Trials of a Planeswalker Ch. 02: Fall


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"Damn there is one thing I could've asked you back at the table." Henry said as he kissed her neck.

"Oh? And what was that?" Number 3 asked as she guided his lower hand and grabbed the back of his head with her other hand.

Henry moved his hand up from her breast to her throat and slowly turned her head to the side to face him. He could feel her body shiver as he did.

Henry looked at her sternly: "Are you a bottom or a top."

She laughed and kissed him on the mouth, her tongue aggressively pushing it's way inside. After a minute of kissing and groping, she leaned away to pull her top overhead. She bent over to show off her nice round ass as she pulled her skirt and panties at once. Then she laid on the bed on her stomach presenting her pussy to him. She spread her lower lips for him and looked back over her shoulder.

"Well come on. I've got to get to work in the morning and I want to see this 'special talent' of yours."

"Oh you'll get it!" Henry said grinning as he pulled down his pants "But first..."

He knelt down behind Number 3 and put his face between her legs. Grasping her ass cheeks firmly and driving his fingertips deep into her flesh, he licked slowly along the length of her sex. Number 3 grabbed the bed sheets and moaned.

"Ohohohoh you're good."

Henry kept working her vagina with his mouth. He pushed his tongue inside her and licked every part of her he could reach. He thumbed her clit until it swelled so much he could feel her pulse.

"Just stick it in already" She panted.

Finally Henry stood up placed his hands on her hips, lining his cock up with her wet cunt. With one long slow thrust he pushed himself into her completely. She arched her back and gasped as he filled her with his manhood. When his crotch connected with her backside she laid her head back down on the bed. He stayed there for a moment to relish in her wet tightness.

"It's true... so... big." She cooed, teasing.

"Oh you haven't felt anything yet." Henry said. Slowly he pulled himself almost all the way out, and then thrust himself into her faster than he had before. He followed this pattern until Number 3 cried out.

"I'm almost there, give it to me!"

Feeling his own climax getting nearing, Henry began to move in and out faster and faster. Her moans were mixed with the wet slap of his abdomen against her ass. He could feel his balls connecting with her swollen clit with every swing.

Number 3 came first, her back arching and her mouth open in a silent scream as her lower body shuddered. When she had collapsed on the bed Henry continued to fuck her relentlessly. Finally he leaned over her and groaned. His cock twitched and he spent himself inside her.

Henry's legs were tired. Breathing raggedly he fell down on the bed beside her.

"So... How did you like my special talent?" he said turning towards her.

She looked over at through the hair matted over her face.

"I hope you're as good at destroying dreadnaughts as you are at screwing" She said, her face flushed.

Henry smiled and rolled over onto his side as the two of them drifted off to sleep.


Three days later Henry was standing on top of a warehouse, waiting. Across from him was the hanger with the curved roof where the dreadnaught was waiting. This time he was not just disguised but completely invisible. It was best for being out in the open, since there wasn't any fear of bumping into somebody and the sky was clear that day. He knew he had to be as close as possible for his plan to succeed.

He heard the voice of the commander in his head.

'We're in position, just waiting on you to provide the distraction.'

'Alright, just wait until the ship launches. Shouldn't be long now.'

Henry took a moment to look out over the city. His safest bet to avoid collateral damage would be to take the dreadnaught out just as it was taking off. With any luck it would simply crash straight down. The hanger would take most of the impact and it would set the enemy back years in terms of manpower, money and material. He wondered if the people who built the ship truly understood the magnitude of their actions.

His thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud humming of machinery. When he turned back to the hanger he saw roof starting to retract. In about a minute it would fully open and the skyship would begin its takeoff.

Wasting no time, Henry pooled his blue mana in the soles of his feet. He raised himself off the roof and floated towards the hanger. He positioned himself carefully over the opening. Not only did he have to be in the right position to strike the dreadnaught at its weakest point, but he had to be sure to keep enough mana in reserve to make his escape.

As the dreadnought slowly rose out of the hanger and Henry made his move. He clapped his hands together and felt the white mana surge through his body. The air around him surged outward and a bright golden light swirled all about his body. It coalesced into a fifty foot tall Sun Titan in shining, crystalline armor and a giant spear. Henry was suspended inside the titan's chest, controlling its movements with his own.

The Sun Titan was formed standing on top of the Dreadnaught. It's engines groaned and the ship tilted slightly with the added weight. Alarms sounded and the turrets tried to put him in their crosshairs but Henry didn't care. He quickly raised the spear over the top of his head and brought it down on the weakest spot on the skyship: The roof of the command bridge. With his first thrust he pierced all the way through to the main deck. His second thrust went through to the heart of the ship. When he pulled the spear back a second time he could see his target. The Pearl Mox hanging there amidst a swirl of mana, just as he had seen in number 3's memory.

Henry steeled himself and brought down the spear in one final thrust. As soon as the tip of the spear touched the mox something strange happened. Instead of shattering or feeling some kind of resistance, he could feel it almost giving way. It wasn't until he tried to pull his weapon back that Henry realized it was actively pulling him in. Belatedly he realized that striking a conduit was designed to redistribute energy wasn't a good idea. By then it was too late. He could feel the Mox sucking away his mana. The force of it grew and grew until it was like the reverse of a hurricane. Henry tried to pull back but it was no use.

The mox glowed brighter as it drained his mana. It's white light grew so bright that Henry had to turn his head away and shut his eyes tight. Finally when Henry felt the mox dim he opened his eyes and blinked: his titan was gone and he was left floating in mid air. Just as he started falling, a loud rumbling came from the bowls of the airship.

"Oh shi..."


A fiery explosion blasted the ship apart. Henry brought his arms up to shield his eyes from the blinding flash. He could feel the shockwaves rippling against his body as he was hurled backwards. Just before the heat from the explosion reached him, Henry felt a smooth round object collide with his chest. The force of the impact knocked the wind out of him.

When Henry opened his eyes again, he could tell something else had happened. The airship, the hanger and city itself were all gone. Instead he was looking up at a lightly clouded blue sky. He looked down and saw the Mox pressed against his chest. Normally an object propelled by that powerful an explosion would certainly have broken his sternum. Probably even gone right through him. But Henry could feel some residual white mana emanating from the pearl. He guessed that was what has held him together.

Belatedly He realized he was falling backwards. He looked over his shoulder and saw a large body of water coming up to greet him.

"Oh nooooo..." he cried out.

Out of the corner of his he saw a flurry of wings as he arched downwards towards the surf. He was clutching the pearl tightly to his chest as crashed into the water and immediately sank beneath the surface. Henry stuffed the pearl inside his jacket and started to push himself upward. It was hard swimming with shoes on but he used his blue mana to create a current around him. He was propelled to surface and gasped as his head broke above the water. As Henry caught his breath he scanned the horizon for any landmarks.

"Hello! Are you alright?"

Henry turned towards the sound of the voice. He looked and saw an Angel flying in the air above him. His mouth fell open in surprise.


They were silent for a moment after Henry finished.

"So after all that you just showed the Mox to the first person you met?" Blayne asked skeptically.

"Well it's hard to explain, but I just knew she wasn't a threat. She was..." He stalled trying to find the right word.

"Pretty?" Said Blayne.

"Had nice tits?" offered Varia. Blayne punched her in the arm.

"Pure" Henry blurted out

Both Blayne and Varia were somewhat taken aback by this. Henry's face turned red as the realization of what he had just said sank it. He quickly looked down at his mug.

"I could tell by her aura and the way she looked at me. There wasn't any hostility or mistrust or fear, Just concern and an optimistic curiosity. Besides, only the people who built the skyship even knew what the Mox was and I'm pretty sure none of them were angels. You don't... You don't tend to meet people like Robin in my line of work. It was refreshing seeing a kind face without ulterior motive or dangerous obligations attached to it. So when she noticed it, I felt safe showing it to her. It would have been more suspicious if I hadn't."

"And what about the two of us?" Blayne asked.

"Well Robin said you were her brother, which confused me at first. Where I come from most mages don't make constructs by summoning the spirits of their relatives. But when I met you" The corner of henry's mouth turned upward into a guilty grin. "You're not the only one of us who was reading minds when we first met."

"Really?" Blayne said in surprise "How much did you see?"

"Not much really. The Aethers, New York, your home. But it's not the easiest to look into someone's mind for me without actually touching them. So I just kind of saw fragments. That's how I knew none of you were from Imriel. But I never expected we'd end-up going on adventures like this. Its kinda fun really, at least when we aren't being chased by demon wolves"

"Well thanks for agreeing to help me on my quest." Varia said.

"Varia." Blayne said in mild surprise "That was nice of you to say."

"Of course, you know that if you bail on us now I will drown you in your own blood." Varia grinned smugly

"Now that's the woman I married." Blayne said rolling his eyes sarcastically.

Henry laughed. "Honestly, after everything that's happened, I wouldn't have it any other way."

He quickly drained his beer mug and set back down on the table.



"So... what was that about a Black Lotus?" Henry asked, looking back over his shoulder. He, Varia and Blayne were still siting at the inn table where Henry had just finished telling them about the events leading up to the awakening of his Planeswalker spark. Now that there seemed to be nothing else to discuss, he was curious about a something he had overheard one of the other patrons mention.

"It's a legend here on Innistrad, a flower that grows with incredible amounts of mana in it's petals. They say if you ever found one, the power it would give could grant any wish." Varia explained.

"Do you think it really exists?" Henry asked them.

"Last year I wouldn't have believed other worlds existed, but look at what's happened since then. I don't know, it could be." She shrugged.

"I wish I could find one of those. I know what I would wish for once I got home." Henry sighed.

"You want to go on a flower hunt?" Blayne snickered.

"I..." Henry started and the Inn door burst open.

"Run! Run for your lives! Ghouls are swarming all over! Undead are assaulting the Cathedral!" A man screamed in the doorway.

Outside screams and shouts could be heard starting down the street. The people in the inn swarmed to the doorway in a panic.

Blayne and company jumped to their feet, their magic rushing to their beck and call.

"Come on! Let's go!" Varia said, pulling her saber from it's sheath.

They flooded out onto the street. The dark sky above was filling with clouds and there were screams coming from the direction of the Cathedral. Soldiers were rushing in its direction to defend the clerics and priests.

"Robin! Shyara!" Blayne called, unleashing a surge of white mana. Above him there was a bright eruption of light and the two figures arced down towards them.

"Hey bro! Been a while!" Robin laughed as she landed next to him.

"Angel! The angels have returned!" A man called, pointing at Robin, "They've come to our defense, we're saved!"

"We've got a battle sis! I feel like we're gonna need some help." Blayne said hurriedly, "We're gonna need to get up to the Cathedral quickly."

'I will carry you master!' Shyara said, landing in front of him.

"I know, let's go!" Blayne nodded, jumping into her saddle. Varia leapt on her back right behind him.

"Come on Henry!" Robin said, grabbing his hands. Her wings beat powerfully and she took off, dragging him into the sky with a surprised yell.

Shyara roared and jumped into the air, startling many of the people around them. Robin and Shyara flew together arcing over the bustling streets below. They could see the darkness swarming down on the Cathedral. Ghouls were crawling up the walls and over the roofs around it. Every one of them was heading in the direction of the Helvault.

"There! Go there! Now!" Blayne yelled, pointing at the great silver monolith.

"What's going on?" Robin cried as she beat her wings to keep her and Henry aloft. She was holding his arms and he gripped her arms in return.

"There's an attack on the Church of Avacyn, we have to defend it!" Varia called over the wind.

They rushed down on the Cathedral and there was a strange sensation over them as they flew downward; the barrier Thalia had talked about. They landed in the courtyard with a heavy thump, shocking the Cathars that were gathering there. They turned on them, their weapons drawn.

"We are here to help defend the Helvault!" Blayne called, jumping off Shyara.

Henry dropped out of the sky and landed next to them as Robin fluttered down. She stayed a few feet above them, her sword drawn and her wings beating softly.

"An angel!" A soldier yelled in surprise.

"I am here with Blayne and Varia, I am their protector!" Robin told them, throwing the end of her yellow scarf back over her shoulder.

"Circle up! Guard the Helvault! Don't let them anywhere near it!" Thalia cried, striding out from the Cathedral. She took up a position among her soldiers and they closed ranks around the silver pillar.

Varia remained on Shyara's back as they joined the soldier's line of defense. There was a rumbling as the ghouls struck the door across the courtyard. It exploded outward and the undead rushed onto the yard. They swarmed the courtyard and hit the line of steel head on.

"Do not give! Fight! Fight for Avacyn! We have an angel in our midst, we are blessed!" Thalia cried out loudly, striking ghoul after ghoul with her glimmering silver sword.

From Shyara's back, Varia struck at ghouls all around. Near her, Blayne was knocking undead aside with fists of magic. A ghoul bore down on him, it's deadly black claws raised to strike. A shining sword of golden light tore through it's chest and it crumbled. Henry stood behind it, pulling his sword back in to defense.

"Watch it there!" Henry said.

"I was going to get it!" Robin called, slashing another ghoul in two.

"Hold right there!" A dark voice called over the courtyard. A dark eruption of black magic showered over them and searing pain filled their bodies.

"Ahhhh~!" Blayne screamed as his entire form was filled with uncontrollable agony. He slumped to his knees and shuddered. All around him the soldiers and his comrades were howling and collapsing. The ghouls had halted their attack and they were standing a step back from the soldiers.

"Come now, we don't need any of this blood." That voice said, moving closer.

Blayne managed to raise his head, a new burst of searing cruelty filling his body. He could see a woman in a royal purple dress walking towards them. Her body was traced in shimmering purple runes and her eyes glowed brightly. She strode among the ghouls proudly, towards the Hellvault.

"What have you done?!" Thalia snapped, stepping past the soldiers. Apparently she wasn't under the effect of this agonizing magic.

Every motion, every thought, every beat of his heart brought more pain to his body. Blayne couldn't bring himself to do anything for the agony.

"It's a simple binding spell. Now, if I command it, your soldiers will be torn to pieces." The woman said coldly, "Thalia, you will destroy the Helvault or my ghouls will kill all your precious Cathars."

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Thalia said, holding her shining sword towards her.

"Not that it will matter, but my name is Liliana Vess. Now do what I say... or..." Liliana warned and the ghouls moved forward.

"Don't do it ma'am!" One of the Cathars choked out from the pain.

"Tsk, tsk." Liliana said and she waved her hand. The ghouls descended on the man who spoke and tore him into a bloody mess. Thalia cried out desperately, stepping towards the man.

"You will pay for this!" Thalia cried.

"Do it! Do it now or the rest die!" Liliana screamed, magic flaring from her hands.

"Fine!" Thalia snapped, turning around. She hurled her shining saber at the Helvault, white mana flooding through the blade. It struck the silver obelisk and pierced deep into it. Cracks burning with the light of dawn spread outward from the point of impact like a spider's web.

"Yes!" Liliana called in triumph.

From between the cracks, the light grew evermore. A golden helix streaked skyward from the Helvault. A thunderous explosion shattered the silver monolith and the entire courtyard rippled from the tremendous shock wave. The ghouls were dissolved by the blast of light while the soldiers were pushed flat on the stones.

The night sky was turned bright as day and a blinding figure rose from the wreckage of the monolith. Shadows erupted forth across the ground in all directions, demon spirits fleeing from their prison.

The dust cleared and Blayne slowly got to his feet. He looked up to see one of the most amazing creatures he had ever laid eyes on descending towards them. With wide, pristine white wings, the glorious Archangel landed where the Helvault once stood. She had pale skin, black lips and perfect platinum-blonde hair. She wore an etched black breastplate and long black thigh-boots. A fluttering black skirt shifted around her waist and she set the butt of a long spear on the ground with a clink. The head of the spear was the symbol of her own church and it shone with a pearlescent light. As she looked over them, the golden light faded from the sky above, leaving the moonlight to shine down on them.

"Thalia, rise. Your guardians will be needed to hold the walls of Thraben tonight, for the demons of Innistrad have returned." Her voice spoke out with a serene kindness and yet indomitable power. She could be none other than Avacyn herself.

Around him, the soldiers were rising to their feet as well. Shyara shook the silver dust from her mane and stretched her wings a bit. Varia was still seated in her saddle and she slipped out of it.

"Avacyn!" She exclaimed in awe.

"Yes! Now, spread the word, my light has returned to Innistrad! My power is back to defend the people of this world and we must take up arms to fight against the darkness!" Avacyn said, raising her spear.
