Trials of a Planeswalker Ch. 01: Rising


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The shape of it was quite different than the twins and it was entirely beautiful. The full, voluptuous heart-shape of it had him thinking all manner of dirty thoughts and his fingers twitched eagerly to reach out and grab it. It was bare and he somehow thought that the roses only covered her front out of coincidence. The way she acted seemed to tell him that she cared naught for modesty. Even though her skin was a beautiful green, her ass still seemed unbelievably sexy as she walked.

"Oh what the hell." Blayne whispered to himself.

He reached out and grasped one of the perfectly formed cheeks and found it pleasently warm. His fingers sank into her soft flesh and he rubbed up and down it. Much to his surprise it felt completely human, even if she did seem to have flowers and other plants growing right out of her. She stopped and turned her head to him.

"Why do you have your hand on my posterior?" She asked with a tone of ignorance.

"It's so beautiful, I couldn't help but carress it." Blayne smiled, pulling his hand back.

"Oh, well if that's the case, then go ahead. While I prefer a beautiful flower, if you think that aspect of me is beautiful and you wish to touch it, then please be my guest." Rose nodded, totally ignorant of his sexual desire.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and cupped her other asscheek while they walked. His lips broke in a small grin as he felt and fondled the perfectly jiggling ass. Rose walked in complete ignorance at his side, content and seemingly happy at his touch.

They walked through the garden until they reached a small grove where she turned away from him and walked across. She sat down in the grass and crossed her legs. He could see her cute little pussy beneath the pedals of the white rose that grew above her crotch. He sat down a few feet across from her and crossed his legs.

"First, you must take off that unnatural garment." The dryad said softly, "Bare yourself completely to nature."

He shrugged and pulled off the Izzet equipment. He set the device and glove away from him and stripped his shirt from his chest. He tugged off his pants and sat back down naked in front of Rose. She seemed to be indifferent to the large erection poking out from his crotch as he tossed the pants over his other stuff.

"Reach out with your mind, feel the plants and leaves around you. Feel the mana, the pure life, that permeates everything in this room." Rose instructed, "Feel yourself slowly sink into that primal power. Let everything go and become one."

Blayne nodded and closed his eyes. He reached out and felt for the green mana around him. Just as the red and blue before it, the green answered his call readily. It swirled through his mind and he felt it's pulse, almost that of a real heart, all about him. Each plant held green mana. If they each held a spark of it, Rose was a shining star of green.

Feeling towards her with his mind, he brushed against her mind. He almost seemed to caress her mana and his mind slid forward further, entering that shining beacon of green. He felt around this new alien world, an entirely new sensation taking his mind. It was that of total peace and serenity. Obliviousness to the troubles of the world and yet completely aware of them at the same time. An entire world exploded into existence around him and he gasped loudly, his eyes snapping open.

Only, it wasn't his own eyes he stared out from. Across from him sat himself. He watched his own naked body sitting still before him. A glance down saw green skin and beautiful roses. His eyes widened in surprise and he felt something shove him from her body. He opened his own eyes and looked around suddenly.

"Very good. I had not intended for you to enter my mind, but it shows that you have a talent for the mana of wildlife." Rose said, "Please do not do so again, it made me feel...I feel strange. Something is wrong."

He watched as her face flushed again. She got up on her knees and moved forward towards him. Her eyes were filled with desire and she, for the first time, stared down at his penis with actual recognition.

"" She breathed slowly.



Her breath smelled of sweet roses and her hand gently touched his erection. She knelt before him, a hand on his shoulder and another feeling about his cock. She stared at it in mystified wonder.

"I've never felt like this...I've never desired a male. I don't know why." She whispered softly to him.

"Well I can help, if you want me to." Blayne smiled at his luck.

"Please." She breathed.

He put an arm around her and pressed his lips to hers. She was a bit surprised at first, but the sensation of pleasure quickly overtook her. She closed her eyes and started to kiss back, her body burning with desire.

He pushed his hand between her legs and slipped a finger into her pussy. Rose moaned loudly and tilted her head back. He touched her clit and worked at her cunt, making her innards convulse and clench.

She responded by pulling on his cock with a soft hand. She gripped him and tugged again and again, making his own pleasure flourish.

A soft scent filled the garden around them, seemingly coming from nowhere. It made Blayne's head swoon and he felt his mind go fuzzy. His senses slowly devolved into just pleasure and tactile feeling. Things blurred and he swayed where he stood.


Blayne wasn't sure how long he had been in this Selesnya garden. Nobody else had shown up. He had eaten a few fruits, taken a nap and talked a little more with Rose. Most of his time had been spent meditating and feeling the plants that filled the vast garden. He had learned to reach out with his mind and touch the life around him. He could feel the green mana and the vibrant world around him. It pulsated with life and he could touch each and every plant. Rose was much like them, even if she was sentient. She felt alien to him. He hadn't delved into her mind again like he had earlier, but it was a tempting experience.

"You are doing good Blayne. I want you to try and make something grow now. Reach out and touch a plant with your mind. Feed it your mana and let it flourish. Let it grow and grow as it feeds on your magic." Rose instructed him, "This is one of the most intimate things a magic user can do with a plant. You feed it and make it grow, let it absorb your essence. Given enough talent, a mage can twist, grown and transform a plant into anything they desire. It's how I was grown."

Touching a small orange flower, he poured himself into it, giving it everything he had. It shuddered and exploded upward. The ground rumbled an the flower grew ever larger. It became as thick as a tree and neared the ceiling. It's flower grew to shade them and expand wide overhead. The ground heaved and buckled, thrust outward by it's expanding roots.

"Blayne, that is good." Rose said calmly, "You have done well. You have shown yourself worthy of Selesnya."

"I'm not looking to join a guild. Niv-Mizzet already made me an offer and I turned him down." Blayne said, "I found friends with that guild as well, but my only goal is home."

"I haven't been entirely truthful with you Blayne. I do have a name. It is Selesnya. I am the spirit of the great city tree. Millennia I have lived here. When I felt you appear, I knew I had to talk to you." The plant-woman said, "You are a natural forest mage, one to truly bring peace to Ravnica. Help me Blayne, help me return Ravnica to it's wild and free forests. Fill it with glistening plant life again. With a Planeswalker at my side, we can do the impossible."

"I don't...wait, how did you know I was a Planeswalker? I never said anything of the sort." Blayne said.

"I won't lie. I read your mind when you first arrived here. But you must understand, I did what I thought was right." Selesnya exclaimed, "You are someone to can tilt the balance of power here on Ravnica. I've been trying to convince you to stay. You're needed here Blayne."

"How long have I been here?!" Blayne snapped in annoyance.

She looked up at the sky and shyer quiet for a moment.

"The sun was risen six times since your arrival." Selesnya told him.

"Six days!? I've been here six days? Good fucking god! I have to go! The Izzet and Rakdos are at one another's throats and if there is a full scale war, I'll never be able to find who I need!" Blayne cried, grabbing Selesnya's arms, "I have to find Jace Beleren! He's the only other one who can help me with what I need."

"I understand. But that is why we must remove the civilization from Ravnica. Only war and strife come from civilization." Selesnya argued, "Help me grow the wilds back over Ravnica and I will give you anything or anyone you wish."

The giant flower tree above them rustled in the breeze and Blayne put a hand over his face.

"I must be going. How do I get out of here?" Blayne asked.

"Blayne, you're going to stay." Selesnya said, her face darkening.

The plants around them rustled and Blayne felt the ground shuddering.

"I'm leaving." Blayne said, turning on his heel.

"No!" Selesnya cried, holding out her hand.

Vines burst from the ground and tangled up Blayne's feet. It crawled up his legs and he fell forward. Anger filled him and he reached for his magic. He wanted to burn this woman, show her the conflagrations he was capable of. Pain seared through his legs as thorns pierced him.

Terror filled him as he only found no mana. What trickles were there were quickly draining from his body. He freaked and reached out wildly with his mind. He sensed a thick band of mana passing beneath the garden and scrambled madly for it. Power surged in his veins and a green glow emanated from his body. He screamed and loosed all the power he could.

The vines holding him were eviscerated and Selesnya was thrown against a tree. The plants all around them whipped about in the powerful wind from Blayne's rage. He lifted himself upright with the power of this mana. His mind reached towards the lies above and the waters that permeated the forests around them. Blue mana surged forth into him and he floated forward towards Selesnya.

"I do not want to be part of your war. I only wish to go home." Blayne growled at her as she looked up at him.

He began to float upward and Selesnya yelled in anger. The entire forest around them stated to grow upward, reaching eagerly towards him. His power flexed and he shot upward, racing out the open roof of Selesnya's garden. The plants burst forth out of the roof and long towers of vines arched towards him. He held up his hand and absorbed red mana from the warm sun above. He charged up a large ball of fiery death in his hand and turned towards the garden below.

"I will burn down your garden! Leave me alone!" Blayne yelled, holding up the fire threateningly.

The vines slowed and stopped a few feet from him. They started to slowly creep back as his power raged.

"Don't dare follow me." Blayne said, reabsorbing the spell.

He turned and flew away, holding himself up on wings of mana formed from the power he had taken in.

Beneath him was an impressive sight. A gigantic tree as large as any mountain grew beneath him. Entire cities were held in it's boughs. The garden of Selesnya was built right at the crown of the tree, held in the cradle of a dozen branches thicker than he was tall.

"Good lord." Blayne breathed out, running a hand through his hair, "Ah god damn it! I left my equipment down there!"

He knew he couldn't go back for it now. It was lost to him.

All around he could see Ravnica, the city's splendor seemingly unending. The districts of Selesnya were much greener, much more over grown than what he had seen so far. It was much more in-tune with nature, as Selesnya would've put it. Rivers could be seen running from the base of the tree and outward. Somehow the tree was the source of fresh water in this district.

"Whoa!" Blayne exclaimed as he fell suddenly.

His mana wavered and he sank another dozen feet.

He fought wildly on the way down to keep himself from crashing. In the end he managed to get himself above the river and he fell into it with a great splash. Cool, clear waters splashed around him and he almost gasped from it's refreshing nature. He kicked off and surfaced, taking in a large breath. The river splashed along down a deep canal between the buildings. He was carried swiftly down by it and he was swept down into a deeper canal. The walls rose six feet on either side and he was magically exhausted. He kicked to stay up and tried to absorb some mana.

His hand caught a brick sticking out from the wall and he managed to stop himself. Water swirled around him and he gasped. Pressing his head against the side of the brick-canal, he closed his eyes and tried to focus. A small amount of blue mana touched his mind. He grasped it in a tight grip and focused it.

His body hurled upward in a crazed leap and he landed painfully on dry ground. The air was driven from his body and he coughed up a lungful of water. He gasped and breathed deep, sweet oxygen permeated his mind again.

"Sir? Sir, are you okay?" A passerby asked as she knelt by him.

"Fine, fine...just fell down." Blayne coughed and sat up, "Bit of a bad experience flying."

"Oh, you're with the Izzet, aren't you?" She asked, noticing the bright colors of his clothing, "You know, it would do you all good to be a bit more careful."

"Thank you for your consideration, but I'm going to be alright." Blayne nodded, slowly getting to his feet.

"Here, let me help you." The Woman smiled and she grasped his hand to help him up.

"Ahhh. Thanks. Hey, where's the nearest zeppelin tower?" Blayne asked.

"Just a little way south, down that way." The woman said, pointing him down the street before giving him a smile and walking away.


Blayne sat on the railing of the ship, watching Ravnica pass below. He had found the same Captain from the last time he had ridden on one of these airships. He had given a hearty laugh when he saw Blayne and patted him on the back, glad to see him actually wearing the proper colors and was glad to see him with a signet.

"So you going all the way back to the Izzet Facility?" The Captain asked.

"No, I'm heading to the Azorius District. There's somebody I need to find." Blayne told him, "A mage by the name of Jace Beleren."

He had decided his Planeswalker nature was on a need-to-know basis from now on. After what Selesnya tried, he figured it would be best to just stick with the Izzet mage persona. It was what he knew best anyway.

"Can't say I've heard of him, but your best bet is to talk to some of the Azorius law mages or a Justiciar." The Captain said, "They keep records on that sort of stuff. Although be careful, they don't exactly like Izzet."

They rode further and, after another hour or two, the Captain dropped him off at the Azorius Capital district. Blayne left the tower and tapped a nearby guard on the shoulder.

"Do you know where I can find Jace Beleren?" Blayne asked him.

"He is known to be an advisor to Grand Arbiter Isperia. I suppose you could find him at the court." The guard told him, "Although it will be unlikely one such as yourself could just walk into the courtroom."

"Thank you for the information." Blayne nodded, "Can you point me in the direction of the courts?"

"Down that way." The guard directed, "Grandest building in the middle of the square. Can't be missed."

Blayne smiled and headed off in that direction. It took nearly an hour of walking to reach the gigantic marble building. It never seemed to get any closer, it just got taller. Finally, when the grand building towered above him, did he reach the tall steps. He only got one stair up when something startled him.

'Blayne! What're you doing here?' Jace's very distinct voice spoke into his mind.

'I have come for your help. You are the only other Planeswalker I know and I must get home.' Blayne thought, 'Niv-Mizzet told me so.'

'Find me and I shall help you. I am not well hidden.' Jace told him.

Blayne looked around and stared into the crowd.

'Look not with your eyes, for there are too many to be taken in. Use your mind.' Jace advised.

He tried to do as Jace said, reaching out with his mind. His consciousness brushed against those around him, touched the ones that touched him as they walked past him. He sought out the mind of Jace, searching eagerly for him. When he really looked, he found that the minds of Planeswalkers stood out like beacons of light. He found Jace with ease, standing at the top of the stairs near the door, people milling past him in and out of the courthouse. He wore a long navy-blue cloak and hood with black trousers. His gently glowing blue eyes stared intently at Blayne, a small smile crossing his face.

'Very good. Planeswalkers have a innate sense about finding one another.' Jace said, 'Come with me and we will talk.'

Blayne stepped up the stairs and Jace turned on his heel. They walked quickly down the beautiful and clean halls of the Azorius Courthouse. Jace led him through a winding maze of hallways and through a number of doors. They ended in a room with a pair of plush chairs, a crackling fireplace and a table complete with a bowl of fruit.

"Sit, please. It's been so long since I've had someone to talk to. So many of the Azorius are so droll and running the Consortium has lost it's luster. My own friends are nowhere to be found and I've just spent my days puzzling away at things here on Ravnica." Jace said, "Please Blayne, tell me your story."

"You've been in my head, haven't you seen it?" Blayne asked as he took an apple and sat down.

"No, I haven't. Contrary to popular belief, I can't just assimilate someone's life story because I look a little bit into their head. A mind is like an ocean, vast, deep and mysterious. It takes effort to search it's depths and such a thing cannot be done in mere seconds." Jace explained.

"Alright. Well I grew up on a world called Earth. Somewhere after my childhood I left Earth and ended up here and you know how that turned out. I messed around in the Izzet for a while, went to the plane of Regatha and blew up a mountain and finally I got teleported into the heart of the Selesnya's Sacred Garden and Selesnya herself tried to capture me." Blayne said, "So all in all, a wonderful time. How the fuck do I go home?"

"Be patient. You're a brand new Planeswalker. It takes time and practice." Jace said, "Now here is your first lesson. Follow me into the AEthers. Focus your mind and will yourself into the Blind Eternities, but do so while focusing on my location. You must try and follow me and my route through the AEther."

"Alright. This sounds like progress." Blayne nodded, closing his eyes.

He focused his mind and sat still, trying to move into the other world. Seconds later Jace was simply gone, one moment he was there, the next he wasn't. Blayne cringed and clenched his eyes tighter, fighting to try and move into the AEther. If he didn't go soon he would be left behind.

Finally, almost ten minutes later, he finally managed to center himself well enough to slide out of Ravnica. He opened his eyes in the nothingness between worlds. Those twisting, floating pearlescent paths were all around him. He tried to find Jace, but he couldn't see him anywhere.

look not with your mind, for there is too much to see.' Jace's first challenge came floating through his mind and he closed his eyes again.

Like a glimmering trail of stars, Jace's path through the AEther seemed to show up right in front of him. But it was wavering and it wouldn't last long. Blayne took off at a dead run, leaping and striding through the AEther at a mad pace. It led him until he thought he had lost the path. He looked around and took a chance, leaping into a world that seemed to be right in his path.
