TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 22


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"We do have a man in town who is known to entertain women for coin, but, and I mean no offense, I think an unprepared dwarven woman might have a difficult time with him."


"His lovers often take the time to stretch themselves before sleeping with him."

Ordle stared at her for a moment. "Yer not joking, are ya?"

Perra shook her head.

"Well hell, send him too. Let the lasses decide fer themselves. By the way, a couple o' the dwarven women came along to take care o the camp's needs in that regard. They wanted me ta thank ya fer talkin' to yer friends. They like suckin' and fuckin', but yer friends will give 'em more time swingin' a pick, an' that'll make 'em happy."

Shouts of alarm sounded through the camp, followed by powerful wings flapping. Perra looked toward the flap as Ordle stood and stepped toward the weapon rack holding his battleax.

"It's one of mine," said Perra when she heard Veir's voice asking her whereabouts. She hadn't received any messages stating the raven harpy's intent to visit.

"Good enough," said the chief engineer, returning to his seat.

A moment later, Perra's eyes widened as the harpy pushed aside the tent's flap and walked in only to step to the side for a woman wearing a shimmering green cloak and an ornate silver-inlaid blindfold.

"Sera?" Perra asked.

The woman looked toward her and nodded, smiling. "It's good to finally meet you, Perra. I feel like I know you from all of our letters and Kal's stories."

Perra tapped her head, "Not to make you uncomfortable, but I probably know a lot more about you."

Ordle cleared his throat. "Care to introduce yer friend to me, Lady Perra?"

"You already know her, Chief Ordle, or at least you know of her," she chuckled. "She used to live in your mountain kingdom."

"There's a lot o' humans who live in our kingdom. That don't mean I know them all."

Sera stepped forward. "Yes, but I'm not human," she said, flipping her hood back to reveal a head full of snakes instead of hair.

"The gorgon! Bless me, I never thought I'd lay eyes on ya after I learnt ya left the mines."

"My now go by Sera, and I'm one of the wizard Kal's companions. He also charged me with planning the layout of the town you're building a road for." Looking back at Veir, she held a hand out as the raven produced a couple of long parchment tubes from the bag of holding hanging from the thin belt around her waist.

The gorgon handed them to Chief Ordle, who removed the contents and set the tubes aside. He unrolled the plans on his desk and weighed down the corners, then absently stroked his beard while inspecting the drawing of the future town.

"Ye'r planning on waste-water chutes over here?" he asked, tapping the drawing

"Aye, they're on the leeward side and empty out low enough we shouldn't need ta worry about the smell," Sera explained, slipping into her dwarven accent. "I was also hopin' if Gerda's help might give you time to expand the reservoir up above?" she asked, pointing where the town's water supply split to feed the three main areas.

The chief engineer scratched his chin, then went to a low cabinet behind his desk and pulled out a piece of parchment. He laid it on top of the plans revealing a drawing of the mountain if it had been sliced down the middle. Pointing at a natural basin near the mountaintop, he said, "Yer reservoir is filled with hardpack snow and ice that melts from the caves' heat. We'd need to remove all that to expand it. Yer nurlaf's help won't be enough to make it worth our while."

"What if Bas and Gerda took that on then came back to help you when done?" Perra offered.

"That's a damn good idea," said Ordle. "They can tackle the problem from the bottom instead of diggin' through from the top. I recommend they take a couple o' my best engineers up ta look things over. Make sure what you're plannin' is safe n' stable. Nurlafs may know rock and stone, but they aren't engineers.

"Aside from that, it looks like we may need to move the tunnel inward over here to avoid your waste-water chutes. I must say, this plan of yours looks well thought out." Ordle looked up, "Ya mind tellin' why you're wearin' a blindfold? And how the hell ya knew where to point with it on?" he asked the gorgon.

"Flying brought up some old fears, and the blindfold helps. My snakes can see, just not very well or very far."

"I'm still amazed you conquered your fear enough to come with me," said the harpy.

"Did you come here by horse?" the gorgon asked Perra.

"Bonn is tied up at the edge of the camp."

"Can I ride home with you?" Looking over her shoulder Sera gave the harpy a sheepish smile. "No offense Veir, but I think I've had enough flying for now."

"None taken. Since you're riding with her, I'll meet you back at the homestead. A pleasure to meet you, Chief Ordle," the raven said with a bow before slipping out of the tent and flying east.

No sooner had Veir's wingbeats faded than the gorgon looked at the city plans laid out on the dwarf's desk and the tubes propped up behind him. "I should have asked her to take those," she muttered.

"No worries, lass," said the chief engineer. Ordle pulled a roll of twine from a desk drawer and cut a length with the dagger on his belt before tying loops in each end and cinching them around the ends of the parchment tube. Rolling up the gorgon's plans, he dropped them into the tube and replaced the wooden cap before handing the case back to Sera with its rudimentary shoulder strap. "That'll do till ya get back home. The leatherworkers in Telsin will be able to make ye a proper one."


Perra and Sera rode in silence until Bonn stepped off the gravel path that would eventually become a road to the encampment. Once the dwarven road met the main road to the capital, they planned on leaving the rest of the overburden in a large pile for Telsin to use as needed. Perra hoped the council would put it to use improving the town square. It would be nice not to have an entire month of tromping through the mud every spring.

"Would you mind if I took my blindfold off?" the gorgon asked.

"Not at all. You may want to put it back on if we run into anyone or when we get to Telsin. Snake eyes and snake hair may be a lot for people to take in all at once."

"Maybe I'll leave it on then. I've mostly conquered my fear of the sky, but I'm still more comfortable outside when wearing it."

"Then why ask if you could take it off?"

"Humans put a lot of emphasis on seeing people's eyes and faces. I feel like I'm being rude wearing a blindfold when it isn't necessary."

Perra was silent for a moment. "Ah, you lived underground most of your life. I suppose people's expressions wouldn't mean as much."

Sera nodded, "My hair lets me see heat patterns but hides things like facial expressions. Although, keeping company with Velt, Graff, and the girls at the tower have really helped me learn of the little intricacies of human faces. Dwarves aren't nearly as expressive, and all the humans who came before Kal weren't interested in discussion over a cup of hot tea." The gorgon sighed, "I miss him."

"You, me, and quite a few other women in that respect. How are Velt and Graff's little girls doing?"

The gorgon chuckled. "Those children will never want for anything if their 'aunties' at the tower have anything to say about it. If Velt and Graff don't watch out, those three will end up spoiled rotten. I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound good."

"It means giving them everything they want until they become disrespectful little brats--"

As they approached the main road, two humans on horses rode into view and reined in their mounts. "Act like you fell asleep against my back and keep your snakes in check," Perra muttered just loud enough for Sera to hear. "These two look important and are wearing the capital's colors."

"Ho, there, Miss!" one of the men called out as they approached. The taller of the two rode a warhorse and wore a chest plate and helmet emblazoned with the king's crest. The other wore robes and carried a staff like Elta's though she could see bits of chainmail peek out from beneath his garb if the wind caught it right. His robes matched the colors of the man with him, but just below the king's crest on his breast, he displayed the crest of Lantaris.

"Can I help you, good sirs?" said Perra, bringing Bonn to a halt.

"Where does this road lead?" asked the knight.

Perra noticed the cleric form a magic circle that quickly vanished. She didn't know the magic runes well enough to identify what he cast and just assumed it to be a lie detection spell. "To a dwarven encampment," she replied

"What is a dwarven encampment doing here?"

"They have been commissioned by the local wizard for a project of his."

The cleric spat at the mention of a wizard. "What sort of project?" he sneered.

"I believe he plans on making a home within the mountain."

The knight nudged his horse between her and the cleric, cutting off the priest's next comment. "And what business do you have with the dwarves?" he asked.

"I serve on the council of the town further up the road. The dwarfs' presence offers many chances for some extra coin in the town. Plus, with so many dwarves this close to Telsin, I feel like I should be keeping an eye on things."

"And where is this wizard you speak of?"

"Traveling to meet a lover."

"What of your silent friend?" the cleric called out while coaxing his steed to the side.

"She recently arrived from lands west of here. I ask that you leave her be."

"What lands?" the cleric asked.

Perra shrugged.

"What is the place's name?" the cleric snarled.

"I believe she would have told you if she knew it, Garil," the knight said, glaring at the other man.

"No, she's sidestepping my questions like I'm some kind of novice fool. Wake your friend. I wish to know where she came from."

Sera stirred and muttered sleepily, "I came from Hordinfel, same as the dwarves back there. Now could you talk a little quieter. I'm tired," the gorgon mumbled before snuggling into Perra's back.

"Well?" the knight asked with a glare at the cleric.

The priest sat back in his saddle. "She tells the truth."

"If there's nothing else, then we'll be on our way and let you be on yours," the knight said, pulling his horse up beside Bonn and bowing his head for a moment.

The cleric did the same, but as his horse moved forward, he leaned over and yanked Sera's hood back.

"Ha! I knew you were hiding something from me!" the man shouted, drawing back In disgust from hissing and striking snakes on her head

Perra kicked Bonn into a gallop, but just as quickly, Sera grabbed the human's hands and pulled on the reins with strength surprising strength. The gorgon stopped the horse and turned them sideways as she pulled her blindfold down.

Since they weren't running away, the knight drew his sword and advanced slowly while the cleric cast spells to enhance his battle prowess.

"You could have left us in peace and gone about your business," Sera called out, "But now, you won't live to see sunset."

The gorgon's eyes flashed, and the cleric froze in place. The horse beneath him shifted, sending the man toppling headfirst to the ground. The blow would have knocked most men unconscious, but his eyes stayed open, as unmoving as the rest of his body.

The knight looked on with shock as the cleric's body came to rest. Raising his sword, he charged the two women.

Sera's eyes flashed again, and the man froze in place, his grip on the horse's flanks holding him upright until he fell backwards, landing on the road just past the gorgon and human with a crash and scraping of metal.

Sighing heavily, Sera dismounted Bonn and walked toward the cleric.

"Bas come to where the road to Felli's Mountain meets the road to the capital," Perra sent over the bond. "We need to dispose of a couple statues."


"I'll explain when you arrive. Just hurry."

Perra shook her head as Sera's mouth opened impossibly wide and large fangs folded forward before they sunk effortlessly into the cleric's arm. Within seconds, his body had turned to gray stone.

The gorgon made her way toward the knight as Perra muttered, "Elta is not going to be happy about this."

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot5 months ago

5 ๐ŸŒŸs +2 ๐Ÿ‘s. Great writing.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

From Kal's journey gently healing a crew of monster girls to Sera upsetting a knight and a priest, the action shall surely hot up now and Kal is leagues away. Another great chapter. 5โ›ค

toolbox0toolbox0over 1 year ago

Always a great read, nice to see a quick chapter!

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

Great story like always, glad you got these so fast.

TwistedDaveAuthorTwistedDaveAuthorover 1 year ago

Glad this chapter came out so soon. Though I am afraid we won't see others as fast. I am probably going to start over and hopefully be unable to catch up to your release schedule. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a fantastic gift!

Another chapter so quickly for all of us to enjoy!

Thank you for sharing more of your creative energy. It is appreciated.


CarchariasCarchariasover 1 year ago

And now we see the schism beginning in the church, probably with more violence to follow as the clergy left behind by the Goddessโ€™ dream lash out in panic against the cause of their hatred. Thank you for posting another chapter so quickly.

buddah222buddah222over 1 year ago

Lol serves the bastards right, attacking unprovoked people just because they think theyโ€™re more powerful and deserving of an earn respect, thank you very much for your time effort and imagination to bring yours yet another brilliant chapter looking forward to the continuation of the story

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