Trigger-Happy Girl Hunt Ch. 05


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"I don't care," Chloe said. "The way I see it, if you weren't aware of what you were doing, it wasn't you."

"Yeah, but..." Morgan looked down at Ms. Ryan, lying on the floor passed out. "I trusted her... and she just used me..."

"She used all of us," Chloe added. "She treated us like toys."

"I can't..." Morgan took a slow, shaky breath. "I won't let this go on. Ms. Ryan isn't gonna have any more girls under her control."

"But how can you stop that?" Chloe asked.

Morgan looked at the chair and the TV, still playing the tape Ms. Ryan put in. "I think I have an idea..."

* * *

Annie waved at Cathy as she approached the front desk.

"Morning, Annie!" Cathy said brightly.

"Good morning!" Annie giggled. "How are you, Cathy?"

"Eh, same old same old, I guess." Cathy hit the button behind her desk and opened the door. Annie strode confidently down the hall and entered her office, locking the door behind her.

She sat down at her desk and sent off a text letting Morgan know she'd arrived.

Within seconds, she felt the vibrator buzz to life. It wasn't especially intense, partially to help the battery last all day long, partially so that it wouldn't be audible over the hum of the AC, but mainly to ensure that Annie wouldn't cum. It would only tease Annie into a constant horny haze, just how Morgan wanted her.

Annie smiled serenely and leaned back in the chair. Whenever the vibrator buzzed, her mind entered a sort of resting mode, her thoughts slowing down while her mantras reinforced themselves. Her lips silently repeated them as they soaked into her pliable, suggestible mind. Pleasure made her obedient, and obedience gave her pleasure.

She stayed like this until the intercom clicked on. "Annie?" Cathy said. "Morgan's here for her appointment."

"Send her in," Annie replied, her voice never once betraying her. She still sounded just as lucid as she did before Morgan made her obedient. But in truth, she hadn't felt fully "herself" in weeks. Even when she was awake, she felt like she was dreaming, floating through life in a love-drunk fog. Annie wasn't in control anymore; Morgan was.

And Annie had never felt better.

There was a knock on the door. Annie stood up and walked over to it, smiling warmly at the person standing behind it. "Hi, Morgan! Take a seat."

"Thanks, Annie," Morgan replied. She sat down in the same chair she sat in back when and Annie was her Mistress. Even though it was only a few weeks ago, it felt like a different life entirely. Annie could scarcely imagine herself being anyone's Mistress, let alone Morgan's.

"Would you like me to worship you, Morgan?" Annie asked, the hunger in her voice unmistakable. When she was with Morgan, she didn't have to pretend to be anything other than the slave she was.

"Maybe later," Morgan said. "For now, though, I want to have a chat. So, first order of business..." She pulled out her phone and tapped the screen.

The vibrator stopped, and with it the fog filling Annie's mind dissipated. Not fully, but enough that she could formulate her own thoughts, if they could truly be called "hers" and not "Morgan's."

"Kneel," Morgan said.

Annie immediately fell to her knees, looking up at Morgan as she rested her elbow on the arm of the chair and held up her head with her hand. She looked down at Annie with an expression Annie couldn't quite place. Was it admiration? Disdain? Perhaps a mix of both.

"How many other students have you been seeing?" Morgan asked.

"Only you," Annie replied. She'd had Cathy reassign all her appointments to the other counselors. After all, Annie was in no position to help anyone else, not until Morgan had fixed her.

"Good, good. Now, let's see how your lessons have been going. How many slaves did you have under your control?"

Annie furrowed her brow. "I... I'm not sure."

She nodded and pulled out a small black book. "And this? Do you know what this is?"

"Hm..." Annie squinted at it. "A journal?"

"Do you know who it belonged to?"

Annie shrugged. "No. Is there a name on it?"

Morgan chuckled. "Something like that. So you really have no memory of this book?"

"No, Morgan. Should I?"

"No, of course not." Morgan put the book away and gently scratched Annie's chin. "You're doing very well, slave. Soon, you'll forget all about being a mistress, and you can go back to your life."

Annie groaned and recoiled.

"Something wrong?" She asked.

"I... y-yes..." Annie blinked. Everything was wrong. Why was she on her knees? Why couldn't she think straight? And why was Morgan the one in charge? "You... what did you do to me?"

Morgan smiled. She tapped her phone's screen, and Annie's mind shattered.

The vibrator roared between her legs, causing Annie to melt to the floor, shaking and gasping and moaning.

"I really should thank Summer for lending me that," Morgan said. "Get back in your chair."

"Ysss, Mmrrggnnn..." Annie whimpered. Even though her body felt like jelly, she managed to get up off the floor and stumble over to her office chair, collapsing in a heap. The concerns she had just a moment ago were already forgotten, disintegrated by the pleasure Morgan was giving her.

Morgan picked up Annie's phone and unlocked it, opening a folder Annie wasn't normally allowed to know about. She opened a drawer in Annie's desk and pulled out the VR helmet Willow had been working on. She slotted Annie's phone into the front and slipped it over Annie's head before toning down the vibrator back to its normal state.

Annie stopped shaking, and instead started drooling. Unbeknownst to her, Morgan had added every hypnotic pattern Annie had created over the years to her phone, and had Willow convert them to VR videos. It was a far more convenient solution than the elaborate setup Annie had in the observatory.

Morgan stood back and admired her handiwork. Annie had come along incredibly well in such a short time. The flare-ups of her old personality were becoming fewer and farther between, and each one was less drastic than the last. With any luck, Annie would be a completely new woman in a month or so. A part of Morgan felt bad for doing this to her. But the way she saw it, Annie had been putting on the façade of a kindly, supportive woman for years; Morgan was only making sure her real personality was the same as the one she pretended to have.

Morgan felt her phone buzz and pulled it out of her pocket.

Several minutes later, she stopped walking and blinked, trying to get a grasp on her surroundings. She wasn't in the counseling center anymore; instead she was approaching the business school. Why am I... She groaned and rubbed her temples. "Dammit... not again..."

The one thing Morgan still wasn't sure about was how to go about deprogramming everyone Annie had brainwashed. As far as she knew, the trigger phrases in the book still worked, but she knew that wouldn't be enough to fix everything. She and Chloe had been working on each other for weeks now, and they still sometimes felt the residual effects of what Annie had done to them. More than once Morgan found herself listening to the "relaxation" tapes Annie gave her without even realizing it, her mind following the schedule Annie set for her.

Morgan thought about pulling her phone out again, but decided against it. Whatever that message was, it must have been set on a timer long before Morgan had started brainwashing the domme out of Annie. It had activated some latent programming still in Morgan's head, and made her come to this building. But why?

As if to answer her question, she saw Jennifer walk past her towards the business school. Morgan grabbed Jennifer's hand and spun her around. "Hey, where are you going?"

Sure enough, Jennifer was subtly yet obviously entranced. "Gonna see Ms. Ryan," she said, her eyes just a touch glassy, her voice just a hint too monotone to be boredom. I should probably wake her up... but maybe I should see where this is supposed to lead us. Morgan hung back and followed Jennifer inside.

Jennifer led Morgan down into the basement of the building. They walked down a long hallway, leading to what appeared to be a meeting room. The door was a solid piece of steel with no window, but there was light poking out from under it. Jennifer punched a code into a panel next to the door, which Morgan knew she wouldn't have known when she was awake.

When the door opened, Morgan's jaw dropped.

Inside was every single girl she'd run into during Annie's game, and quite a few more on top of that. None of them looked like they had any idea what was going on; there was a nervousness in the crowd, everyone seeming disoriented to various degrees. But there was also a sense of anticipation; they knew something was going to happen, even though they weren't sure what exactly that was.

Morgan felt a hand touch her shoulder and spun around, startled.

"Hi, Morgan," Chloe said, a slightly confused look on her face. "Do you know where Ms. Ryan is?"

Morgan sighed. Oh, Chloe, you really need to build up some resistance. She grabbed Chloe's arm and dragged her outside, snapping her fingers once they were out in the hall.

Chloe blinked. "...Shit, it happened again, didn't it?"

"Yeah. What were you doing before?"

"I was just up in the dorm, studying." Chloe rubbed her eyes and groaned. "What about you?"

"I was at my 'appointment.'" Morgan looked back at the room full of entranced beauties. "So what do we do now? Should we just leave them?"

Chloe stared at Morgan like she was a crazy person. "And miss a golden opportunity?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Morgan! You've got a whole room of potential slaves and you're just gonna walk away?"

"I don't need any more slaves." Morgan pecked Chloe on the cheek. "I've already got one, after all."

Chloe smiled. "And she is ever so grateful you chose her, Mistress. But you're seriously not gonna take anyone else?"

"No, absolutely not. I already have my hands full with you, I'd never even find time to do anything with the others.

"Hmph." Chloe crossed her arms and pouted. "Fine. But you gotta be the one to wake them all up."

Morgan rolled her eyes and walked back into the room. "Attention, everyone!"

The sea of confused women all turned their heads towards her. Morgan snapped her fingers, but nothing happened. None of the girls seemed to become more lucid, or question why they were all down here together.

"Huh?" Morgan tried snapping again, and again. But none of them woke up. "Why isn't it working?"

"Hm..." Chloe said, rubbing her chin. "Maybe Ms. Ryan has to be the one to do it?"

"Well, I don't wanna go back and drag her out here..." Morgan pulled out the book. "Guess we gotta do this the hard way." She flipped it open. "'Frowsty wormseed.'"

One head dropped in the crowd. "I am hypnotized," Faith said, her thoughts grinding to a halt, "I must obey." It was almost startling to see; one second, she was chatting away idly with Emily, and the next she was out like a light. Even if one didn't know that she was hypnotized, there was no way to ignore how utterly gone she looked.

Emily, however, seemed completely unfazed. She poked her girlfriend in the side, appearing only slightly concerned. "Faith? Did you get enough sleep last night? It's not like you to nod off like this." Faith didn't respond, Emily's poke causing her to sway slightly on her feet.

That's surprisingly nonchalant. Guess that makes sense, though, Annie wouldn't want people freaking out while everyone gets dropped. Morgan scanned the crowd again and noticed Summer off to the side, holding her phone high and smiling brightly.

"Hey, what's up, fam?" Summer said, pulling down her crop top to show off her cleavage better. "It's your Best Girl™ Summer here, waiting to meet with... well, I don't really go to the counselor, but I'm meeting one here, along with-" she spun around, tilting the phone a little higher so the camera could get a better view of the crowd "-alllllll these gals! I guess this is some group thing? I'm not really sure, but I know I can't wait for Ms. Ryan to get here!"

Wow. Say what you will about e-girls, you can't accuse them of slacking off. "'Pennate groggery.'"

Summer's arm dropped to the side, and her phone fell from her hand and landed with a crack! on the linoleum floor. "I am hypnotized, I must obey." Her bright, cheery persona evaporated, like a machine with its batteries suddenly yanked out, her pink pigtails swinging down around her head. Without the lewd personality and the high-pitched voice, Summer almost looked innocent, like a pink porcelain doll. Her breathing was slow and steady, her chest rising and falling, accentuating the way her breasts strained her tight shirt. Drool mingled with cherry-blossom lip gloss, signaling that she was open and ready for whatever Morgan's next command would be.

Morgan winced. Shit, that phone will be hard to explain... "Uh, let's try... 'inofficious kibitka?'"

Maddie was leaning against the back wall when the trigger hit her, and as her body went limp she slid down to the floor. Morgan had only seen Maddie in her workout gear before, so this was the first time she got to see her actual fashion sense. The cheerleader was dressed head to toe in black, with a sleeveless turtleneck sweater clinging tight to her chest and thigh-highs underneath her skirt. Her legs splayed out from under her and giving any outside observer a full view of her black lace panties. Maddie didn't care. She couldn't care; all she could do was give a dreamy smile and say, "I am hypnotized, I must obey."

"What's with you girls?" Hannah said, lightly tapping Maddie with her shoe. "You're dropping like flies."

"I told you the new routines were wearing us out!" Natalie groaned, unsubtly sneaking a glance at up Maddie's skirt. "We're all exhausted after every practice!"

Hannah put her hands on her hips and scowled. "Well, you can talk about your sleep schedule when Ms. Ryan gets here!"

Morgan chuckled and shook her head. It's nice to not have to worry about them freaking out so much. She read off Hannah and Natalie's triggers, leaving Emily as the only cheerleader left standing in a group of peaceful, empty shells.

Emily stamped her foot, an annoyed expression on her face. "C'mon, girls, get it together! Lazy little..." She trailed off into an indecipherable stream of mutters.

Oh, don't worry, Emily, you'll be joining them in due course. Morgan admired the group of cheerleaders, the indescribably erotic way they all looked, like puppets without strings. Mmm... those girls look so good when they're hypnotized. She looked down at the book and squinted. "Hm... don't think I've seen this one before. 'Glabrous cleome?'"

That one belonged to a cute Korean exchange student Morgan had seen around campus. "I am hypnotized," the girl said, her voice sweet and deliciously blank, "I must obey." She always wore these tight exercise leggings that showed off her shapely legs, as if she could break out into a jog at a moment's notice. Morgan had more than once caught herself sneaking a glance, and now she had all the time in the world to stare.

"Um... 'scuse me," Morgan said, "what's your name?"

"Ji-Hyo," the hypnotized girl whispered in a breathy monotone.

"Hm... I'll have to remember that." Might wanna try and hit her up for coffee sometime... Morgan read more and more names, but as she went down the list, she began to notice a strange reaction in the crowd.

"Oh, fuck," Willow moaned, her hand starting to creep down underneath her jeans, "please, Ms. Ryan..."

"Make me obey, Ms. Ryan," a red-haired woman gasped, her hands kneading her breasts, "I want it so bad..."

"Hypnotize me," Georgia whimpered, rubbing her thighs together, her gruff demeanor falling completely by the wayside, "put me under, please..."

"God, Faith," Emily mewled, absent-mindedly grinding on her hypnotized girlfriend's thigh, "you're so fucking hot when you're blank... Ms. Ryan, make me like her, I can't wait any longer..."

"What the hell..." Morgan muttered.

"Seems they're all super into the idea of being brainwashed," Chloe remarked. "It's probably because they're brainwashed."

"I... figured." As much as Morgan wanted to stick to her plan, she couldn't deny how hot the scene in front of her was. As she read off each name on the list, the moans and cries of the remaining girls grew louder and even more desperate. She knew it wasn't exactly "real," that it was just something Annie programmed them all to do for her own amusement. But that didn't make it any less arousing.

Finally, she read off the last name, and the cries ceased. The room was dead silent, every girl standing limp and open for her.

Chloe patted Morgan on the back. "Guess it's time to wake them all up, huh?"

"Y-Yeah..." Morgan sighed.

"But you don't want to, do you?"

Morgan groaned. "No... dammit, why'd they gotta make me horny before I dropped them? It's not fair!"

"Oh, poor you," Chloe said mockingly, "stuck with a couple dozen hypnotized slavegirls and all turned on. Life's a real bitch, isn't it?"

"Fuck off," Morgan chuckled. She looked out into the room and scratched the back of her head. "Well... if they're already here... I guess it can't hurt to have some fun before I send them back..."

"Atta girl." Chloe kissed Morgan on the cheek. "But I think you forgot someone when you were reading all those names."

Morgan smiled. She leaned in and whispered in Chloe's ear before kissing her on the lips.

When she pulled away, Chloe's eyes were dull and glassy, her face completely expressionless. She began to undress, already anticipating what Morgan was about to say.

I love it when your sub can read your mind. "Everyone," Morgan said loudly, "get undressed and pair up. Explore each other. Make your partner feel good."

As Morgan felt Chloe begin to slip her t-shirt off her, two dozen voices sang "Yes, Mistress" in unison. It was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.

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Bucky411Bucky411over 2 years ago

For a similar story, see “Subroutine.”

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Sadly this looks like the end but would love it if there was more.

kikosukikosuover 3 years ago

Fun little story. Really enjoyed it all the way. Good work

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A continuation of the story with Annie slave of the slaves ! Or Naked lesbian slave of the campus !

Sarge93Sarge93over 3 years ago

Would definitely like to see more of the story!

TSreaderTSreaderover 3 years ago
The end?

A really good chapter, but I'm not sure if this is the end? Thank you!

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