TRC - Searching for the Sky Ch. 20


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"What makes you think I could help her?"

"Staves are the most common form of weapon for a priest. After so many years, it's easy to tell when someone is proficient with one," he answered while nodding toward Kal's staff which was currently being held by a young initiate back by the door. The girl appeared to be thirteen or fourteen summers and stood up straight when she realized they were staring at her. The priest's desk had a soundproofing enchantment so he could hear people coming in but those on the far side of the room couldn't eavesdrop.

Kal turned back to the old man. "I'll have to think about that. Before I go, I want to apologize for offending you earlier. The intrigue and drama among nobles gets tiresome quickly and I was trying to cut through the banter."

The old priest's smile returned despite the change of the color coming from the golden box. The priest let it go. The young man was earnest in his apology and the part of his words flagged as untrue, about the intrigue and drama among nobles, was certainly accurate in his eyes. "I suspected as much from your clothes," he said, "it's why you didn't find yourself being escorted out."

The mage smiled in return as he rose from his seat. "Good day to you, Revered Father, and thank you for your time," he said with a slight bow.

"Good day to you as well young man. On your way out, tell the girl by the door to fetch my usual assistant and send her in," said the priest with a dismissive wave.

Kal did as the man asked and no sooner had the door closed behind them than the girl rounded on him.

"Did he really have you tell me to get his assistant?" she asked tersely while handing his staff back. She didn't appear to be happy about being traded out.

Kal nodded and the girl rolled her eyes dramatically. Thinking he was no longer needed, the mage began to walk away only to be stopped when she darted past and stepped in front of him.

"Hold up," she said. With a half-smile on her lips, she gave him an appraising once-over. "I'm going to get her, wait here until she dismisses you."

"Why?" asked Kal, he wasn't terribly comfortable with a girl so young eyeing him up like a piece of meat.

"You'll be doing her a favor," she replied with another half-smile before running off down the hall.

Only a couple of seconds after the teen disappeared down a connecting hallway, a buxom woman closer to his age with sandy blonde hair came walking his direction.

Stopping in front of him, she gave Kal a similar up and down look. While the younger girl's expression had been more of an appraisal, this woman's was filled with interest. "I could kiss that girl," she said, "this will be so much easier now." Noticing the staff in his hand, she asked, "Adventurer?"

Kal nodded.

"Quick question for you then. When you were talking with him, did he mention Priestess Elden?"

"Yes. I'm supposed to go see her."

"Be careful around her, she has some... interesting... tastes and a great deal of contempt for those who aren't soldiers, clergy, or at least from the city. If you'll pardon me, I have an old man to take care of," she stepped in close and rubbed a hand over the front of his pants, "but now I have this to think about as I do it," she said with a sly grin.

Kal was slightly startled, not just with how forward she was being but also with what she implied she was about to do. "That's allowed?" he asked, trying hard to ignore what her hand was doing. He wasn't succeeding.

The woman giggled. "The Goddess places no restriction upon what we can do with our bodies and even prefers that were don't allow our natural urges to build up and cloud our judgment."

"But he's your superior."

She smiled. "It may seem like a demand, but I always have the option to decline and pass the request off to one of the other girls he calls upon. Taking care of him has its benefits, so I don't mind." With a final grope, she stepped back and looked him over one last time. "You're dismissed," she said before entering the priest's office.

He looked down at the bulge straining against the front of his pants that was now screaming for attention.



Kal wandered about the city for a little while before heading back to the inn. The mage briefly considered heading back to the market to search out the daughter he'd spent the night with, but guessed that they would be packing up for the day to get outside before the gates closed at sundown. Besides that, he still wasn't sold on the idea of inviting her into his bed just for the sake of getting his dick wet and not sleeping alone.

Apart from his indecision about nameless trysts, he also had another reason not go looking for the woman at the market. Checking into his room, he unlaced the bag of holding from the loop inside his trousers and threw it onto the small table.



"He's calling me."

Sera groaned. When she awoke on the day he left, she and Ria both were expecting Kal to recall the sprite that night. The extra day had been greatly appreciated since the avatar was able to help her with the hard to reach places on her back. She also appreciated the extra company, probably more than the help with her molting.

"Will you be okay?" asked the sprite. "I'm sure it would be a pain for Kal, but we could get out of the city long enough for me to come back until you go to sleep." The sprite's outline blurred slightly, a second, fainter image of the avatar stretching off in the direction of her bag.

Sera shook her head. "No, I'll be okay. By tomorrow I should have all of this done," the gorgon indicated the patches of old skin left on her lower arms and legs, "and the day after all of these should be done," she said, pointing at her scalp. "I'm not excited about going to sleep hungry, but there's little we can do about that now. Thank you for staying with me, Ria."

The sprite flew over and kissed the gorgon on the nose before vanishing.

Sighing heavily, Sera looked around. The tent suddenly felt much colder without the small woman's presence. She smiled as she started heading toward the restroom and the large tub inside. Time to warm things up with a nice hot bath.


Once the sprite appeared, she took a moment to nuzzle his cheek before assuming her normal place on his shoulder. "How is she?" Kal asked.

"Doing well now that most of her old skin has come off. She said that the parts left are always the last and don't itch nearly the much as the rest of her body. Some of the snakes still had some spots left to go down by her scalp but, other than that, her skin is as new and smooth as a baby's."

"Nothing exciting the last two days then?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. Getting soaked in girlcum was pretty interesting."

"Say what?"

Ria giggled. "Remember what happened with her nipple?"

Kal suppressed a shiver and nodded.

"Now think about what happens down there," she said, pointing at her crotch.

Kal's eyes widened, "I guess I just thought that part wouldn't... you know... shed."

"And you would be very wrong, that comes off too, all the way down to the pink parts. She gets so sensitive there that she asked me to help. I managed to get her all cleaned up but then..."

Kal noticed out the corner of his eye that her face had gone transparent in embarrassment. "Then?" he prompted.

"With everything she had gone through, I thought a little relief might be in order. Once I was done, I gave her pearl a quick rub. Let's just say, 'exploded' isn't a strong enough word. She squirted all over the place. Unfortunately, my head was in the way and she started out by shooting me in the face. Then," she pointed out in front of her with both hands, one over the other, then moved them in a circle with a whistling noise until her fingers had switched places, "I wasn't flying at that moment and she bucked her hips toward me as she came. When I landed, my head was damn near inside her.

"She came so hard she passed out, then kept on cumming while she was unconscious. The poor girl was exhausted when she finally woke up. Thankfully, she wasn't upset with me for not warning her first, but that could have been because I hadn't gotten to clean up yet and she was too busy laughing. What about you, anything interesting happen?"

Kal gave her a quick version of not making it to the city in time, his night with the merchant and his daughter, and meeting the guard at the inner wall as well as the priest.

Ria looked around, "No daughter?"

"I thought about it. I think I've been spoiled lately with going back home and seeing the girls then traveling with Sera. Last night was interesting and exciting, but it felt like something was missing. Besides all of that, I wasn't sure what you might think of me bringing a strange woman to bed after our conversation the other day."

Ria laughed, "You've been given a degree of freedom from your women that most men can only dream of, take advantage of it. You're a young, handsome, intelligent, rich and powerful man. Some women will be drawn to you for nothing more than those reasons. They may have only just met you and see the traits they want in their children. Some may throw themselves at you in hopes of tying you to them. There may even be times that a woman demands that you sleep with her in return for something of value, something you are already familiar with from your experience with Silma. I truly appreciate you thinking about me, Kal, but if you are interested in a little fun with some strange woman who wants to open her legs for you, then go ahead and enjoy yourself. Also, you really don't need to take my opinions into account if you want to play around with some girl while we are out and about. You've spent more time with me than any of your women since we left Telsin. That will probably stay true until we find Ikuno. Don't cheat some girl out of a night of fun because you are worried you'll miss an opportunity with me."

"If it was Perra or Gerda instead of you I would make the same consideration before inviting the woman from last night into my bed."

The sprite flitted up in front of his face. "Is that what I am to you now? One of your women?"

Kal smiled, "Ria... I own you. Though it's slightly different than the rest of the girls, you belong to me. Even if it was only briefly, I've been with you. Your advice has been invaluable, and I truly enjoy having you around. Unless you have some kind of objection, you are most definitely one of my women."

Ria glared at the mage, though the corner of her mouth twitched in a way that indicated she was trying not to smile. "I may not remember them all, but I know for a fact that if the vast majority of my past masters had stated that they owned me like you just did, it would have severely pissed me off."

"Then... what about me," he said uncertainly.

"You... you treat me like a bag of holding when you need me to be one. Any other time you treat me like a friend and, lately, as a lover. At the moment, it's making me think you have too many clothes on."

Kal held his arms out. "You are more than welcome to take them off."

Ria flitted forward and pressed her lips to his. The scene was comical until she waved at the bag behind her and a stream of tiny specs of light came floating out, stopping in the middle of the sprite's body before releasing their contents. With each mote, the avatar grew in size until she was again just slightly smaller than Kuto. At some point, her tongue pushed past his lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. A flick of her wrist and Kal found himself nude, the specks of light that were once his clothes quickly flowing into the bag on the table.

The sprite's wings quivered as she floated up against the mage, wrapping her legs around him. Ria scooted down until she was brushing the head of his prick with her sex.

Pulling back, she looked up into his eyes. "Are you sure you are ready for what comes next? I warned you about being made like a sprite, that thing I told you about riding in your pants so you can fuck me as you walk down the road will become a definite possibility."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of having sex with you when you are small."

"Less 'having sex' and more like having a cock-sleeve that moans and enjoys every second. You'll understand soon enough." Ria leaned back, using her natural ability to float to stay upright. She reached out and grasped the shaft of Kal's dick then guided it toward her entrance. "Watch, Kal. We both missed this the last time."

When Kal was looking, she slowly slid down over the head of his cock, the lips of her sex gripping his prick until the head finally popped inside. The sprite let out a happy gasp while a low moan escaped the mage. Damn, she was tight. Once past her lips, she became impossibly smooth inside, negating any need for a natural lubricant. That was a good thing since she couldn't produce any. It was curious being able to see a faint outline of his cock inside the woman as the avatar slid further down his shaft.

As she took him all the way inside her, she looked up at him. "Watch me," she whispered. Kal was confused for a second since they were the only two in the room but quickly dismissed the thought. "Watch me fuck you, Kal. I've been watching you for more than a year now. This time I want you to watch me."

He was momentarily reminded that her wings were for little more than decoration. She leaned back until she was sticking straight out from his waist and began moving back and forth while roughly kneading her breasts. Any time his eyes strayed from where they were joined or what her hands were doing to her chest, she would beg him to watch her. He certainly didn't mind doing as she asked, seeing his cock disappear into her glowing body over and over looked amazing and felt just as good.

For a long while, Kal was passive as the sprite's movements very gradually gained speed. He held out until his need reached its peak before grasping her hips and pulling her back onto his prick. Ria squeaked with surprise and delight as he picked up the pace but then focused on making herself even tighter for him, which did wonders for her as well.

A few seconds of rough thrusting and the sprite threw her head back in a silent scream, her fingers viscously pulling at her nipples as she found her release.

Kal smiled, she was the only woman he'd been with who got looser as she came, her form was based on a mental image and orgasm kept her from focusing on staying tight. He didn't mind because that meant he could pound into her as fast as possible, ramping up her climax until a second hit her before the first faded. The mage relented after that, slowing his pace to allow her to recover.

Unlike living creatures, recovery for the avatar was extremely quick and only a few seconds passed before she looked up at him. "Did you watch me?"

"I did, and you were beautiful."

"Now you. I want to watch you cum in me."

"With pleas...ure?" Thinking that she was going to watch his face as she had been, Kal was confused when she partially sat up and looked down where they were joined. Following her gaze, he saw that the area just above her sex had become transparent. The walls of her pussy showed up as a light gray outline around his prick and he gave a couple of experimental thrusts. Yup, that was definitely his dick in there. What was odd was the lack of anything else. The channel he was in continued up into the parts of her body that were still opaque.

"Does that..."

"Yes, all the way up to my mouth. I'll explain later but now I need you to cum in me."

Kal nodded and began thrusting into her again, only taking a couple of slower strokes before setting a driving pace that was sure to grant the sprite's wish soon.

Ria nearly missed it as she threw her head back and climaxed again, she'd barely recovered before he drove into her a handful of times and held himself tight against her sex. The mage only just managed to keep an eye open as he rode out his orgasm. He had to admit, actually seeing his seed shooting into the sprite was very different and he was surprised how much he enjoyed it.

The avatar found the sight to be nearly orgasmic when combined with the feeling of him inside her and the way he was grinding himself against her clit.

Ria's body pulsed.

Kal was still looking down when it happened and noticed immediately that some of his seed appeared to be missing. Her body pulsed a second time, and she was now clean of any trace of their lovemaking.

"Riaโ€”" His question was interrupted by a long wail of pleasure as the sprite threw her head back as another unexpected orgasm washed over her.

It took her much longer to recover this time. When she finally regained her senses, she sat up and held him close, her eyes wide and showing a hint of fear.

"Any idea what just happened?" asked Kal.

Ria looked up at him. "Nope."

"Was it good?"

"No, it was amazing," she said with awe.

"Everything I put into you disappeared when your body flashed."

She looked down, her lower abdomen was still transparent and, as Kal said, there was nothing inside her. She was a little disappointed, the sight had been extremely arousing. "Did I absorb it?"

"It looks that way, do you think there's any harm in it?"

"Not that I can tell, I don't feel any different at least. You don't think I took some of your lifeforce, do you?"

"No, I didn't see anything like that when your bodyโ€”"

Kal was interrupted by loud footsteps in the hall followed by banging on the door. "Miss?! Miss?! Are you alright in there?!" came a female voice from the other side.

Kal shook his head and chuckled, wondering why it was always a woman who came to check on them in these situations.

"I'm just fine dear," Ria called out. "Things were feeling a little too good and I couldn't keep quiet."

There was a long silence. "You two are having sex?! I thought someone was getting murdered!"

"Sorry about that," said Kal, loud enough for them to hear him clearly.

A gruff, male voice came through the door next. "Put her face in a pillow the rest of your stay would ya? I don't need my wife runnin' up here every few hours because of your shenanigans."

Kal and Ria were looking at each other, both of them trying hard to keep a straight face. "Will do sir!" the mage called out. They listened as the innkeeper and his wife walked away before bursting out in a fit of laughter.

Once they'd settled down, Kal slid out of the sprite with a groan.



Ria fidgeted in front of him, her face turning clear with her form of blushing. "I know that you can't claim me or bond me like Ikuno and the rest. But I was wondering, since you consider me one of your women, if you would do something like that with me?"

He wasn't certain exactly what she was asking. "As in... an initiation?"

The sprite nodded.

Grinning wide, Kal walked over to the bed and grabbed one of the pillows off it before tossing it at the floating, winged woman. "You're going to need that."

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot6 months ago


โœจ ๐ŸŒŸ โญ ๐ŸŒŸ โœจ

๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

And a bunch of attaboys!

Love the story.

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Love Ria. Just love her. Sweet lil thing. And that scene was definitely worth the wait.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Another good read. Thought he might have stayed with SeRA a while but at least progress for Ria. Now will he get to the Death Plains?

2Reader2Readerover 2 years ago

This son of a bitch just leaves sera even though she going through molting. I just put her to sleep and off I go. Stop trying to tell me he gives a damn about any of these women. He should still have over a year to get to ikuno. It wouldnโ€™t hurt him a damn bit to wait couple more days. Sure I could be like the rest and push the truth of it back. Be like awww he loves them but itโ€™s not true. He uses people for what he needs. It donโ€™t matter if he feels bad about it because he never changes it.

skippersdadskippersdadover 3 years ago

Pillow next time ,been there. Nicely done

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Poor damn sprite had to wait long enough. Finally.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
About fucking time

Ria & Kal ๐Ÿ‘

ArcTalyxArcTalyxover 4 years ago

I started with a laugh and ended with a laugh. Great chapter.

Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanover 4 years ago
Death Plains...

Hm...I wonder. A wall with guard posts surrounding an area that is supposedly uninhabited, and regular patrols of the area. What could possibly prompt such security? Surely they don't have an issue with illegal immigration, do they? No...knowing the church, it's either an undead horde or a horde of monster girls. Probably both. I highly doubt Kal is going to be keen on the idea of tussling with an undead monster girl.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 4 years ago

Finally they get a night together. That was a good start. ^.^

Yeah, sometimes its easier to smile at the white lies than try and hold people to a more real truth. Truth is relative anyways, in many ways.

So excited for what might happen in the city. Travel through the Death Plains will be nothing compared to this urban challenge.

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