Trials of a Planeswalker Ch. 01: Rising


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It didn't take but a few minutes of his prograssively increasing speed to make her rise up in the light of another orgasm. Her nails pressed against his back and she tried weakly to clench her legs tighter around his waist. He grunted in his own orgasm. The clenching of her climaxing walls made his pleasure peak easily. They held each other tightly as the joined orgasms seemed to rage forever. Her pussy shuddered and dribbled juices down his shaft while his balls convulsed and sent spurts of thick seed up into her cunt. Glorious bliss filled both their minds and Blayne closed his eyes, reveling in the afterglow of his orgasm.

As things slowly cooled down, he took her up in his arms and sank back on the couch himself. He laid on the couch with her bare body pressed to his, his flaccid cock slipping easily from her ravaged hole. The thick blanket over the back of the couch proved enough to cover them both. Varia was already out cold and Blayne fell asleep in complete contentment. He could hear those familiar sounds of New York traffic and late night commotion that he grew up with. Alongside that, he also had the love of his wonderful life held to his chest, her head cradled against his neck. His life was as good as perfect.


"Blayne. I'm glad you remembered, but geeze. Keep me up all night with your sex why don't you?" Robin stood over the end of the couch, staring impatiently down at her half-asleep brother. She wore her blue striped pajama pants and shirt, not that her thin, small-breasted body had much to hide.

He blinked and stared at her.

"Sorry, it just kinda happened. Varia and I have really made something together." Blayne whispered tiredly, brushing a hand gently down her bright red hair.

"Made something? Blayne, am I an aunt?!" Robin hissed in both fear and excitement.

"No, you're not." Varia mumbled, "I'm infertile."

"What?!" Blayne and Robin both cried in surprise.

"Infertile? How did that happen?!" Robin squealed in horror.

"Oh shut up... it's just a bit of magic. After your stud of a brother here came inside me the first time a few weeks back, I figured I didn't need a youngin' around when we're exploring." Robin grumbled, "I can fix it at any time."

She sat up, wrapping the blanket tighter and leaving Blayne lying there naked.

"Nice brother. Naked on my sofa." Robin huffed, crossing her arms.

"If you hate that, you're really going to hate what we did on it last night." Blayne snickered, sitting upright.

"It's still wet over here." Varia said, rubbing her butt back and forth a little.

"Now I have to get the cushions cleaned!" Robin cried out.

"Oh come on, call it a birthday present." Blayne smiled as he picked up his boxers and pulled them on.

"And I suppose you didn't actually get me anything, as usual." Robin snorted, "At least I love you."

"Oh sis, you're going to wet yourself at what I got you." Blayne said as he stood up, "But you're going to have to wait till after breakfast." He patted her on the cheek and smiled widely before walking to the bathroom to shower.

"So you and my brother huh?" Robin asked sitting down next to Varia.

"I hated it at first. Couldn't god damn stand that I had feelings for someone." Varia growled, staring out the window at the early morning sun.

"So why are you having sex then?" Robin asked her. Her face had a hint of a glare on it, definitely unhappy with Varia but she was trying to hide it. In her mind, she couldn't believe that Blayne had actually fallen in love with her after she had tried to kill them both.

"Because I love him. I didn't hate him before, I hated myself for letting love take over my heart. But Blayne eventually beat it out of me." Varia shrugged, closing her eyes as she laid her head back.

"He beat you?! What? Since when does he hit girls?!" Robin cried out, "I know you tried to kill us, but that sounds a little harsh."

"I meant it as a metaphor. He convinced me that I shouldn't be scared of a relationship. I was terrified he would leave, but then he convinced me that he would be like a leech that would slowly suck me dry." Varia chuckled, "So I let the feelings do what they would."

"You have an odd way of showing love." Robin said flatly.

"I'm the man in our relationship, I swear. He's all lovey-dovey and that crap. I mean, the sex is awesome. Beyond awesome. But all the crap he talks about, I swear he's going to try and recite poetry to me one of these days. It's so sappy." Varia exclaimed as she looked over at Robin.

"But you love him?" Robin asked, trying to clear things up a bit.

"I would die for him now." Varia said.

"Good, because if you hurt my brother I will beat the crap out of you." Robin warned threateningly.

"Oooh hoo, big bad sister gonna kill me." Varia taunted, waving her hands about.

Robin grumbled and crossed her arms. She supposed that Blayne could've had worse choices. At least this was a strong woman who seemed to care deeply for him. That and she had openly come back with him for his and her birthday. Today was the twenty fifth of July, the twins' birthday on the dot. They must've shown up sometime in the night, since they seemed to have found time to make such passionate love that it almost drove Robin to masturbate in her bedroom. She had woken up in the middle of the night to hear someone gasping Blayne's name. She had almost walked out into the living room until she realized what was going on and returned to her bed with a frantic hurry.

"Ahhh... That's better. You'd be surprised how rare showers are outside our world. Everyone uses baths." Blayne said as he walked out in just his boxers as he towel dried his shaggy brown hair, "Varia, you want to get cleaned up?"

"Yea, probably be good." Varia shrugged, standing up and leaving the blanket behind.

She walked naked without shame across the living room and into the bathroom.

"Just turn the two knobs. They'll make water come out. Left one is hot, right one is cold. Turn them both until the water is warm or cold enough." Blayne explained quickly before she closed the bathroom door.

"So why her?" Robin asked, her arms still crossed as she looked up at Blayne. It always amazed him how much emotion she could show with just sitting a certain way. Her body was the same lanky with thin arms and shaggy brown hair that he had. They were really two halves of the same whole, one half just having breasts and the other a penis. Her hair, however, fell past her shoulders.

"She's amazing." Blayne said without pause as he walked over and sat in his boxers next to his sister.

"Amazing. Really. She tried to kill us." Robin grumbled as she looked at him.

"You won't let that go, will you? Robin, Varia is a deep and intricate woman. She has an amazing mind and such powerful magic. She intrigues me in ways I didn't think possible." Blayne said.

"The sex is good, isn't it?" Robin said with an accusing tone.

"Fucking fantastic." Blayne smiled widely, "The woman is as passionate as she is wet. You know she was a virgin up until about a month ago."

"Oh you dirty, perverted ass, taking a girls virginity like that." Robin scowled at him.

"What?! Me take it? Robin, the first time we did it, she crawled into my bed and on top of me!" Blayne exclaimed.

"Oh yea, I'm so sure." Robin huffed.

Blayne groaned and rubbed his face. He stood up again and put on his pants and looked around for his shirt.

"Must've left it in the bathroom." Blayne said, walking towards the bathroom.

"Blayne! She's in there!" Robin snapped.

"Really Robin? After what we did on your couch, you're worried about me seeing her in the shower?" Blayne asked in flat disbelief.

"No, I'm worried about you doing it in my shower!" Robin called.

"Pfffahahaa!" Blayne laughed loudly, "Hey, you know... not a bad idea."

He turned and opened the door. Varia was getting out of the shower already, her entire body glistening with water. Her gorgeous hips and perky breasts shone brightly. Robin stared in pure jealousy, a very obvious look of it on her face.

"Yes?" Varia asked.

"Forgot my shirt." Blayne said, leaning over to kiss her as he picked his shirt off the counter. He then tossed up his towel across her head, chuckling as her face was covered by it.


They watched some television together, talking and sharing their adventures with Robin. Breakfast had been delicious, pancakes and assorted breakfast meats. Varia was very impressed with Robin's skill in the kitchen, noting under her breath that she would never be caught doing it. Blayne had responded with a laugh, saying that he would cook if they ever settled down.

"So what's this magnificent gift you got me?" Varia asked in a quiet moment.

"Oh yea! I forgot. Alright, let me dig it out. I had to wrap it up and protect it from damage." Blayne said, grabbing his pack.

He pulled it open and dug to the bottom of it, bringing out the Pandaren Ruby. He held it up and slowly pulled the pieces of velvet off the top of it. It sat like a peeled fruit in his cupped hands, glimmering brightly. Robin stared in pure awe, her fingers twitching as she reached up.

"What... What is it..." Robin stammered quietly.

"It's a ruby from the last world we went to, Pandaria. They gave it to me as a gift and I thought you would love it." Blayne said, pulling the velet away so the heart-shaped gem sat on a single black piece of cloth in his palm. It was larger than any gem any of them had ever seen and Robin was practically drooling over it. The blood-colored stone was a clear as the finest of any diamond, glimmering and glinting from every one of it's perfectly, faceted sides. It was so astoundingly beautiful that Robin was terrified it would shatter if she touched it. When Blayne set it in her hand, she moved slowly and held it still in her lap.

"It's... Blayne... It... I... You... Gift..." Robin mumbled incoherently, clearly mesmerized by the amazing gem. She turned it around and looked it over, her finger brushing it with the gentlest of caresses. After another minute, she tore her eyes from it and set it ever-so-carefully on the end table next to the couch. After making sure it wouldn't go anywhere, she turned and leapt on Blayne, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Blayne, this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever given me! Thank you!"

Varia raised an eyebrow as she slowly let go of him. "Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday anyway?" She asked in curiosity.

"I guess it hadn't crossed my mind. Don't worry, you don't have to get either of us anything Varia. Trust me, last night could've been my birthday present." Blayne smiled, turning and kissing her on the lips.

"Good, because that's all your getting." Varia shrugged, "I had just wondered why you didn't tell me, I wasn't offering anything."

"Nice." Robin said, staring flatly at her.

"What? In my world, being alive on your birthday was enough of a present. The fact that you survived another year of your life was amazing, you didn't need gifts to mark it." Varia said with a wave of her hand.

"Great. Well Blayne, I got you a new music player. I know how you hated the long trips with mom because she wouldn't let you change the radio. So I thought I'd get you one of these ones you can put your own music on and carry it around with you. Figured you'd enjoy music while you are traveling." Robin said, pulling a package from her pocket. She handed it to him. It was a small MP3 player and a set of headphones. Being on a tight budget and still looking for a job, she obviously couldn't spare much money. "Sorry it's nothing compared to what you got me. It's the best I could do."

"Hey, I got an idea." Blayne reached down in his bag and pulled out a smaller bag that was full of the gold coins that he had gotten on Azeroth. Just in the weight of gold, he had tens of thousands of dollars. He dropped the bag in her lap with a wide grin. "Happy birthday, buy a house."

"M... More? Blayne, you're making me feel bad." Robin blushed as she looked in, "Goodness! It's gold!"

"Well I figured you wouldn't sell the gem, even if you could find someone to spend the millions that it's worth. But this is just gold. You could go sell this to a coin shop or something for it's weight in pure gold. Probably got a hundred thousand dollars there." Blayne said, pointing at the bag.

"Where did you get all this anyway. Did you steal from a bank?" Robin asked as she picked up a gold coin.

"Naaah. That world I told you about, Azeroth? This is their currency. Yea, they use solid gold coins for currency. And that gem? That's a gift from one of the Pandarens. Apparently they find gems like that on a monthly basis and they cut and craft them with magic." Blayne said, "In that world, this is about a month stay in an inn."

"Jeez. Thanks a ton Blayne." Robin sighed, giving her brother another hug.

"You don't have to hug him so much." Varia said quietly as she looked away.

"He's my brother, I'll hug him all I want!" Robin exclaimed, hugging him tighter.

"But he's my lover! So I get to kiss him all I want!" Varia said, her fiery spirit and pride rising up as she turned to glare at Robin. She grabbed Blayne's arm and leaned up to kiss him.

"Oh my ladies! I love you both!" Blayne said, wrapping his arms around his lover and his sister. He pulled them into a tight hug that quickly cut off any arguing.



"It's so nice to have you home again brother." Robin sighed happily as they walked down the street towards the subway entrance.

Someone shoved passed Blayne, knocking him aside.

"Yes great." Blayne grumbled, "Forgot how much I hated the people in this town."

"Why do we not just fly? Shyara could carry us through this huge place quicker than whatever this 'subway' is." Varia exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

"It's strange enough we're wearing these kinds of clothes and that your carrying a fucking sword!" Blayne said loudly, "You damn well why I can't summon her."

"Wait, who's Shyara?" Robin asked.

"That winged guardian I was telling you about. Her name is Shyara." Blayne said. They walked down the stairs and into the subway together. Varia stared around with her hand on her sword handle as they descended.

"Really? She has a name? I thought she was like a horse." Robin said, "But I suppose you could name a horse."

"Robin, she can speak. She's kind and smart and she protects me with a fierce fervor." Blayne said.

"God, what kind of a cave is this? It's so noisy and cold. There's so many people. This is fucking annoying." Varia complained.

"You have to complain about everything, don't you?" Robin growled.

"I grew up where if you complained about your horse, it was taken from you. If you didn't use every tool at your disposal, you would die or worse. Not flying on Shyara, seems a gigantic waste and I hate it." Varia said as they walked through the crowd towards the turnstiles.

"Put that coin in there that I gave you and walk through it." Blayne instructed.

"Waaaah!" A woman cried in fear, jumping out of the way of Robin when she saw the sword at her hip. They were getting strange looks from all around. Their Chinese style clothing mixed with Varia's sword and their general look made for an abnormal sight, even in New York.

"Great, you're scaring people." Robin huffed as she walked through the turnstile.

"They're cowards and deserve death." Varia said loudly. People moved away from them as they walked through the crowd. A trio of large men in dirty clothing stepped in front of her and looked down at her.

"Who're you calling cowards." The middle man growled angrily as he stared down at her.

"We didn't mean..." Robin started and Blayne grabbed her shoulder. He shook his head with a devious grin.

"Go ahead Varia, just don't kill them." Blayne whispered to her.

"What're you whispering about? Think you're some big pirate or something because you have a sword." The man said, reaching out to grab Varia's shoulder.

The moment he touched her, his body went rigid. His eyes widened and a look of terror crossed him. Varia's body was emanating black mana, although invisible to everyone but her and Blayne, the effects were apparent. Nightmares and terrors filled the man's mind, horrors he had never even imagined tortured his psyche and he shook where he stood.

"Boss? What's wrong?" The man on his left asked. He nudged him and the man fell to his knees. Tears welled in his eyes and he pissed himself on the spot. Varia shoved his hand off and he curled up in the fetal position, starting to sob incoherently.

"What did you do to him?" The other man asked accusingly.

Varia glowered at him and he went rigid. Her eyes moved from him to his friend and they both went quiet. Nightmares and terrors awoke around them, filling their vision and making them also collapse. The magic started to wane and she looked back at Blayne.

"What was that?" Robin asked, "I didn't see her do anything."

"Her black mana. She filled the men's mind with terror, made them feel such unadulterated fear that it could kill them." Blayne whispered to his sister. They walked through the crowd, people giving them a wide berth. "Onto the subway train."

He pointed at the open subway doors and Varia lead them on. People were hesitant to get on the train with them, but eventually a few streamed on and took seats, albeit ones far away from the trio.

"I didn't even know she could do such things." Robin hissed. She looked truly shaken from what she had just seen. "The thought that she could just fill your mind with paralyzing nightmares with a look."

Varia scoffed and laughed, shaking her head all the while. The subway train rattled and started to move, heading into the dark subway tunnel. Varia glanced around idly while she adjusted her sword so she could sit better.

"Umm... Robin, I've seen her rip a man apart by tearing the blood from his veins and then she used that blood to slash another man in half." Blayne whispered, "That was nothing. She's a Sangromancer, she can control someone's blood through magic."

Robin's mouth dropped and she began to shake softly.

"I wouldn't use it on you. God your brother was scared of it too. What the hell convinces you people that I'll use the magic on you just because I have it." Varia said in exasperation and annoyance.

"But... You can control my blood? I mean... Those things I said to you... I didn't mean them. I'm sorry." Robin stammered as she looked fearfully at Varia.

"What the hell is it about knowing how I fight terrify you people so bad! You and Blayne are exactly the same. He apologized for anything he might've done to me in the past after he saw me kill an army! I'm not going to attack you two!" Varia exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

"You... killed an... army..." Robin's face was pale and she stared at Varia in terror and awe.

"Robin, trust me. Varia isn't going to do anything to you." Blayne sighed, putting an arm around her.

"Yes, I already enslaved your brother. That's enough for me. His soul is delicious." Varia hissed with a playful grin.

"His soul!" Robin squealed, covering her mouth quickly.

"Varia! You're not helping. I shouldn't have told you anything." Blayne groaned as he hugged Robin.

Varia looked over and saw that glint of a smile on Robin's face as she hugged Blayne back. Knowledge flared in Varia's mind and she realized what Robin was doing. She wasn't scared at all, instead she was faking skillfully to acquire Blayne's affection. She was fighting to try and take Blayne from her. Well she could play that game too.

"You know Blayne, I didn't know you were into incest." Varia struck as hard and hit as low as she could.

"What?" Blayne said, snapping around, "I'm not into incest! She's my sister and she's scared! What's so wrong about a little consoling?"
