, I have no problem with that."

"Me either," Kyleen replied, moving over to hold her cheek against Rachel's. Looking at Dominic again, she continued, "Time to get on with it – husband."

Dominic began to move, slowly thrusting his throbbing cock into Rachel. It took several moments for Kyleen's last word to register. If a man lived with a woman, even without the benefit of an official ceremony, for more than a certain length of time, they were recognized by the law as having a common law marriage. Rachel must have seen a look of shock cross his face because she giggled.

"Me too – husband!" she said, pulling her legs higher and opening her pussy wider for Dominic's thrusts.

Dominic stopped moving, buried in Rachel's pussy. "But ... what if ... I can't ..."

"Oh, don't worry," Kyleen said. "We both know you can and we won't ask you to do more than you can. You please both of us ... Dom."

"Yeah ... Dom!" Rachel echoed.

With that reassurance, Dominic resumed fucking the youngest of his two beautiful lovers. It turned out to be a most satisfactory arrangement for all three of them. From that night on, all three slept in the same bed every night. The women alternated nights with Dominic while the other watched and encouraged them. Although they did not really get sexual with each other, they were not above kissing on the lips or tweaking the other's nipples, or occasionally guiding Dominic's cock into his lover's pussy.

With the only means of birth control being abstinence, there was NO birth control. Both women missed their fourth period after that initial gathering. Joseph grew into a strapping young man under the guidance of his two "mothers" and was the protector and overseer of his thirteen siblings that followed in his footsteps. Kyleen had two boys and four girls while Rachel gave birth to three boys and four girls.

Friends and neighbors in Carson City never questioned the arrangement. Both Rachel and Kyleen were addressed as Mrs. Campeau by everyone who knew their names; except for the few close female friends that called them by their first names.

Being an admirer of female breasts, Dominic watched his wives' tits grow as their brood grew in size and stature, each one nursing from their mother's – or their "other mother's" - heavy boobs. They were so productive that several times they were asked to assist in feeding other infants when its mother had difficulty producing milk. It was a given that Dominic reaped the benefits of those often overflowing milk jugs.

Although Dominic never forgot DeAndra, his two new wives helped dull the ache left by her absence, turning an unspeakable tragedy into untold treasures.

The end.

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bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Most Unbelievable

Techsan that was so unbelievable story its like the old Bob Hope movie that had a dozen children but i liked reading this story I`m glad the wifes didnt try bringing other men into the bed as an orgy.

Pat Murray


NamizujsNamizujsover 17 years ago
Very good!


I enjoyed this story of yours also!



R M RoxingerR M Roxingerover 17 years ago
Different from the rest :-)

This story has a few elements that turn me on: big breasts, lactation, impregnation. That bed presumably is king-sized, since the guy & both of his big, beautiful common-law wives sleep in it all at once every night. But what really makes this story different from most others at Lit: it's set in Victorian-era America--when widow(er)hood was more common than divorce, when large families were common to make sure a few children survived to adulthood, when sex was more hush-hush than it is today. But behind closed doors, women knew how to please & be pleased sexually, just like they do today!



AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A Damn Fine Story


Love simply abounds in this story. Being a romantic I love it. It brings joy to this Horny 'ol Sailors heart. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A very Loving story

Techsan i loved the story its so much like monogamus marriages in nevada i give it high marks for realism .

keep up with more chapters of there lives.

Pat Murray


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